HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-16, Page 1VoL XXIII No 19 • ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNINGNOVEIVI8ERlf',1922, • BBE U. Sizes All Styles NOW THAIT YOU MAY EXPECT DIRTY SLUSHY WEATHER ANY TIME, COME AND SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE WE HAVE A COMPLETE scram OF THE AMES HOLDEN BRAND. A RUBBER GUARANTE ED TO OUTWEAR ANY OTHER BRAND. WE ALSO HAVE "A. COMPLETE .LINE OF COSY FEET SLIPPERS AND FELT SHOES OF ALL KINDS (FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. W. H. PFILE, ZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES REPAIRING NEATLY DONE 11 ,,,,,,,,p•sZt,,,,:tt,,,Cb.,,,,C,...,Q,...:,:t$,,,,C::,..`Zoc:!:,,,C:h..0...::::a,.P.,,,..... ,;':,,,,,,Z:z..,'P.,C:!,....P.,• ,•:„..prZy•Cyrc.........•k\ .4e''•:.4:23-15,b'''FZ.e'r•:.je'-'•47F1-2'.°52:7'.,,`Tee2re,,W4e.••• 1 'ID • • ECI A L SEL LI OF Ladies' • And •Misses a Five more weeks till Xmas. Barrfeter D. E. Holmes, of God- erieh ettBed in the village on Fri- day. Mr. John Hey, Jr. was onlecia. businreSec trip to London, ,on u day. Mesi-re, Wife O'Brien and son Llyod and Ward Fritz were at Loedon., on 'Wednesday. Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich called:In his brother, Mr. Thos. Johns* one day last week. Mik,„find Mrs. Arthur Truemner and ii*e, on, of Toronto, are vis- iting the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Itse'.' Truemner and parents, atives.;,' Th Directors and, Officials of the HW: TOWnshiP Fire Insurance 'Compare!' held a meeting in the Walpeer:,11,ouse on Saturday. Con- siderable': business was transacted. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edighoffer, accompanied by Mrs. W. H. Frank, were 'at Stratford on SIM-- clay,Pranof Waterloo met Mrs. Frank k 'there and accompanied him luerne .to that place. Mieeillie,W1Vagner left on Mon- day nefrning or the , Waterloo Sereinary.Whiph he is attending He spent Thanksgiving at his horse here, .ad 'ow-ing to a sdre cheek had t.ere.a.in over for a week. The.„§wisa Bell Ringers who ren- lei:ea:.:/,''encert in the Town Hall bn 110,y. evere ..,--Were andN s without a ert seen in the e, The Sweet sr,e ° Chester L. Smith, Publisher $t2 a Ye at In AdVane*, $1.50 TN ARR1ARS,$2 MAYJ3J WiAROEIDI oiFrs THAT LAST • COMMUNITY Plate Silverware WE HAVE JU:3T RECEIVED THE NEW LINE OF TUDOR PLATW IN THE BEAUTIFUL BARONET DESIGN. A IYIEDIU1V1/ .PRICE '1'A-BLEWARE OF EXCEPTIONAL GOOD WEARING QUALITY A PEW OF THE PRICES; - 6 Tea Spoons $1.75 e Desert knives and Fork s$7,50 Berry Spoon $2.0fr 6 Desert1Spoons $3.30 Sugar Spoon vyl G. Hess, Zurich ....-...---- 4344,0004“Cva,0-00.4'41•4.040400.4.0 ....+4041444.4.404.4,4.4.411474; ,A, * I Fall Horse Goods 1 ..) O Just Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse ;'• * B1 kets in Assorted colors Size 72x81. • I Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices O elt- • Ranging from $7.00'to:... . $13.00- * 0 • • SAV, MONF,Y BY GIVING US A CALL. 4 • 0- : .A. BIG Stock of Harness'ancl Halters always on hand. Z 4; • 4 41F- ' eHtpA ''StiECI.A.I.i.e* bells • Club I3ags or oeie i/Elild , Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. PHONE let * , 014 iJve 44-44.4.#4;0******00000.6000.04-reee4"4,1174'1"*."!°4 FRED 'THIEL rs rs.' -1,14'., 4:14; th con, will nee, vacate Mr. Pfile is _ next • a 't NEVER BEFORE HAVE BI TTER VALUES BEEN OFFERED !THAN WE ARE OFEERING Art PRESENT TIME, AND AS OUR QUANTITY IS LIMITED YOU MUST HURRY OR YOU MA.'14 TOO LATE. , —NOTE THE PRICE ABOVE— , 1 Only Ladies' Musk Rat Coat ;to clear at a Real BARGAIN. Stylish Homespun Dresses We cannot speak too highly of these Dresses, Best HornesPuns, several good styles and a dif- ferent range of colors to seect from. These are High 41assDRESSES At $7.95. Ladies' and Misses SPORT HATS of Felt and Wool 6 different Shades, Reg. $2.75 For $1.75. Hose' Hose' a of our lines; (Fancy rib sporthose) (Heather Hose, plain and clocked) . We have almost everything in the line of Ladies' Hose. Note a few • (Silk and Wool Hose, plain and clacked)t All shades, all prices. - Sport Hats • Polo Clotle, -MEN'S OVERCOATS • ..,, $15. to $30 \ J.,,. There is certain SatiBfaeti011 in buying your Overcoat early as your selection is from fuller assortment of sizes and patterns arid patterns and as many have takenthat a.dvantage, ere wnt to say to those who are still without their new Fall Overcoat, that we have ',. have Iiit received another large shipment of ICoats which puts n you ,all on even footing. (I.. REIVIEMBEII • . , 40 Overcoats are tower this season. These models comPare qu- 4 kr‘ ite favorably withCoats that sold last fall for $35 and $40. Come and look these over. Reglanwith fall belts, bali belted Ulster- . ettes and smart box coats -with' velvet collars. to.) MEN'S SOCKSWe are now showing the finest range of Men's Hos- 1w, iery ever shown in this store Prices and Sizes for all. ii0. A Something new in • Roy's Suits Boys Suits with extra Trousers at $9.00 We are noW showing the finest range of Mens' Hosiery ever shown en .... OC S in this Store. PRICES AND SIZES FOR ALL. °It S k H E MONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to make a special trip to the nearest branch' of The Molsons Bank every time you wantto deposit money. Send your deposit to the Bank by mail. Write today to the nearest manager of The IVIolsons Bank for in- formation:. C. IL JOY Manager Zurich Branch 44+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4+++34:4:44: + • * i'''',),,,, 1: ul.:- .k.LX‘;,,, ,1,.k. ., . , k - 4 + • 1 . V,';‘, ‘. , .1. jj AV 01 ÷ 4,1 . 1 4. - ÷ 4. 4. 4. A sad death occured at Zurich Thursday Nov. 9th, when Alice Amy Wilson, 53eploved wife of Mr. A.ndrew Price passed aWay at -the prime of life age of. 23 years, 10 months and 15 days. Deceased was .siek ouly the same night that • she. passed away, having given birth. to a fine baby Loer, only, a few hour s previous, her heart gave out and she passed away without any 'suffring. She was born in England, and came to ,Canade when quite small, her parents having both. died., she was raised by rel- atiees, was married to Mr. Price about two years,. And leaves be- ide her sorrowing husband, he infant ehild,b esides a number of close, Warm friends that she has made office coming to Zurich. The funeral Was held to the Lutheran cemetery on Sunday and NVIas lar- gely attended. Much s;.7mpathy is extended to kr. Price at the loss of his partner so early in We, and when she is 'needd so much in the Of Endurable Footwear NOW THAT THE CHILLY WINDS OF FALL ARE GAAIN 4. BLOWING, ONE MUST TFIINK OF THE COLDER AND WET t, WEATHER COMING. WELL! WE ARE RIGHT ON THE JOB * WITH ENDURABLE SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILD- * DREN. OUR STOCK OF RUBBERS FOR THE WET IS COM- PLETE. WEAR. THOSE OLD COMFORTA.BLE SHOES BY 4. FITTING THEM WITH A PAIR. ' * * Our Windows are displaying smile of the Classy and Nifty 410. BE ECONOMICAL BY BUYING AT MIS' STORE" t . styles, which afford so, much comfort this sea.son. C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ,0 4. NTARIO, ek + • ZURICH • 4. +++++++++++++++++++++++++*+++++++++++++++++++++++4rea J. PREETER Phone 9 Produce Wanted cop • WE ARE IN THE IVIARKET POR ALSIICE AND CLOVER SEED k‘' ••••. • R 1 A CASTO Vat Wants and Chi1dren In Use For Over30Years Always heats the Signature et DON'T D LAY BUY NOW! We can supply your needs in good Warm Clothing, aswe have a complete assortment of:. UNDERWEAR OF ALL KINDS FOR MEN, WOMEN ANII CHILDREN. ALSO HEAVY WRAPPERET l'ES, FLANNELET TES ANEDRESS GOODS. SWEATERS, ETC, ETC. A Complete Line of Caps, Mitts and Gloves, Men's Heavy Socks, Rubbers, RubLer B000ts. We are making a Big Red- uction in Price on some Lines of Shoes, Halters and Harness RepaiS, Sweat Pads, Etc. Etc. PRODUCE AND GOOD p-I.BD APPLES WANTED R. Na DOUGLAS GENE,RAL AsIEROHANT PHONE 11 97 BLAKE • 40 4k