HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-09, Page 8tv atee ag ht •�.� rr L;;Y x1 r;r1 �.. �rir , �d, ..� ...,•. -4010 �l wl•it ow On Display New Fall and Winter Goods for your inspection. We can supply your wants in these lines at prices that man Dollars saved to you. New Serges in all colors priced from 85c. to 3.50 per yard. Velours and Efomespuns for Coats and Suits. New Short Flannels in leading sha- des, suitable for skirts, middys, and Children's wear. guaranteed. Black Douchess Silk, Ea tra heavy quality at $2.90 yd. e a - Eiderdowns to hand.d These clothKimona s have been off the market for a few years,b ut we are now again showing a fine range of patt- erns to choose from. and Floss, Yb colors Prom, Mcnaich Yarns in Down, Dove, Floss, 25 colors to choose from. Ready -to -Wear Clothing New Wool and Flannelette Blan- kets A complete range of Underwear in Wool and. Fleeced, for Lad- ies and Children's wear. Z If.'fI; l C Ii 13 E R e L iiThursday, Noveredeer 99th, 1922' Ordered �" _ _ _ ,.....�w..�.r..." DENO.MY BROS. GENT'S FURNISHINGS Clothing TAILORING Fit For The Bast unusual— The new. models of the Art Clothes for 1922 and 1923 are inten- ded to attract the particular wee• arera.interested in, good Clothes. We have again in Stock, Reiners No. 1, quality Hosiery in heavy and menium yarns, for Ladies' and Children wear. And have added a supply of Yarn, this is guaranteed to give satisfaca tion to wear: PORMBN BELTS, DTC. NEW FALL SULTS FOR MEN AND BOYS, FALL CAPS, HATS, GLOVES, FINE SHIRTS, TIES, BELTS, ETC. Exceptional- The fabrics and patterns are . cchoice se:e. tions.. .Cloth that can be relied upon to give seri vice and stand the test of time. Quality THE SPLENDID APPEARANCE OF THESE WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS IS ENDURING IN THEI$. EVERYDAY WEAR. THEY RETAIN THEIR STYLE AND GOOD LOOKS. THIS CHARACTER- ISTIC IN "ART CLOTHES" IS TREAL QUALITY SOUGHT AFTER BY THE WEARER. When you look for these three particulars—the Unusual -the Exceptional—the Quality -you are certain of results in buying Art Clothes. Highest market prices paid for Live Poul- try taken every Wednesday Forenoon Dried Apples Wanted J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS Zurich'S Garage AUTO TIRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUBES, All Sizes (Best on the !dirket). Also a few Seconds to Clear at (Extra Special Prices). LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CATING- OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts DETOMY,Y BPWQ$. Proa.i.c taken in eschwn;a for GaAs LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) 35 Butter ... ... ... 38 Eggs..:..-...�.. ... ... Oats.. ... -- •.. ......... ..... 35-40 Wheat per bushel 97-98 Flour per cwt. .-. 2 7b-3;75 Bran per ton ... .. 20.00 Shorts per ton ..- .. 21.00 Hogs ..... ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOST CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS AUTOS. I.X.L. Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, Axy- Acetyline Welding. EXPERTAU ro REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. , Get into the habit of Pat-ronizing us.. We want to serve you, and Serve You Wwll. PHONE No. 103 H. Mousseau Zurich Finding a launch adrift in Lake Huron fof his place and removing considerable of its belongings cost Alex. McLennan, of Ashfield $855.70 last Friday morning in ploice court The launch "Friendship" 'which was $conveying (a party to. Detroit, was set adrift when the occupants we- re taken abord the freighter Miller on Oct. 17th in a storm off Port 11.50' Au Barbues. The boat drifted a- e'loss the lake and was sighted off Iintail about 18 miles north of Goderich last Thursday nightiThe authorities were notified and when 131 examination was made it was ,discovered that the boat had been ''-iractically dismantled. Provine 'al Constable Whitesides investig- e, •dthe affair and at 2V1;cLenn'an's ound (some papers. . The wife of the owner of the boat then discov- bred .a stove and other articles be- longing to her. A thorough sea- rch was made, with the result that The• store withthe Liberal Cash Uis oant And, ses the W.onclerful Val- ues in Aluminum now showing in our window. ere are jest a for items: ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERS Mrs[ P. Haugh of -the" was a Sunday visitor at t of Mr. an,d 'Mits..J Ortweiu en Line. Mrs. Rose and son Brut: Babylon spent the holiday home of Ed. Broderick, near fi' gll. Mrs. Arita Stelck has sold her jewelry, clothes and other artier 7,5 acre farm on the N. B. Stanley les were found. One of the gaso- to her neighbor, Mr. Robt. MCAT:. lister, Mrs. Stelck is holding aii auction sale on Nov. 299th. Mr. W. .0 Cal!lfa•s motored ,'t Kitchener on Saturday, Mrs. Cal- ifas, who had been there for ;a week, returned with him. r++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44+++++++ I The Better Furnished Home Should have oneaof our Cel- ebrated Ranges Now that the cold winds of Fall 4. and the chilly evenings are here, j. one should think of the cold wea- F• ther coming. Winter will soon be at hand. Make- your Home com- plete and,.cornfortable with one o our Ranges or Heaters. Come • in and tell us what you need and + • we can fill your requirements. • • PENINSULAR FURNACES! FURNACES! Mr. John McKinley, formerlltt to the owner of the boat" SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of S.S. No'. 1„ . Hay for the months of Sept, and Oct. Names are in on - der 'of merit. • Sr. IV—Madeleine Laporte, Mee loin Bedard, ' A.thane;ye Denomme; Cecilia Laporte, Annarena. Ducharm Sr. III—Lawrence Corriveau♦, Clifford Corriveau, Augus Bedard, Grictro Ducharme, Fellis Denomme The open season for , hunting"tirban Denomme, Lucien Corny - deer and moose in Northern Onta eau, Violet Denomme. line,engines 'of the boat was found under some straw in the barn. A truck was necessary to bring the stuff to town. Further prosecut- ions are expected. McLennan was found guilty bey Magistrate Reid was fined $50 and costs and has to niake restitution of some $600 reeve of Stanley Township, has purchased' from Mr,. O. Johnson fo. Goderich the residence now oc- enpied by Mr. McKinley's son -in- law, Mr. J. B. Levis. A very pleasant evening Was enjoyed last weilnesdaly. at athe home of Mr. Alex. Rennie, Baby- ion Line, when. a number of the friends gathered and spent the evening in games, singing and music. TEA KETTLES $1.98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR $1.98 DISH PANS $1.98 SET 3 SAUCE PANS $198 8 AND 10 QUART STEWING KETTLES $1.98 These are all Guaranteed Heavy Weight Utensils We carry a complete line of; Furn- iture and Hardware. Your confid- ence is solicited. MELIeK&BRAUN f PHONE 63 erald Job liepartment Is always at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Check 13a3ks, Posting: Bills a<specialty. io is as follows; South of..theFre itch and Mattawa rivers, , Nov, 5, to No.v 20, inclusive; north and Qwest of these rivers', Oct. 25th i y to Nov. 30th inclusive. WE ALSO STOCK AND INSTALL THE WELL-KNOWN BAN- '1' NER PIPELESS FURNACES AS WELL AS SEVERAL OTHER PROMINENT MAKES + + + ALL KINDS OF SHEOL'F HARDWARE, ETC., ALWAYS IN ii STOCK. — NO iTROUBLE TO SHOW AND EXPLAIN ALL A- + BOUT OUR GOODS. GET OUR PRICES AND THEN BUY. + Following fast on the closing.up of their retail stores at Harrows,-, niith, St. Thomas, Dorchester and Plattsviile, comes the news ;that tl.e United Farmer's Co-operative :Co,ehas closed its retail store in Toronto. (Thus store is an histpric one and its proximity to the, St. Lawrence market made it popular. Charles B. Chapman, of London has Marled suit against Hay Tewn ship, to recover damages res tib- ing from an automobile ,accident. Mr. Chapman contends his ear was damaged when jhe drove into a h -,le in the road and. that the acs- cideet resulted in a crash with anj- other machine.—Ex.. STADE &WElO. PRr rrP RL6 K • + 11 class—Raymond Denomme, eCcilie Ducharme, Madeleine Bed-, Bcdour, Elmer Denomme, Emery Denoinme ; Edgar Sopha. Pt. II—Napoleon Ducharme, Val erie Corriveau, Genevieve Corriv- eau, Annabelle Denomrrie, Oscar Tomlin, Leona Denomme. Part I—Grace Denomme, Flor- ence. Denomme, Leonard Denomy. A three month'9 course in Agr- iculture and Horne Economics, in- cluding milinery and sewing and domestic science will be given in Clinton the coming winter. The course will be given under the superintendence of Agricultural S. 13. Strothers, and lectures Will. be given b yprofessors in their several lines. Such a course was given in Wingham last winter and it proved ver ysuceessful. A quiet wedding was solemn;- ized in Toronto on October 25th, by the Rev,. W. B. Armitage 11. A.,- when Mabel Florence, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Stinson of Bayfield, was united to IVIr.Dav id T. Prentice, of that city, Af- ter the ceremony the happy colt,, ple left for 'New, York, Atlantic City and points farther south,. The bride wore for a trave'lleg a navy duvetyn suit withfur trim'rni'hga, On their return Mr. and Mrs.Pren- Lice will reside at their horns $t Tor onto, Coming Social Events ECIALS We invite you to go carefully ouerthese Seasonable Goods, and be convinced of the low prices prevailing 10 yards toweling for; A joint •meeting of the W. C. T. U. and Women's Institute will be held next Wednesday evening Nov. 15th. Miss Collins' will ad- dress the meeting. 'I'heLadiei Aid of the Lutheran church, Zurich, are giving a baz- aar in the Town Hallo in the after- noon and, evening of Saturday, Nov 25th. Watch for particulars later. The Young Ladies' Bible Clas& of the Evangeilcal church have changed the date of their bazaar from Dec. 2nd, to Dec. 99th. On Thursday evening, Nov. 9, the people of Zurich and vicinity 'will enjoy a rare treat in the Town Hall when "r lcardts Swiss' bell ringers will t n' tain the public. This is exceptionally fine music when well played, and with the 25 years experience, this company should be unequalled. The Womens' Institute is giving a Oreciai course in sewing with Miss Collies as mntrttetor: This course will last two weeks, begin- ning November 6th. Any adios wishing to ,!take this course and who have not handed in their. names to the Secretary will please do so at an early date, as only a Whited class can be aceomodated.. A night of surprised awaits you at the Ladies' Ball, Tues. eve,:Oet. 31st.'Y ' Serge, all colors 10 in wide, yd. 90c Dress goods for school girls per yard at 23c Plaid Dress Goods, Very New 9c5 Monarch Down 2 -oz. ball` at A35c. Monarch Dove 1. oz ball at 25c Monarch Floss, 1 oz. ball for 25c In all the newest shades, Knit Your Sweater and scarf now. We are showing a ' large range of Dress Goods and Coatings , for fall in the following; HomeSpun Velours, Serges, nicotine. Congoleum Rugs in the Newest. design and popular prices. Whew in town look these over and lit comvinced. Sweater sfor Boys and Men. Just received a fine lot of Mens' and Boy's Sweaters, all wool, New Shades. New Hosiery for Ladies in Heather Shades. Men's Waterproof Coats, Regular $25,00. On Sale this week for $15.00. See our window display for Intro- ductory trial offer of soap as- sortmenit. i, 1-1b. tins Pilchards for $1.00 or 15c a tin. Better than Saiinona Choice Red Salmon, Libbys brans, at 45c. a tin, why pay 60c. a tits, when you can buy No. 1 Sal- mon at 45e Broken Biscuits, 10c. a 'lb. Brick cheese at per lb. ... ... 30e We carry hundreds of samples of the Celebrated Broadway Brarn Clothing for Men. Come • i, and let us show you these sam- ples whether you want a suit or overcoat. We guarantee ab perfect fit. IA. Big Showing of Hats, Caps, Gloves Belts,Braces, Collars„ Men's Ga.rbaileen Coats in the Latest Style Price this week $231 Ties, Socks, Etc. Etc. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS ABOVE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS WE ARE OFFERING. Produce Wanted. ButerickFashions np;.T. L. WUHM