HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-09, Page 5“V$INESS CARDS "renataat, KUloran 4& HOLMES,' BarriEteis, Solicitors, Notaries, late, Office,,,„pn the Squaic, Ind door from iiainilton St. God- erirli, • krrvaLe fpncls to loam at 40West rates. W, kroudfoot,L..Ki1IQran 31 E, Holm s: $fir. Holmes will be in Uense11 on Friday of each week, Andrew F. Hess, Townshiss Clerk Issuer..of marriage lieenaes, Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and 'Ante °mobile Insurance,' Representing $uron and'Erie Mortgage Corpora -J tion, The Canada • Trust Co. Zurich; Ontario. r.E1 S. ; araie a es.: IDENTIST ZURICH .EVERY WEDNESDAY DD.ASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY CAIN OFFICR I EN° 1LL OSCAR KLOPP Professional Auctioneer, graduate of Davenport Auctioneering School Try me for real estate, merchandise, +lowellery;pedigreed stock, farm sales Rates alwayareasonable, my territory the world. Choice farms for sale. Phone 18-93 Zurich Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron, In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless as to size or articles to sell.I solicit your business; .and if not satisfied will make no charges for services, Arthur Weber, Dashwood. ')phone 31 r 18. Zurich Meat 56. eMARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Boiogna Sausages, etc -==Highest Cash Price for Wou191 CASA FOR SKINS & Bl".II)ES Tanghlut Deiollert ZURICH LIVERY 1 am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL ''hone b>i Zurich; S. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D:S, DENTIST 'Graduate of . the Royal College Of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- ,itary District No. One, London,Ont Office : hours at Zurich every 'Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 a m. until 5.00 p.m., at the Commerc- ial n. House, (Upstairs). - -19 �fife at Bayfield, Ont. starting ort Thursday, May 2nd. LIVE POU LT R Y' WANTE3D 'Taken every day till 3 ,Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl :same morning ^srheio ' brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich COAL Spring and Summer DELIVERIES SEASON 1922 Owing to the strike of theMin- •ers now prevailing in the Pennsyl- asenia Anthracite coal fields, we are usable to guarantee delivery or price and until conditions be-. tome more settled orders will be taken subject to our being able to 'obtain supplies and at prevailing ,'{price time of delivery. ' .... C ar.te1on. VOAIJ & PRODUCE MERCHANT TERMS ;--CASH Rhone' Office 10w, House 10j F.NztALL QNB”, 1:WT YODU Want', For. Salle, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLW1N •: WANTED We are in the market for Dutch •setts arid. large anions. Highest market prices paid, 14.Inst be well cleaned. , Ta r.,, WURlYf. e16 WANTED DUTCH. SETS. Highest mar- aret price paid, must be thoroughly dry and put through fanning mill J. GASCIIO &' SON i-16 FOR SALE Pure bred White. Rock pullets, i N:Ay to Ed. Dimrnick, R. R. 1, %Pinch, Goshen Line, Stanley 18-2 NOTICE. We are operating our cider mill every Tuesday and 'Thursday, be- ginning Tuesday Sept. 19th. Par- ties wishing to have apple butter made, should make arrangements by phone. F. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich NOTICE I have taken out License f•nr Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to . con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. _ tf-29 James renomey, R. R...2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete test of refractive condition of the eye, and of the muscles. Spectacles scientif- ically fitted. Services at reasonable charges. Will i;e at;— 8-22 Zimmer's Hotel, Dashwood, Wed- nesday, Oct. SSth. Waiper House, Zurich, Wednesday Oct. 25th. Zurich Studio and Book Room Just received our ship- ment of School Books, High School Books Etc. Printing and Developing, Photos, On Post Cards, Etc., Etc. Stationery. always on hand . t121 OBRIEN & KALBFLEISCI Hartleib Block Zurich BARGAINS WE ARE SELLING OUT . THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OF. MEN'S READY TO WEAR SUITS AT CLEARING PRICES. AS WE DO NOT INTTEND TO STOCK THIS LINE IN FUTURE. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY 1. only dark Brown Serge size 39" Reg. 35, for $26.50 2 Men's Navy with hairline stripe Sizes 37 and 39 Reg. 30 for .$22.50 2 only fine Navy Worsted siz 3.8-40 At $19 1 Brown Worsted size 3 8 For $ 0 1 Pine Navy 2 Heavy all 1 Heavy Na 1 Youths, Si sch� $i Serge, extra quality For $26.50 wool brown size, 44 At $17.50 Navy Size 44 At $1800 'peen-wm--' 'kaiia.,�;: 26 36 For $21.50 Size. 34, 35 For $16.50 Youths, Size 35 For 17.00 REMEMBER THESE A.RE ALL LITY GOODS. IN APPRECIATE VA.'f7,GS SEF THEM. SCO �L 2 Youths, 1 Only Yout : No. 1 QUA ORDER TO COME AND Son LOCAL N Ma. Dan. Koehler of JC'itcheee , spent the Week -end here, Mr, .Tohn Truerneer of Detroit visited .hie mother,.:i1'Ir�', E. True- mner over the weekend,. Mr. and Mrs. M. Weber, and Miss R.. Albrecht spent Th aeltsgivIng with Me. aril Mrs. Davis, Exeter, Mr, and Mrs, Il, Elsie'and dtaUt- ghter. . Thelma of :Dashwood were visitors 'with Nr. and Mre'. E. Oeseh on Sunday, Me. add Mrs. A, A...Weber of the B1'on'son Line are spending ')' few days this week with friends at E:rrilira. Miss ,Collins of the Department 'of . ArgicultureY, is ivging a . sew, ing course in the Ladies' Hall, this and next week. Mrs; S. F. Miller and. Russell Hod gins of London were Thanksgiveag visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Sale, Witmer, '13a..byton� Line Mr. Emery Ruble 'and Lad,' fri- end of'Kitchener, 'Miss Donel�la Ruby of Wingham were hoiidase visitors `under tt(he parental roof. Mrs. Red. Heideman., who has been ill for some time, was re- ni.oved from her home here to De trait where she'will remain during her ailment. Miss Ruth Schrag, the Misses Musselman Miss Nancy Gingerich and Mr: Peter Gingerich; spent the week -end at Baden. Miss Ging- erich will remain there.: Mrs, J. Hey, Jr., and Miss Pearl WFurtz are attending the Institute Convention at London this week. The former having the distinction Of beim president for Huron County. The new house being built by Mr. P. Papineau at lire,, west end of the village, and under contract by Mr. Peter Corriveau, is rapi.dl.< under construction and in the mat- ter of a few weeks 'wil'l be in a condition to occupy. The continued 'Septeniberlike fin. weather is very appreciative with the (farmers, as they are now, practica.ly through with the'r work and the recent shesevers will gre- atly help with what plowing there is still to do. Mr, B. Pfild, 14th con. has leased his fine 125 -acre farina for a term of years to Mr. John 'Dursh of near Camp Borden. Possession gi'.'en the latter part, ,of this month, rNr. Pfile is holding an auction sale of farm stock and implements on Tuesday Novemb er 21st, after which he and family will move to their fine residence in Zurich, where they will reside in future. The Hay''Township Municipal annual Voters' Lists that havebeen published some time ago and posi, o ted up according to the Statute eL we notice .is, a4 folios ;—Voters ir.; Part 1, 876; Part If, 92; total 908''' There are 499 Jurors. =:*In conxpar ing the list with that of 1921 we notice an i..erease of nine names, 10 more ,en Part' 1, and one less on Part Il a'file'there are only 490 Ju' a •, compared with 50.1 'in 1921. Petri er is all right until yoa. i,so Nlrs, J 33, Schnell hes t0 nee ua) rocirxis iaa .the. • dlvnlilirig house' of Kg.. 408. et aa01o. P1ie a-ereprepare ani. excel - Wet substitute fee tea from the ca!inxanorl steavvberry plant. Mr, and Ave. Lennie Cal'lfas., Iridal , ebupije, of Kitchener, apent the holiday. in the village. 11.e. and ] X s., Hy. Gallnrati spent the week -end• at the hour of the latter's peewits' at Petro'leas You can escape temptation by keeping lv our thoughts on heaven sand your nose on the grindatonet, Me, and Mrs, Frank McCutcheon of London, were week -end visitors al the home of Mrs. Leah Rennie. Mr, ,anti Mrs. Theo. McAdams and family, Harry and Edith Bus saw of the Bronson Line, visited • their cousin Mr. Emil Gaf.lin at Greenway on .Sunda} *. , Thanksgiving Day passed off rather quietly in the village, as the sportsmen were all out with a ,gun trying to find some game, i s seine's asesF even a sparrow ant swered the` purpose. But most of us enjoyed the Thanksgiving dinner, regardleas of what the well prepared fowl was, • rrhe Musical Eckardts who are kiillep to appear at the Town Hill, on Thursday evening, Nov. ?the have been entertaining the liable:, for over a quarter• of century. T. Eckardt, daddy of the organization, is still personally in charge of the Company. It is a long time since the Eckardts last visited' Zurich, but few of the old tuners remember them and s1eak s'or3 Isighl,r of their entertainnv set, Besides the Swiss bel'l,e they Plea' z 'lophones, saxophones,brnss, end string instruments. The Co. ;;umbers a talented comedian who will entertain with comic songs and 'i ioitologues,,' .The. following books have been donated to the Zurich Library b: Mrs. Ecles who recently left foe Florida. • 1 Our Elder Brother. 2 to tune with The Infinite. .3 Hungry hearts. 4 Fauwus< Boys, How They 3W - came great Men. 5 Whitney's 'English and German Dictionary. • BORN Beynham-At Grand i'e:id on Nov-. 1;' '5th to Mr. and. Mrs. Russell -Bay nh�ani a daughter. stir FOR SALE Mures to the amount of .:'ued ateder authorizing of c>4 11, 1922 of the Haj Telephone System. bear interest at_the per cent pet' annum. De are dated Dec. 1st, 1922. I p ileeculars _ apply to A. F. HESS, Treasurer Hay Township Dated at Zurich, November 7th, 19222. t tf-18 • •SVe• are in' receipt of a clipping frorr, the Detroit News . of the de-. ath of Dr. John. Sipple*, ,husband of Frieda Sipple and. father • of Miss Ada Sippel, who died in that city- on November 1st and the funeral was held on Friday ;in that city The late Dr.' John Sippel was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sippel, Who are 'known by .rani,. in Zurich. He is also survived. by twob rtoher;,. Milton and Richard Sippel of that 'city; ' NTessra, T. G. Shiliinglaw and P. McKay of the Tuckersniith :Tele- phone Cot met with the'Hensen. 'Council ands a number of• ,inter ested citizens last Monday einem- ing and outlined a proposition to take .over the Bell system in the town at a cost of $5,300. The Corn pany are asking .for a franchise for five years. The rental vE1I' be reduced to $20.00 a year. Free connections would be given with Zurich, Dashwood and Seaforth and a charge of 5c. to Clinton. Those present were practically unanime ours in favor of the propositions, The Dashwood inercaritile firth of Reid, Edighoffer di Son, has duly dissolved partnership, Mr. J. C. Reid having purchased the int- 'tereats of Mr. Edighoffer and son Lloyd, and ;tlie new partner 'of Mr. Reid will be Mr. Edward Bea''er of Zurich, who has been employed in Mr. I'reeter's del'}artmen•tal s'oie for several ,years: Mr. Beaver w:�l1 enter the Dashwood store with ka good recommend from Zurich; and with his many 'peers experience in the mercantile Business, were aro safe in saying, will make an ideu,i partner. for Mr. Reid, Huron Trustees and Ratepayers' Association Invites all to attend one of the meeting arranged to dis 'cuss • Local Educational problems. •' An Efficient School masses a Great People," The. •success of the School depends very largely on the intelligent support of its trustees and 'ratepayers. • Meetings will. be addressed by ,Miss Skilling, Dr, McKenzie ,Smith (Prov'. Medical He- alth Iimpeetor; Mr. Karr and others. The dates of the public niteetings are;—Zurich `Town Hall., Monday Nov. 13th; Crediton, te`:oo': Tuesday,. Noe.. 14th; Exeter Town Hall, Eednesday No•V, 115th, All meetings will commence at 8 o'- clock, pan. All parties interested in school work sheu'lci„t.be sure and attend Owe meotirgs, •WANTED A Lady .or Gentleman to sell silkstockings, gloves, silk blouses underskirts and hairnets direct to consumer s on commission basis. Car , osiesei will be able to build up "a good income, Apply to Lad- ies Tailoring Service, 425 Rich- mond ' ich-mond' Street, Lonon.d 18-4 _CARD OF THANKS Wei,' the. members of the family of the late Mrs. Susanna Deichert,e wish, to extend our most sincerest thanks to the neighbors ,and fri- ends who so kindly gave their ase- sistance and showed the utmost syrpat'het during the recent ill- aless_ and death of our departed mother.—The family. ' STRAYED Onto my premises, Lot 8 con. 6, Stanley To. A year-old heifer, about Oct. 1st. Owner can have same on premises by ,proving pro party. and paE*:ing all expeeses. B. W. Carliilq, Varna, P.O. 18-3 NOTICE Will the party who took the lumber, scantlings and the plat- form used for cementing) .from the Fire Hall, which is the property of• the Zer'ieh Po. iVillage, kindly re turn same,' By Order.—Z. P. V. TRUSTEES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTice Is : Hereby Given that AU. persons, having •claims against the estate of Jacob ITaberer, late of the Village of Zurich, who died on the 10th day of August, 1922, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the under- signed on or before the 18th day of :november, 1922. AND NOTICE IS Further Given that after the said date the Exec - Mors Will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of :which they then shall have Notice; Dated' at Zurich this” 30th day of October, .1922. Peter J, Habercr, Frederick a. Hale. ewe ldars'oreth'a Ilocdei, Executors riTas w 11. mumamN visonowsmigulumustousasuasa 1nagihonaahsOndlo f �J simitatingllTooVRega!ai '..___.{TlAVeeloPeNriebtaeptorepiwnatanditcor1rAs0 Y�1sISc.:Ci LPiaisP � TherebyPmmotingDigesh�' giGiieerfuineSB'andRestcon'.:iinsi, fteititer Opium,Morpltine not Mineral. ox A pecfOIdDA:5:011106l11,R pmnpkin feed ! Snnnd no�.�rrresaus Anise: read %Yoram yard Cbne 14'4 t i ai on and nantoea, fori and Feverishness and Loss OF. SLEEP it tesultiottherefto rcy. Facsimile SI$asirrreof M0 �C% For Infants and Children, Mothers now That Ge 0 • nunnC as�tori a Always Bears the Signature of !n Use for Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. „sees'. 1,, 4'..;; d''e!›e,' .i. fiateirr: s .. ii; '14.t..r•'l"[,•}.'i'^i"�'.F'.Q'M•�t•'g'4.+ `�.'a..,i„*..�•.�„¢.'�1.�•'Y.. Lumber , Laths Shingles I verything in • Combination storm and screen -lncrs n-iade to order: i• t Lumber and Buile.' 4. t Custom orkKoi Always in the rn r. et for saw logs ,..g.�,,r..•g•.g•.F•.1•.g•o��•t••'r•�•F•ar•�..p•.i•.�••p ` F. C. KALSFLFI$ $ PHONE 69 F a a., .w,5 Q .a.✓r�a F+' a: '..r a. i' Q x�� bN .� a q .� 3 p J .r } i g .€ S d s F INI m ZURICH WANTED The best Ford ($125 will buy. FOR SALE Cliaimers;Sig., New battery r . 1 Four wheel trailer, painted F. • M. Hess & Co. On 'i850 90 Zurich $50o.00 YOU RECEIVE IN 12 MONTHS AT 011 `NA33 Y SAVINGSINITEREST $15m00 ON HURON di ERIE DEBENTURES OR CANADA TRUS r Co. CERTIFICATES YOOU RECEIVE $27.50 INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF YEARLY ON SUMS OF $100 AND OVER FOR TERMS EF 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 YEARS COMO13INED ASSETS OF 130TH INS' TTUTIOONS TOTAL OVER THIRTY -POUR MILLION DOLLARS VICTORY BONDS SOLI) AND BOUGHT, Have You MADE YOUR WiLL? FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO;—. Andrew F. Hess - Zurich