HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-09, Page 4IIN1111IIIIIIIHIIui111111 111111IIIIHIIIiIH1111111HIHIIHIIIHNHi1111H11111NIH11H111HIIIHHIIINiIIH11111 HIHIIIIIIHHIIHIIIHIINIIIHHI 1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIHIIIHIIIH1111111111111111111IHIIII111111II181151 111111111110101111111111111111111111111181fi1911111111111112llllUl!11111111111111111111 The Herald's 4;1922 Clubbing List asses Herald and Daily Globe• 6.00 ' ... .... ... Herald and Kitchen er Daily Telegraph ... • ... $$5,10 Herald and Daily Mail antra Empire '... ... ... ... ...6.00 Herald and -Saturday Mail and Empire _.. _.. ... 3.75 -Herald and Daily.. Star ......••. ... ... ... ... 6.00 Herald and 'Herald and Herald and Herald and Herald and Herald and ,Herald and Herald and Weekly Star -•- -•• •-• --. .3.75 Daily News ... ... ............ 6.00 Free Press, evening edition ... ... 6.00 Free Press morning edition ... .. 6.00 Advertiser, morning edition ... 6.00 Advertiser, evening edition .:. ..: 6.00 Farmers Advocate .... .. ... ... .........2.75 Farni and DairY .•..-• •..' ... ... 2.15 Herald and Farmers Sun ... ... ... ... ... 2.75 Herald and Family 'Herald and Weekly Star, .._ ... 310 Herald and Canadian Coun lryman Herald and Weekly Witness' ... ,.. ... Herald and Farmer's Magazine ... .... Herald and Youth's Companion ... 2.00 2475 ..2.50 ...3.50 Renew your papers with us and save money The HERALD Zurich a i III I Ilill iHIiHHHIIHIIH �IIIIIIHIIIIII I IHHI II l Ill II I IH �iHiiii 11 N III I IHIII d l l HIH I I I I I I IIHIH I it I I, I I IIIHIillilllllllilllilllllllllllllllll IIII H l r l IIIiI I H I IHI IHII II IIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHillll I IHINI IIUII TVI I IIHIIHIIiHHi', hursday No Musical Eckarths Swiss B ell Ringers With a New Company of Variety Entertainments Admission: --55c. Children 25c. THE HERALD1 Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT %%sued Wednesday noon from the ;hE HERALD PRINTINGOFFCE Vffeetive after Jan. lst. 1920 Subscription Terms; $1.25 per year la advance; $2.00 maybe charged it not so paid. U. S. eubserinti- tans -$1,75 strictly in zdvance. No paper discontinued end' all ar- Teaa~ce are paid unless at the option elf the publisher. The date to -which every subscription is pais #s denoted on the label. ADVERTISIN - RATES Jerald Bedard lstOrtha ;Melick Display Advertising -;Made known lst; Milton Hey 1st; V4 inure Ort - late application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c 'three insertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale 12 for first month. $t or each sub- aeeeprent insertion. Professional Cards not exceeding inch, $5 per year. Auction Sales, $1.50 for one in- anition, $2 for two insertions, if not over 5 inches in length. Local and Legal advertising not- ices, reading matter, 10c a line for first insertion and 5e per line for aeh subsequent insertion. 'lard of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50e Miscellaneous articles of not Wore than five lines, Por Sale, To '„stent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc„ -also insertion 25a. -rdress all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT. SCHOOL REPORT T'oll+owi;n'g is the report of S S. No. 15, Hay and Stephen forthe month • of Oetobe•r., Namies are In order of merit, Jr. 1V -Joe Baker, Pearl •Walper Jr. III -Jean Turnbull, 'Olive '1'u, rnbull Ethel 5'iralper, :FXerbeet Ke1 ler. • Jr, II- i?ti14a Vi alper', Rhanha.rt lleekman Karold Keller, Bruce Ken ney, Rheinhart 401m Primer -Janet Turnbull, 1'iartha Rader, Ida( Marriott, I • J. 0. 'Lindsay, '1'eaelier. CREDITON The fowl supper held by the Methodist church • on October 26th was a huge success, about 11000 people being present and the I,i'ai-. ceeds amounting to $550.00 bliss Pearl Ortwein has returned alter a week's visit with her par- ents at. Zurich. The Hydro gang are snaking rapid, progress towards completing the power and light lines to Crede iters. They have trimmed, the trees ' thrugh the village and the cross -arms are being put through this weekk. Rdoney Bowman is up and ar- ound again after being confined to his bed for four weeks with an at- tack of typhoid fever. The following is the report of Room IV. lst Hons 75-100; 2nd HENSALL 7e-15; 3rd 65-70; C. a00 pass. Sr. IV -Idella. Howaicl lst; Hel- en Foster lst; Mildred Geiger 1st; onto, is here visiting his father Mr.. Kenneth Koehler 3rd; Evelyn Dui Iia in McDonald. rharme and Irene Decher C; Greta g Sehilbe absent. MTS. John Glenn has returned Jr. V Lvl an Rase 2nd;' Lulu home after air extended wisit at • Albrecht 2nd; Frieda Deichert 2nd Toronto. Liziie Liebold 3rd; Charlotte Far- Reeve Alex. Smith and family eell C; :Cyan Yungblut absent. have returned after an extended Sr. Z -Edmund Bedard lst; auto trip .through the State of ;extrude Schilbe lst; Herbert Kal-Michigan,. bileisch lst; bIarearet Prang 1st; Beans have been corning into Our mailing List has beencor- ted to October 17th. And df ;fou have made renewals adn have nut been credited, kindly let us ;know, as we have many names on 'Aru'r list, and a mistake can easily flee ,made. Just a word to those eose label reads in arrears, surely fid,, will not have us send your 1eeount by mail. But if you are .carreless and do not pay up this •est happen shortly. Have some %iisiness principles about yourself sand pay at least once a year. The ;ready print people at Toronto wh- ,ere we gett he paper from make draft on us once every month for rain paper, and yet a few have it11, Olinn Foster, Byron Ducharme; the nerve to 'make us wait for Boland Grenier. our pay for a few years. O. M. O'Brien. Teacher. nein 1st; Nora Rau 1st; Madeline iiTridinger 2nd; Eleanor Ducharme ;i d. M. C. Milliken, Principal Report of Room III for the month. of October. Jr. IV-Roslaeen Sararas 62% Marsha Heideman 81; VictoriaDe•- iche t 80; Agnes Dietrich 74; Mer- vs n Schwalm 72; Hazel Bedard 68 Gladys isl.eliick 56; Alvin Gascho slipping off the tree and allow«- all Marcella Farwell 32; Wesley lug Mr. Morrison to fall to the ground, bru'sing his ankle and knee •ba dl v. town lately in large quantities. Sev erai carloads are being shipped each week. biter; 150 yeah+ -old hens. Dr. Norman Truemner and wife',' IMPLEMENTS, ETC -M. -H. bin - who have been spending the sum- der, Deering mower nearly hew, mer at Grand Bend, vis'+e3 in town Oliver bean cultivator and hare - foe a few days with the former's ester attachment, M. -H. steel rol- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. True, ler, Oliver riding plow, Perrin ride ra.,_ner. They will return tto Aa ing platy. Verity walking plow, thus shortly. 1L -H. rake, M. -H. cultivator; M. -II:. Robt. Morrison had the misfr-o 11 -hoe drill, 3 -section harrows; • 2 tune to fall on Saturday last while good hand scufflers, bobsleighs, Picking apples, owing to therlimb Kangaroo plows 2 discs, 2000t:lb, on which his ladder was resting capacity scales; Chatham fanning mill, power cutting box, root pul- per, wheelbarrow, 2 wagon's, com- bination hay and stock rack, gr- avelb ox, double seated light rig,. doubletrees, neckyokes, chains, foals, Renfrew cream separator, gals-.. apple drier, incubator, di'- *ser, bureau, coal or wood heater, yr ing bath tub, and numerous >r,er articles. a3 antni1. under months' credit Over 11 credwill that be -on furnishing approved jo- eiotes:. 6% off for cash on cred amounts. • .s. peter Ducharme, Prvp.rietoress scar Klopp, Auctioneer. TERMS OF SALE' fir trial on a charge for having liquor in a place Othea.' than a c.lirir at' dwelling. On information received from the London police; irrov, Otfieer It. Y. Stratton ar- ieste dllodgins near London Fri- day last, in his ear was' found a six -ounce bottle of liquor. Miss Ina Bice, 37 years old of +wrandebayo, a graduate of -V'ice :toria Ilospital, London, died at that place on pet;. 24tle 6yo1:lowing an operation. • She hard been ill a- bout two weeks, Beside her psi- ents sle is survived by a brtoehr :Dr, Brawl Bice of London and a eister. On Wednesday last at Bruce - field at high noon the marriagetoi- oli place of . one of the popular young ladies, Miss Mabel Swan, to Edgar Munn of Hay Township. Miss Elizabeth Scott played the wedding march, Misses Laura. Swan niece • of the bride, and Ina Sott were the. flower girls. During the signing of the register, Miss Laura sang. After a trip to Niagara Falls and Montreel they w'1' res'ds on the farm in Hay Township. • • AUCTION SALE. Of Farm !Stock, Implements, slay, Straw and Grainy on S;. Lot 12, S.B. Stanley Tp. on Wednesdaes No veinber 29th. Mrs. Arne Stelck, Proprietoress. W. S. Johnston, Clerk. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects,. The undersi4• geed Auctioneer has been instruct- ed to sell by Public Auction at Lot 14, Concession 12, Hay, 334 miles North of Dashwood on WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 22, 1922 At 1.00 o'cloc, sharp the following; LIVE STOOK -1 heavy daught gelding 3 -yrs. old; 1, 5-‘; r. old: cow d'0 in March; 1 6 -yr. old scow due in April; 1 sow with Callfa s 50. Sr III -Vera Kalbfleisch 88; Norman Fleischauer 79;9 Lawrence Miss Gretta Lammie, who his How ald 78.5; Clarence Farewell 69; been in Sarnia during the past we- i�'rllie Leibold 68; Elzar Iouss- ek or two assisting in musical con- eau oneau 51; Dorothy Zettel fi0; Stella eerts has returned home. Cailfas 64; Willie Neeb 02; Dennis T. Drummond & Son have bo L•edard 61; Fea.ncis Dietrich 59; ght the slaughter house and.,.,j, Edward Brenner 42; Russell Duch- arme 40. Jr. III-Franzy Kochems 65; Goldie Uttley 63; Milfred Lrttlee 61; Floyd Foster 40; Grace Koeh- Ier 42; Bruce Koehler 40. Freda Kalbfleisch, Teacher. Report of Room II for Oct. Jr. III -Rose Liebold, Beulah Sararas, Eleanor Fleischauer, Earl Thiel, Laurene Schwalm, Claire Melick, Gladys Spathe, Rose A1- Brecht, Wilfred Ducharme. Sr. II -Floyd Kropf, Leeland Wiliert, Carl Haberer, Napoleon Bedard, Ervin Dietrich, Greta Ko- ehler, Cecil Uttley, Grace Zettle, Ruth Zettle, Alice Koehler, Nelda Schwalm. Jr. II-Atna Druar Adelin,e Fl- eischauer, Helen Thiel, Mary Koch - ems, s, Nlilverna Geiger, Clarnece Sm HENSALL. S. T. R TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING 'Stage leave Zurich ... 7.00 a.m. -South,„No. 162 ... ... ... 8.58 a.m. ':Worth, No. 163 ... ... •-.10.33 a.m. AFTERNOON Stage leave Zurich ._. ...3,00 p.m. South, 1 o. 161 .. ... 4,50 p.m. Worth, No. 165 6.14 p.m. DASHWOOD. Mrs. P. Humble and children of Sarnia spent the holiday with her mother here. Miss Louise Graupner of Strat- ford visited her parents, over the. week -end. Miss E. Guenther of Windsor and H. Guenther of Waterloo visited at their home here over Thanksgiv- ing. Misses Letta Guenther and Hazel The Gveronment has provided Snell spent the holiday in ,Lon?- 'sc new service for those who travel don;. . sever the sea. When a vessel has Miss Myrta"Hoffman has resign- ed her position in the Post Office. Mrs. Dark and daughter Betty ;a, sick person aboard, and no atitaetor, medical advise is sent out f'r'om hospitals, - via radio, as to returned to her home in Detroit •'•.'re, treatment, etc. after visiting her parents Mr. and -sane of the secrets of goof. dr- Mrs. Steinhagen, :easing is to consider clothes an . 1Vlessrs W. Miller and M. Tiernan uembers of a family, to remember visited ire Kitchener over Thanks that coats, hats; dresses, waists, giving Day. 'isaoes and stockings should be bro., Mr, and Mrs Wilbur Graybeil 01 hers and sisters'. The tragedy of Woodstock visited with the from- rseasonable bargains i5 goinghome er's parents over the holiday. pith a variety of odd garments, I Mrs. Derstein of Bad Axe is -eech tone satisfactory in itself but visiting with. relative's. %.searing about the san* relation to! Mr. and Mrs. F. Witwer of EJC- 'he other as a second cousin to' a eter visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. s<.s first wife's sister's husband. Held: over. Sunday. in Holland milk is row made and Misses M'in'a' Ehlers, Oliva Wel i-.�.,l.d in solid form, being put into ton and .Myrta Ifoffriarsu were ., the shape of little cubes which. !week -end visitors in Kitchener. erre easily dissolved in tea, coffee; Mr. Ervin McI=aac of .A.hnterst see other fluids. The process is burg,. Milford, McTsaae of Court - &.*i15' The milk, after the cream,' right visited at their home here s removed, is evaporated to dry-; over Sunday and Mondaes. mess. It is then powdered . and Miss Verde Merrier has returned *Eb e'ti with the cream, which makes from .Parkhill. , at a thierr paste. This paste is Messrs, Reid, Edighofier & Son ,Iaressed into blocks. The advant- have dissolyed partnership. They, e of these solid milk cubes os-- are stock talking this week. see liquid milk is that they prey Mr, Ira Tiesean of Owen Sound •,Pr1•n their freshness for ;i Monger spent the holiday • with his per - limes ants. from. G. G. Petty and :the to erect an upi-to-date same slaughter house. The lying of the new c road is completed and make great improvement to the ow It was expected the road will be, open as far as the post officethe past week. Contractors are dredging a ditch rhroug'h the property of Archie Rowcliffe, across the London road and through the f arms of Bell., Cale dwell and Dilling;. A temporary bridge has been built across the' London road and a new structure. wilt be erected. EXETER Gasoline is selling in Exeter at bra i, •�s rar ging from 28c. to 33c. August Kuhn is moving hie hou- sehold effects from Crediton into the new :house on Ann street. own ed by C. B. Snell. Beatrice Howey, who reeentlre underwent an operation for appen- dicitis at London, returned dm John M. Broderick, of Regina, while down east on a business trip 1 isited with his mother and sister here, and with his brother Edgar. in Hay Tp. Miss Taylor, .Teacher in the Ex- eter publis Schoo,l had the Ms - fortune to ha,ve a needle run into lark, ack while visiting 'at her home near London last Tuesday. Miss Taylor went to the hospital' where an' X -Ray was taken and the needle 'located. On performs. ing an .operation the needle could, notb e found.. A second attempt was made withopt results, The Iiydrd` offi'ee is being mo- -'ed into the building they recently purchased• from P. Frayne. W. Sun's has rented the building vac- ated by the Hydro Commission and is moving the express office there John Preszcator, of Stephen, is nto'rink to itown into the residence, recently purchased from the- Miss Merrill .who have moved in the ho use on La,ughall st, vacated by C. Pilaus. COUNTY NEWS John Hawthorn, bartender tat the. ConamercialHotel, Seaforth was fined $1,000 and costs, or four mon- the in jail, on a charge of selling liquor, Johnnie, the little year and a half old son of Norman Malcolm 1'Iibbert, met with a very pain- ful and severe accident when he :fell and almost bit his tongue in twvo. The Doctor was called and' had to put some stitches in to close the wound. Burley lhodgies of Levan svgs AUCTION SALE Of Ferns Stock, Implements, and Household effectsi The uncierslr- gned Auctioneers have been- in structed to sell by public Auction at ' Lot 30, Con. 14, Hay Township, on TUESDAY NOVE LIBER 21st 19.2 At 12,.30: o'clock, 'p.m. Sharp, the. following- HORSES -I hese- ytepan of mares rising $. and 6yrs. fold; 1 heaves mare rising Syrs; 1 roadster- mare rising '4 yrs. old; 1 roadst ernare. CATtTLE-3 cow.; supposed to be in calf, 3 freshcows r 2 steers 2- y ts. old; 2 heifers 2 -yrs. olds 4 spring calves; 1 ' baby :beef; 2 calves 2 months old. SHEEP, HOGS DNA. 1IENS-2 .ewes; 2 lambs; 1 brood sow sup- posed to be with pig; 9. pigs 10 weeks old; 10 dozen hens. IMPLEMENTS, ETC -M -H. bin- der 7 -ft. cut; M. -H. mower 6-f t.cut Maxwell ha yloader, M. -H. haF'rake lL-H. side delivery rake, M. -B., manure spreader. M. -H, cultivator M, -H.. bean cultivator and harvest or, Cockshut disc drill; Maxwell, disc, steel roller, Cockshutt riding plow„ walking plow, 3 section har- row-, hand scuffler, onion seceder, wagons, dou) le wagon box, st- ock. rack, gravel Vox, hay . rack, 'umbel/ for hay rack, gas eninge h.p.; cutting box with blower; grain roller, chopper, fanning mill, speed jack",-, 2 open. ,buggies, top buggy, road cart, cutter, bob sleighs, emery stone, grindstone,• circular- saw, cornsheller, 60 -ft. new belting, saddle sitool, double 'sett carriage harness, set heavy nickle Waledharness, 2 setts plow harn- ess; number of good •collars, Em- q,iri .cream separator 650 lbs. cap- acity nearllyr new; root pn+lper, se- ales 2000 lbs. cap.,' iron kettle, nae- rele, table, sink, Daisy churn,l, st- t•,a vberry crates, 6 diningr•oomt eh4irs, springsi for single . bed, bedstead, centre table, neckyokes dottblet'rees, whiffletrees, forks ehains, shovels, quantity of stove s , c'1 Wood, big hay fork, water trough, and numerous other (articles. N'No re -serve as proprietor is giving nfi farming. TERMS OF BALL -$1000 and nal - der cash. • Over that amount 12 months .credit will bo given an furnishing approvedjoint notes. 5% off .for cash on credit amounts. Benjamin Pfile,, Proprietor. IV, S. Johnston, Clerk. ti 'l" vlor, A. 't .•ht'r, Auetion Is a Word . uppermost inour minds just now and perhaps it best describes the salient features of the new clothes We Are Tailoring For Men 'FABRICS ARE DURABLE, STYLES PRACTII3LE 13UT MOST"' IMPORTANT OF AIJL OUR WORKMANSHIP WILL GIVE . YOU EN-.. DURING SERVICE AND LASTING SATISFAOTION, IF YOUR:: INTENTIONS ARE TO BUY A REAL NIFTY AND CLASSY SULT. OR OVERCOAT SEE OUR LATEST MODELS IN RAGLANS, UI,ST-•. ERS AND CHESTERFIELDS. OUR INSPECTION IS CORDALLT INVITED. Touwili like aJ .r Wob- E. E.Wuedh, I::ilkr, Zurich •••••••••••••es••••eseee+Baasssew®sseseee®srso•amemp, r • Farm l • • 0 • P• umps are down in pr,ice, iso charge • a, • • for installing. Wash Machines and 0, •• Get • g • wringers are clown in.>kprice.ep • our' prices o11 L.a-wn Mowers. • • • GALVANIZED WATER TROUGHS 2x2'6 at $14.00 • 7-8 I II BEST MANILLA HAY FORK ROPE AT 25c.Lb. WE HAN- • 9 DLE •GENUINE FLEURY PLOW POINTS. POINTS WIZ H r • "AURORA" STAMPED ARE NOT GENUINE, BUT STAMPED 414 I'lJ. FLEURY'S" ARE GENUINE. CHEAP JOBBER'S POINTS • • :, ARE 55e, AND 65c. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US. �, 0 GOOD MOTOR OIL AT 85 CENTS A GALLON e. o Dain Hay loader in stock for quick i _ delivery. • • All *Farm Mactiinery Sold. • • 0 TELEPH ONE NO. 76 • L A. PRANG, - ZURICH • • • • • •g • • ••••••••••••rnee" 00110.l6e,Dry0••••••®•O•9•••9•••.- he 1W.. to. Nor Subscribers January L :o 0 i