HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-09, Page 2BY KATHARINE SUSANNAH PRICHARD Copyright by Hodder and Stoughton. CHAPTER XIX.-(Cont'd.) self. He reviewed with faint amuse - When Deirdre came away from the 'ment•this youngster he hadserved el'elaitS to with her tall partner, Davey to privileges that wentround to where they were stand- himself for the evening. ing. Once only he had seen her flash "Will you dance with me, Deirdre?" a swift glance round the room, then Davey asked againr he trembled with her eyes had not rested :on him at all, His eyes blazed; but skimmed past him like swallows anger. in flight. He thought that she had Wen, 'm—" al +a ghtened and swore not recognized him. Now that he stood near her his amazedly. heart throbbed painfully. She laugh- But Deirdre's hand caught his eel and chattered with the people about her. Davey caught .a woad or two' of her greetings to cid schoolfellows.. Canal bent over her appropriatingly. Deirdre flashed a smile at him as she sleeve, "We're missing all this dance," she sad quickly. As she turned away on his arm, her eyes swung round to Davey, "Go and find fess," she said, rr : ree IRiSH CANAL MALICIOUSLY •CRIPPLED Irish rebel •leaders• took the method shown above to cut off supplies of Kerry and Tralee: They sank a•s�11 ship at the entrance of the Tralee Canal, burned'the gate house andbolr ed thelooks•. Several food ships were tied up in the canal as a result. talked, "you looked such a pretty couple dare - Davey stood on the edge of the ing together when I came in." crowd. A little hurt feeling began to,t, Her laughter and.light-hearted little grow in him. Would he never catch speech stupefied• Davey. He forgot his her eye? Would she never look his anger; forgot Conal, forgot the teem- way? fun of dancers stampeding merrily, Pat was calling for another dance. forgot Pat Glynn and his music. He The little crowd shifted and drifted forgot everything, but .that Deirdre words away from Deirdre" was laughing at him. • er Mick Rose had the temerity to ask tingled in his ears; he had heard her laughter-De`iedre, his sweetheart, was laughing at him -Deirdre tivh'o had promised— He stumbled out of the room. her if she would dance with him. Davey heard him, and he heard Long Conal drawl lazily in reply: "The man that dances with Deirdre will have to reck'n with me to -night" "Well, I'm not wanting to reck'n with you, Conal," Mick replied, laugh- ing, and withdrew to find another partner. Davey's eyes sparkled. He walked up to where Deirdre hood in the doorway with the drover. "Will you dance with me, Deirdre?" he said. "Why]" she exclaimed blithely, much as he had heard her exclaim to' a dozen others, "It's Davey Cameron where he was going. Ile darkness, walked g anyill on the roads goad enough grown up! I'd never 've known you, .through darkness, surging darkness, Davey, but for the scar en your neck though the night was a clear one, him to play the fool to?" asked where the oalf kicked you. Do you stars diamond -bright on the inky -blue i4YcNab, waspishly. hly. remember the dascreen of the sky. The houses of the' "Best not let him hexa you up to Steve's in theesp ing carts?shim 1Wirree were white in the light. Deep i' Nab shook his shoulders "Davey and 'I used to have great shadows were oast back from theiri „Pm not fri Mewed' of d » wane as they squatted against the g times at the school," she explained rest of ye may be." ; • eveith a glance for Conal. tearth• I :'Still you like.t "This i•s Conal, you know, Long Davey turned the angle of the his arbour you, wouldn't " e. Gonai, Davey -Fighting Condi-they house into the stable yard. Iniuinnuz ed, "and Conal is rail him, don't they?" rile went on Instinct carried him to it, and to miht .call a respecter tha little misclhievous inflection in the fence where his horse was tether -1 g ed. There was a fluttered cackle of when he's roused." her "Yes, fowls a startled yelping of dogs, as The Sohoolmester went int + to "Yes, I know," said Davey. "Will , you dance with me, Deirdre?" he threw an his sadtlle andance-room. He ,crossed it in leiture;- 1 turned out 1 fashion and went to Jessie, She Few people south of the ranges did of the yard, taking the road to the• was sitting staring before°her, amit:t suddenly behind him with sly,oh'uckl- ing laughter. It was Thad McNab who woke. He grudged Mrs. Hegarty ' her gathering of young people and.,the patronage of Pat Glynn, but then she was able to run the place better than he, and although it was supposed to be her property, none knew better than the two of them that it was his as Pinch as the Black Bull. I McNab came and stood in ; Mrs. Mary Ann's doorway eometimes° when there was danchg, and. thea joy o several of the dancers wee, quenched at the mere sight of his shrivelled yellow face arid pale eyes. .. , The Schoolmaster looked down at him. No lean could afford to quarrel with McNab. CHAPTER XX. "How old will she be now?" asked "Davey!" McNab. The Schoolmaster's voice went out "Eighteen," replied the Sehool- with-a glad note in it. He turned master. • aside from the men who were talking "She's the prettiest girl ever .seen par- down this part of the world, mutter - with him outside Mrs. Hegarty's lor. His arm stretched to grip the ed old Salt Watson, boy's hand. But Davey swung past. He did not see or hear. He did not even know Borneo's Venice. The city"of`Bruiwei, a couple of miles up the river of that name on the .is- land of Borneo, known as •the "Venice of the East to dwellers in that land, but known .not at all in the outside world, is one of the world's unique cities. It is built entirely on pities placed over the river, and sitretches for a couple of miles and each side of the river. '"It Is really a lot of. little towns in One, with a population of 10,- 00, mostly Malays The respective trades are segre- gated each to an area of their own; thus you go to one part of the town to see the fishermen, another to see the metal workers and the merchants. Streets of bamboo intersect the rows of dwellings, Upon the verandahs children entirely naked play or fish or dive into the river below. Children here are expert swimmers by the time tliey are Your years old. "Conal seems to think so " The city market is the only one of It was Johnnie M'Laughlin whe its' kind in the world, for all marketing laughed. is done in boats on a certain portion "And who's Conal to *'think so? Isn't of the river set aside for the purpose. Here daily the people of the town meet the people from the jungle and exchange manufactured goods for fruit vegetables and game.. Sa, ye 0141 Wrap, Skirt, Sweater, . Cturtains in Diamond -Dyes ;i '_ Each., • package of '"Diamond Dyes" 'contains directions so simple any wo- alien can :dye or tint her old worn, .faded things new. Even if she has never dyed before, she can put a rich, Fight-hrlls. • ing know, or had Conal of Said notheeyell�ow streak The men outside Hegarty's, amok- of tears dimming her pretty eyes.•fadeless color into shabby ,skirts, g y' in and swopping yarns wvith the He did not go near Deird';e diclriot dresses, waists, coats, stockings, swore by,of a le and of his thzeegpartsabried Sc eohnaster, watched him go. Sparks herlootat hand her enen, But Cenal hh•e S hoolnlaster dropped i sweaters, tevelythvngi11gs,draperies, hang - Diamond Dyes mare, Ginger. "Ginger for pluck," of white fire flew from his horse's Conal said, and that was why she got her name. Though he had his title to live up to, Canal was a prime fav- remarked through teeth that gripped fav- orite on the roads. It was rumored that he had another name, but no- a pipe. body ever bothered about it. Canal- "Never seen him ride like that be - Fighting Conal: ways a good enough fore," Thad l'IcNeb 'said. name for any man to go by, it was Farrel did not srpeafc; he wondered to talk very seriously to her on their :;• reckoned. too what it was lied sent the bog out way from Mrs. Hegarty s- but now Quick Action of Pianist. There was talk under the breath of into the night like that. Half an'houx she demanded tenderness�arid not re-' An• expert .pianist has to cultivate cattle -duffing sometimes when he was before he had seen him dancing with roof.. She seemed to have stumbled had just such p his 'eye so as to .see 1,600 notes or ho"YounghDab� saing the riding esuthougdil fear that hard fluttered in Deirdre's the devil were at his heels," someone' eyes vanished. A little later she tame tc him with a breath that was almost a sob - into rile room, and a faint biti-like -no other kind -then perfeot home dyeing is guaranteed. Just tell your druggist whether •the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether "Can't we go now?" she said, it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Looking into her eyes he saw'the "Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, shine of tears in them. He had meant fade, or run. mentioned. But it was always under Jess Ross, an the breath, for Canal was a man with a look as his mother's might have had a fist that eoul•d punish any reflections when she was . his age, and dancing. on his character as thoroughly as tae He looked'iiack into- the room. Jess fist ,of a roan had ever been known was. sitting, a very forlorn, dejected She had been playing wnt ere wo- to. But he was a lightsome swagger- little •figure on -a° bench by herself. men's weapons and ..had wearied of Mitlard's Liniment•f r Diphtheria. er, reckless, devil me care good Deirdre was dancing with Conal. 'them, or perhaps she was surpnased natured earl of bully ns in their power, and troubled y h , against.eamethine she. did net tie ere sfgnu• `in a • minute, while his fingers stand. She had dropped her mein .A ' make at least 2,000 movements in the gaiety all her shy, bright glanc,js', smiles, sighs-�and little airs and grates. saine space of thee. h th --ee a a rex -ers, - - , 1' ,.0 I •t"' ctiively he' associated Davey's enc b t l Carrier in Ether, • "Thee if, you know," ,said Clonal 'going with Deirdre. • athe coolly, "?you'd better have gone home They had' been such good friends s oltihhehad never was before ( There is a "space of territory" in r f of which wireless and to bed, young shaver, before when they were children, and he had eyes. She looted very young and' CaliforniaCalifoona insidessages absolutely disap- lhavin' asked Deirdre to dance with imagined that'alley wou• ld be so- glad tired pear Se far as wireless is concerned you to -night. I don't like any, inter- to meet each other again. ference with the parners I choose for He followed Deirdre as she danced meself." with Cdnel Conal was an old friend It was all said with a lazy good of his: He had seen a good deal of natured air. Conal was sure of him- him since they left the hinds, and few men had the place In, the School- master's regard and affection. - that Long Conal had. He had been with them on several of their wanderings, and Deirdre and he had always seem- ed to get on like brother and sister ibTlQelt j Be free from pain. Thous- ands of sufferers have been re- layed of- Rheumatism, Neural- ' gra, Neuritis, Sciatica,, Lum- bago and Gout by New Lite Remedy. ee, doun.tless grateful testiinonf- ate received during the past twenty-i`ive years from those benefitted by "New Life." Does not trelltain any harmful drawl. Plea,iant to take and does net upset the digestion. One bottle for One bonier; Six bottles for Five Dollars. Mailed direct to Customers, or from your nearest Druggist. He wrapped her up in her shawl, it is a region' of eternal silence, Some took her by the arm, and they went. sort of invisible harrier in, the ether out intoi way t moonlight together, where seems to a'ot as a barricade to wire- ing their way to the Black Bull, where they were staying until they Could less waves. find another bonne an the district, , (To be continued,) "Passim;." Say a kliid•word to .eacli'oth,ar, together, he thougrht. But now lie saw Just nudge up as tho' a brother the gleam in Cenali's eyes es he bent And help some one like a mother, over her, the tenderness of his - Passing: swarthy face, Delydee s smile, her swift glances, shy and •alluring, her Do the deed iiow, not,to-tnhoaiow, averted head, The way she laughed Fight the hardest whenin aerrdw; and moved were a revelation to him. .Srnlie 12 some one would b itedw' "So Deirdre's a woman and at - woman's tricks," he thought. eyeS are blinding, minaimmimmineansiesamosammee She had been a child' to him till this grim, tri Passing, :ears your night. Conal with his suarounn - hands, his Hurn the' every word' is finding , eyes, bright with ave an Passing•, HE postman or express Ivan will. had made a woman of her, he told e , .n what a F Show all mercy to the'tallen,' ydur home. Suits, dresses, Ise es SALESMEN We. pay weekly and offer steady employment selling our complete and exclusive lines of whole -root, fresh-. dug-to.order trees and plants, Best stock and service. We teach and equip you free. A money -shaking or nit •, Tin to 3 Lrko Brothers, rtl'ttxneris, Montreal EI eyes, rd , fate, .ibis rough n 'e s Snots to send vom 8414 -pining, h rah 1 d laughter, ?hiins if ,Ana. In t had the lanade of bring- Parker service right to him? The Schoolmaster sawy on her neck where t7n:e dark ati • 'When distress clues come appalling; gathered dewily: Ile knew as much as there was to Passing,� r1s 'Bend your back and help the nailing be known of Long ti at Conal, knew ha Loads of Time Yet. he had flirted and drunk and sworn li' akin all the stuck sautes hal • "wen,Harry" remarked Uttele' is wayao g the country, He had kissed and rid -cheerfully as he came ulnoii the small den 'away tinges without ;nu)nber. But boy of the hawse busy in the front there was something else in his eves ,roam, "good boy this mornfahg, I Hope?„ now, something that promised he Idarry regarded the clock and pet - would neve2 want to rade :fez or long d It vas just 1! 30 ' cei ve w from the sight of Deirdre. 'The Sc'hoolmaater was sure: of that. "1 don't know yet, "Uncle," he said 's verk For a mon-tent he he sathegirlls avert- doubtfully, 'T'iiere s half an hour . lisltgittt ed: face, the curve of her white , more." , the little tendrils of hair clustering - •,: - - -. prat roetCt l 1 (1111 Ott moist anti jetty about her ears, her Some of the hest things are: the t flrtttei^iitg lips, ,as Conal might' ;old-fashioned things -patience, hard �+ 'Toronto �,� Wee. Awtn.r,trfC Si., o enter :,"r -e. ns,w+i seen tltem.ark and commonsense. tiaatnit ti a "Mlle's a beautiful woman-- "v ' . Ileirdare." An uneasily—Moving voice jerked Millazrd, s Liniment fir Colds, et'e Waters and all we be successfully dyed, ' Curtains, draperies, carpets and nrint� auna 1 akers Bake It For You .-- no need to bake at home LT ERE'S your old-time fa- vorite -full -fruited rai- sin bread with at least eight tempting raisins to the slice -already baked - for you by master bakers in your city. Simply 'phone your grocer or a neighborhood bake shop and have a fresh loaf for lunch or dinner to delight your folks. We've arranged with bak- ers in almost every town and city to bake this full -fruited raisin bread. Made with big, plump, tender seeded raisins. The raisin flavor permeates the bread. You've never tasted finer food. Order a loaf now and count the raisins. Raisin bread is a rare com- bination of nutritious cereal and fruit -both good and good for you. Serve at least twice weekly to get the benefits. Use Sun -Maid for home cook- ing of puddings, cakes, cookies, etc. N. You may be offered other brands that you know less well than Sun -Maids, but the kind you want is the kind you know is good. Insist, therefore, on Sun -Maid brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. Mail coupon for. free book of tested "Sun -Maid Recipes." SUN.MA.ID RAISINS The Supreme Bread Raisin SUN -MAID RAISIN GROWERS Membership 13,000 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA ,er._�...^,- , CUT THIS OUT ANP SEND IT 1 Sun -Maid _Raisin Growers. 1 Dept. N-533-4, Fresno, Califernia. ' Please sena inc copy or your free book, I"Recipes with Raisins." NAME I STREET Blue Package i'ITY STATE - all houseliaid articles can be dyed and • restored to their original freshness. We pay carriage one way on all orders. Write for hill particulars. Parker's Dye , Works, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 701. rouge St. Toronto e}astarts od�ca c latirg The pains of.strains and sprains are due to congestions. Just quicken the circulation, and the inflammation and pale subside - disappear. Witho;at rubbing, Sloan's penetrates and breaks up the painful congestion. Sioan's r,tiirres rl , i,tia pains, scent's neuralgia warms and comforts tirod.hr -� backs. Loos, nscongeg r from colds in chest. Keep it ti ., .; . Made tr Canada Sloasis For arn d - For Nervous Headaches - '1 THE R,ELIEr from head- ache or neuralgic paths worth one cent to you? That's all it costs for an application of "Vaseline" Mentholated Jelly. With the first indication of a headache rub a small amount of it gently on thp forehead and temples. So convenient, effec- tive and economical 1 CIIE,S0BROUGI3 MANUFACTURING COMPANY ti ,aUdeted) 3.850 Chabot Ave. Montrsa Vaseline Trade Mark - MENTHOLATED PET R O1.EUM JettY OLET Rupture Kiiis ', 'WC Annually 35c`Danderine"Saves Your Seven thousand persons each year Hair—Ends Dandruff! ^i are laid away -the burial certificate: being marked "Rupture." Why? Be -1 cause the unfortunate ones had neg- lected themselves or had been merei'y, taking care of the sign (swelling) of 1 the affliction and paying no attention , to the cause. What are you doing? Are yoiu neglecting yourself by wear-{ ing truss, appliance, or whatever l name you choose to ca11 i1:? At best, the truss is 'only a make -shift. --a false prop against a collapsing wall -and cannot be. expected to art as more f than a mere mechanical support. The' binding pressure 'retard+ blood tie - ciliation, thus robbing the weakened i muscles of that which they need most 1--z-nourishment. But science hats found a way, and every truss sufferer in the land is invited to make +a test right in the privacy of tiheir own home. The Delightful Tonic PLAPAO OAO method is tniquegtiona;hly 1 - the most scientific, logical.and success -1 Quick: i) i ^ veil! revery uaid head NI self -treatment :for rupture the rsterteci ith ju..i few rolling hair it} cry The PLAPAO PAD when adhering, hal' ppedrt 1 thin, s a;;t'", and•then closely to the li�oc1i 'Cannot possibly` the dreaded baht spr,i. It. seems' a. sin slip or shift out of plate,, thereforek to `let hair fall alit o^ i cerate 'destrne- • cannot chafe or pinch. 'Safi as velvet k .tive ilati,iritff when- el cats quickly world has over known a.net fh t. riah,lrilfi +b;l:t :non the ---.easy to apply -inexpensive, To be,•coreect all Balch btu 101 1: used whilst ,you woe:k and whilst you bottler of delightful 1) 1lnetift':. wv a1 straps, buckles os springs _s klillione of roan awl wi'mnen' heo ,..asp, Now p , 1 g attached.the luagfr. of Denderi'nre ltnw le eonLearn how to close the hernial open -1 recta ails, dandruffy., iteraing scalds ing as nature intended so the rupture!, and helps lh hail' tr, t i•t+ i illicit, e, 11 :, 3:1n ' ` :,CAN'T come down. Send your n0nleliltl.`aii}„'' r�Ii+,l 1 `at'iiit,�. � trine is and ten cents, coin .or stamps, to-day,1 not stl0ii" of greasy. 11 1 l ^ largest •1111 a 2It o PLAPAO CO 761 Stuart 131dg St selling, hair eera'ective end teeio-le the, .. ..� Louis, ., information necessary.- a bottle at any drugsinti ileo for trial Plapao and the world because it is not a It',+nbug:.(101 it