HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-09, Page 1No'i. XX 111 No 48 ZURICH THURSDAY M.: OY E M B E R 9, 1922. Nester L. 'Smith, Puly!>Ytaw% $$.25 a Year In .d. 1.50 IN AI/ TWAit5,s2MAI ktk, OkuRGEbt SEE vs F1BST Close Prices 1JGCLU11vi vvv....".. • White GoodsQuick Service For Dress or Sport. A wide I You benefit because we sell assortment of samplesat as close a -profit as we GET. • Reliable Workmanship can stand HEREY. OUR NEXT PAIR W. H. PFILEoZURICH THE HOME OF ;o�y. .p. p��•�•�p��O�•d444�44�pOpOO"4QaP�DO•a.�` ay- council met -on Saturday or :its';monthly meeting. , IVIr, Russell Fleeter of Kitchener spent the i,yeeh-ends at his home. 'lir ;and Mrs, •Geo,. Thiel and fam fly ` went , Salt'urdaV . at London. a. F. Genttner Of Dashwood i v ting with her daughter, Mrs. Oeseh. "114. and Mrs. D. Melsaac of Cr- edii;en were Friday visitors in the Vil'la•gcr MMr, Kenneth Routledge left for. London on Saturday to visit fri= end•;. M'essra. Albert and Wm. Siebert of IIitehener spent the holiday un- der the parental roof: -tilessrst C A. 'and C. W. Hoff- inaai,of Galt were week-ennd visit- o'i s ht : the "home of their parents • and Mrs. G. Deters and Iic Susie Jacobs "spent the holi- aS;'-with;Mr..•-and Mrs. 'Iiy. Deters at New Hamburg. Me and Mrs. Herbert W. Hey 'and family, of London, spent the week -end with the former's father, Mr.'Chris.,;Hey, Babylon Line. Mr. and Mrs: W. H. Frank and Mr ; C. Eilber of Waterool were haliday visitors with relatives here Mrs 'Frank . is remaining here for theilveek. ,Mr: and Mrs. W. F. ,Finkbeiner . d daughter. Miss Hazel of Strat- spent' Thanksgiving at the orite+ of 'Mi. and Mrs. W. H. Hffo- ma n. r, Egbert :Heideman sold his 1:00,4aero farm on 'he Goshen oth, of Zurich, io Mx. Wil - 'lel i1 -'art oft he Sauble Line, possession in the spring. icln' S$1190Q,00 GRAND STYLE DISPLAY 404 OF Ladies' Suits, Coats and Dresses AT Money Saving Prices ,WE ARE NOW SHOWING• THE VERY NEWEST STYLES FOR FALL AND WINTER IN WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR AT MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES. e. ALL WE ASK IS THAT YOU COME AND .SEE• THIS FALL QFALL DISPLAY BEFORE YOU DECIDE ON PURCHASING" i" FOR WE IRE CONFIDENT THAT WE HAVE JUST THE .0 STYLE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR•AT .JUST THE PRICE YOU DWANT TO PAY. • 4e Ladies' Hats OUR NEW LINES OF LADIES' FELT AND BRUSHED' ,WD.OL HATS HAVE JUST ARRIVED IN A LARGE ASSORT- MENT :OF COLORS, ONLY A FEW OF THESE HATS LEFT. GET YOUR'S WHILE THE PICKING IS GOOD.. �Men's Fall and WinterSuits �Y. 1 It The Bi .est and Smallest o Man in Town will get equal astisfac- Io tan in the Io tit of his clothes w3 have egort of ride in fitting- man which goo a sort .Q OTHERS FIND HARD .TO PLEASE; THATS WHY WE kIA ATE OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ALW ASY WHAT IT SHOU- O. ..0 LD BE. SO WHEN LOOKING FOR YOUR NEXT SUNT, 4, O COME IN. AND GIVE US A TRIAL, AS WF FEEL SATISFIED i Q WE HAVE JUST THE THIN G FOR FALL AND WINTER stl�� WEAR FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Phone 59 WE ARE IN THE MARKET 100It ALSIKE ANS C ovatt'sgs Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 :Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to make a special trip to the nearest branch of The Molsons Bank every time you want to deposit money. Send your deposit to the lank by mail. • Write today"", to the nearest manager of The Molsons' Bankfor in- formation. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch COMMUNITY late Silverware WE HAVE JUST RECEIVEDfl'IIE NEW LINE OF TUDORPBTI" IN THE BEAUTIFUL BARONET DESIGN. A MEDIUM PRIOR TABLEWARE OF EXCEPTIONAL -GOOD WEARING QUALITY A PEW OF THE PRICES;- 6 Tea Spoons 1:'t5, R Desert knives and Fork 47.50 Berry Spoon .. b Desert Spoons ... ... $3.30 Sugar Spoon ... ... ._. '751 G. Hess, Zurich:. 4 •• • • • •O • • • • • • • • • • • The angel of death entered the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Elmore Thiel early on Saturday morning Octote' 28th and It(ook away their infant daughter, Ruth Milka, aged one year, one month and twentlyethree days. The little darling had a hard struggle during her sho.it earthly existancq.. Although ev- ery care . and attention was best- owed estowed on her that could be sug- gested, she gradually weakened and the ;frail threads of 'life was easily broken. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to the Lutheran cemetery and was cony doctedb y Rev. H. Rembe, pas- tor of the Ev. Lutheran church who took the basis of his sermon at the church the; words ; "But Jesus said aider little children, and forbid them no o, to come;unto me; for of ,such is the kingdom ot Heaven" Math, 19; 14. The\• sincere and heartfelt .sympajth ' is extended to the parenits fin their hour of afflic- tion. 'Four girls; Lula Albrecht, Margurite Prang, GretaSchille,and Gertie Sehilbe, acted as pall bear- ers. She leaves to mourn her loss besides her parents, two brothers and one sister-. The family wishes to express their thanks to the ehoir and all, those who so kindly assisted `thein, in their sad here- avement. • • •Fall Horse Goods 1 4 lust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse t Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. ire • Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices 4 Ranging from $7.00 to .•. -•. =-- .•• ............... $13.00 : SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. • 4 A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. • Club Bags, Suit Cases and, Trunks at Right Prices. 4.• HARNESS REPAIRING A. 5 PECIALTY ° PHONE 1O • a .FRED THIEL, - .ZURICH' 4.4444++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 44+ 4.4 44+4++ :• •444++++• • • ••r++++++++++. •++.f r++•a•++•!•+4•.€.+4.4.4+4+• •+++ •II• ar •f• Of Endurable Footwear NOW THAT THE CHILLY WINDS OF FALL ARE GAAIN BLOWING, ONE MUST THINK OF THE COLDER .AND WET WEATHER COMING. WELL! WE ARE RIGHT ON THE JOE WITH ENDURABLE SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILD= DREN. OUR STOCK OF RUBBERS FOR THE WET IS COM- PLETE. WEAR THOSE OLD COMFORTABLE SHOES BY FITTING TIIEM WITH A PAIR. Our Windows are displaying some of the Classy and Nifty styles, which afford so much comfort this season. BE ECONOMICAL BY BUYING -T THESE STORES C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS DASFIWOOD + .• ZURICH 4.o • 4 3•'lc' 4 1.4.4-44.44,4,44+•i4'i°'1'4e1+°g'g'!•+4.4••t••1••€••§+•II••1•+.B"•1.,T••P.d•.g..l...i".g"h'i*d 4- 4.- J. PREETER Produce Wanted 400 4 46-1 44 fe—✓4.0 0-44 c' `..0-r\* '' '0-`4 0i CASTOR IA For Infants and Children ID In Use For Over 30 Years I0 Alwaythes bears Signature a ize4-4 4 4 DON'T DELAY I BUY NOW! We can supply your needs in good Warm Clothing. asWe have a complete assortment ot: 1 UNDERWEAR OF ALL KI1:DS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ALSO HEAVY WRAPFERETTES, FLANNELRT= ` TES AND DRESS GOODS. SWEATERS, ETC., ETC. A Complete Line of Caps, Mitts and Gloves, Men's' Heavy Socks, Rubbers, Rubner 13000ts. We are making a Big Red- uction in Price on some Lines of Shoes, Halters and Harnea. Repairs, Sweat Pads, Etc. Etc. PRODUCE AND GOOD DRIED APPLES WANTED R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT LAKE PHONE 11 - 97 •