HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-02, Page 81 New Fall and. Winter Goods for your inspection. We can supply your wants in these lines at prices that mean Dollars saved to you. New Serges in all colors priced from 85e. to 3.50 per yard. Velours and Homespuns for Coats and Suits. New Short Flannels in leading sha- des, suitable for skirts, middys, and Children's wear. Black Douchess Sill:, guaranteed. Eatta heavy quality at $2.90 yd. Eiderdowns and Kimona Cloths, a- gain to hand. These cloths have been off the' market for a few years,b tit we are now again showing a fine range of patt- erns to choose from. lvIc.naich Yarns in Down, Dove, and Floss, 25 colors to choose from. I New Wool and Flannelette Elan- bets. A, complete range of Underwear in Wool and -Fleeced, for Lad- les and Children's wear. We have again in Stock, Reiners No. 1, quality Hosiery in heavy and menium, yarns,. for Ladies' and Children wear. And have added a supply of Yarn, this is guaranteed to give satisface tiara to wear. FOR MEN NEW FALL SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, FALL CAPS, HATS, GLOVES, FINE SHIRTS, TIES, BELTS, ETC. Highest market vices paid for Live Poul- try taken every ' ,R ednesday Fer0noon ried pples Wanted J. G HO & SON PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS Zurich's Gara : e AUTO TIRES We have on hand a• Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUBES. All Sizes (Best on the Market). Also a few Seconds to Clear at (Extra Special Prices). LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEE))S ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI CA NG OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of Genu1ne Ford. Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOS r CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS AUTOS. M.X.L. Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, Axy- Acetyline Welding. EXPERTAUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. Get into the habit of Pat -ionizing us. We want to serve you, and Serve You Wwll. 46 4. PHONE No. 103. ._ Mousseau Zurich TA4, etter Furnished Home S`:ao.ild have neHot/Our Cera. e,���j,! �...-5 �';}� ' W Vit• •Psi ry •�:�i 4. 4 its 46 4 4.464 6+4 Now that the cold winds of Pall and the chilly- .evenings are here, one should think of the eo'id wea- ther coming. Winter will soon be at hand. Make your Home Com-. plete and comfortable with one 0. our Ranges or Heaters. Corrie in and tell us what you need and we can fill your requirements. FURNACES! 4. 4. 4. 4r 4. 4 4 4. PENINSULAR .� FURNACES!. I 4. WE ALSO STOCK AND INSTALL THE WELL --KNOWN BAN- N.ER PIP) LESS FURNACES AS W'L+•'LL AS SEVERAL OTHER PROMINENT MAKES 4' ALL FINDS OF SI3'EOD'F . HARDWARE, ETC., ALWAYS . IN .* STOCK -- NO TROUBLE TO SHOW AND EXPLAIN ALL A- :130ir'.� '' OUR GOODS. GET OUR PRICES ANDTHEN BUY. 't STADE:.h; PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH .g. 444. .w �w 4ar~t� 444:44444444+4. . F+. 4. . d Ready»to-Wear Clothing ZURICH DENO.IVMY BRAS. GENTS FURNISHINGS Fit For The Best Unusual - new models of the Art Clothes for 1922 and 1923 are inten4: decl to attract the particular wee arer interested in good Clothes. Exceptional - The fabrics and patterns are cchoice se:e •t'ons. ',Cloth that can .-be relied upon to; give see - vice and stand the test of time.. Quality Ordered Clothing THE SPLENDID APPEARANCE OF THESE WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS IS ENDURING IN• THEIR EVERYDAY WEAR. THEY RETAINTHEIR STYLE AND • GOOD LOOKS. THIS CHARACTER- ISTIC IN "ART CLOTHES" 15 TRE'AL QUALITY SOUGHT AFTER BY THE WEARER. When you look for these three • particulars -the Unusual -the Exceptional --the Quality -you are certain of results in buying Art Clothes. DEITOMY BIOS. Produce taken in exchange for Goods LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Butter _-- • . ... Eggs • Oats --_ --. .. Wheat per bushel Flour per cwt. ... _.. Bran peraton -_- .-- Shorts per ton Hogs Wednesday) ............. 35. 38 -_...-.. .... :. 35-40 ... 97-98 2.75-3,75 ' , 20.00 24.00 10:uo ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr, and Mrs. D. Bettchen of Da hwood were Sunday visitors at t1 : home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Martin iti1r. Roy Weber ;of Zurich ha rented the building owned by Murdock and formerly occupied.' by Wm. Sangster and purposes start a harness shop there and w.. he open for business shortly, -Heal- :ull Observer.: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weber and! family and Mrs. Mari;,* Miller of Dashwood were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bi Battler, Babylon Line. r OUND-A horse blanket. Otte) or call have sane by proving pro- pc'r(y and pairing this adv. from' Mr, Herb. Mousseau. Ben Marr, con. 2, .McGillivray, is suffering from severe fractured ribs, and numerous bruises a tithe result of a; fall at aF neighbor's threshing. He was climbing into the mow when a scaffold pole slipped letting him fall on 'the lhre,hing machine, which' ,was motion at the time. - At a meeting of the registration eo+, uittee of the O'iit. branch of t1 k l;mateur Athletic Union of x "e he'd Thus'dav in therooms o. {Ont. athletic commission. the ! iMavers Clarence and Clefs: - tot; effmanl„ suspended members of Y Zurich baseball club was by the committee. Ups recommendation of the N. A, and the sub -committee of rat. Baseball Amateur As- 8, these players were a - ,ed: in good standing. ce Sale 1 -4 -Dry Goods to be Sold at Mall, Zurich'' AY AND SATURDbAY Ar. investigation Otel.he cost of coat for the con'sumers took place by the Exeter Council, as coal was being retailed at $19 per ton, which see, several dollars higher than lit other towns, the result of the in- t estigatio.n however proved that the dealers were handling the fuel let less than a profit, of 5%. The Atnericai dollar is now be- ing discounted et the banks at 1`9 cents. 'fixe annual sale of surplus 1i'crcc stock at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph took place on( October 26th with breeders acln livestock dealers from a]l paetsoI the Province present. Although,` the sa'e was not as' large .,s F10111e previous ones, it want most :sure- cessfui i nevery respect and Prof, Cade Toole was greatly pleased 'x•; (h the prices secured. The sale t,ettect the college a little over x"0,000. There were five lots of Shorthorns, which brought ,an av- erage of $331 }ler head. The, high- est price paid was $66) for the twee eyar-old heifer„ "College August loth," purchased h yB. T. ,,Stephens of 'Richmond Hill; C. Currie, of :4Lurr-iston paid $400 for an ,n.ged SPORT NEWS • Wean's "rrisit Nine" Mere de feated by the Peterboro Electrics on Saturday (at Galt -for the Inters 'mediate 'baseball Championship of Ontario, score 7--,4," Weir thei'stic a x •pitcher allowed only '4 hits. while his team behinV1 him made 0 errors thus losing the game. AN' EASY ONE FOR GODERICH The Big Four (Trophy, donated by Spaldings, and won b,r the Purity Flour team;, Goderieh, is yrs .l w rn C, 1#laek's More e wind.- c ,+�, e• it is a beauty and bears it /- seri tion, s S Avlct g, Trophy. y. Big Four 1,13 ea, :r..ue Champion; 1922, Purity Flour, Goderiolr." Jars ori, , ciii lady lee len: 25. c, mber 3rd and 4th, 1922 cgs of Ladies' Deese goods. s, 25 Dresses silk serge and clothe, 50 ladies' hats, 4 dies' woolen pullovers; 25 :fists, 25 ladies and young sinter coats, 10 young lad - tel 25 pieces of Men's suit tii5 men's suits all sizes; Tcoats all ,sizes; a number of eser's and women's rain coats, woolen blankets and many artic- les not numerated. All the above goods will be sold at a big :slat- rafice. To appreciate and be euneinced of these bargains come and °see, for yourself and share in theli enefit. On Friday and .Salti- erday Evenings I will offer some of these Goods to be Auctioned eff by Jas..,Denome:, Auctioneer. L COHEN, Proprietor, London Coining Social Events VS* atioolliGeo The Ladle 3' Aid ' of the Lutheran Church,: Zurich, are giving a baz- aar in the Town Hall in the afterw- naoe and etreeing of Saturday, Nov 25th, Watchfor particulars later. The Young' 'Ladies' Bible Class of the Evangelical. church will hold a bazaar in, the Ladies Hell on Saturday, Dec. 2ncl. A tea will also :be served in connection °With the bazaar. , On Thursday evening, Nov. 99, the people of Zurich and vicinity will enjoy a rare treat in the Town Hall when Eckardts Swiss! bt 11 ringers will entertain the i ublio; This is exceptionally fine music when well played, and with the 25 years experience, this company .should be unequalled. Rev. R. J. Bowen, District Sec- i'etary, of the Upper Canada Bible Society will address a publts me- eting ' at the Menno•,xite church, Zur-� icir, on Thursday . r' ing, Nov. 2r:d Mr. Bowen is known to a a'reat many in this Vicinity and his oration is well worth doing. 'a long. way to hear. The Woolens' Institute, is ,giving a f,~arecial coursfs hi serving with tetiss Collies ' as isistructor. This course will last two weeks, begin- ning • Noveraber sth. Any ladies' wishing to.itake this eourse and who have not handed in their nani,es to the Secretary Will please. early date as only a do so at an ar y , y linxitt d class can be aecornodated. waits ou eightryf �urlyx�ises� awaits, ,y at the Ladies' lien, Time eve, Oct. 3est. . Thursday, November 2nd, 1,9 The store with the Liberal Cash iliscolat And see the Wonderful Val- ues in Alnminum now showing in our window. Here are jnst a few items: TEA KETTLES $1.98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR $1.98 DISH PANS $1.98 SET 3 SAUCE PANS $198 8 AND 10 QUART STEWING KETTLES $1.98 These are all Guaranteed Heavy Weight Utensils We carry a complete line of Furn- iture and Hardware. Your ,confid- ence - is solicited. MELIeK& B !IMJN 1/4 PHONE 63 0' joyB[e-raid Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. ,Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Garel Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop.... es, C%i?ck Posting Bills a sp3eialty. We invite you to go carefully ower these Seasonable Goods, and be convinced of the low prices prevailing 10 yards toweling foae , .--$1.0Q Serge, all colors 40 in wide, yd. 900 Dress goods for school girls per yard at __4 23c Plaid Dress Goods, Very New 9c5 Monarch Down 2-o s. ball at A35c. Monarch Dove 1 oz hall at '25c Monarch Floss, 1 oz. ball for 25c In all the newest shades. Knit Your Sweater and scarf now. We are showing a large range of Dress Goods. and Coatings for fall in the following; HomeSpun Velours, Serges, nicotine. Sweater sfor Boys and Men. Just received a fine lot of Mens' and Boy's Sweaters, alt wool, New Shades. New Hosiery for Ladies in Heather Shades. Men's Waterproof Coats, Regular $25.00. On Sale this week ,for $15.90. Men's Garbacleen Coats in the Latest Style Price this week $23 !Congoleum Rugs in the Newest design and popular prices. When in town look these over and be convinced. See our window display for Intro-. ductory' trial offer of soap as- sortment. 7, 1 -ib. tins Pilchards for $1.00 ee 15c a tin. Better than Salrnora. Choice Red Salmon, Libbys brand, at 45c. a tin, why pay 60c. a tin when you can buy No. 1 Sal- mon at 45c Broken ]Biscuits, 10c, a lb. Brick cheese at per lb. _, _,. 31 We carry hundreds of samples of the Celebrated Broadway 13ra u Clothing for. Men. Come in! and let us show you these same pieswhether you want a suit or overcoat. We guarantee perfect tit. A. ]lig Showing of Hats, Caps, Gloves, Belts, Braces, Collars, Ties, Socks, Etc, Etc. No TROUBLE TO 5 i•IO W .GOODS ABOVE ARE ONLY A. FEW or T13E MANY SPECIALS WE ARE OFFERING. Produce Wanted. ButerickPashions Phone. `1.6F1V