HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-02, Page 5• wT Heti°sday, Noveiri) or 2e,c1, 1922'`: ,MUNMNnMM•Muw!,W1fY•Y+n�rc!!.�!�'�WR W M BUSINESS CAED$ iProuslfoot, gilloren & HOLMIT Barrerlees, Solisiitors, Notaries, FutEta, Office .on' the Square, 111$4 door troth " Hamilton St. God- , *ride, Private funds to loan at :lowest rates,. ( Proudfoot, K.C. d, L. Killoran H, 1, Holmesss I' UT 'YO CI,E Wants, For ;Saler Lost, Found, Noxice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN WANTED lir. Holmes will be in'.Hensall on W.gettce 'are large the market for Dutch rnghest Friday of each week, market prices paid. Must be well cleaned, T(. L, W URed, X16 .Andrew FTownship ' Clerk Inner of marriage lagenae$, Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- WANTED ;$mobile Insurance, Representing DUTCH SETS. Highest mar- ket peace paid, must be thoroughly dry and put through fanning. mill J. GA,SCHO & SON 1-16 Huron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- tion; The Canada Trust 'Co. Zurich,. 'Ontario, rE. S. liaraip DENTIST At 'ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICIO — HEN° 1LL OSCAR KLOPP Professional Auctioneer, graduate Id Davenport Auctioneering School Ver me for real estate, merchandise, #$webers pedigreed stock, farm sales /Rates alwaysreasonable, my territory Ove world. Choi96 farms for sale. leltone 18-93 Zurich licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County 6pf Huron. In a positionto con- duct. any auction sale, regardless 4s to .. size or articles to sell. I solicit your business, and if not Satisfied will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r i3+ Zurich Meat :MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc �Iiighest Cash Price for Wool, 1 CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES ' 'uugbint s5,; Deichert ZURICH LIVERY. 1i ami in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE] J. THIEL phone 58 Zurich. I. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and pi the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every 'Tuesday. and Friday •from 10.00 a en. until 5.00 p.m., at the Commerc- ial House, (Upstairs). Main Off - lite at Bayfield, Ont. 2nd. Starting on Thursday, May NOTICE. We have opened up our eider mill and are operating same on Tuesday and Thursday of .each Creek. George Becker, Bronson iLne, north, of Dashwood. NOTICE. We are operating our cider mill every Tuesday and Thursda,v, be- ginning Tuesday .Sept. 19th. Par- ties wishing to have apple butter made, should make arrangements by phone. F. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich LIVE POULTRY WANTED 1111 'Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning *hen brought in. jHlghest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phdne 04. Zurich COAL 1 .. Spring and Summer DELIVERIES NOTICE I have taken out License for Auctioneer for the'County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con - duet sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. tf-29 SEASON 1922 Owing to the strike, of the Min - ,era now prevailing in the Pennsyl- 3riinia Anthracite coal fields, . we are unable to ;guarantee delivery ger price and until conditions be- icome more settled orders will be oaken subject to our being able to obtain supplies and at prevailing ,,Price .time of delivery. 2 . C a Tat 31C= °£OAL do PRODUCE MERCHANT TEEMS;—CASH ',I'dious • Oftice. .low. House 103. HENSALL ONT LOCAL NEW M.onday,lovembor'Qth, will be Thaelogiving Day and, a Public holiday. , Mr, W. IL 'Pfilo w; to. Blyth. on ,Saridayy. s a. visixar weelc rsa M.t J.KPreetitcheneerr„,spenndt oro thil rpoda, t, . a' `t! Bliss Nanny Gingerich of Tete ersLurg was a recent visitor with, relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. burgh of Aubtti'n were week -end visitors WiLb relate ivies here, 'They are contemplat ing of leasing Mr. B. Pete's,farm lath con. Mr. and Mrs. A, Moritz and family of Guelph and. Mrs. O. Weber of Kitchener,were recent visitors at the hone of the form er's mother Mrs. P, Haugh. e Mr. E. Restemeyer of Caealier, N. Doke, gave the Herald a fri errdly call one day last week. Mr Restemeyer was s delegate et the big Evangelical Conference at,Dee. troit, and was vis ting relatives and friends around .Zurich and Dash wood. He is leaving this Week for the west, and advises us;, that, r+cops were fine in the Cavalierdie. triet, but prices prove a flat. Mr. Emil Hendrick of the'Sati b1e Line, south might have .nfe`t with a much more serious accident` last Wednesday, when he 'fell from the overlays, in hia''barn to the barn floor. The threshing machine had just left and Mr. Hens-, dl:1:,•,3, Pr'eeto attended) the,l3i; f)ti E,C,,;cati•ventit,u fit Tpr.oarwo the twe1, ” dIIM"aid Mrd, Chris. Haist and FM may ttf :Crediton were Sunda: kl,itoa"$ at the home of Mr. G. eit0i 1tj rrou icl A small quantity, caF xliii+iiea • ' QWeer can' have :e. me 4,',44004I Office by paying 'this v� llxrs, 4, .Ort, Who is staying with ;her -daughter at Crediton', was a iii,ceek-.sial' visitor at the home of `Melick, 14Ir, :Gordon 'Wolper, son of;1Vlr. +CaSlrer Walper has `taken e pose :Wen in the Molsons Bank, where beesirltende to leare the business. ,Ihe".cider mill arid jam snaking eolieern of P. C. Kalbeleiseh, is era bney 'these fine days. ;Cus- oriiers; "are coming a long way to Bate their year's supply of apple butter. made. . Dai;. and Mrs. Ed. Broderick ani P'arilily ofHensaili and Mr. and Mrs 4a11. Rennie of Blake were visit- iYi,g at the home of Mr. Alex.Rene tri« Sin the Babylon Line on, Suu- 445' special .Thanksgi Ping services :Will be given on Sunday in the ivang.elica! church, and a special xreieisest is made to all to bring their . annual church clues to these rneetinge. On Monday eve. the "Live Wire 'Class" of. the Evangelical •\S. S. Mat at the home of their member „MeeLennis Callfas, who left Zurich this week for Kitchener, and pres- ented liim with a handsome ad- deeds and Mantle clock. 1'he'finest weather for this time Of the year we have again enjo;.ied rhe past week, really it is Septem- ber weather, and the people are Making good use thereof by gat - ting their fall work cleaned a lveee " A miscelleanous shower was ten- d'eieci Miss Lila Melick on Thurs- ;dey evening, prior to slier marr- 1ige, by the Ladies' clas sand the la+1y choir .members of the Evang. church. Many handsome and ac- ceptable gifts were given. James I`enomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, drick was about to close a ' smalll, Phone No. 10-93 door at the back of • the barn .and in doing so had to Growl upon tire. overaly+s. . Unfortunately one of , the joke was so near the edge of than beam and he not seeing'it, and' with his weight thereon, it eoVer balanced and fell with iVie..Fiend- rick Lo (the barn floor, and ,thee, by hewing his one foot to the ex- tent that he was obliged ,tor.use crutches, but in the natter of 'a! 'Week or so, will he all ri.ght°agaire DR. JOHN WARD Will make a • complete test of refractive condition of the eye, and of the muscles. Spectacles scientif- ically fitted. Services at reasonable charges. Will i,e at;— 8-22 Zimmer's Hotel, Dashwood, Wed- nesday, Oct. 18th. Walper House, Zurich, Wednesday Oct. 25th. Zurich Studio and Book Room Just received our ship- ment of School Books, High School Books Etc. Printing and Developing, Photos On Post Cards; Etc., Etc. Stationery always on hand tf21 OBRIEN & KALBFLEISGH Iiartleib'.Block — Zurich BARGAINS WE ARE SELLING OUT THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OF MEN'S READY TO WEAR SUITS AT CLEARING PRICES. AS WE DO NOT INTEND TO STOCK THIS LINE IN FUTURE. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY 1 only dark Brown Serge size 39" Reg. 35 for $26.50 2 Men's Navy with hairline stripe Sizes 37 and 39 Reg. 30 for $22.50 2 only fine Worsted siz 38-40 Navy 1 Brown Worsted At $19 size 3 8 For $20 1 Fine Navy Serge, extra quality For $26.50 2 Heavy aliwool brown size 44 At $17.50 1 Heavy Navy Size 44 At $18.00 1 Youths, Size 36 .. $2 ` 50 For . 2 Youths, Size 34, 35 For $16.50 1 Only Youths, Size 35 For $17.00 REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL No. 1 QUALITY GOODS. IN ORDER TO APPRECIATE Vr1I.UES COME AND SEE THEM J. Gascha ..81' Son —O BITUAITY There passed away at the Ki cbener-Waterloo General Hospit on 1 uesday evening, October 4 Louise Hutchinson, beloved 'iv'fe Ewart •Hutchinson, and younge daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jae Ho Wald, after a sudden illness•: only two dal: s duration The " ceased had only moved to 'Ki enEr a month ago, where the wee couple had taken up ,the; sidence, and her unexpected.'1 was a severe shock to the and many friends The a were brought to Zurich .o day evening, and the; kb was held from the deuce, was conducted ' mbe eof ...St:..Peet clrur ch, ,and was very tended. The pall -beard Messrs. Hesse Hess, •A,L Theo, H tberer, Ferd. Halle vid Fuss and Herb Moussetie leo • I) mourn her loss i e her sorrowing husband, fade: mother, three .brothers, 'and-., sisters as follows—Henry Rona of Zurich, Herbert and Feodore Kitchener; Mrs. S. Lennox, Rea lyn, Sask., Mrs.• Oscar Miller, K chener; Mrs. Kath. Barry, Louis, Mo., Mrs..Floyd D1i'llar, trete and 1VIrs. Earl Yearion, L, troit. The family wishes .to press their thanks to all those wh so kindly gave their cars, to th: choir and to all those who so kin day assisted them and for their sympathy shown during their re- cent sad bereavement. Mr. Christian Schragg of Zurich eve a short but pleasant call to fed and William Stock, on the 16 ire, in the nterest of high class istein cattle. Mr. Schrag was i,;hly pleaued with Stock Bros.' egant herd of Holsteins.—Zorra Nen=s in New Hamburg Independ•- ie• Winghanes oldest resident, Ar - Knox died on Oct. 26th aged ears' and nine months. He -resided for some time at the of his daughter Mrs. Swartz :e'nerable citizen was a native eland, and before corning to tri wus a resident of Kemp - and later of Clinton. Prior iris elite, .eett ur�y .:teti lc he an,iliar figure In the life" ham. "Ivlu4ieal Eckardts who are to al:pear at the Town' on Thursday evening, Nov. e, have been entertaining the iib[ic' for over a quarter of a ntury. T. Eckardt, daddl;- of the ganization, is stiS1 personally in farge of the Company. It is a bg*time since the Eckardts last isited Zurich, but few of the old encrs' remember them and speak er•y highles of their entertainn-t. rat. Besides the Swiss be'ii,s they z •1ophones, saxophones,bras rel, string ' instruments. The Co. ',embers a talented comedian who entertain with comic songs and monologues, LATE SUSANNA BORMANN • On,e by one the pioneers o:fi Zurich are taken to 'sleep in 'that that blissful Shore. This • week •ve record the passing ,of Sueen na Bornane relict of the late John :Deichert, at the age of S9 years, 9 months and 21 days'. She $iiad enjoyed her usual good health until about six weeks age . when she became bedfast, but t ore her suffering with fortitude and end- earing patience and sleapt. 'peace- fully awaej on Saturday evenine,: O.'t. 28th. She was born ite.Aulds- field, Hessen, Germany, in Mayi , 1813, immigrated tci Canada tibetr 19 years of age, and settled, 'et New Ilarnburg, after being .there for four years came to Zurich whe re she was united in marriage to her departed husband, the e late John Deichert, who died set eral years ago. She was married tied lived all her married life and dietk- in the same residence, which is one of the olcl landmar ka •of 2 ar- ich. Besides some relatives in Germany she is survived by her family of two daughters, Mrs, IIs Yungblut ;'and Miss An>anda Deichert who ',has • been en -iirvtalid the past twe.taty,-faire eee'rs, oT Zur ich Five sons, Harry Deichert of NeW° Haven, Mich.; Nicholas and Edward Deichert of Detroit, and John and Jacob 'of Zurich, the tat-- ter having lived with his mother. Also five grand children remain to ;mournthe loss of a feithfele kind; and affectionate mother Who has been as devoted to her family Baa. possibly could be, Owing to Mr,' Ed Deichert who is a Itravei'leri and 'Was. at the •time downt in south Mina, of the departed's death, the funeral was decided not to' be held till he. arrives, and will take place on Friday afternoo,p at 2 'Welocki When interment will be made to the Lutheran cemetery, R:e't*. FI. Rerrib4 officiating. NOTICE Will the party e'10 took the lumber, scantlingd the plat- 'forthused for cy nting, from the Fire Had, which is the property of theaZurich Po. 1Village, kindly re- turn same. By Order—Z. P, V. TRUS,i.EE5 T NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTice Is Hereby Given that All ;persons having claims against • he estate of Jacob Haberer,, late of the Village of Zurich, who died on the 10th day of August, 1222, ere required to "for ward their Glaring duly proven to the under- signed on or 'before the 18th day of November, 1922, AND NOTICE IS Further Given el;l,it atter .the said date the Exec- utors will proceed to distribute the estate,' having regard only to. the ela nae of which they then shall hi.e Notice. • Dated at Zurich this 30th day oT October, 1922. -Meter J Hab"erer,.Frederick J. Ha.b- eree.Margaretha Roeder, Executors SCHOOL REPORT .l;_e11oit:. for Sent, and Oct. S. 0.. No, 3, Hay. 'The following are in' the order of .merit, Jr. IV—Cooper Forrest, Orland Sienton.(equal)(, Sr. HI—Stewart Blackwell, Rus- sell,' Blackwell, Annie Jarrott. • Jr, III --Harold Reichert, Wil- fred Dlousseau, Arthur Broderick,. Mitier'i'a Reichert, .Ro.-s Richardson. Sr. II --Dorothy Kyle, Willie Arm strong, Margaret Mousseati, Rtis-. sell Isyle. Jr,,•I-•-Tom Artristrong, Debra Armstrong. II—Fido Stephens, Ruth Ilieltardson, Byron "I vlex, .Printer --Bay Broderick, Jack Armstrongand Lva. glutei, equal, • Mat'„; rret L. T-Te's, Teacher. 4. + +a ,l r�'tr'S 1 r r,•`.1 e�. Ik awmuuudl,uml uumnmimiiumohmNum n Immoonolonm mmnu • immunimiciumdadmummoonommum Immo 1.11ter¢ielayel�ritle079 leedlantlo Aveablepamtica Ie sirnilattugtlleToo6�'�'gula• er ii ingtheStomachs0011 Bawets II+ l'A? TS':4G711LDR1.b' ;l },1'he ry matin rD gestio> Gheertuliles%andRestGonain' lueitiler Op!um,141orphine nor Mineral. NOT OTIC; , ,rafGwJprsAM i' Infivain SeedRach Senna le Olt Anise Sod Bu °frdm sda strnurargretwir Ahelpfulriemeiti fbr -Consti anon f ha 8art0�. w,d F Loss ° SU EP --'-�5• nature°i Facerta M RE ce.pl.Q _ 6 month.- x,1.1 rrs 35 DOS1 '40117'. VY' Exact Copy of Wrapper. 9a 11 For Infants and Chldren, Mothers Know That. Genuine Cast,oria Always Bears the Signature of In Use for Over Thirty Years CASTOR1A THE CE ITAU8 COMPANY, new YOIIK CITY. Lumber.' Laths Shingles Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order, + Lumber and Building MYlaterial Custom Work our Specialty I Always in the market for saw logs PHONE 6 9 t• ,. , t y .} .4�f+4 4 .. } r•t. . { .'. , a �,;. , e M .- o r-�� .. K• e , 3 nJr 4,++++++ ++.4.4.41 K fi LBFLEISC.t 1. ' ZURICH J4 \, WANTED The best Ford 125 will buy. FOR SALE Chalmers *Six, New battery $850 1 Four wheel trailer, painted '90 F. ° M. Hess & Co. Zurich On X500.00 YOU RECEIVE IN 12 MONTHS AT ORDINARY SAVINGS INTEREST $15.00 ON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES OR 1 CANADA TRUST Co. CERTIFICATES YOOU RECEIVE $27.50 INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF YEARLY ON 'SUMS OF $100 AND, OVER FOR TERMS IF 1, 2,3, 4 or 5 YEARS COMOBINED ASSETS OF BOTH INSTITUTIOONS TOTAL OVEI • THIRTY-FOUR MILLION DOLLARS VICTOR BONDS SOLD AND BOUGHT. Have You MADE Y9UR WILL? FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO; --- Andrew F. Hess, Zurich