HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-02, Page 1ol.'XX1I1 No 16 SEE IIS FIRS! Leather Goods Close Prices ' 'White Goods Quick Service ' For. Dress or Sport. A wide You benefit because we s'el assortment of samples at as close a profit as Reliable Workmanship can stand GET Y.OUR''NEXT P I . W. H. PFILEooZ,URICH THE HOME OF CgO°G4}�� •Gc7C� ��•O•47•0004 .c7•0•O G OG�i dV O P•4i��� O'4Y14Gr•d•lJ•i•J•d•4.O.000•l!•44.0•t7.O• •O'•O.4440'• •O4r1l4.4•rJ•?d�y\ SII Chester L. Smith, Publish Sr 125 a Year In ..41dV311101/4 )..50INA 1t1LEAAS,.y4 MA 4. n. iHARGEvl7 'I1 x ' C. 4 3rown was at' Kitchr a few days' last week. r. David Faust of Bay Citry; is visiting relatives' around ii and.Mrs. Well. Johnston. and .Ross, were Sunday visitors at idst tek �rT 'Teter, Mousseau, of McGre 3 r rear Windsor, is' visiting .rel- res, here. D ' A J. MaeKnnon is visiting ..' e!, oer ;dear Toronto, and who s Dol _enjoying good health" ' bIr.' and Mrs. Jacob Smith of Obit - visited relatives and fri- el'io,s here and at 'Crediton ove the nra<l creel: �Iz and Mrs. C. Fritz, Wag d, 73` i{rlhy, and hiss Pearl Wurtz, tar'( }fire visitors to London on Sun - 0 GRAN :J STYLE DISPL OF m:n Ladies' Suits, Coats and Dresses AT oney Sabin number from Zurich attended 0 grand supper served by the '8 at the Hillsgreen Presbyter "church on Monday evening. rs. Philip Stier has sodl her epee san the corner of Wilmot Weberstreets to Mr. Edward '1—New Hamburg Indepen,- Prices... I+iC SIPCO° -014:G` xTH.E VER FOR FALL AND WINTER • IN WOMEN'S. READY-TO-WEAR AT MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES. ALL WE ASK IS THAT YOU COME' AND SEE THIS FALL FALL DISPLAY BEFORE YOU DECIDE ON PURCHASING, FOR WE ARE CONFIDENT THAT WE HAVE JUST THE STYLE YOU ARE.LOOKING FOR AT JUST THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY. Ladies' Hats +(� OUR NEW LINES OF LADIES' FELT AND BRUSHED WOOL HATS HAVE JUST ARRIVED IN A LARGE ASSORT- MENT OF COLORS, ONLY A FEW OF THESE HATS LEFT. • GET YOUR'S WHILE 'THE PICKING IS GOOD. '�1 D 2ens Fall and Winter Suite .SIO TheBiggest- and Smallest, �? o Man an Town will get equal astlstac- r o lion in En hi of his clogs wa hAve a t of prida in fitting 111111 wit h O'rUERS FIND HARD TO PLEASE; THAT'S WHY WE TIAVE- ,,,A OUR. CLOTIIING DEPARTMENT ALWASY WHAT IT SHOU- b LD BE. SO WHEN LOOK ING FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT, '4COME IN AND GIVE US A TRIAL, AS WE FEEL SATISFIED •• WE HAVE JUST THE THIN G FOR FALL AND WINTER 14� WEAR FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND lalowe'en eve. passed off with t'' usual pranks by the younger `' hile' the W.C.T.U. held a ween social tea in the Hall, ' ivas well patronized and en alt. This is the first ad in their new hall. w'as receivedhere on Tu' - Mr. Chris. Ei1ber of the is }mother -in law, Mr. Detroit, at the .11s born at Hama*' ea y_ by ;his brother, Mr. of Crediton; left on o attend the funeral.this ay. J. PREETER Phone 59 Produce Wanted.,.. WE ARE Z' THE 'MAE EET FOE ALSIKE AND CLOVER SEED 4 . ' r . 'fte:eeeetk"e .ice-�e,.. d i THE MONS BANK Incorporated 1855 apital Paid Up ` $4,000,000 'Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over: 125 Branches x�t is rot necessary to make a special trip to the nearest branch of The Molsons Bank ev'ary time you want to deposit money. Send your deposit to • the Bank "-by' mail. Write today to the nearest manager of The Molsons Bank for in- formation; C., H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch Cupid, never aims at random A pretty house wedding took placer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allred Melick,'Zurich, at high noon Tuesday, Oct. 3lst, when their elylest daughter, Miss Lila ;Carene eecathe the bride of the fortunate bridegrooms, Mr. Lennis Merner Ca;ifase coil of Mr.. and Mrs. 'W. C. Calitas also or' Zurich. The cer- eirto>ny was performed Ey, their trustor, the Rev. J. G. Litt iof the leapgelical church, in the pres- ence or".••the immediate members of the familiea. Miss Rose Hess beautifully plareed the same wed- ding -March ed -cling 2Mlarch which was rendered at the Wedding of Mr, and Mrs. Mehek, twenty-one Years ago , to the day, DThe best wishes of the entire Church and community accompany the bridal couple, who left imu5.ediately after the sumpt- uous uous wedding dinner for their new home at 25' Chappel St., Kitchener where Mr, Calnfas is employed in one of the arge factories of that busy city. 'Ile Herald joins in 10 extending ' congratulations, COMMUNITY Plate Silverware WE HAVE JI -3T i:ECEIVED(PIIE NEW LINE OF TUDOR MAIM - IN THE BEAUTIFUL BARONET DESIGN. • A MEDIUM PRIMA TABLEWARE OF EXCEPTIONAL GOOD WEARING QUALITY A FEW OF THE, PRICES; f Desert knives and Fork s$7,50 6 Desert $Spoons .._ $3.30 6 Tea Spoons ... Berry Spoon ... Sugar Spoon ... W. G. Hess, Zurich +•••••0004 404.04.40440•••• t •0000•ooM••00000A000i ••07' Fall Horse Goods 1: • • • • sus* ' . 4 a• Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72X84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices Ranging from $7.00 to SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. A. BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. Club Bags, Suit Cases and. Trunks at Right Prices. HARNESS REPAIRING A S PECIALTY IES; PHONE lc2 URI'CH .0+40,3.•1.oy.g••g,•y..g.3o-e•€..p.•;••i.•p,.g•.pi••i.•i••i.•g.•II.•g,3•++.1••l,.i.•t.•i•.F.•H•3..;.+4.444.•.44.• 44.4aQ4t + 4. Of Endurable Footwear 'i, + NOIR THAT THE CHILLY WINDS OF E' LLL ARE GAAIN 4 3 BLOWING, ONE MUST THINK OF THE COLDER AND WET 3 WEATHER COMING: WELL! WE ARE RIGHT` ON •THEJOB 4. 4. 4. WITH ENDURABLE SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILD- 4 DREN. OUR STOCK OF RUBBERS. FOR THE WET IS CONE- '#` + METE. WEAR THOSE OLD COMFORTABLE SHOES BY 4 � FITTING 'PlIEM WITH A PAIR - .g. Our Windows are displaying some of the Classy and Nifty 4. . •' styles, which afford so much comfort this season. - 4 + 13E- ECONOMICAL. BY BUYING AT THESE STORES 4.C. R ITZ �c,o N •4. SHOE i411ER RANT' 4: 4. ZURICH ®AB°IV�D: •4-e t•+;..;..g..g..l••II••F»P..II•.g•,4••4•.g.•p i'.l^,1•.II4'•fi�•fi 444ee 3 .e+e e+•F..q•.*r•II•,F.00.lee4.•g.++e•ir+eefe ).D oG aai CASTOR IA For Wants' and. Children In Use For Over3OYeara �a I Always beats the Signa'1urtt 5£ DON'T DELAY BUY NOW! \\ e can supply your. needs in good. Warm Clothing, as we have a complete assortment of: UNDERWEAR OF ALL KINDS FOR MEN, WOMEN A.NtD, .. ETrES 4 CHILDREN. ALSO HEAVY W RAl L ER , FLANNELET- TES AND DRESS GOODS. SWEATERS, ECC", E'rC. A Complete Line of Caps, Mitts and Gloves, 'Men's Hese Socks, Rubbers, Ruh,.er B000ts. \Ve are making a Big; Inti. Taction in Price on some Lines of Shoes, Halters and Plaa•neas. Repairs, Sweat Pads, Etc. Etc, PRODUCE AND GOOD DRIED APPLES WANT. D. R. N. pouGLAs GENERAL 11/1ER'Cl-1ANT PHONE 11 - $ 7 BLAKE