HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-10-26, Page 7W, E Y T11011,,BLESCOgE
If Rept Rich and Red. Good.
Health Will be Yours. •
Nearly all the common diseases are
caused by bad blood, weak, watery
blood poisoned by impurities. diad
blood is the cause of Headaches and
backaches, lumbago, • and rheumatism.
debility and indigestion, neuralgia,
soiatiea and other nerve troubles. It
is bad blood that causes disfiguring
skin diseases like eczema,, and salt
rheum, pimplesand eruptions, The
severity of the trouble indicates' how
impure the blood is, and it goes al-
lways from bad to worse unless steps
are promptly taken to enrich and bur-
ify.the blood. There is no use trying a
different medicine for each trouble,
for they all come through the one
cause ---bad blood. In conditions of
this kind Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
been found very beneficial, as they
have a direct action on the blood, en
riohiug„and purifying it. That is why
this medicine is• so often successful,
after other• remedies have failed—
they reach the root of the trouble in
the blood. Mr. Albert S. Giffin, Mount
Pleasant, P.E.I., tells what these pills
did for him, He says:—"Some months
ago I was in a badly run -clown con-
dition. My'blood was poor, I had no
appetite and niy work left me com-
pletely tired out. I fell off in weight,
was altogether in a miserablecondi-
tion. I was takingmedicine, but it
was not doing Hie any good. "At this
stage a friend who had used Dr. Wil-
' Hams' Pink Pills withbeneficial re-
sults, advised me to take them, and
acting on his advice I` did so. The re-
sult can be .summed up in 'a few
words: I took the pills for a little
more than a month, when I can honest-
ly say I never felt better in my life.
I can now eat a hearty meal, do my
work with comparative ease, and have
gained in weight. " I advise weak, run-
down people to give these pills a fair
Y'ea can get these pills through any
,medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
3oils—Their "Carse and Cure.
=foals Corrie from germ infection of
the skin, usually from other boils or
taliccrs or discharging wounds. The
germs get into a pore of the slain and
grow to .forma gathering which soon
turns to matter. The gathering
stretches the slain and 'cau'ses pain.
The sooner a boil is treated the.
quicker wa!1l1 it be cured. When a boil
first appears, wash it thoroughly with
soap and waterand place a drop of
carbolic acid right on the head of
the boil, Then paint the surrounding
dein with tincture of iodine. -If thfis
does not stop thte =boil, it should be
opened freely with a sharp pen -knife,
of which the 'blade has been held for
several minutes in . boiling water.
After opening the boil; pour peroxide
into the opening and cover the wound
with a .piece of clean cotton ,that has
been boiledd in water. Keep this cot-
ton moistened witch' a' solution made by
adding a teaspoonful of'. either Thoracic
acid or common salt to a cup of boiled
water. Change the cotton dreasing
twice' a day.
Don't let matter from a boil get on
the surrounding skin, and . boil all
clothing soiled with matter. If signs
of a new boil appear, paint the spot
with iodine.
It is a mistake to suppose that a
boil is a sign of health or' that matter
from a boil contains impurities which
previously existed I!,n the blood. Boils
usually appear in a person not in good
health. For this reason a person sub-
ject to boils should build up the gen-
eral health by simple living .and at-
tention to the rules of health. Keep
the bowels well open, eat freely of
vegetables and fruit but use only a
little meat.
What Might Have Been.
Pat was making a wooden pigsty,
when he missed the nail he was ham-
mering and hit his own thumb.
After having it wraped up he met
one of his friends, who, naturally, ask-
ed him. what she had been doing.
"Sure," said Pat, "I hit me thumb
with a hammer. It's: bad now, but I'd
had no thumb left at all if I'd been
striking with both Ihitnds!"
"Every great soul of , man has had
its vision and pondered it, until the
passion to make the dream.come true
has -dominated his life."
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Dr. Middleton will bo glad to answer questions on Public Health mat-
tersthrough this column, Address him at Spadina House, Spadina
Crescent, Toronto.
Mon's very existence on this 1.s earth
is threatened by another kind of war-
fare unknown.
ar fare'un'kii'owri toa large section of
humanity. This. was strikinigly made
plain by Dr;' L. O. Howard in his
presidential addres's' at Toronto ` re-
cently before the American • Associaa
tion for time Advancement of -Science.
"Tlie insignificant insect" is.. man's
greatest enemy, Dr. Howard main-
tains. "They threaten his life daily;
they shorten his food supplies, both in
his crops while they are growing, and
in such supplies after they are har-
vested and ,stored, in his clothing, in
his habitations, and,in countless other
ways. • In many respects they are cal year of life large numbers have
better fitted for existence on this physical defects of one kind or an -
earth than he is.'+ other, which could easily be corrected
Warnings like this are becoming if takers in time. These defects in-
nuniversal that man must cease war- clude decaying teeth, diseased tonsil's,
fare on his fellow -men in order to adenoids, defective eyesight, defective
preserve his existence in the struggle hearing, malnutrition, etc. All or any
with nature. of these defects tend to bring about
Ill -health and poor physique help a lowered state of health and prepare
the insect in this struggle, so • t s e e way al ve pre > o s -
manifest duty of all classes of Citi- eases which can be traced in many
MIS - to improve the physical and Hien- eases to the untreated focal infection
tal conditions of the resent and ar-
p p
tic ria 1 .of the risinggeneration, so
Ld2i to
'by observing hygienic principles:
in their daily life and by maintaining
physical fitness and freedom from de-
fects of all kinds the human race may
continue to remain supreme among
the living things of earth.
Are we doing. it? Just listen to
There were 7,804 babies died last
year in this province before they
reached one year of age! Isn't there
something prong here? Thisslaugh-
ter of the innocents must stop!
Of those who survive the first criti-
Al.,utumn Sunrise.
I}31aoned and round I saw the great
Sou rise,
Float out above tall maples Baring
A wind swayed them, blew steadily
And curved their sun -sprayed tops in
green dawn skies,
4ud at my feet the road with rainbow
Sparkled, and Winding onward—a
white thread --
Was lost in golden -yellow fields out-
=Under stray clouds rich -tinged with
autumn; dyes.
Out in the fields strong men were gar-
nering sheaves,
Singing old songs, clear songs of men'
deep -chested;
And the sun shone, ; and ' sunbeams
Carrie , down -thronging * *
I.also sang, walked on and knew no
Swished a thin 'bough . that twanged
out unarrested
Amid the rustle 'of wind•shattered
Louis Zukofsky.
The healthy child sleeps • well and•
during its waking hours is never cross
but always .happy and laughing. It is
only the sickly child that is cross and
peevish. Mothers, if your children do
not sleep well; ,if they are oross and
cry . a great deal, give them Baby's'
Own Tablets and they will soon be
well and happy again. The Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative which'
regulate the bowels, sweeten the stom-
ach, banish constipation, colic and in-
ndigestion, and promote healthful sleep,
They are absolutely guaranteed free,
from opiates and may be given to the
new-born babe with perfect' safety.
They are sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
One out of every four Children
.America are undernourished.
Minard's Liniment for Distemper.
Pat's Precaution.
Pat Maloney was .,nailing a box
which he intended sending by rail.
It was essential that the box should'
not be inverted during the passage,'
and a friend ventured to suggest that
Pat should write on the case, "This.
side up, with care."
A. few- days later, seeing Pat, he
asked, "heard any more about your
goods? Did they get there safely?"
`Every one of them broke!" said
The whe
1 lot? Did you label it,
'This side, up,' as I told you?"
"Yes, '1 did. °. `And for fear they
shouldn't see it on the top'I put it on
the bottom as well!"
Should Speak Scotch.
A visitor from the United States
was introduced to an old Scotsman..
"Frons what land do ye come?" ask-
ed the Scotsman.
"The greatest in the world," replied
the American.
"Puir bairn, ye've lost your accent."
which with a little forethought could
have been removed before irreparable
damage is done.
It is no longer a question of wheth-
er a country can afford public health
work. What it cannot afford is the
waste that must inevitably result
from the want of it.
Cet Back
Our Grip• On
Ilop4 r the millions of unfortunate
men f,till1• women who are victims of
stoinacl tz•pnble is sounded by Mrs..
I3. I3. Jglfcs, 187 Oak St., Hamilton,
Ont.• Mrs. .Tones was a victim of
stoma Illi trouble in its worst form but
was completely restored to health .by,
Paniap �_4She says;
"For thhiirty long years, I had nervous
Indigestion and stomach. trouble and I
call hardly describe all the agony I suf-
fered during that time; It may sound.
unrearsonable, but Tanlae completely
restoredmyhealth and I have gained
thirty-five' pounds in weight. Tanlac
is simlliy •wonderful."
iJndigestecl • food ferments in the
stomacli`:and spore the entire system is
filled • with poisons, Tanlao was de-
signed to restore the stomach to a
healthy:condition and build up the
w'holo body., Millions ,everywhere have
acclaimed 'its; wonderful power. Get
a bottle:'to-day.
• Tanlac is sold by all good druggists.`
Princes rn Beggary.
"The German princes, proud and
wealthy' relies of royalty, are in sore
straits; and some of them are making
persistent appeals for public aid. Os-
car, of Prussia and Rupert, of Bavaria,
are -imploring the German government
to pension them as former generals of
the Imperial army, while the Duke of
Saxe-M'efuingen wants to return to.
well-paid duty as inspector general
As tor• William Hohenzollern, for-
merly ser
or-merly_E4iser, he contents himself with
claiming. the property belonging to
him. In `.Berlin and the suburbs he
claims fifty-three palaces or other re-
sidences.. Many houses in Berlin are
mortgaged to him; ' he has properties
all over Germany, and his wealth is so
great that the ' Prussian Minister of
Finance, who is in charge of auditing
his accounts with the government, de-
clares himself incapable of estimating
it fully.
And the Kaiser does not pay a cent
of tax en his income:
"Cascarets lOc
Best Bowel. Laxative
When Bilious,
To cle
ean out your bowels � itho t
cramping„�ovr overacting; take Casca-
rets sick headache, biliousness,
gases/ indageSti-9n, sour, upset.stomaeh
and all such d,•_S
ss gone bymorning.
Nicest physic ;on earth for grown-up
and children; :' 10c a box, Taste like
What Pat Wanted to Know.
"Phwat are thlni buckets for on the
shill in • the hall?" •
"Can't,yeS read? It says on them,
'For Fire ;Only: " ....
"Thin why hov they . put water in
A Dominion Express Money Order
for five dollars costs three cents,
Stitch In Time.
If a picture nail gets loose in the
wall,; wrap it round with wadding sat-
urated with glue, and press it into the
hole. With a damp. rag wipe off all
glue that exudes and leave to dry.
In this connection the old saying
again rings true: "A stitch in time
eaves nine."
.0, Mont weal* _
,uwll potion of Motass _-
umCereal Compan
Mno C.tt. do CSA
XII renis l-, iumirs pp
un ,111,11
why risk your health?
path of the tea or coffee drinker is beset with dangers
1 to health and comfort. These dangers lurk in the irritant,
Caffeine, which is the active principle of both tea and coffee.
For those who enjoy a well -made cup of tea or coffee, but
find that it makes them nervous, wakeful and irritable, there's
satisfaction and freedom fromdiscomfort in delicious Instant
Posture --the table beverage of no regrets.
Its fragrant aroma and rich, full-bodied flavor are delightful.
Instant Postum is made from roasted wheat and contains no
Caffeine, mor any othei: harmful ingredient whatsoever.
Order a tin from your Grocer TODAY!
Instant Postum +Olt fEALTfI
"There's a .Reason
tctn sent,ost aid, for 4c in state, s. Write,
A generous tieimple tib of instant PCs postpaid, > p
Ciehgdinn Pttltutn Cereal CO., Ltd., 45 Front Street, Toronto. Factory; Windsor, Ontario
Ask for Minard's and take no other,
- "No. Surrender.
During the unneighborly war be-
tween England and' France, in one s•ea
fight li,M S. Marlborough was engaged
in a gev`ere :battle, and got the 'worst
of it. The Captain and.second lieuten-
ant were dangerously wounded, the
vessel was so;sihattered that to Handle
her was ,impossible. and the officers
and crew were, deep in.con ferencce as'to
a "surrender,' -One officer protested,
declaring bo would nail the colors to
the'inast and,
go down fighting. There
were souse' poultry -coops on the deck,
and during the fight the coops had
been broken and the poultry were
roaming a i; -their own will. At themo-
ment when 'the,,,protest a'gains't "sur-
render" °'u*as .going on; a young rooster
happened to fly on the stump of the
broken 'mast, and -having reached. the
top, pped has wings and sent out a
lusty clarion cry of "Cock -a -doodle+
The'sailors gave a loud and merry
cheer, and vowed there should be "No
Surrender." A few minutes after •
H.A'LS.Aquitoii'oanie to their help and
towed the Marlborough to a place of
safety:.'' e iaiirnt young .rooster be-
came a 1>uiili<<.hero, rigid his •'rock-a-
doodledoe' of defiance to the eti ny
endeared bhxl ie his country. Ids re-
maIned with the crew, and became
their proufl.O1UI happy pet --their liter-
al "Inascot,'
Smile a ankle; while you smile an-
other sitiil0d,, and soon there's nitles
and =nibs of rabies: ,tiicl life's worth
while if you taxi smile,- Jane 'Tboirtp-
The .,best brsiftes min isn't always
the ono whd is•'ttti.cltest to set through
a litre-positloii :,,a.t's the one who is the
entlekcat to sd h proposition through,
IS OE YVo.'42---'22.
:h:^•u� %;alit.
Clean Child's Bowels with.
"California Fig Syrup"
Even a sick child loves the "fruity"
taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the
little tongue is coated, or if your child
is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold,
or has colic, a teaspoonful will never
fail to open the bowels. In a few hours
you can see for yourself how thorough-
ly it works all the constipation poison,
sour bile and waste frons the tender
little bowels and gives you a well,
playful child again.
Millions of mothers keep "California.
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea-
spoonful to -day save s a sick child to-
morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine
"California Fig Syrup" which has di-
rections for babies and children of all
ages printed on bottle. Mother! You
must say "California" or you may get
an imitation fig syrup.
China starts exporting its walnut
orop in September.
Fisherman's Friend
The Original and Only Genuine
Bulk Carrots
Itched and Hard Pimples
Broke Out, Cuticura Heals,
"My face and neck all broke out
in a mass of nasty pimples. . My
face used to itch and then hard pim-
ples would break out and fester over.
They itched and burned dreadfully
at times, and my face was badly dis-
figured for about nine months.
"I tried different remedies without
any effect. I saw an advertisement
for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and
sent for a free sample. It helped me
so much that I bought more, and
after using two cakes of Cuticura
Soap and tw o boxes of Cuticura
Ointment I. WAS healed." (Signed)
Miss Hattie E. Cruickshank, Lower
Caledonia, Nova Scotia.
Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum the care of your skin.
Sample Each Freebylkiaii..Addreee: "Lymane,L1m•
lied, 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal.." Sold every.
where. Soap 26c. 0lntment26 amine. Talcum 26c.
Ear Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.
Classified .I d'rtrt i ement
mc�aozraca" W*N T IR•
�rSTI%IC'l' AGb)NT lrOI "..norZXtil"
4-1 Spark Plugs wanted. guaranteed,
Car, truck, or tractor; reinseed if de-
fective; soli one dollar. Write for par-
ticulars, Bodin Co., 99 Maitland St.,
.4 big money by selling 'Butterfly
lints, " non -boiling lime dyes, to retail
stores on straight commission basis.
Butterfly Tinting Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
.:J ing cards; sample book free; Men
41,4 women already making $5 up daily
in spare time, i3radley Limited,. Brant-
ford, Ont.
is UPIL NURSES WA,nrelliD-•-2-YBA'It
course; accredited school; monthly
allowance; first-class training in surgi-
cal, medical and obstetrical work; full
course of leootures. Apply Superintend-
ent, West End Hospital, 36 5. 'Boyne
,Ave., Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.
114, Yohge Street Toronto. Itegistargrl
Patent Attorneys. Send for free booklet.
1 TION hose. new and used, shipped
subject to approval at lowest +rices in
Canada. York Besting Co., 116 York
Ft.. Toronto. Cont,
arm !toes 1Aog asezaiitus.
Book on
and Bow to Feed
Muliod. Pres to any hd-
dreas by the Author.
Z. Clay Glover Co.. Lae,
129 West 24th Street
New York. Cj ade-
Instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsin"
Corrects Stomach so
Meals Digest
The moment you eat a tablet of
"Pape's Diapepsin" your indigestion is
gone. No .more distress from a sour,
acid, upset stomach. No flatulence,
heartburn, palpitation, or misery -mak-
ing gases. Correct your digestion for
a few cents. Each package guaran-
teed by druggist to overcome stomach
Now Works Nine Hours a Day.—
Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable
Compound Restored Her Strength
UnionVillage, Vt.—"I was weak and
nervous and all run-down. I could not
walk across the floor
without resting and
I had
been that way
for weeks. Isawyour
advertisement in the
paper and after tak-
ing one bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Com-
pound I felt the good
it was doing me and
I took seven more in
ail. Before I finished
I was able to work
nine hours a day 'n a steam laundry. I
cannot say too much in favor of your
medicine. l trust all sick and suffering
women will take it. It has been two years
since I took it and I am strong and well."
—Mrs. L. A. GUIMANN, Union Village,
This is only one of such letters we are
continually publishing showing what
Lydia E. Pinkham has done for women,
and whether you work or not Mrs.
Guimann's letter should interest you.
Many women get into a weak, nervous
run down condition because of ailments
they often have. Such women should
take Lydia E. Pinkham'aVegetableCom-
pound at the first sign of trouble. Good
health is necessary and this splendid
medicine will help you to keep it.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken pa'ckage" of "Bayer 'I^ablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians coring 22, years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache
'Toothache Neuralgia• Faraehe Lulnbn l
Pain, Pain
tautly t°Ci:iyer'll"t+ os i•I 12 i,ildol. - \1-.o bottles Of 54 and 160---i,lrii,itigtsis.
Archin to iha trsan marl: 1rr^gistr.,•rt in 0,' , t,in) „i` lta:tr 11^r;'ti (i r of \tnt,n•
aeetletr'eidester of ;>siic,r'1'crlOif7 While if 1-, we'll 'known tint .tilair'n 1zt. I.na 11ay. t
inatm1acttrrrr, to aselet th,•'ptlbil i tint ,rnitallcur. 1hr` 'l t 1 i, is "f 1 Tor t'ontranY'
will ,he ets,r cud wItli their scacrai trade mark, the "13,, c: cireu�•'