HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-10-26, Page 5•trz9:;rr°m,5 F :w; Tixurs(1ay, October 26th 1922 BUSINESS 'CARDS uucffoot, Killorun & iioI1\ Jr % Barx1stexsv. pc? lig: Loa NuLaridt, , P> aali., Etc. Oit,ee on the Sqoaie, girl dooe from ll.amiltou St, God- elrich, Private' funds. to loan at •loaveet rates. • W. Prouditiot,' K,C, J. L, k illorazr, D. E. klolmes, Mr. Holmes will be in Hensel), op Friday of each week, „rr,�..;wry.w..,....oa,wea,nu+.+nw�•nw•....no.---, AndrOW F. Hess, Township Clerk Issuer of marriage licenses, Notary Public; Commissioner, :Fire and Aut .mobile .Insurance, Representing 'Huron and Erie Mortgage Corpora - ties, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontaro. e - air e DEI`4'Jl 1ST At. -ZURICH EVERY WADNi SDAY DA.SHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY• MAIN OFF1Cpl — HEN° \L14. OSCAR KLOPP ProfessionalA.ucttoueer, graduate ast Davenport Auctioneering School m 'e for real estate, merchandise, y • i,ewellerypedigreed stock, farm sales Hates alwaysreasonable, my territory sale. the world. Choice farms for Zurich Phone 18.9 3 " • Licensed Ani tnceV Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron: Ina position to con-. auction sale, reg.ardJess duct an j? nes to size or articles. to sell. 'solicit your business; and if not for 'satisfied will'make no charges' servaices• Dashwood, .Arthur Weber, Phone .31 r 13. Z'urioh ee • Fresh and"' Sart Meats Boiogna.. Sausages,' etc ",li ghest Cash Price for Woull1 CASH FOR SKINS terw'II1DES irtingbinat ZURICH LIV.IERV I ami in a position to accomo- date :all requirements in the Leery tine,' have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL • Phone '59 Zerich: PUT YO1111 Wantsy For Sane, Lost, round, Ilotice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN WANTED M[' W. a.. Nue un' Friday. fir. and Mrs. A. Melicic, :Miss Lila: M.eliclt. and Miss :Cert 13 rill were to ,, ntdon on Thursday. We are in the market for, Dutch ivl:i', John J)eci,,e' Jr., was at ;Bette and large onions, Highest Poiest on iSunday. market prices paicd, )lost be well. Dr: Taylor of 'Dashwood call'cl cleaned,_16 in the village on Monday. T" 1'1, W lfTi"1VI is visiting with relatives :at DryEla When a man loses anything e7ase he advertises for it. When he los- es his head, he stops advertising, and then everything stops. London 1@, S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTISiT Graduate of -the Royal College Jot Dental •Surgeons of Ontario and 01 the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer; Mil- itary District No. One,London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday and Friday *from 10.00 a ns. until 5.00 p.m., at the Commerc- ial House, ,(Upstairs). Main Of- 'fife i at 'Bayfield, Ont. -19 Starting on .Thursday, May 2nd. LIVE POULT RN( WANTED WANTED DUTCH SETS. highest mar- ket price paid, Must be thoroughly dry and put through .fanning nxill J. GA.SCUO & SON r-16 ;tar: Jonnathan 131earn of . Mielb NOTICE. visited the past week at the home We halve opened up 'our, cider, of his sister, Mrs, Gott. Merner mitt and are operating same - on Mr, 1)an el Smith, who ;spent the Tuesday and Thursday of each pn'st feahWeeks 'at New liauxhui'f;, week, ' George Becker, Bronson returned home on Friday. iLne,' north of D4sliwood• •Mr, and; Mrs. P, J. Smith of, Ch athani wee visitors at the home NOTICE. of ldr. and Mrs, John Hey, Jr.,last • We are operating our eider mill. every Tuesday and ,Thursday, be- ginning Tuesday Sept, 19th. Par- ties wishing to have apple better made; shoilcd make arrangements by phone. F. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich NOTICE week. Mr. Kenneth Routledge, ' who spent the Past few months • at Lawson, Sack„ has returned and haillookhailand hardy. Cooler .reasonable weather d prevailing the past'few: days, as the., tuns :for the .nice . rearm baleeyy dasy ;will be a thing .of the past Lor some months. Mr.and Mrs. Moses "Erb and I have ',taken .out License for Mr. and Mia. Ituciy, Schwattzentrtt- Auctioneer for the:County of Iiur- her of the Bronson. Line,..lveie,a'e-. on, and am in a position to ..cone cent Visitors with friends • at. New duct sales by auction. Clive me IIainburg • Mrs. E. Bassenberry, who, has' • been for several •weeks ,with her sister, Mrst P. Koehler,; owing to illness, we are pleased to state, in able. to go to, her again: 'Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do mot feed fowl samo morning wbeln brought in. Highest Cask Prices -CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. 'O'Brien Photo 94, Zurich CO L. Spring and Sumner DELIVERIES a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no change. tf-29 James Denomey,• 4 R. 2, Zurich, DR, JOHN WARD • Will make a complete test of refractive condition of the eye, and of the muscles. Spectacles; seientif- ically fitted. Services at reasonable charges. Will i' e at;— '8-22 • Ziamner's Hotele Dashwood,. - Wed-• nesday, Oct, 18th, W alper House, Zurich, Wednesday Oct. 25th. Zurich Studio and Book Boom Just received our ship- ment of School Books, High School Books Etc. Printing and Developing, Photos On Post Cards. Etc., ;` Etc. Stationery. always on hand tf21 OBRIEN & KALBFLEISCH Hartleib', Block . — Zurich GAI • Mr. Hy. Voir and, who recent1 underwent an operation • for ap l•,enclriatis at a London Hospital, { is we are pleased to state, able'to be around town again. The Misses Smith*, Miss Voelker and Miss Pearl Oi'twein of Creditor spent Sunday With the Tatter's' par-, exits, on the Bronson Line. WE ARE SELLING OUT THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK 0,F MEN:S READY TO WEAR SUITS AT CLEARING PRICES. AS WE DO NOT INTEND 'PO STOCK THIS I.IN.C, IN FUTURE HERE 1S. YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY 1 only dark Brown Serge size 39 - 'SEASON 1922 Curving to the strike of the Min- >ers noir prevailing in the Pennsyl- %'ania Anthracite coal fields, we ere linable to ,guarantee delivery or price and until conditions be 'cote more settled orders will be taken subject to our being able to oo'btain supplies and at prevailing prieetime of delivery. '►.�., Can -talc= a.. Vo'AL & PRODUC u MERCHANT TERMS,—CASH 'hone • Office 1Ow. House lOI. I EN SA LLv ONT, lg, Reg. 35 for $26.50 2 Men's Navy with hairline stripe Sizes - 37 and 39 • Reg. 30 for $22.50 2 only fine Navy Worsted siz 3840 At$19 L Brown Worsted size 3 8 For $20 1 Fine Navy Serge, extra quality For $26 2 Heavy 1 Heavy e No matter how favorable things are from now on the fuel situation this winter will be troublesome Es. eiy ae ailable stick of wood .. ought to ibe. gathered before the snow falls. • Rev. J. G. Litt, who spent the pact few. weeks at Detroit as del- egate to the E'rangeliea4 General Conference, returned home on Tri esday and will resume his cluttes as pastor of the Zurich church °a- gain on Sunday. The Listowel Banner states that furnace coni is being retailed./ at. $14.50 a ton. In Wing am coal is being sold at $15.60 lir St Marys it is $16.00: A 'citizen of EXettr iaitaCky, "How is it that: Exeter .has to pay $19.00?" The Fen' Motor Co. at Detroit, last week a.•iiou•nced a cut of $50 in the lar `e of :all passenger cars, Here, rt es 6 -passenger touring cat s ,wi, 1-c or $258; roadster, $26); ch- a so , $235; coupe $•,30 and sedan $595; The price' of the self starte remains at $70 and denxountable rims at $25. ZTJrt, 10If E.ER4 1 D YOUTHS CQM1tANIOrf 0ALJ. TJ)ER FOR 1923 f'rzblisher*s, of al icy Youth's ),rap are rending to every a' }lvlto he, parer: -$2,50 for ssUpiir of 11)21 a Uale9i14ar t'',n' w year,, tables vii , roc and dark blt-r!, •and ablet besides t reran the of'the current month in bold 1 "'I131 type gives- the calendar of .;',0,eeecding.• and ,succeeding no annul .type .in the mnar: in. a, yrolalitaon Calendar has been to st:andud form for ixle{t tears and is 'ngerl;r sotigIxt ecan.'L of aits novelty and cor;- venienee, The regular meeting of the W. C l'.U. was held, on Wednesday eve. Oct 1811i, The devotional partway; lcd1ed bg Miss Pearl Wurtz the subject being the "23rd. Psalm". The Presidell Mrs. C. Heyrock had charge of the 'educational half hour and gaveee eery interesting paper about "Cen.id'a" The Land of Big Things.' i41i'. and ialrs. Jacob Howald of the village received the sad news on Tuesday .e'v'ening of the -death of their daughter Louise, Mrs, 1irvart Hutchinson, at Kitchener Hospital. She had been sick for only a short time .and was mar ried to Mr. Hutchinson. on Septem, ber 18th ta:,t. ” The remains tt ill by brought to Zurich for huvial' Pay cash; is one of the best iof slogans i,kr, a householder. One of the best agents for filling the poor house is a charge account Payin; cash puts a constant che- ck on buying while a cliarg•e ac- count encourages reckless pur h- elses' It's 34o easy to bay and. "have it charged', but when the day of reckoning .corrnes it is not iso easy to settle the bill, and many th{ n BORN ,t la. lztnd-1n Crediton, on Oct. 12; ,te-Mr. and gig. Lloyd. England, a son Westlake --At the 'Sauble 'Line, Stanley, 011 Oetobier 17th, to Mr. a}lid Airs. Thomas Westlake; a don: IN MEMORIAM Wood's --In loving memory of our dear Sister Sadie J. Woods who died -at 13r,i, den, Ont., ,0 Ot.t. 20th 1.991$. In the cemetery softly sleeping, whore the flowers gently wave T iris the one We ..loved so .dearly,. in he.r lonely silent grave. The flowers we place above you they wither and decay. But r;the love we bore thee, darlrigi, will never fade away. ll"r Sister ansa Brother, TA NLFY TOWNSHIP. The Presbyterians Congregation :af 'Varna head a very sucerssfril anniversary services last Sunday, Rev, Mr. Fergusons, of Winthrop wa 'tlhe preacher for the dray and large crowd a assembled morning 9(r{3: evening to hear him. The music was furnished by the choir assisted by Misn Stewart. Mx,s. Will Reid is seriously present, her many friends hope for ;..her speedy ;recovery. f• i"gas',•., . ar+, • Chldren Cry forFletcher' Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children, Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-up~~ are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the comMou ailments of Infants and Children • that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. Whata+ S >l R " o Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains neither Opium, :Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For Inde than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea;` allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a,.d'by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilatioh of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The 1?;other's Friend. S 0,3fA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of r,f-,e_tvfr hi Use .. ' 'rOver 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK; CITY 1104 T1 e annual. Sundtay School and. •i.+';..A003•44„,1.4rr,1.4'd'✓c4r »+..;.s. . •4-4-÷÷÷++++++44 Ebw i'th League :convention of the 1. 11;tmbeY' Cl o,Xea ich ' District was herd in the i• Methodist church Varna on Tugs- t I,aths Shingles 4, ay. Mere 24th. ere Here three: sessions, morning, afternoon , Everything in aid et ening all of which were in - lei t:sti. . and helpful. .Rev. A. W. Brown, a farmer lays 4, Combination sto m and screen door's made to order, + tor of vacua( called on ft few of his 16 trrends here last Saturday. He Lumber and Building Material was accompanied by Mrs. Brown , 4 and family sand' is now stationed at' , a a rix' 1Cairilache: CustomWork our S r.�eci'a� y T 'The bean buyers are 'moving 0 `4, a• .gin• this :week. buyers are offer ' uig $2.10 a bushel for good.stuff, Always m tmarl et for saw logs + a conscientious merchant is accused of adding to the bill simply 13e- al'Iwool brown size 44® cause the ;customer Cannot realize At $17. all his moments of past foolislxne n, —Ex. Size 44 yy of d has been iece Navy ed 00 the illness of Mrs. 'Richard h&,i,e Ato $13 . chard 'BolY. inson of Goshen line; Stanley who ''"r-ra.ize•left. with her httsbaixd F�1a or e 1T or. 30 West three weeks ago. Mrs,.Robor. 2 .50 inson was visiting with ,;friends at 1VIacCi-regorl Man.,' when !she was , 2 'Youths, Size 34 35 taken seriously ill Dr.Swan of ' MacGregor advised "ise t rd 1 t? • remover! to int'+ i lot are being 'marketed • Evangelical Church Union Tr- it T Arc At_ PHONE 69 � ZURICH Another chapter in. the history $ sieetsessieseesit of Church., Union was completed •4 , a.w ��_ a�$ h• ' .1 r w ,tie i �.ar:F.:.•a a $ lr +++++4-!,,+++,1e+++ M q 4 w, .fi or«On.g h when the Evangelical Association Church: et which the local u•hurn!, at Crediton, at Dashwood, 14th con. --------- Hay Tp,, and the' Eanranuel Et'anr gelical Church of Zurii'h are.mem FilsosanommagswerramsErnmssmaiscare hers.,Of and the United E �angedical' Church, Ior:n.iadly consum mated in 1 Mack Ave Evangelical Church, Dees tro:it, on Saturday forenoon, Oct.l tithtithe19922. • 'For some fifteen years union negotations have been in progress, and •after the various annual con- ference had accepted the basis of n m union submitted by the joint ca= mission on .un ion by oserwhelmirig '11aiot itiex in both of the churches a special general conference was Caller? to convene in Detroit to eomt)let�e the merger. It ;was an impressive endues `er=' try-be.forgotten scene when, after i;the two churche'l in separatio ees- $eiotas, but divided only by a mov- able partition, had :recepted the b' stsa and had wound un o'•l hars- ime s, the two C4eneral Co"fere,ueei then met in a united Conference to take. the fir -t Steps in the organ- irsation ci'f the new church under the name of. " 1.'he Evangelical Ch- 'rrch" Fifteen United Evnni;'e'ical '1elteeeii tes of East Pennsylven'. de•- elin •.d to vote either for or tgan itt A very im•ni'essive and a de-,-, reply 1p'ritual. der otien.al hour p e-- etle d, the formal organic�ation Rishau l i'ey o ret. Senior Bishop of the Et, A.rsociation4 led the s{erv- ic, Mind . \t- an •'assiisted by'\rasions F or 16• + .50 l' where Rospiwhere she 'und- erwent erwenl:' an ' operation ,at noon on , 1 Onlyly Youths Size 35 Tlursda yiet. loth. Since : .the For $17.00 ocip{ation she is progressing fav- l i ve orably and her ' physician is \vc it pleased with ltei' 'condition. , •Ev er:' .lio s, is entertaix d fol :iiet' REIVIEM13ETi , THESE ARI. AtIL y speed yr'eeoverly,!` isra. 1 QUALITY (+001)S. IN ORDUR 'CO APPIiIftlIAil.`I+1 VALUC:;S COMB AND 'SEE TH1+,iVC Gascho:& Son NOTICE Will the party Who took the lumber, scantlings . giddy the plat- form usedfor ceitlenting, from the 'Fire Hall, which is the property of the Zurich Po. 'Village, kindly re- turn same. 13y Order --Z, P. V. T1 US T El.S 10ltder4 ,of both churches. After the delegates had been -duly nc- reditt'd the roll was called on the :',t to -proceed to the foi'tna.l or r, WI sen 'l n ' v ehurch.l . e anaratilli of the net . 1wliraehfa.'r maan declaredthat the 211 dele';ates;ltresen{t had Voted iina,n- imi ell's,', til t'he ::arfirtn.a*ive, the pent p?)• feelxiigs •o'f ,the de'leg'ates and the tti.any Visitors could no longer be t4i;$tra.in'ed; hitt, gavevent ,,to prelon •ads applause, the,singing of hvm'ts ,and shouts' of praise "Bleat Bn liincds" is the falia orite hyiuti of the Conference. The ;combined Church consists of 37a,ir uual conferences, 1840 min' - 1st: n s, 249,106 church members, 'tia Sunday' School. enrollment of 34 , 11.2 and, :has l)rop"rty -valued ' nt ,hoot $2;9,000,000. ''Rev. 3..0. Litt i V flick%i,4as :present as 41 Confer - racy ih egate and Rev. W. 3; Y? ht ], ti;f 'Dashwood as a 'Visitor, p:•la,l Mx', J. U, Iloltztnar5 anal lievl. S. Jkl. Il. r, cTi' of Crediton were pres- ent: tri 'i • the union wag consiihi-• t,tai dt e. former as lay delegate and ll; .latter as alternate t,xin%st�. ',•r al,,gate of the Canada Cone WANTED The best word $125 will buy. F R SALE C1iaimers;Six, New batteiy $850 . 11 our wheel tr ai e ',.1paifted $90 Fo . Ness & C On 415 Zurich 0 YOU .RECEIVE IN 12 MONTHS AT ORDINARY SAVINGS INTEREST ON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES OR CANADA TRUST Co CERTIFICATIS YOOU RECEIVE 27.5 INTEREST � rR ES'T IS PAYABLE HALF YEA.RL.''2' ON SUMS OF $100 AN1r OVER FOR TERMS IF 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 'YEARS COMO.I3INE1) ASSISTS OF 110TH INSTI;TUPIOONS TOTAL OVER Ti I1 T '-9'013R :MILLION DOLLARS VICTORY BONDS SOLD AND BOUGHT. Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ran Far 1?AIITIC'ULAES APPLY TO;--- • ' Andrew F. Hess, Zurich