HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-10-26, Page 4rP. Trovr the Ladles' Aid of the Evenge'iicall, church met at tli•$s home of Ntrs. Trip, HERALD Win, balite: rs see : her departtiee to �l red W dnesday noon fx o ilx rias Thi{'cltenet. After reading the ad - i LER?D PRINTING dress and p l# enti i 1 'her with t pleasant time in es, 3e or after 'Ian 1st 1920 leaving, a fint ln 1a was enjoy - The Ladies' Aid of Calvary J\:- e OFxiC'silex art glad c„ihtspent a anf Tegtive beeription teems; $1.25 per Fearedbya11 d advance; $2:00 may be charge l' rr s.� ;Pald. U. S. subscri.nti- not o one '$1.75 strictly in OVanee, N0 angelical church is g'i'ving a The anitsgiving social on 11ronday:night Nov, 6th, After a program -givr- er u discontinued '<,lntal all at- en. b c th.e. Young people; lunch will. P d unless at the option he served in the basenxeet, of the Veers are psi from is paid 'SIi C., Gates l a n spa. • . ,lit the publisher. Tile date to church• darned f tasxe which * every subscription a ,*reit in the west, e denoted on the label, ADVERTISING RATES, �9iislay Advertising -Made known Win application, Stray Animals --One insertion 50e S�rea ins erttona::$Y.00 or sale 1',aree or Beal. Estate £ 42 for that month, $1 or each st b- tsequent insertion. ss dire al yards not exceeding lE'.raYe;ssion inch, $5 per year. Auction Sales, $1.50 for one in eseetion, $2 for two insertions, if not ;Neer 5 inches in length. Local not - f HILLSGREEN T3illsQreFn Presbyterian Church. Anniversary will be. held on $und day, Oct. 29th, at 11. o'clock . a.m. and 7 o'clock, pan, Rev. Mr-, McLaehlari, 13 D., of Torcmto will pr•ecteh. There '.t in be special music as well as specie,.' offerings. A Tea Meeting' wil!1L be held on 1lT$onday eveiaing, October 30th, Supper served' by the .ladies front and Legal 5.30 to 3.30, an excellent program reading matter, 1Oc a line o will be rendered consisting of C1- lees, g inton Orchestra, Crediton Quart- fac insertion anci 5ce per line for etre Kiphill Odette, Miss Ola insertion. sit io n. • c`Ei subsequent to c>l,. 1;1 yet i �a C i sr?s by i tt'anist: Addresses Caxd of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50c Rev Mr. Foster .and Rev. Mr. M.c- Miscellaneous articles of no ,sate than five lines, For Sale, To 'Rent, or Wanted, Lost. Found, etc., +eacle insertion 25a. Address all eommienieations to TIE ';-HERALD NT. ZURICH, Dur mailing List has been cor- 'ereeted to.October 17th. A.nd rif' ;you have made renewals adn have mei been credited, kindly let us Arnevw, as we have many names on vets list, and a mistake cen easily ,made. Just a word to those evhose label reads in arrears, surely ,you. will not have us send your .accountby mail. But if you are ietreless and do net pati ep this atTnst happen shortly. l Have some :8insiness principles about yourself and pay at least once a year. The aeady print people at Toronto wh- stxre we gett he paper from make wait on us once every month for ;eons paper, and yet a 'few have k'he nerve to • make us wait for seer pay for a few years. HENSALL. a}. T. R TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING Stage leave ;Zurich ,._ 7.00 a.m. ,$oath, No. 161. ,• 8.58 n.m. A%rth, No. 163 . -., .--10.33 a.m. AFTERNOON • Stage, leave Zurich -_-. -_-3.00 Pen. South, 1'To. 16 t - 4.50 p.m. North, No. 165 ___ _-..:6.14 p.m. ceeee 1, Evereeteele welcome; •.i1.d mission -50c. and 2 -re, HENSALL F,a , :11•11 is coin ,11-1 a the rut of an accident da. r last, 1To titr,ts SSiOl lit? waling a load of we aWUgOa and in. come 'men belaneed aiid fe'11` to the g?6k jt'irane iris shalrld-or and , a ZURICH HERALD Mt s, ;`,Phos, Uuntiros;d , '� ♦',Mail ette,• Teich., who has been; rq,4iting in Exeter for ;several week . 'owipg, to the illness and death ci,f•> Mrs', J, SWeet,.returnod to, nee- 1iCyxne. 1)r. Tennant, is owner o£; a hared- some pair .of goats --e novelty in these Barts now J. G. Stanbury has been 'coiifin-- ed to bit,home owing, to i1:1t7„s;,!, < The pavement of the Main st. is expected to 17e completed for � traffic this week. Pk, Miss White and Mrs. F. J. Wickwire are visiting at 'Haig-ara on -the Lake. - John Zuefle has made an inv- portant addition to his already large greenhouse and will be able to take care of a lot more bus- ineas. . Wm. and John Craig and sister Hannah, returned on Friday from near Moos•eja:v, Sask. Mrs. Abraham,•of Portland, Or- egon, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thos. McKay of the.village. . Craig Bros. and sister, who have spent the summer in the west, have returned, Mrs. Hillier is here from Eng- land, accompanied by her two lit- tle ittle sons. Her husband a year ago was employed as courier of Rout No. 2. Dr, and Mrs. A. Moir left last week for a trip to the west. The doector will return in about three weeks and intends visiting the Rad ium Institutes at Rochester and Chicago. The Ladies' Patriotic League of Hensall, loaded a ear of valuables' 'clothing, bedding and other nec- essities •for the fire 'sutlers of Nor- thern Ont. The people of this community with the merchants were very liberal with their none 'ati s.on. Fred Picket of Oshawa, 'formerly of Hensall, was here during the past week renewing acquaintances. Thos. Murdock' has been grant - ted a renewal for a term of years of his mail contract between Heni salll Post Office and .the railway station. A. Farnham, who has been with the Molsons Bank staff here for some time, past, has been promot ed to the Krirktou branch. J. W. OrtWsin has exchanged his. fine dwelling on the corner of Rich mond and Nelson streets to Fred Kennings on Richmond st. COUNTY NEWS Paul Preis, of Clifford, who ran into antoher car on the Logan rd. • :appeared in court at Stratford and `^was fined $10 and damn gee and ~hosts amounting to $160. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. J. Stinson of ••ietayfield, announce the engagem- ent of their daughter. May bel Flor emcee, to Mr. David T. Prentice of Voronto, the marriage to tike pace %Ile latter part of October. One boy- at Kincardine High sell.- enol. ell-enn1 threw an ink bottle towards aaother, who struck it with his =hasebail bat, L reaking. the •.otr- a piece of the glass struck the lad in the eye and it is feared he ;May lose the sight of it. X 7 -passenger Studebake carr %Vas found in the ditch west of 'Blyth one morning :last week, The •♦rivers had picked themselves up end dissappeared, taking the, lic- ense number with them, and the :+Matter is being investigated. DASHWOOD. M. and reIs.. Wm. Ehlers and • elaughter Addie left on Friday for 'Their new home in Kitchener. Mr. Ii. Zimmer of Buffalo is vis- . thig at the home of Alex. Zimmer Harvest Home services were field in the Evangelical church 11.ast Sunday. Mr, Ernest 1 estemeyer of Cav- -xitier N. D, is vi,siting with sele .fives. Mr. W. Shenk and family spent -the week -end in Stratford. the Last Thursday evening, 'members of the Y.P,A. met In the Iheee_ lent of thst church to bid :arewell to one of their members dies Addie Ehlers, who 'left un Fri- .gay for Kitchener„ During the t'Vening Addie Was presented with an address and a china cocoa set as a remembrance. A 'pleasant 'hour was then :spent in playing of Karla s. 4 Thursday October 2tth, 1022 Word, � minds uppermost in ouX just now and perhaps it best describes therthe new clothes features of t 1 �alxc,��t COUNTY NEWS.' St. Joseph's church, Stratford, was' the scene .of a lovely autumn wedding ori: -':Tuesday morning, when Miss Margaret Way, Foung- eet daughter, of the late. Johp Way,' 129• BesmsWick st. was emited in marrieg'e, to Mr. Francis Cas li.u, of Seaforth. The wedding cerem- ony was performed.by Rev. Father: Quigley, cousin of the groom, aiid: •theb . .ride was given away by her brother-in-law, E. P. McDonell, of Rochester Iv X. Mary ISIeDonell, also .of Rochester, was bridesmaid, and Garnet. Case of Toronto; assis- ted the groom. .. Four nurses graduated from the Winghanz General Hospital 430 Set- urday. -. - •To remodel. the MsTagar•t home for a General. Hospital, the 'wo- men of the town of Clinton raised by subscription $4,000.00. The St. Marys Milling' .C.o.. bas Fred W. t to e s' n 1ne n . made an a sig Ray mond., accountant, London, and a meeting of the creditors i*'tis called for on October 24th. Harry Strang, son of Mr Ileri;i y Strang of Usberne had. the 'misfor- tune of breaking his arm on Mon- day la-st. He was assisting, inroad ing apples on a wagon when in some manner he fell off Abe wag- on, breaking the two bones of his left forearm. The 141issesi Pearl and Susie Kraft "'spent the week --end in Zurich. On Tuesday 'Bev. P, (.xraupner. e Are Tailoring Fc;r Nlen, FAB,RBCS'ARE 'DURABLE, STYLES PRACTIl3LE • BUT .MO$'P , IMPORTANT OF ALL ODA WORKMANSHIP WILL GIVE YOU EN-- • IaURTNG SERVICE AND LASTING SATISFACITION.. IF YOtIR NIFTY AND CLASSY SUPT.' TNTENITTONS •ARE TO RUY A. RI1AL OR OVERCOA •:, EE OUR., LATEST MODELS IN RAGLANS, ULST- ERS -AND CHESTERFIELDS.' YOUR INSPECTION, IS CORD;ALLY INVITED. yo AUCTION SALE $5,000 WORTH OF DRY •• GOODS AND CLOTHING TO. BE SOLD AT, BLAKE BY PUBLIC AUCTION ON SATURDAY, OOTOBER 2St1i, : ,1922 At 1.00 o'clock, p.m. consisting,. of 100 pieces of Ladies' Dress Goods and Suit lengths; 25 Skirts; 2i• Dresses; 50 Pieces of AIen's Suit Lengths; 50 Men's Suits all sizes; 35. O v ereaats all sizes, 25 Girls- Dres ses all sizes; also some woolen bl- ankets. CREDITON shooting Fred Kerr is duck north of Kincardine. Alonzo Hodgins returned Tues- day from England. Mr. and. Mrs. W. L. Lewis and Dari Sweitzer, of Algonquin Park, accompanied. the remains of the late Mrs. Dan. Stiveitzer, Charles a and Jacob Silber of Corunna,Mich. also attended the funeral of their sister. Senator R.atz of New Hamburg spent a few days lash week with his daughter, Mrs. C. Zwicker. Esther Hauch, who has been vis - icing her sister, Julia, :near Preston returned to her home here. Mrs.• John Smith -ab.o has been confined to her bed, for several weeks, is improving. Donations of clothing, bedding, etc., were gathered by the Wom- en's Institute for the relief of the' destitute and suffers' in Northern 'Ontario. Word was received here last week of the death of Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, of Port Hamond, B. C., formerly a resident of Stpheen. EXETER The highest bidder in d will receive the articles-Vk must be sold,. TERMS -;. CASH I. Cohen, Proprietor. Jas. Denomy, Auctioneer. Mrs, Thos Andrew, at Endace, B. I'. is visiting here. , The onion growers are deliver- ing their crops to the buyers this; week, and farmers are drawing in the sugar beets. 'and _ Me, Edw. (i•. Kraft went to John Little, who has been eine, ! ck. to attend the Western i-do;w•ed with R, G•ill'es, was injured , Via. Mata the s in Canadaad a whilelo. to 1 �'C:onferei7re of the District Tuesday „ g ,;of the Missouri Synod, i lr•ish. a sk4r.l fell on him injuring 11 .. Internally. 'ext Sunday the Lutheran church him Int y t od Will celebrate Re- , Mrs. Redden ancl ;laughter, lwliss .St Dash vo .ter spending a few months -�Ol`tiiatioYi Eesti+*al, Holy Comm- Ray. alter p z � Valois in the German service at :� .lit the -West, returned home, Cunx tt an ()pore; -+ I �• `It evening! service' Franl� Snell underwent p '�:.' 7Cin'tlte lJn�lts � .. i r tlw life ation in Victoria Hospital, London "i1;11� Pastor Willi �spl�:+jttf on � t' re r. w week for an eye infection. is,t►d Work of Dr. Martin Luther, ia,.t , ,�� •. �• far The nrincipias uitder'lyhig the ' tajer W 3.tfe•. rune left t ,onrlen' rril sclay last for to join tY0r1� of the Reformation tf it years; � 1 , � : ; r the ilei or the; the other ()M.fie:ers..o.. Wes- Ufa <r.ire only .ixied� for 1. i- � . het; lyeeeh. of t,;•-4'1,907 ; t,"-n'tri 'ii fly,, r l.r,i,i, on a het; O2 ,:n_ ?_ie , i7 `;, Oct, !7'. t air of ties MORTGAGE SALE cases „end s ie myth, T ur �p yak, � a.. q Es •. 7 seesmseasse•eoeso•••••••es *••••••o***IDaTJSBa eooeL>1F.:0C'•f5ao% • • 1 ender and by virtue of the pow, - ere a contained in a certain -Mort- g.ig::> which will be produced ,at the time of sale there will be of- uction' Public A sale e• d for f xebyi on Saturday the twenty-eigth dn;y of October, a.d. 1942 at 'the' hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon on the property, in the Village of Dashwood in the County of Huron by Arthur„ Weber, Esq. AuetionF eer, the following valuable resid- i Property; ,.eta P p y+ All and' singular that certain par cel or tract of land ancl premises situate lying and being in the Vil- lage of Dashwood in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario containing by admeasurement oue_ fifth of an acre more' or less .and. being part of lot number` twenty- three in the North Boundary Con ce•:ssion of the Township of Stephen and being the residental -property formerly occupied by Mr.: Edward Brokenshire. This is a very desirable prop- eery for residential purposes ado upon the premises are situate a good commodious frania house' 1,5 storeys, a good frame' stable and chicken house, hard; and soft water, a number of large and'. small fruit trees. TERMS -10 per. cent. of the purchase money to be paid . down at the time of sale, balanoe .to be paid within 30 days thereafter, Due mediate possession given. la or further particulars and. eon,- ditions of Sale apply to Arthur Weber,. Esq.,. Auctioneer, Dashwood, Ont. Isaac R. Carling, Solicitor: for the Adminietratrix with Will tanne:oed. of the Mortgagee, Exeter, Ont. Dated at Exeter, Ont, the .14th day of October, A.D., 1022. • $10 Farm ■ aohnnery e • 0 0 down in dice no chap fie • w •Pumps arel 1 •s • • f•or installing. Wash Machines and • t • wri� gers are down insprice. Get i r • 44 our priCesc on Lawn Mowers. • • ••• • GALVANIZED WATER TROUGHS 2x2. 6 at $14.00 • 7--8 BEST MANILLA NILLA - • HAY FORK ROPE AT 25c.Lb. WE HAN- a • DLE GENUINE FLEURY PLOW POINTS. POINTS Willi "AURORA" STAMPED ARE NOT G•ENUINE,• BUT STAMPED 0 S "J. FLEURY'S" ARE GENUINE. CHEAP JOBBER'S POINTS A . ARE 55c. AND. 60c. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US. A GOOD 'MOTOR OIL T 85 CENTS A GALLON '0 • ..` ..n . Hay loader. in stock for quick � ci,l ty delivery. All Farm s e • FEEDING YOUNG PIG Practical J'ii at$ aoi' DeaIhh the Junior Hog. Vit Begin ''With Lire i,iothei'---Wean Whee Eight Weeks 01(17e --.A Good Redone Suggested ,..•,. Winter ifeediee and: Quarters, Wontrinuted by .Ontario Depk,rtlnoat ofgr. agvieulturo, ioraiito:) Liberal feeding on a •well-balancedl ration suited to the needs of the: sow previous to the birth of theyoung- is very essential if the little pigs are - to be worth rearing and the sow hie condition to ,supply ample, milk for them. With the sow well nourished and given opportunity for exercise,,; she is the best equipped individual'toe undertake the task of rearing a litter.. 'After the little pigs arrive, every- thing should be done fog, their eom--•, fort and safety if they are to succeed!:, as feeders. Clean, light pens; , dry: yard or grass lot; abundaitt•euusainer• ••and: a well, red mother, usually mean success to the little pigs. When the, young learn to feed at four weeks, provision should be trade whereby; they can feed' at a small trough 1n . an enclosure away from the sow.. Small quantities of sweet skimmlk; iri Which wheat shorts have been mix-' ed should be fed in small quantities: and often, feeding• a little less thani the pigs will actually take. Pigs that. have been feeding from the trough;. for two weeks or more can be weaned!, without a very serious setback. Thee longer the pigs can remain With the soar the better it is for thew, but such. Practice is not always profitable,. s. g it is usual to rveai,Y' the piers when' they are eight weeks old. Since pigs^e are hunting the ground surface ore rooting tor morsels of food, it is good. practice to encourage such by scat -- tering plump grain on. the floor or the pen or yard. This causes the pig to tako the exercise necessary tax thrift. ash nery Solei.1 • t TELEPH ONE ® L. A. PRANG, • • • NO. 76• ; - ZURICH • • •' •••••0000 000110l>9o•a•••a**•a•*aha****o®**erl****acsset ea 1NNIIIIIIIIIIINNNINIIIIIIIIIIIN111111IIIIII111111IIIN11111111!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIi1111111111111111111111111NIHNN111N NIIIfH111111J111N111111IIIIIIINIIIiI11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111$111111111111IIIIIilli111111111111111111111111111 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements , is-7nile south utile con ' r Lot Sanble Grand 13entl on River` Road, on Moeda* November 6th, 1922 at 1 o'clock, sharp.. Horses --1•. Per- ehercin mare 8 yrs. old; 1 Crlide- t.uale mare 13 -yrs, old; 1 tear'. Per- cheror colts, Cattle, .2 cotes .' due 'in March; 2 sows due in April; 1 cow freshened in Sept;i1 spring halter° cafe; I,broad sow; 7 •••• .pigs weeks old, Tnepttenienta;i tyle- Cormick • binder 7 -It. rut With tz rrc:l> ;MeCorli'rich mower (ice t, i ttt -1 _ _. -,:‘,.tilt 110V> • z re erald's 1922 r, • List ,i w Herald and Daily Globe 6.00 Herald and Kitchen er Daily Telegraph .. . _.. $$5,10 Herald and Daily Mail and empire .,. ... ... 6.00, Herald and Saturday Mail and Empire ... 3.75 Herald and Daily Star ...... -.. :.. 7.• ... 6.00 Herald' aind Weekly Star _: .,,3.75 Herald and Daily News -- -- --- ... Herald aind Free Press, evening edition .. 6.00 Herald and Free Press morning edition .._ 8.00 Herald and Advertiser, morning edition 6.00 6.00 ,_ 6.00 - Herald and Advertiser, evening edition (Herald and Farmers Advocate -...... ...,.....2.75 Herald and Farm and Dairy 2.15 Herald and Farmers Sun. --, ••••...24.75 Hei`ald and Family Herald and Weekly Star,, ... ,.: 3.10 pe Herald and Canadian Counh'ymVn 1*... 2.00 • Herald and Weekly Witness' •. _:_. • 2,75 Farmer's Ma azilne .........................,.. ,,,2.50 • :[3elald and r g Herald and Youth's Companion3.50 'Renew your papers ..- _.- a ers with us and save money sFe HERALD �-IEiZATh€., Zurich -�Ip II H milllllllNllll N I IINiIIIIiIII HI ( I IHHIIIIINII IHI I iIiNNNNmnNN 1 iiIIH IINIIH II 1111111111111 NIIININI N I illININ IIII IIIIIIIINI N I I IIIIIIIiI I �IINIHIIIIIINIIIIIgINiIIfIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIINIIIIIIIINIIINIIIINIiillll i I.ro., i:an 13 -hoe drill, Frost & Wood cultivator; 14 -plate 'd se; twin a ,; New Maple �e f , walking g platy; set diamond harrows, wagon nearly New Tudinope;;. one wagon; • set Of knee '.aeilglxs, set ;light sleighs, baggy, hay • rack, gravel `box; fa:m114) trill, set dottltie harness, set dgt;tbee driving harness, set. yam., h'51 ;r , e! sew; grain Treatment at Weaning Age. When•' the. pigs have reached then weaning age of eight weeks, they should be completely separated from, the sow. It is better 'to remove thea sow and leave the young pigs in that pen that they, have been used to for: a week, that their troubles may not ail come at once. When the pig have quite forgotten their mother, ati ideal home for them -is a•colony house situated in an alfalfa, red clover;. rape or blue grass pasture yarde. where water, a wallow ' hole and: shade are amply supplied. 'If the young pigs must be kept in the pig; fiery, then everything should be donee to provide dryness, protection frotai insects, a living temperature, ample- room, 'cleanliness, comfort, sunshine. and a ration suited to their needs. - Green feeds should form a fair per-' centage of the total rationfor pigsi• whether fed as a soiling '.crop or aef pasture. The following mixed grain, ration has proyen very satisfactory:e Wheat middlings 25 pounds, shorts 2 pounds; finely ground oats 50 Pounds}, oil cake' meal 5 pounds, meat . meant 3 pounds. Pigs eight weeks old wilt require a pound or more per day. The quantity required for each days: should be set apart- and soaked for,• twelve hours or more, --using no more, water than a required fof the soak- - ing process. When ready to feed us* five -pounds of skimmilkr to each pound of meal: Feed sweet skim. milk until 'the pigs are well weaned.; then change to sour skimmilk anti continue to use such as long .ai possible. �. Handling Them at Three Months. pigs the are three monthsr• old,buttermilk can be used instead. of skimmilk with equal advantage.. A change in the grain ration is else desirable at ' this age, and is most. easily provided by ' adding a mom fattening grain to the mixture, already suggested for the eight weeks' - old pig. The following is very sat- isfactory: Corn or barley 25 pounds.,, - shorts 50 pounds, wheat middling*. 25 pounds, finely ground oats 5de pounds, oil cake meal 8 pounds. - Soaking to soften and' thereby • in- crease digestibility should be pram.. timed: The corn or barley portions or: the ration should he increased grad ually after the fourth mouth . ha*. passed to give the pig an opportunity; to fatten during`'the last two month*. of its life should it be designed foe - the block. If intended for breeding!, purposes the feeding is practically • the same up to the fifth month. "Tit*. intended for breeding purpose" stock, should be developed on a rations: carrying more bone and muscle form- ing 'material than the standard fat-• tening rations. . More alfalfa, red clover, sweet clover, rape or btu*. grass should be used. ba,s, ,whiffletrees, neclyokes,forks chains' and numerous other articles Winton reeding. The success attained at pig feed e ing in the winter depends, to a great- er extent upon the skill of the feeder than does summer feeding when wea- ther conditions are favorable. Comes fortable quarters which may be un- der the strawstack or in an elaborate; pen, some place that is dry and will':. stay dry; is the first necessity, A:, , well balanced ration suitedto win-; ter conditions in that it will supply; in so far as possible something tce take the place of grass and clover and "on the soil" conditions. Roots: and sods are the most easily supplied substitutes. 'Room for exercise, and.. inducement to take such by scatter-. ing Whole grain in the litter or feed-:. ing ear corm aro advised. The well? u lied conditioner box is much;; supplied mere neCessa,ry during the winter- than inter:than it is when the pigs aro running on land. Dathempness is the great trouble tee overcome. In the modern piggery T]Mi12S-Ail sums of $1.0.00 and tele is accomplished by abundant. unuer cash. Oyer that amount g1 es spaec in the roof and walls, ands It months' credit an appr(i"vecl joint elevated platform for sleeping (mate; off for cash on ters, and ventilatole to carry awe notes. 51rer cent. eel -edit amounts. No reserve, - as. damp foul air. The pig will keep'it-' ° 7rt1,rxetor is geeingreg farining, as enlif mcall Glitfi egrivthiai n.frae•e conttiteor dd oon rani rattan, Prapiletotis 'eos.-t i L. Stevenson Sec. Dept, of A, gist Erroll Taylor, Cuctioncer, tar's ; Teraina.