HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-10-19, Page 8w On Display teadr.to-Wear Clothing • New Fall and Winter Goods for \New Wool and Flannelette Blan- your inspection. We can supply kets, yo-ar wants in nes at that, meanthese 'Dollarst saved prices ved you. New Serges in all colors priced from 85c. to 3.50 per yard. sets— Velours and Homespuns for Coats and Suits. New Short Flannels in leading sha- des, suitable for skirts, middys, and Children's wear. Black Douchess Silk, . guaranteed. Extra heavy quality at $2.90 yd, Eiderdowns and Kimona •Cloths, a- Cain to hand. These cloths have been off the market for a few years,b lit we are now again showing a fine. range of patt- erns to choose from. 0 A complete range of Underwear in Wool and Fleeced, for Lad- ies and Children's wear. We .have 'again in Stock, Refiners No. 1, quality Hosiery in heavy and meniurn yarns, for Ladies' and Children wear. And have added a supply of Yarn, this is guaranteed to give satisfacl tion to wear. .01 ' Zurich Ont ,(Weber 1977. DENOWIX w X7,';1.4, Ix 4t t� � - Oxdered The store with the Liberal r�r cls Clothing Cash Discount . GE1Vvs yugNl TO MEASUI PORMBN ARE YOU.HAVING;TROUBLE GETTING CLO7.'HES THAT Sinn, AND JUST, SATISFY YOU? ASK ANY MAN -WHO WEARS OUR MADE-TO-ORDER„ CLOTHES. HE WILL 'TELL YOU THAT HIS TROUBLES ARE OVER. NEW FALL SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, FALL CAPS, HATS, Yarns in ve, GLOVES, FINE SHIRTS, TIES,andr Floss, 25 colors to ch o e BELTS, ETC. from% Highest market prices paid for Live Poul- try tr y taken every Wednesday Forenoon Dried Apples Wanted J GASCHO & SON PRODUCE. WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS GarageZurich'S TO TIRES TAILORED TO YOUR SPECIAL MEASURE FROM A CHOIOCE SELECTION OF. FFAB- RICS. Prices from $23 u DENOIVLY Produce taken in =ohu;e for Ciraais We have on•hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUBES, All Sizes (Best on the Market). Also a few Seconds to Clear at (Extra Special Prices). LET US SUPPLY YOURT NEEDS OWN AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- ,CA.TING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE -NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of Genuine Pord Parts LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday)3• Butter ... ... . Eggs ... ... Oats .. Wheat per bushel ...2.75-3.75 Flour per cwt. ... ... . Bran per ton ... "•- •.. ..... _ .75 2 30' Shorts per ton .. .00 10.00 dogs 25 ... 35-40 97-98 ITEMS OF LOCAL: •INTERES. Mr. •and • Mrs. W...,B ,Colles .ar daughter Bettie, left on Thur for their new home at `'4iflia burg. They 'made the trip motro. Mr. Joy, the new manager the Molsons Bank, Mrs. Joy ante . .son,. arrived in Zur:cli• on Monday, from iroquis, Ont. They came over in their auto a distance of several hundred miles. We wel- come them to our village. 'shipments from August 1st, 19921 to July lith, 19922, totalling 16,638- 000 bushels. It handled 322,638 • bushels of flax', the second large, est amount handled at any Cannd- ian porta Jack Boµ ion, iso Craig's col- ored barber, and an esteemed and well-known citizen of the commun- ity, died on Monday last at the M .oe House, atter a long ill - He had only been confined s hed-'L for a week, but had ailing Pr some time. Many ago he came,. to Craig from • and started the barber ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOS P CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS AUTOS. Y.X.L. Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, _A'xy- Acetyline Welding. EXPERT..U•.UO REPAIRING . A SPECIALT Y. Get into the habit of Pat.— onizing us. We want to serve you, and Serve You W wll. PHONE No. 103. H, Mousseau Zurich The South Huron Choral Soc- iety held their annual meeting 'on Monday evnieng last at Exeter and re -organized for the coming' s son. There was a splendid at- tendance nearly one hundred being. present, the surrounding municip- alities being well repesented. The financial report for the year was presented and showed that the society had been under a ' heavy expense and wound up with a deficit. In spite of this the mem- bers of the choral union were elle thusaiastic in entering upon anoth er season- This year considerable of the expense incidental to the organization will not have to be repeated and the society hope to wipe out the deficit and -leave something in the treasury. The society will repeat "The Messiah" in the course of a few weeks, the first practise being held on .Mon dayy following the business ses- sion. Practices will be held each week in Exeter and Hensall. Hon. newly -elected officers are;— Pres. A. Hicks, M,P.P; President, Miss Ethel Murdock, Hensall; let. Vice-Pras. H. T. Rowe, Exeter; Sec rotary, Miss Vera Essery, Exeter; Treas., M. R. Rennie, Hensall; Ex ecutive, Wm. Elford, Elimville; .IVir S. Martin, Exeter and Miss E. Renes nee, Zurich, with Prof. A,, W. An derton, director, sillramiliffl siermintemoramalimmlinnewer I The Better Furnished Home Should have One of Our CeI- eirated Ranges Now that the cold winds of Fall and the chilly evenings are here, 4 • • * 4* +k one should think of the cold wea- theroon be W conning. inter will s at ]rand. Mako your Horne Com- plete and comfortable with one o our Ranges or Heaters. Come in and tell us what you meed and we can fill your requirements. V"'", u.. r�Zt�..�lo��+Iitcr.. PEN/NSU1.4R FURNACES! FURNACES! WE ALSO STOCK AND INSTALL THE WELle..KN'OWN BAN.- NEB PIP'ELESS FURNACES AS WELL AS SEVERAL OTHER PROMINENT MAKES ALL KINDS OF SUEOL? HARDWARE, ETC., ALWAYS IN STOCK, — NO TROUBLE TO SHOW AND EXPLAIN ALL A- BOUT OUR GOODS. GET OUR PRICES AND THEN BUY. Abaci E on Wednesday Septem-' the home of the bride's _ ;. and' Mrs. R. B. McLean• n.., the marriage took place sgltyoungest daughter, Miss Orel to John L. Henderson, of liop, ,the ceremony being per raed by the Rev. Mr. Lundy, in presence of foiit'y in'e'ted gueats oderich Salt works has insta1- bsa new $12,000 dryer with a cap deity, of 250 barrels in 10 hours, And see tie Wonderful Val- uss : in AlUmifltUfl now showing in our window.. Eero:arejnst a few items: TEA KETTLES $1.98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR $1.98 DISH PANS $1.98 SET 3 SAUCE PANS $198 8 AND 10 QUART STEWING KETTLES $1.98 These are all Guaranteed Heavy Weight Utensils We carry a complete line of Furn- 'ture and Hardware. Your confid- ence is solicited.. MELIK& BRI5CN PHONE. 63 .11 BAYFIELD Mr, Machon of Monkton is now tellerin the Sterling Bank, Hen , Rothwell halving sail;_, ,, Harry Moore, of South Bend, Ind., who has been away for a, - bout eight years, returned recently aecompanied by 'his wife, and are at his father's S. Moore. ,A, quiet autumn weddinng took ,place on Oct. 4th, at all Saints' .Church, London, when Isabel de Moley,n Woods, daughter of the late Gee, Woods, of Bayfield, area •niarr+ied to Rev. Hugh Gustin Em- erick Crosby, B.A.., rector of All Saints, ooWdstock, son of Mr. and KM G. Crosby of Highgate. Rev. A A Bice officiated, assisted by Rev Herald Job ep rt rumen Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads,. Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Cii cc Bboks, Posting ,Bills a sp3cialty.. P TE BLOCK- ZURICH 44.4~�k44.^t+ r+fir 3� +114444' �f� 404+(+++' 444.44+44.14,44444,14+++N COUNTY., NEWS. C.C. - Waller, Principal' of Huron College, of which. Mr. Crosby was a graduate of last year. A.fter the eeremeny Rev. and Mrs. Crosby left' for. Toronto,' Highgate, Wind - or and B_eyfield. They will re- side at All Saints' rectory, Wood- stock.,, 'Phe bride graduated last ;year from St. Joseph's Hopsital tr, h1ing school, and has many Lon - doe:, friends, while the groom was a 'popular Meson man. 'Eayfield sure has had ,a wond- erul buildin gloom this summer and; the and iy' not yet. Just'now 141;x Heard is erecting a cottage •:itthe bank pest the signal. J. Cameron hasabout completed Mr Orees fine cottage and is comm- encing a fine Cottage for H. A. fiasrsun of Stra.tfordd; Weston • fVets,: are doiiag` the cement work ECTAL We invite you to go carefully oiler these 'Seasonable Goods, and be convinced of the low prices prevailing 10 yards toweling for; ...... ...t$1.0Q Centralia's fowl supper. on Oct 4th, was a fine success, the procc- ed. r amountedto considerable over $160.00 x Mrs. Wm. Churchill of Goder- ich township picked some apple blossoms from a tree in her, orehe and last Friday. Mrs. W. E. McLaren, Cromarty r on returning home from the Staffa3-, school fair, the horse became un. +. anagable, throwing her out of the Luggy and breaking her collie bong Serge, all colors 40 in wide, yd. 90c Dress goods for school girls per yard at ..4 ti"" 23c John Joynt of Ludknow, M. 0',J11`,1' North Huron., had the misfortuune to fall from -'an apple tree On Ii'lomy •day last, One leg was severelysp;� rained and he will be laid up ,for some time. . The death took place at Craig recently of Mrs. .Iessie aser, widow of the late Alexander, Prager, in _her seventy-third year The late Mrs. ?racer w'+' a ana'l,it.e of 'Stanley township,- being a d tighter of the late Donald ROSS', Plaid Dress Goods, Very New 9c5 r' E S'aeder's garage and are Monarch Down 2 -oz. ball at A35c. 'Monarch DoVe 1 oz ball at 25c Monarch Floss, 1 oz. ball for 25c In all the newest shades. Knit Your Sweater and scarf now. prirli ;ring CO- build cottage) on . their property on the lake,. front. ,'iintrecters from Zurich are, putt rung cemeirt walla under Mrs, Roue .lilt's • store and dwelling., Dr. Woods is having Waterworks and r. 'the semrl+annua, f n,7vention of the Deanery.of :t.uro i was held at '1;iliily OBurch; on Wednesday, Oc: toter' filth, and in point. of. attend- once and interesting meetings, was of the most successful yet held. There was three sessions, a1oi'nrng, afternoon and eveni+�g. *pints clings being held in St. Andrew i,lit1reh and Trinity church. An ex- sel1e n programme had been ,are ,1Ailt ed and the ,addresses :were in- pil'ing and educational. Lunch leek served in the bas'entnet of St. .� ndrestes Church, being provided 'by the ladies of the chiir`ches • of Vases •Goshen,;.Bayfield and Mid - The port at God;ericlr' is an s ir,iths iustalkecl i r li'9 dwelling Congoleure Rugs in the Newest design and popular prices. Whew in town look these over and be comvinced. We are showing a large range of Dress Goods and Coatings for fall in the following; HomeSpun Velours, Serges, Tricotine. Sweater sfor Boys and Men. Just received a fine lot of Mens' and Buy's Sweaters, all wool, New Shades. third as a grain Und'ling piir4, t9r d1et0na . See our window display for Intro- ductory trial offer of soap as- sortment. inHeather her 'ee .` r for Ladies New Hosiery e H I°T y Shades. Men's Waterproof Coats, Regular $25.00. On Sale this week for $15.00. 7, 1-1b. tins Pilchards for $1.00 or 15e a tin. Better than Salatic e • Choiee Red Salmon; Libbys brand, at 45c. a tin, why. pay '60e. atilt when you can buy No.. 1. Sale mon at 45c Men's Girl adeeri Coats in the Latest Style Price this week $23 Broken Biscuits, 10e. a lb. Brick cheese at per lb. . 30e We carry hundreds of samples of . the Celebrated Broadway Brand iu .. Clothing fqr Men., C 0ine and let us show you these sant- pies antpies whether you want a suit or overcoat. We guarantee ae: perfect fit. A Big Showing of Hats, Caps, Gloves, Melts, Braces, Collars, Ties, Socks, Etc. Etc. NO TROUBLE ,TO S HOW GOODS 3OVE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS WE ARE OFFERING, Produce Wanted, ButerickFashions f - Phone