HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-10-19, Page 5Zuriele Ont,, Oetober lett, 1022 OVSINESS CARDS proutifoet, Rini:areal & HOLM.14 Barristexe, Solieitore, Notariee, Pist#lin Etc. ()Mee on the Square, incl rigor trom Oainitton St,God weet rates - trial, Private funda to Joan at lo. W, PrOudfoot, K.C. T. L'Kill e D, E. Holmes w: .- • AndreW F, Hess, Townahle OICrk 1301!0•PeTtY 441/41 PaYIng .1'61' No I .• Mr, HOlmea, Will be in Rensaii On .t. email purse in Zurich, Wi th , 4 If riday of each 'week, small amoutat of chazige therein; gmea...........l.,....................a....,.....,...........s olle4,0,1, ea.,n .haye same by preying Huron and Erie Mortgage COrPora- -------N-0-71----ce. , . i Omer at marriage lleeneek• •NterY at.,r4rairA Quei., relblie, Oeramisslofter, Fire,,aua Aut. , sonobile ,Inizurancia, ,, tenting '',--...„,.....__.,...._,__: ' • ' . . ' Wen, The Canada Trust CO. ZUria. *stark). Whavopene4) mill end 'are operating same on e. e d (Oisr eider Dr.E. • 8. 'ladle Tuesday arts; 'Thursdays of each :DENTIST weeds. George Becker, Bronson iLne, north of Daeltwood.. ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY NOTICE. WAIN OFFICI4 - HENRALL. , • We are operating our cicler mill OSCAR KLOPP every TuesTh day and ;ursday, beProfessional Auctioneer graduate iesd wishing to have apple butter t:inning Tuesday'Sept. 19th. Par- .*? Davenport Auctioneering School me should make arrangements &smeltery pedigreed stock, farm sales fry me for real estate. merchandise, is3:. AIPcme. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich ltates alwaysreasonable, my territory Alothe world. Choice farms for sale. hone 1893 -------------------- Zurich •PVT YOUIT Per r pip Wairtey Safe, LUid Found, Notice, gto.Arls 1,, a c , see raz• werq Th Herald te .4ew sebseetie IN' Toes coemyees " '• wood svisitere ewe .Tueedayne "111,101P. Lt Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In a position to con - duet any auction .sale regardless tosizselL I solicit• your business; and if not satisfied will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. 4 Zurich Meet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc -;Highest Cash' Price for Wou1111 CASH -FOR' SKINS & HIDES Tutgiblut Deichert ZURICH LIVERY ani) in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery tine, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE THIEL •Phone 59 Zurich, S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., .D.D.S, DENTIST Oraduate of the Royal College it Dental Surgeons of Ontario and vit the University of Toronto. Late Diatrict Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday and Friday frozn 10.00 a 'Until 5.00 pan., at the Conanserc- alHouse, (Upstairs). - Main Of - Mt at Bayfield, Ont. -19 Starting on Thursday, May 2nd. .ww.A.m.••••••••••••••••••rm•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• L I VE POULT R WANTED Taken every day till 3 °clock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning ' when brought in. Ilighest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien iPholue 94. Zurich COAL Spring and Summer 1).ELIYERIE S SEASON' 1922 Owing to the strike of the Min - era aow Prevailing In.the Peensyl- . 'verde Anthracite, cpar fields, we Are unable tcr'ouarantee delivery or price and utitil conditions be- come more settiecl orders will be taken subject to our being aisle to irtain: Supplies and at prevailing *rite time ot •delivery. cariteiora. 4004.ti PRObITOR MERCHANT irEams;--0ASii Ottt Office 10w, Hou lai„. ONT, NOTICE tO Jen'•194 tor eSsee, X0 t , Soutiteott spent the weei `ekeeed at Blenheim,. I• Mrs Ci Ors Wet. \Yelper anal tilre l()It'onseSeitof°f°M111eq)eetillsitSunday Mra. Aibreellt. , ij c inchey who is IV; Ortweie of Ifenselketilrie, spent, the week -end at the eeeleesalataSdlag at Kitehener for some t Offlied thel Village on" 'reesdays....=.* liesonie•qt her one, Mr. W. O. Miss Durset of Aebtirn' wee !rl'!'4P°14 •Week -end viaitor 'with feieeds heft., water 6e1PPle* Weil On Viet leir, peed pipineav left ter tk,e..esea stein front of this resideece of troit•where he will vend the Wins conchtJelf.reYi that the top fehas become in) sorry to state, egmes 49Lite ers eanie poorly. • • ,a'azazi all irections nt Flqr044*" .tagS, to fill same, Several loads With their old tux cans and clump- celled op the .horrie of Mrs. S, Rene. 'Of Stone were also hauled fr ;ale on Suedasr evening let of Mrs A Will rt It t 1Vfr. and( Mrs. Ed. 'Werra of a4rli., iniy makes a big improvement on om e harn, were in the village a few „thia etreet and shows a fine exam- ance of their .hoosehold efrects, ' . claya Jest week, getting the ple to other similar places in the ter 1,,billbs. , .ettele ioe ll Mrs E..13seeonberry, we sees • • In a6 1p, and considerable excite e t w experienced on Saturday when the Mr, and ure„ ,y, K., R • of Viflae elielee Joint Rieid. Day sports be- L'''''''trnIt andwerMr all'd 24". `1.• .1.7treAbk t4'1,..ert the Hensel!! and Zurich con- of Crediton Thuieday viliitOsi tiiii4ation schools held at Zurich last Melick. , at the home ofe Mr. and Mrs., , A:, Wednesday afternoon were some.. The Young Ladies' le Mag. therefore held ip the Evangelical "..',„ evliat affected by the rain, end were of the Evangelicai phizrch wilt, eturch Sheds. A fairly well rep, hold nrday, their an nnual Bazaar -oSate keeented crowd was present. We December 2iad, in thetadeesyrjeld like to publish the prize ies' Hall, at the rear of DertoMY.evineele,b ut seemingly such us out Bros. store. Particuators later. ot the eseestiou. We know the Again this• ing news items were dropPed week scene' inseeeseeebe.ritiess men of the village who our letter labx in .ieSae..2 sPeeial donations •aa prizes, Auctioneer for t he County of Huy- l'A as t basket • •I tee oqt LieeeSe. ter eed theretse and' it was east in the Winner et their Particular prize. 'r.': no name sige ere aexious to know who was the on, and am insign Yoqe Ceentv CoUrt Case of P. name when sending in news iielme, .j.;. essekwiee, es Rensae against p 1 ion to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge, tf-29 Jame s Denorney, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Southcott Conrad Ruimer of Ray, reached a and two children, who spent the liettienzent Goderich the other summer at Grand Bend, and,tl without the taking of evid- est p e of weeks at theitoine enee. In,October of 1199 an agr- of Mrs; Southcott'e mother, /VIrs.S eet,”enf wa.s anade' hy which Ruiser . , Rennie, are leaving this week for watrto operate vir ickwire, farm, on -------------..._ - - Vce, California. I DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete test of F. HAnstea.d, P. E., of Langford the partnership all g g improper reft•acti ve condition of the eye, and Kansas,. formerly of the "United .C.onduct, and reeeesting an ac;ount of the nauseles. Spectacles seientif- . ;Evangelical chureli, pr eaeh ang el the funds. By the settle- ieally fitted Se. twice in the eneish language, at ment Huiser has until March next in the evening. 10.00 a.m. in the morning, and 7.30 to vacate the property, the part- nership being dissolved, In the The Womens' Institute is giviree time a full accounting is to an .equal Sunday, October, 22nd, Rev. D. iiiekwire sought to dissolve for five years. .vxces at reasonable charges. Will e 8,-2 2 Zitarner's Hotel, Dashwood, Wed- nesday-, Oct. 18th, Wainer Rouse, Zurich, Wednesday Oct. 25th. a Opecial course in sewing witri mj the e9urt. Miss Coiling as instructor. This ',0tir mailing Lisf has been core course will last two weeks, be- recited" to October Jeth. And ;if ning November 8th. Any ladies you have made renew.als adn have _______ _ wishing to ,eake tlels course and not Aeen credited, kindly let us Zurichk Studio and Book Room/ have not 'banded in tieiv ne-0. as we have many names on names to the Secretary will please and a mistake elm easily ido So at an early date, as Oni:y a hz,e're de. Just a elzod to those week of the death of his ,cousin, Mrs. D. Schweitzer, (nee Carrie i e. • . '" cdo. not pay up this mail. Put if you are Just• • " 4, •, - • • . ,. „ 11in-eked dines . • se aecomodatecl, • uhoi hel reads in, arrears, steely received our ship- .mi,. c. Eilber 'reteived neWs this 1i4iI/YII agr, liave In send your pital on Monday. Hee hetne have ;horny. Ila ve some ing• been the last . while 7 in. Ontario. ',She was known to mine* in these'parts, leer reinain's were brought . to Crediton for interment on Wednesday. ‘ • , • , Large shipments of clo:hing and. necessaries of life are being ship- ped dail, to Hensall, by Mr. Cal.if:ts' motor bus. These articles are being contributed ler the people, transported ksy the express Co. free to toes Lee swept parts in Northf- een Onla-to. People should look /,';I:1:i and see if you cannot spare son;:.• clothing, /*ding, eatablesstc. We, who are in a ?.and of pleaity- arrelst everyone of z:3 cold Spare badly. a little to where it 13 needed • so Canadian dollars were at a premium of 1-31 oz one per cent last week at New York. This .is the :highest premium rate that has been quoted since roznarkable re- covery of Canadian exchange, al- though there hav'e been a few previous transations at a very slight fradtional premium reithini the past two weeke Ho'werer, the general bank quotation wits 1-32 on the favorable side from Canada's viewpoint and all those who wan, ted to buy Canadian dollars with American had to. pay the premien?' The Y.P.A. Rally held in the Ev- amgencal church on Sunday was a large success. Large audiences at tended the splendie programs. The ei-enine program which was ties iongestb, consisted of several rensical 'numbers and. the speak- ee.e3 aleze; Miss O'Brien, Mr. Axel- ieer, Miss P. Wertz, Miss /Tensile, of New HainbeaSee F. fiRe'..•,, Lundy ef Kippen; Mr. W. a Pfile the President, occupied the chair. It was called Rally Day' and certain le was a rally. Miss -L. Pnest held an interesting bible study ie the teotning program. ment of School Books, High School Books Etc. Printing and Developing, Photos On Post Cards, Etc., Etc. " Stationery always on hand tf2i. OBRIEN Sr KALBFLEISCH Hartleib Block - Zurich BARGAI WE ARE SELLING OUT l'I'ITE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OP MEN'S READY TO WEAR SUFIS AT CLEARING PRICES. AS WE DO NOT INTEND TO STOCK THIS. LINE IN FUTURE. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY 1 'only dark' Brown Serge size 39^ Reg. 35 for $26.50 2Men's Navy with hairline stripe Sizes 37 and 39 Reg. 30 for $22.50 2 only f 1 Brown 1 Pine Na inc Navy Worsted siz 38-40 At $19 Worsted s.ize 3 8 For $20 r' Either), who died, at a Toronto you , and yet a few have 4. a ?out yourself.. t • Pge a Children cry for Ftetcherrs CASIT)RIA Fletcher's Castoria is strietly a remedy for Infants and Children, Foods are specially prepared for babies, A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby, Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a reznedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, yeatirs has not proven. and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 What is CASTORIA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops' and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant.. It contains' neither Opiuta, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For znore than thirty years it has been in constant use for. the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, at,d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assirailation of Food; giving healthy' and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the, Signature of/ ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years THE CIRNIACJI• COMP ANY NEW YO PM CITY •++++++++++++++++++.1 It Lumber Laths Shingles Everything in Combination storm and screen, doors made to order, + Lumber and Buildino• . erial • once a year. The Custom VV ork our Specialty • °pie. at Toronto wh- ee every month for 1 ways the arket for saw .logs e paper fro • m make 4.. Ai the e to make us wait for I" Jur p for a few years. ..)CHOOL, REPORT I PHONE S. No. 5, Stael.v for the month of Vollewing is the report lot S. '1* September. The names are in order of merit; jr. TV.-MargeItIcKinley, Ed- gar Snfth, e MeDnehey, Walter eifee4eitle, wesie,v- Ha,‘*ter absent. Jr: III -Helen Doronick, Elgin Hayter, Dunne McBride J't. „IT -Edgar McLinchey. Part, II -Margaret Robinson, Jen, nie Dirnmiek, Grace Rboinson, El- more Stephenson. Pt. I --Bert McBride, Elinore M Bride. Primer -Vera Smith, Bruce Me- Clinchey, Russell Hayter, Noreen Rboineonl • • K STANLEY TOWNS 3fr. Geo„ W, 'Elliott had successful auction sale' of 'h •stock and implements on AT Re and his inether leave fo don shortly,. Is -here he Intel) ingeinto the grocery business Ms brothetseinelti w Mr. 'Ed. Gi We are sorry OA lose them ,..)tir community, as •they are and highly. respected citizens Robe Greer, who hes leased farm gets possession at once welcome hi'm and his family t community. The reeopening.services in 17 Serge. eXtra cputlity neetion with. the li,fethodist eh For $26.50 00she* held on Sunday last \ very secceSsfel, the weather The Hay !Township Sunday Sch- sembled ntrienirig and evening fine and largn congregations 001 Convention was held in Kip- hear the exoellent sermons gi pen Presbyterian the, -ch on Wed.. • by Re'-. W. ../kr. \rollick of Ott nesday Oct. 4th. A good attee- vele, ... fou' Years ago R dance being preaent. Words of and Mrs. Volliels. begun their w e•eleeme wee, given 'by Rev. R. E, on this charge, end it was a gr Lundy, Kippen; President's acid- pleaseire to both Paster and co reSs Message Mine Lydia Faust; gregation tieitteet again after th Addrss, "The Organized Bible years at separation... An offeri Cass, Mr. A, lleielieb: ; "Tinfor of $500.06 Ins ctemectioe with t Leadership-" Rev. W.. P: Pletcher, repairing N.:the church and at t BA, Rural Supt, of 0,R.E.Ce Ads. close of the eley the offering' to dress `'heTR ighta' of the 'Child' ailed or $60.0.6te ' Mr W. G. Medd, Exeter; Addeees Elinere and Wilbur Keys wit 'Stop That 131 "ne , Be. W. P. haee spent the past •two month he, Sias ss for the coming year are ,tA a 10 14,. their home Ch?':gabYllon. ' For- $17.00,Pletelter... The election of officer's in the Virestreturned -last week t on's--Pretident, Miss Lydia IPaest, Mr. dharil'Keddyend Ms Zurich; Vice -Pres, infrs. 0, IVfabon- tees the MisSei keddy of tIsborn ie• eel Hensel!' Sec Preas. Miss Allnie spent Sendays'at ;the home of M R THESE ARE' ALT Consitt, He/mall; Supt. of Chirdren D. j. StePhenSift: Dept, Mrs. S. Geeelio, Zurich;l3oy Mrs. John MeEinleY, who has ITY GOO.DS. IN Division, Mr. P. VirickWire, Ilene been in attend:ante 'at 'the bedside PPIIECIArrItIVALUnS teith/ rinsalli SUPt. 'of Adult Dep. tinnecl horne. ,,- . BE TRIM_ sent Girl'e Divimion Mrs, A. More- of her sister 'in , McKillep, hes re - Mr. W. J. Tough, ;Blake! Teacher's Mrs, D. .T. MeLinchey who is C & Son 1,iniA,„ Dept, Miqi IVI. Mellis,1Zip- staying et Kiteheber, speet a few pen; Alms. pept. Rey. G. ., W. days with, friends:in Steidee• /livers, Heniatl; Tetriperaeee, Dept. M. W, IL , Talbot' arid tinnily of . Me. j. Roneliffe. The next .con- the Sanbio Line apart Sunda y at ••-.......4.•:......,••••..•.,•..t V ell tiO n 'will be I c at Tinesall ie the onto of ,lii-e, and Alra, Geo.. the Ale thodist church, 1 elewsonf, ' ' •. . , IP. a very is farm onday. r Lore - ds go with b -son. from good . Mr. the • We o our con- urch vere was as - to eon ete ev. ork eat ri- ese ng - he he t- 0 9 0 2 Heavy a 1 Heavy N liwore brown size 4i At $17.50 avy Siee 44 At $18.00 1 Youths, S 2 Youth, 1 Only Yout REMEM13E No. 1 QTJAL ORDER TO A 00ME AND"S ize 36 For $21.50 ze 34, ;15 For $16o .1. Gas imeseesers, 69 SCR ! ZURICH 4. 4. ÷ 4* an ÷ YOU WANTED The best Ford $.125 will buy. FOR SALE Chalmers Six, New battery $850 1 Four wheel trailer, painted 00 F. # M. Hess, & Co. - Zurich On $500.00 RECEIVE IN 12 MONTHS AT ORDINARY SAVINGS INTEREST $1 5, 0 0 ON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES OR CANADA T.R1TST Co,. CERXIFICATES YOOU RECEIVE $2 7 S INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALE YEARLY ON :SUMS OF $100 AND, OVER FOR TERMS IF 1, 2,3, 4 or 5 YEARS COMORINED ASSETS OF BOTH INSTITITTIOONS TOTAL OVEH THIRTY-FOUR AITLLTON DOLLARS VICTORY BONDS' SOLD AND BOUGHT, Have You MADE YOUR WILL? PrIrriTLI; PARTICULARS A PPL V' TO Andrew F. Hess, • Zurich • ' ;;:'•