Zurich Herald, 1922-10-12, Page 8ii011111! I/iM .y. M1N �:� �-+.mss® 1^` ..� •' •rill`_ -4. .011 *0111/ 1111 OW Oniisplaij New Fall and Winter Goods for your inspection. We can supply your wants in these lines at prices' that mean Dollars saved to you. New Serges in all colors priced from 85c, to 3.50• per yard. Velours and Homespuns for Coats and Suits. New Short Flannels in leading sha- des, 'suitable for skirts, middys, and Children's wear. Black Douchess Silk, guaranteed. Extra heavy quality at 29c iyd. Eiderdowns and Kimona Cloths, a- gain to hand. These cloths have been off the market for a few years,b ut we are now again showing a fine range of patt- erns to choose from. Mcnarch Yarns in Down, Dove, and Floss, 25 colors to choose from. New Wool and Flannelette Elan leets.. A complete range of Underwear in Wool and Fleeced, for Lad- ies and Children's wear. We have again in Stock, Reiners No. 1, quality Hosiery in heavy and menium yarns, for Ladies' OVER - and Children wear. And have added a supply of Yarn, this is guaranteed to give satisfac1 tion to wear lleady-too W ea;ar. Clothing D Nolfy BRO$. ,. QEN93$ PURNI;SHWNGS Ordered Clothing EAS'URi ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE GETTING CLOTHES THAT SUIT AND JUST SATISFY YOU? ASK ANY MAN WHO WEARS OUR MADE-TO-ORDER fi•• CLOTHES. HE WILL TELL YOU THAT HIS TROUBLES ARE FOR MEN NEW PALL SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, FALL CAPS, HATS, GLOVES, PINE SHIRTS, iTIES, 'BELTS, ETC. Highest market prices paid for live Poul - fry taken every Wednesday Forenoon Dried Apples Wanted ° J. GASCHO ik SON PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS Zurich's Gar AUTO TIRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUBES, 411 Sizes (hest on the Market). Also a few Seconds to Clear at (Extra Special Prices), LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CATING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AN.D CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- .COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOS CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS At T'OS. I.X.L. Battery Sales and Service St.i+ion, Battery Charging, Axy- tAcetyline Welding. EXPERTA.0 PO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. . Get into the habit of Pat-ronizing us. We want to serve you, and Serve You Ww11: PHONE No. 103. IL Mousseau Zurich i. p. .� � wetter' Furnished Home p. One of Our Cel - 0. ' r" . r+ ale ....r.. i,Ry ; r "1' 7tioiv that the cold winds of Fall r fit^ ; aid tri'• chilly evenings are here ;.f= �� `1 4. 4. .1. one should think of the cold wea- '`--��--- '1' .moi. th =r coining. inter will soon b.7 j�� � ,1, to at ha 0d.Aiell a your Home cot • ' A s lJ .p g. pletE and comfortable with0! =�" . � + 4. One .ria 1«Q�tiJ�Ie l//r .i f' .j. .4. our Ranges or Heaters, Colne ^� '"' -` 4. ;Fin and tell us what you need and JG.��� ,4. 4. we can fill your requirements. encs. /3 i l l + \`4. 4. I ,s + , ,�� " 'may r . ,� PEN/MSG/GAR IN AES!+ 4.+ WE ALSO STOCK AND INSTALL ;THE WELL-KNOWN BAN'- �' NET PIPELESS FURNACES AS WELL AS SEVER L + 1. PROMINENT MAKES A OTHER • ALL KINDS OF SI-1EOLP HARDWARE, ETC., ALWAYS I 4. • STOCK, - NO iTROUBLE TO SHOND AND E A4. ;' BOUT ..OUR GOODS. GET OUR PRICES AND 'THEN BU . * • PREETER LO K ZURICH 146+++++44404.+4.44444,4444+4+4, H, ++++ M $+4.+4.4 44,4444+4+4, 44+4 41.1 TAILORED TO YOUR SPECIAL MEASURE FROM A CHOIOCE SELECTION OF tFAB- RICS. Prices from $23 up D1NOM7 EROS ■ Produce taken, in, exchange for Goods LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected e Butter Eggs Oats Wheat per bus Flour per cwt. Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hog • very Wednesday) 35 25 35=.40 hel ..- 97-98 -.-2.75-3.75 20.00 24.00 •• _•- ••- -•. ',,. 11.25, ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Were Fee of Hensall called in the village on Tuesday. . r-" Mr, and Mrs, Ecles are leaving this week for Calafornia where.they intend to spend the winter mon- ths. ths. , Rev. and. Mrs. Reinbe, Hamiito: Beach, Ont., and Rev. J. Rebl Linwood, Ont., are spndeing a few days at the Lutheran parsonage Mr. and Mrs. John Boshart of Holt County, N. York state are visiting relative; here. Mr. Bosh - ;art has mot been here for 44 years. Two very admirable selections one a sextette and one a,quartette were rendered by the Rennie sis- ters including Mr. R. Stelck and Mr. Kenzie, on Sunday evening in the Evangelical church. For the sucscriber who has not• paid his .subscription this year yet, we shall have a warm smile if he comes in within the next we- ek or' so and passes us over the amount to cover same. Mr., and Mrs. John Fuss mot their `Household effects from t house recently purchased by Jos Geiger, and situated at t north west corner of the villa to the dwelling quarters in t real of the Yungblut R, Deiche shop. Mr. F. .J Wickwire. who has be publisher of the Hensall Obsery for the past four years, has di continued to publish that liv Mr. Wickwire claim that lack of support by the bu iness men of Hensall and lack patronage by the subscribers fore him to take these steps, , While the various church o ganizations of our neighborin towns are treating the public ' t fowl suppers, our organizations the Zurich churches have seemingl fell asleep, and those citizens wh have no way of getting to othe towns for a "Good. Fill" can onl think of it. Some one should wale up these societies' and tell the that the Zurich and vicinity peopl are also good "fowl eaters" an enjoy these grand social banquets LTUHERAN CHURCH NOTES Special services will be cone ducted at the Lutheran. church nex Sunday October 15th, The loca pastor Rev. H. Rernbe, will be as sisted by two visiting clergymen The Time Table of the . special bet vice sis aslf°ollows;-lo a.m. Semin- inary service; sermon in german by Rev.J. Reple, Linwoon, Ont. 2.30 Pan. Missions; sermon' is german by Rev. H. Reilbe, sr., Hamilton Beach 7.30 p.mThanksgiving and Harvest Home, sermon in english 'by the morning speaker. Special mucic by the choir. The public i$ cord. Tally invited. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. the Methodist congregation at ? slten int.e.td having their church. ..c, -opening on Sunday October 15 Ted he )V Ir. ha ge, he ort en er, s-. s s - of es lo. of y O I• y e m e d when Rev. N. W. Vol!ick of Otter - villa will preach at 11 o'clock and ac 7.30 o'clock. The church has been closed for some weeks, un- dergoing repairs both inside and outride. The inside work has been done by, Mn. E. Chuter of Varna. 1!1r T. Wiley is again on his rounds as tax collector in Stanley fur c vel 40 years. Mr: Calvin Dowson of Seaforth is si,en;ding a few days' at the old home ee Goshen and assisting with the lepairing at the church. Dir. Richard Robinson, who vent West some time ago with three cars of apples, has/ arrived e safely and his apples are a, ready market.. school. Fair held in Varna ago was a success in every way:- The weather being ideal th crowd- was large, and great interest was taken' by teachers, pup ils and parents.' APIs. Wm. Foster of Parr Line', ur.dErwent an operation at London on Saturday for appendicitis, and at Last account, is in a critical coni-. ditioni. . Mrs. E. Robinson and Miss Ruby hrratt are spending a few weeks with the former's daughter, Mrs. E Louder; at Hamilton. SPORT NEWS Goderich and Wingham. baseball teams have ig(,,tten into serious trouble oyer the alleged crfix'iig' of certain County League games and the executives of the North Wellington baseball Association and the Ontario Amateur Associat- ion, being unable to satisfy thorn selves completely as to the rel-. ative guilt or innocense of the two clubs, have ssupended both indefinitely from participation in amateur sport in Canada. It is .a complicated story and one which seems rather hard' to unravel so as to get the exact truth. But this is a lesson it has for all amateur Play the game for the game's sake. There is no( honour in winning a ga�irii unelss it is dolefairly and honestly. Every town is pleased and proud to .see the native base- ball team collie home`' covered with honors, and the scalps of their opponents of surrounding Yt'owris, but all the backbone is taken out �£ the (pleasure and pride if becomes known that' the team w by dishonest means. It is a se ious 'matter for any town when it amateur players are suspended fo dishonesty: They oung men wit take up amateur sports should th- ink of that, that they hold thehon- our ,of their town in their haitz9, ,and play fair.: And it is ra m'a'tter t which the staid .business hien of 1 every town should take en inter - L est in. If. the bo --a, hi the mid.del . of a " successful se i'�,,-- . ort near its end," when the winnia.- or losing of a game means 'so mulch., are about to put` on a doubtful.player or do someting which is ' not considered "straight" in the world, of port there should ,be some "candid fri- end" at handl •to warn them, to hold them back a bit. Above every- thing else it ,shbuid� be drilled in- to every boy and girl, too, for that ,tn;stter--that the winning ofthe . thinam rt is s thelimannere mo't l in whch. it is Wont: Play the game. as you 'wnurd li'Q'e your 'life, with every page,) C+sft to 'the reader.--iC'Iin,- ten N waw e ` d .,,,. Th>ar:day, Oete e(r-MU, Mr .. a! The store with the Liberal Cash 'Discount And.- see the Wonderful Val, ues in Aluminum now showing in our widow. Here are just a few items: UN TEA KETTLES $L98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR $1.98 DISH PANS $1.98 w SET 3 SAUCE PANS $198 8 AND 10 QUART STEWING KETTLES $1.98 'these are all Guaranteed Iteav Weight Utensils Y We carry a complete line of Furn... ■ iture and Hardware. Your confid- ence is solicited. �v� ;{ •e J%lRLJek&BRA PHONE 63 erajd JobDep-artmentIs al wa sat Y your service for Goob PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards., Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Chacc Bhoks, Posting i3ills a sp3cialty. 10 We invite you to go carefully oiler these Seasonable Goods, and be convin of the low prices prevailing seri yards toweling folri •-$1.0q Serge, all colors 40 in wide, yd. 90c Dress goods for school girls -per yard at ..4 :.-�.- 23c Plaid Dress Goods, Very New 9c5 Monarch Down 2 -oz. ball at A35c. Monarch Dove 1 oz ball at 25c Monarch Floss, 1 oz. ball for 25c In all the newest shades. Knit YourSweater and scarf now. We are showing a large range of Dress Goods and Coatings for fall in the following; HomeSpun Velours, Serges, Tricotine. Sweater sfor Boys and Men. Just it received a fine lot of Mens' and WO Boy's Sweaters, all wool, New r Shades, 9 _ o New Hosiery for Ladies in Heather Shades, Meh's Waterproof Coats, .Regular $25,00. On SalO..this week for $15.00: iCongoleum Rugs in the Newest design and popular prices. When in town look these over "and he convinced. See our window display for Intra ductory trial offer of soap as- sortment. 7, 1-1b, tins Pilchards for $L00 or - 15c a tin. Butter than Salmon, Choice Red Salmon, Libbys Tirana,. at 45c, a tin, why pay 60c. a tin when you can buy No. 1 Sal- Inon at 45c .Broken Biscuits, 10c, a ib. Brick cheese at per lb.. -_ -- 39e Wo carry hundreds of samples of the Celebrated Broadway Brand Clothing for Men. Come and let, us show you these sant pies whether you want a suit or overcoat. We guarantee a. perfect fit. Men's G�rbadeen Coats in the' AG Bi ores,Showing of Bats, Caps, tracesLatest Style Price this week $23 Ties, Socks, Etc. Ete.�. Collars, NO TROUBLE', TO S IICO W G001 :03 A.BOVE ARE ONLY A. PEW OF THE MANY S:PTCI.dLLB WE ARE OXWERING. Produce 'Wanted. ButerickFashions Phone UR