Zurich Herald, 1922-10-12, Page 5re Thursday,October 19th, 19eel BUSINESS CARDS Qudfoot, Kinoriin 1i0tl,l�jlfs, Barriet.exs, SolitOrs, ,Notaries, "; aabil:, Etc. Office e on the Squat e, Land door Irene T.fateailt gi St. God,.; arida, private feuds to loan at. ileAwest x^etas, ,ProtidfoQt, -1<X, J, L, •Killoran NOTICE. E. Holmes. ' will beFI sz11 on furs g .,�.•.—�,,,o.,,,..«;,.,...,,„..,,..,..,..,,..,..-•-----•---�1. .dpi a zrl �'r� c1a of each PVT TOUR nts, For Sale, Lost, Fouli�dy Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COL hIbT golinris wi m en; We nave sip ;ned up our eider Friday of each Weep, mill and are o dere in same on '. 31esS Township Clerk .uas y t .„ y ei o l week. Geoi,,e 1}ecicer, Bronson /sewn et marriage licenses, Notary l,tie, north tr'' IlarinVood: ottxbTic, 'Coinmissioner, Dire and..Aut emobile Insurance, - Representing ;Bron and Erie Nfortgage Corpora- ' pion, The Canada Trust ' Co. Zurich, Ontario. Dr .E. S. Hari„ e :,DENTIST ,At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY AY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY �iLAIN OFFICE — HENg LI L OSCAR KLOPP' Professional Auctioneer, graduate tot Davenport Auctioneering School 'Try me for real estate, merchandise, 1ewellery pedigreed stock, farm sales .fates alwaysreasonable, myterritory the world. Choice farms for sale. ?hone 18-93 Zurich License0 Auctioneer Licensed ,A-uctioneer for County p£ Huron. In a position to con- duct_ any auction sale, regardless 'dless us to size or articles to sell..notI ;solicit' „your businese, and ,satisfied wi11 make no charges for services. Arthur -Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. 66. 'a Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc ' iHighest Cash Price for Woulij i OASH ;FOR SKINS ei, U1DES Twagblut &,1 Doichert r ZURICH LI\JERY • We are operating our cider mill every Tuesday and ;Thursday, be- ginning Tuesday Sept. 19eh. :Per- ties wishing to have apple butte' made, should make arrangements by phone. F. C. Kalbfleisoh, Zurich I amn in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL :Phone 58 Zurich. G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST NOTICE have taken out License f �r Auctioneer fox the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to Con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure .you satis- faction or no charge. , tf-29 James Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 Graduate of the Royal. College Of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every. ".Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 a tm. until 5.00 p.m., at the Commerc- ial House, (Upstairs). Main Off - :fife at Bayfield, Ont. 2nd. :'Starting on :Thursday, May LIVE POU LT R V WANTED Zurich Studio anti Book Room .ttlset received Mir ship- ment of School Books,. High School Books Etc. Printing and Developing, Photos On. Post Cards, Etc., Etc. Stationery always on hand tf21 OBRIEN & KALBFLEISCH Hartleih 131oek -- Zurich Taken .every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do mot feed fowl same morning 'hen brought in. 'Highest Cash Prices ,--CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W.' O'Brien • Phoine 94. Zurich COAL BORN LOCAL NEWS gait° a ' xitenbee i'eoIT the t=il- )age atten deia the flivvl:siai,li'a' >dit Crediton on Friday evening. Mr. C. 1!!]cAipin of \\To(,dstccit visited, relatives and friends here. over the week -nee, Mr. E. Schwarts of Detroit :gip ent the week -end at the, home of Mr. and. Mrs. J, Fuss'. Mr. Serb' Wuvi m left for Kit- ehener where he intends to reside ie future. Mrs, Ed, Lamle. and two child- ren of Chatham > are visiting with her mother, Mrs, L, Geoffrey. Rev. Chris. Gascho and wife of Baden • were visitors' at. the Bronson Me. Gascho conducted devine services in the Amish church Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank of Wat- erloo were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter's father, Mr. '0 Either. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck, 14th con)., Mr. Leonard) Wagner. and Miss Agnes Kaercher of the village we- re week -end visitors at; Kitch- ener. I i : Mr, Gabriel Holtznmen has moved his Insurance, etc., office . from Main Street to the place where he now resides in the McCormick block. j ; Mr. J. Preeter and two daugh- ters Muriel and Mabel left fox; Kitchener last Friday to spend a week with friends. Mrs. Preeter has also been there the past week Messrs. Peter Schwatzentruber, Jos. Sydecker, Michael Lyn and Chris. Nafziger from Keegan N Y., viaited relatives and friends on the Bronson Line the past week. Mr. John Deichert and Ivan Yu,gblut were to Parkhill on Sat- urday. Mrs. Harry, Deicheet of Detroit, who had been visiting here for some time, accompanied them to that place. Mr. John Fuss has .purchased, 'from Mrs. Vol'landt at the south enrl of the village, two lots. . We understand Mx. Fuss is contetripl- aling of building a new house on one of the lots next summer. HgR4LD OftHE WaterNota Lttlxt Telt fi N sit on Howe Instant ti 'he Water Service Pipes -44w • res--ailav'e a Good Systein cog, treillage for Waste 1Weter, (' rniribute(3 by Ontario Department of Agcic'ulture, Teronto,l1, A' pluinting s stem consists_ oX' tliu ee e main marts: Water service, t1' turee, and waste pipes. Tee Water Service Pipes.` The duty of these pipes is to con- voy the water from the supply to the fixtures. They should be galva- nized iron of fi'rsteclass quality, and the eizo for.,, the hou'se is i/2-imich, except the one that connects the hot ,water boiler to the kitchen range or .furnace, which is %-inch in size. 'Pipe is bought by they foot in small. quantities and by. the 100 feet in large quantities, and the: price for ;alvanized iron pipe at the present time. is 10 cents per foot ,for the eesleeh, and 12 cents' for the eel -inch. The'amount required for a house is about 120 feet, but it varies with the size of the house and the layout, particularly the location of the bath- room in relation to the kitchen, also whether soft water is on tap as well as hard water. Sections of pipe are joined together by threaded coup- lings, and red lead or a special paste is used on the threaded parts to make the joints tight and preserve the threads from rusting and becom- ing permanently set. The water in these pipes is usually under 30 to 50 pounds pressure, and all joints must be positively, water -tight, particular- ly so if the pipes are 'fats; under fioors. Test the )Pipes for Leaks. Denomy—At' Sauble Line, Hay Mrs, E. Bossenberry, who;has Township on October eth, to Mr. boo'nn ailing for some time, has been moved from her' home to the home and Mrs. Ernest Denomy, a dau- ghter.of her sister, Mrs, P. Koeh1er,vvheee. shd is confined to her bed. We 13e.iber--At Hay Township on Sep- hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Ernest Gies delivered to the Herald Office on Monday, a fine Braun -At Zurich on October 6th, handful of raspberries.. Some to Mr. and Mrs. William ' Braun were well ripened and richly nav- a eon, (William McKinley:) tired, and others still in the green Hayter—At Dashwood, on October, stage. This would surely appear 9th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Hay- to be the last crop for 1922, ter, a son. Rally Day services will be 5CRO1! REPORT, held in the EY angelical 'church. by the Young People e Alliance on The fololwing is.tlme j eport of Sunday. Special' p •ogranms hay beer} prepared for both mo mail S S. No. 4, Hay for the month or and evening and n good day September. TThe class standing; anticipated; A special offering ; of each pupil is based ,upon ' )alis will be held: "nr the Alliance's home. work in arithmetic and Snelling, mission cruse else. conduct. Those marked (x) were absent. VI Class—Ethel Gabel, Edgar Res+em^ver. Lucv. Ducharne. tenmber 15th to Mr. and Mrs. William Bieber, a daughter, (Verd.a May.) After they are installed and before they are covered up' either under floors .or in partitions, and before they are covered up for good, the water should be turned on under good pressure. and a thorough test made for leaks, -not only at the joints but all along the pipe line, as a 'small hole or split would cause a ser- ious leak. Be sure the man operating the Abreacting tool knows his job and does it properly. It is very essential that the water pipes be located safe from frost, and thevefure it is highly advisable to. keep them away from the outside- wall of the house or stable, if possible. It is particularly imperative to keep the pipes connecting the hot water boiler to the kitchen range or furnace fire box from freezing, as a stoppage in this line would cause a blow-out upon the fire being started in ethe morning, and serious loss of life or property would likely occur, and lastly it is very poor economy ' ` -all anything less than the quality of galvanized pipe, use,' wroughtiron pipe for galvanized always. e. nlming Fixtures. These comprise the kitchen sink, laundry tubs, bathtub, lavatory sink, and :closet. There is a considerable variety in the style and quality of these articles, and naturally a large range in prices., You should insist on a good' quality of enamel coating on the fixtures, this is very important.. The standard dimension of some of these 'fixtures . are as follows:— Kitchen sink, 20, x 30 inches. This sink should have a back, and one drain board, at least, of wood or enamelled iron should be provided for, two are bettor. The sink should r, be located at the most convenient' height above the floor for the women u.siug it; nottoo low, else undue stoop- ing has to be endured. A 5 -foot bath- tub is the standard size. It should be placed far enough ,from the wall to Make easy cleauing around it pos- sible. The lavatory sink may be se- cured in a shape either for side wall or corner. installation. In the instal, latiou: of a closet insist on a stop cock •on the feed pipe to the tank, so that if the tank needs repairing the water can be turned off just be- low the' tank. Any standard type is satisfactory. , The cost of a standard outfit is about 'as follows: Lavatory sink, complete with trimmings, $24.50. Closet, complete, $35.00. Kitchen sink, 20 x 30 inches, with bibbs and. trap, $23.95. Laundry tubs, *55.00. Bathtub, 4* or 5 feet, $66.50, or total of $204.35. The cost of the soil pipe, water pipe and connections including labor for instaling them and the fixtures is about $195, mak- ing a total of about $400.00. A Drainage System. PRESENTATION Saturday noon the business Jr. IV -Geraldine Surerus, My- men of the village assembled at rtle Weber. the shoe store of ''C. Fritz and from III-Llovd Klopp, Lorne ,there proceeded to. the Maisons Klonp, Harry McAdams x; Leonard Bank, where they presented Mr. Zirk x, Willie McAdams x, Leeland W. B. Colles, who has been man- Surerus x, Eldon Ortwein x. ager of thatb ranch the .past•three Sr. II—Leonard Erb, Mildred years, with a handsome club •bag,. Ortwein, Delbert Geiger, Dorothy and a well worded address. Mx. Zirk, Charodi Surerus, Eldon Gabel, C. Fritz made the presentation Edward Thiel, Myrna Surerus. 'while Mr. C. L. Smith read the ad- Jr TI—R.oaal 'en T)ucharme, Ray! dress. The regret of the men of Spring and Summer DELIVERIE SEASON 1922 Owing to -the strike of theMn- err now prevailing in the Pennsyl- 'vania. Anthracite coal fields, we -bre unable to ,guarantee delivery or price and until conditions be - tome more settled orders vi11 be taken subject to our being able to obtain supplies and at prevailing price time of delivery. Ci'arite1O . tOAii & PRODUCE MERCHANT. TERMS; -CASH rime ; Office 10w, House 10j. HENSALt ONT! Ortwein, Verlyn Thiel Leonard Ma sse, Rene Erb, 'Lawrence Duch- arine. ,1 Sr T-Miltrn McAdams. ,fir• Pl'.-Clii'a ,Suve"ns, Jr Fr.—Emmerson Erb, Olevia Masse, Kenneth Ducharme. Nesbitt Woods, teacher. DASHWOOD. Mr. Chester Gaiser is spending a few days at Toronto, ' Mr. Chas. Steinhagei has ac- organization that the Zurich Bas•e- eented. a ,position as foreman of ball team has reached the honor the flax Ca at S,elforth. of being champions of the N,W. Mr. and Mrd. Milton Ehlers, of B.A. Le gte the past ;year, an 1 iv n: Detroit are visiting with the for, men's• parents here. ' Mr, and Mrs. J. Ti. .Goetz spent the went. -en' in New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dark of Win.- dscir are visiting the latter's pare ente, Mr and. Mrs, :C. Steinhae•en. Mrs. Eifert of Tavistock is at nresent visiting at the home of Mr. J. Schroeder. Mrs, Taylor of London, visited' her ;son' Dr. Taylor a few days last week. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroeder of De- troit are visiting relatives in the vi1'la?e. Miss Sinclair of Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs: Moffatt last the village, of Mr. Colles leaving was expressed by the _interest and sincereity showed in this Undertak- ing. Mr. polies was always at the public's service, whenever op- portunity availed lie) diad his utinoyt to be of assistance where.^.r he' could., and we are indeed sorry that he is being removed from our amidst ere he has reachedeene more of his ambitions,,,namely, re-establishing the Zurich Band. It was largely through his continuous efforts and week. ; NSr. Relit, Hayter is all smiles. A little'son1.ar.rived at his home on October 9th. Mr. G. liidighoffer has purchased the d -welling and property of Mr. Win. Ehlers. Mr. Ehlers in'- tends inn'vinte to Kitchener. Mt M, Mcisaac left on Tuesday for Couirtrinht where be has ac- cepted' a position with the Bell Telenhone Co. Mr, and Mrs. George Koch of the village accompanied by Mr. (and Mrs, Joseph Meidineer, Zurich, re- turner) from an extended motor trip to Michigan', where they called on friends at Flint, Saginaw, St', Louis, Shepherd., Midlan. d. Bay City, Sebewaine'. Pigeon, Elkton, 'Rad axe, Port Huron and Londo:n, Ont. ning the handsome Clarke trophy for the season of 19921,. Mr. Col- les beim' manager for the team of this memorable season's sport, and his name goes down in history of Zurich's baseball team, But we have the satisfaction of know- ing' that Mr. Colles and fanny n ill be as active and useful to the Wil- liamsburg people as they have been to Zurich, and we wish them only the best • of success in their new home, The address ;-- Zurich, -Zurich,Oct 1th, 1292, Dear Mr, Colles;— We, ;bleb usiness men of Zurich,. wish to express our sincere regret at the loss we are sustaining in your removal from our village. Since your arrival in our midst we have not only always had the most peasanit relations with you in business shatters, but you have also assisted greatly in putting Zurich on the map as, one of the best sport towns in Ontario. Kindly accept •. this token as a slight remehbrance of ,the ' people of Zurich, and if we should meet again at zany future time we feel that the spirit •of goodfellowship will prevail as in the days ,gone by. extend to you and yours best wishes, May your labors in your new field ba crowned with success and happiness. Signed; C, FRITZ, • 'I ' eileelieeee Chid droolk .. for Fie %%%%%.%%:4•14.%'`%`%. AO% i.w1o.►:.aW:+.a'Rivv..`•f.a:.!v. Fletcher's Castoria is strict) a'remedy 'for Infants and' Children.` Foods are 'specially 'prepared. for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Daby. Remedies priinaxlly prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable, It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children, that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claltn has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. hat is C El Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Yl; contains neither :Opium., Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age : is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been,in constant use for the rolief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, s,d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation' of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. �a A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of GENUINE ;e4.. In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY 4i weer zif {3 ReeMiMaeeeleMsWela :.q..¢. �.�...;.,,.i•fi•.}••g•d••i•.6•�i•.;.as.i.,b•�.ai••�.�••i•�••N ILumber Lathy Shingles 4 Everything in Combination storrn and screen doors made to order Lumber and BUilding /Material t • ^I• Custom Work cur S r.Ecza!l y Always • e �s the mar1..et for saw logs KAL11] 4. PHONE, SE 69 ZURICH 4. ' • ., ., g L• •..,,. �.44.4.4' °T. .1.4 ++ +++ ,1 • , + g q L 3� {r 3 i i ze r �, x $ $• ,This"part of -the plumbing system consists of the soil pipe or stack that extends from the sewer up through the house and, out beyond the roof. All the wastes drama into this pipe and by it are' carried to the sewage disposal system. Bach fixture is con- nected to this main drain by a smaller. pipe having a trap to- keep bad odors from coming back from the sewer. The . stack is 4 -inch cast iron pipe made in 5 -foot sections, • and . the joints are caulked with oakum and lead. The other pipes are 2 inch and 11/2 iticli, either iron or lead. Installing this part of this work, also the water service pipes, is commonly known as "roughing in,' Space will not permit of further treatment of the subject. Write the Department of Physics, O. A., C., Guelph, for advice, and for a coley of Bulletin 267, "li'arnt Water Supply . and' Sewage Disposal."e-•• R. R. Graham, G. A. College„ Guelph. Few gardeners realize the itnport- aiiee of,pueverizing the soil as deeply es.it'is ploughed. No matter how per- fectly the surface is prepared, if the soil lis coarse and lumpy below, the plants will not thrive. Large air spaces in, the soil are a detriment, but a,large number of very smlall sir spaces• iir the soil are ,a benefit. ,z, exx a s• ,m WAN T E The best Ford 3125 will buy. FOR L, . . Chalmers Six, New ;battery $850 1 Four wheel trailer, painted $90 FHess & Coir -�� • Win YOU RECEIVE IN 12 MONTHS AT ORDINARY SAVINGS INTEREST ON HURON & BRIE DEBENTURES OR m / t CANADA TRUST Co, ' (CERTIFICATES YOOU RECEIVE 755 INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF' YEARLY ON' SUMS OF $100 AND OVER FOR TERMS IF 1, 2,3, 4 or 5 YEARS • COMOBINED ASSETS OF 130TH INSTITUTIOONS TOTAL OVER THIRTY -TOUR MILLION DOLLARS VICTORY BONDS SOLD AND BOUGHT. MADE YOUR WIL ,? ,Have You FOR MIL PARTICULARS 'APPLY TO;• Andrew F. Hess Zureh