HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-10-12, Page 4CH 'H At THg HERALD l Wednesday noon from the • IlE I [» PRINTING F• r Can you s;a ve that forty per cent. of coal, or aro, you 3o 1r,,Ink for a su.hstatate for it? The se.t tin for shooting Woocl eoelt. opened itz Ontaa.rio on 1''"riday OFrfeE last and will last until Oetolie;a+15 'fleoteve after Jean, 1st. 1f}20 hTe daily bat 'limit for wood ock has been set at teak nlaseription Terms; $1,25 per;year ad^ aace 12,00 may be charged At 7zlcat he paid. U., S. i}ubscrinti tips $1,75 etrietly in advance, No paper ,disconilpned eintil all are *ears .a''e paid unless at the option +df the publisher, Tlxe date to ''hieh every subscription is paid 'int demoted on the label. ADVERTI "ING RATES' 'D play Advertising -Made known application, ttray Axtimal.—One insertion 50e leavee insertions $1,00. Perm or 'Real Estate £or sale 4112 for first month, $1 or each sub- 'quent insertion, Professional Cards not exceeding 4. inch, $5 per year, :&action Sales, $1.50 for one in- tsiertion, $2 for two insertions, if not rarer 5 inches in length. .Local and Legal advertising not- ages, reading matter, 10e a line for first insertion and 5e per line for Leh subsequent insertion. Card of Thanks, In Memoriam,. 50c 'e Mr .elda a articles of not s peau r ',more than five lines, For Sale, To "Redd', or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc,, seaae'l7: Insertion .25cX, 'et.ddress all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT HENSALL. 6• T. R TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING Stage leave iZurich ... 7,00 a.rn. South, No, 162 ._. - ...:8.58 a.m. Werth, No. 163 :.. ... ...10.33 ant, AFTERNOON ",Stage leave Zurich ...3.00 p.m. South; re. 164 ... ..- ...... 4.50 p.m, North, No, 165 ... ......6.14 p.m. HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of May held its regular monthly me .eting on Saturday, Oct. 7th. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting ere'adopted as read. l; rant of $25 was 'made to, 2nrich Agricultural Society for 1622 6 By-law No: 11-1922 re the is- Ming of Telephone debentures on '25 telephones installed, amounting $140,99 was read two tames. The following banks wore math-• Cine: ne, .a receive ,xes 10 mi,r.. 'Township of Ha} for 1922; Mole sous Bank, Zurich; Maisons 1;a.ui., Hensain and 'Exeter; Cana da Bank of Commerce Dashwood, and that they receive at the rate of Five 'cents for each co1'lec•tion, 'ex- eeept Molsons Bank, Zurich, which :is making collections free of ntharge. A communication from Jarvis & ;Yining, Barristers, Landon, re. e'iaim• of Charles B. Chapman., of The same city, for dmages as a. lresult of an utomobile accident on 'the London Road south of Hensl'1, leas ordered filed. 14 Ir, T. G. Shillinglaw , .• come seelesioner of the Tuckersinith Mune kipal Telephone System, intern- (dewed hte Council re free interch- ange of mesages between the Hay x?d Tuckersi a,itlr telephone syst nis after January 1.st next, when 'The Tuckersniith System :takes ov- er the Bell •Co.'s plant and lines in the Village of Hensall. The Co- entil of Hay Township agreed to :arrange for ,a free intercheagge with all subscribers on the Hay $yrL nu and air subscribers con-- 'needing on-'n+etting at Hensen on the Tucker- -smith system, including subscrib- iere in the Village of Hensall. The t'uekersntith system to assist the Hay System e in building another tract Mine between Zurich and Hen - 4(411. The new arrangements will likely take effect next January 1. • The fol'lowing.ea.ccounts were aased;— P. Haberer evaluating sheep, 1,50; '13x1rlington Steel Co., cement rein- forcing iron 41,15; F. Keeling, valu- ating ahr-gating sheep• 2.00; S. Rapp, labor •'oad at Blake 8.62; . MYlunicip'at World, supplies 8.86; N. Savages rt$r:aning Martin 'ward ditch 35.25 • Aldsworth cam, wrk. rep culy. 110245; E. Hendrick core. writ., rd. • 5i).50; Gea, Becker, corn, wrk. rd; 3-13 149.25; O; L. Petty ditto rd. 1 14:.50; A, Reichert ditto rd, 4, Wm. Beiber ditto rd 1-12 4330 00 • John Geoffrey rd. 17 104.00; n I.,R. freight en iron 6.48; E.Dat- 41n cern, work, Rd. 2-3 213.00; E. b'aters gradijing rd, 1 18.60; .J *Campbell, teaming iron 3,00 Mrs. • C-raham, expenses re' Fleisch latter 19.43; Ed. Munn, coma. wrk rd '14 163,15; D. D. Shirray rd. 14-15, X22,10; W. J`.' Dignan ditto 91.00; Max. Turnbull ditto 12 113.24 J. .Ort•r'*in ditto rd. 0-15 192.10; Stade We do, chain for Ball 100.00; Zurich, .&gr. Society, grant 25,0 .� ,1`r 25,00; R. McArthur rd, 1, 70.70; Hy. Reat- erneyer repairs to culvert 1 00 ; sStromborg-Carlson Tel, alVfig. Co. :etapplies 38.34; Northern Electric Supplies_ 3.38; Bell Co. tolls my to Sept,• 257.44; P, 14InTsaae, ,salary etc, 434.02; M. G Daltz, sal- 'pry's etc, 442.05 The 'Council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, Nov. 4th at 1 alele k, pati. A..1+. 11i,Cipro'.., EXETER C'ltas Guenther wlao i,s engag- ed at. Rxti•er's baateher• sllop?, had the misfortune to cut bis hand; blotto• poiso nsetting err.. He wA.s off work rot. About ten days, Mrs. Bert' Knight and her moth er, 11lrs. Wan. Drew left •for oLs Angels, Cal. 'Where they will make: their Bonze in future., • Ann a..IC. Cowan of Galt, has been engaged' as the new teacher for the. Exeter High School, Exeter Juniors lost their gable with Oweu Sound in the N.W.B,AI fin .1 at Palcuerston, It was .a pit- ch.er'e duce throughout and only. elrCijs Mimed the :Exeter- pitcher lost the game. • It has been transpired, that John G. Yubn, of London, who was ell- arge3 with rtpkwg part in the Wyoming Bank robbery, but ac- quitted, was an employee of the flax. x- lel here l"a•st year. Tom Johns driver ,. 01 R. 1-1.. fie e'e tuck, had a narrow esc- ape f1om serious injury on Friday noon.. He was proceeding west on the -Lake Roadm near where the, toad . crosses the river, when lie turned out to allow two • c rs to pass, - HA evidently ` turned toa ter, a:ad the truck upset into the ditch, pinning him ,in the cab, as the door was' on ;the right hand side, He had' to break his way through the windshield to get out and sustained a Severe cut on the forearm. Mrs. F. A. .Chapman arrived home last Week, after an extended visit in Dayton, Ohio. They are preparing to move to Leamington where IYLr. C'hapran has been ap- pointed as manager of that branch of the Canadian Bank 62 Cone- merce. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Townhips of Stephen convened in the Town Mall, Crediton, on Tuesday Oct. 3; All member weesr present except- ing Deputy -Reeve Webb. The minutes of the previous meeting ,were read and adopted. BENiS.rLL a s G•, . 1'. Scott, of Beach viAo is i' eiLtn her' istser, : Mrs, ';3', Southeilaud. 1inlzu Stacey returned hon;ct• from a pleaeant dill to Dcl•;a'l•t with oaze of his sons): White ttact.G'e he attended the ;big convnteion held by the .Qddfellc>ws.' I vz 4i1wMoir and ?Donald Burns, • exhibitors of horses, had' very orei s�iece,o *tt the Seaforth and ux 5b Fairs, The continued fine weather is most :fatiorabie to the paving . pl' our Meru Street and the business CIC D LC t Old block from Ia the ? l C wa„st Wil eoc.r be completed.'. On Monday noon last while pl- aying at school a't the noon hour, Mildred Scrutor}, second slaughter of 'A aeruton, had the misfortune to Mall and break her arm above the wrist, Mr, and Mrs. W. 0, aoodwin.'re. turned front their wedding trip, .a2) Sunday evening last and were give en a reeption by J. Youngs and family of the .Commercial hotel;' Mrs. Sithi.psoni ` who had been visiting her sister, Mrs, D. Uri•1-, chart, left. on Sunday last, her son Jack, having returned a few days sooner for their home in SCh-• ieago, . Mr. and. Mrs, G. 'F. Yuegblat of Waterloo, visitingtheir da - ghter, Mrs, .3 W. Bonthron at their summer home, Grand Bend. • GRAND BEND Esther Green who has been vie - Ring at Port Huron returned to her home on Thursday. The congregation of Plymouth Breth•eren are building a new church, south of the Bend. A pleasant surpr'ize was teriid area, to Miss Margueritte Carrier, at the Manse, Grand Bend, last S'Veelee,rlay evening when tbe'girls of the `O`naway. Class" of the Pres byterian church churci.L gathered bid farewell to reeir friend and classmates. The evening was' ;pleasantly spent in games and music atter which the girls served a dainty lunch. During the Cou- rse of the evening .Marguerite was presented with a nicely worded address and a silver cream and sugar dishes. In a feat wel'lcho- sen words she thanked the girls for their remembrance and the kindly thought that prompted it, Miss Carrier will be greatly missed at Grand Bend, not only by the girls of her class but by the By -lata No. 296 for the levying whole congregation, and everyone of certain rates against the rate- loins in wishing her the greatest ® GOOD MOTOR a OIL .AT 85 CENTS A GALLONat able property of the Township 01 p1eee3s'wliea she beg•n•s lee e'u''fe's e -. three •Stephen, haying been reade1 at the Conservatory- of Music ' at, ss Bain a " • Toronto this month. •llay loader in stock for quick titries, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk, anti the seal of• the c^a'poration attached therto delivery. a,: ,-gall- i3o. 297 being a 73y -law , - AUCTION SALE known as The, VictoritaStreet Drain � l of the Police ' Village of Crediton; -- Farml a c if i e r Sold 01TELEPH ONE NO. 76 Fuxin Stock, implements,.:' Ii which has provisionally passed on sehold Effects, Sept, licit, last' i n as amended by Etc. The. n the, Court of Revision this day; hal sx;ued Auctioneer has been ins uctecl to sell by Public AuctionSit `'n ing been read. three times be pas 'Lot. 14, on. 1:1, Sta,nle rTownsha sed. . y la on MONDAY" OCT. 16111., 1922, at 1 o'clock, p.m sharp, the follow- ing articles viz;— . . LIVE ,STOC4-1 General Purp-' ase mare; 1 Mei1 Meavy Draught geld- ing rising tl yrs; ]. caw su os d �• +I pp e IIEa11111Ni 11 to be int calf, Ilnilifllllllliliillillilllllllliillli!lllilllll{VJ11011111111lIINdVII!!IilIIINfIONIliI81HIINllliiill II?011110110lUIiIOIIUIIIIIl011MiI,iIlNili)11111111 I I a f, due arch; 7 steer`s a ;_ BiONI101111111111111111011111111lilillllllAll110111�0111(il bout 1,000 Ibs. each; :3 stocker st ears; 1 yearling heifer; 2 2 -yr, — . ;= oldliVl heifers; 2 pigs; about 75 hems. = •""` a IMPLEMENTS, ETC --Deering .=____ mower 6 -ft cut hayrake. Herat. t a ?;e, cultivat = ,-L =- or, M,II,I) can harvester and. scuf-. M -- -Pee fler, set diamonds' harrows, M. -.H. seed drill, fanning mill, 2 walking • ' 9 _= plows, Cangaroo plow, wagon, _ wagon box, stock rack, hay rack • — top buggy, road cart, Portland cut- - e4 ter, bob sleighs, wheelbarrow, cut- ter pole, neck yokes and whiffle- — lib Is a Word uppermost in ou i minds Just now -•.. theaiie. , � e��� features of the new clothes e Are Tailoruig.For Men FABRIC'S ARl DURAI3GF7, 'STYLES PI;ACTIBLL+ BUT MOST . IMPORTAIlliiT OF ALL OUR WORKMANSHIP WILL GIVE YOU EN- DURING, SERVICE AND LASTING SATISFACTION.. IF YOUR 4UFt INTENTIONS'ARE TO B'U'Y' A REAL NIFTY. AND CLASSY SUIIT" OR OVERCOAT :SEE OUR LAiTES Tr MODELS IN RAGLANS, Ur/SP— URS AND CHESTERFIELDS, YOUR. INSPECTIONr �C'QRD_4I.Li. IS INVITED, (/ L 'u will like r rt, "4 , T,n <Y C r 7'ltnr�s l Otikober.• 1:.9041 1, .NEW ONTARIOi A ' ()vv the FFariu Loa System Helps the Northland, Maany $ether, Need TM.t'iaaancial, coUragexneti-Ciaancd VaaILle,; (Wet Good Scieurity — aestenn tie ln.,. sglectiota Is Practiced In Making. Lowes: (e;ontrlbetsa les, Oetccrto.Department of Agileuitu•s, Toronto,) "Money, iwthe greatest. need of thee, whole' Northern district at the :, Present time," This is one striking conclusion submitted theto i -. Agrlcttltural lac-, . 'velopanent Board by; one of its staff inspectors after a careful and de- - 'tailed survey of two or three im- portant sections of NOW, Ontari , early this summer, Farm Loans Meet the Need.: Already there are many evidences to indicate that tI)e new system sell long -tern- loans will go a consider• able distance in meeting that need, In the older settlements the , great need is buildings, and large: nuanbere of settlers are able to comply with, the terms s oY • tll'e logiglatton, Having got their Land 'from the Crown in. most cases, there is no mortgage agalest it. Having 40, 50 or 60 acres wider cultivation, they; now have a, substantial equity. If there are seed. grain liens or mortgages they are us- ually. small, and come under the 40 - !per cent. clause for removing en-.: ., u inspection, they are, therefore, f� elig- ible for loans. There are else .a num- • ber of cases where money is needed, to help buy land to enable a young Ulan to start for himself, Interest. rates are higher in New Ontario. Eightand nine per cent. are quite: common, while reports have been, heard of 10 to 12 per cent. being :. charged. In Lae ordinary course,. there; ore, money for these essential; development purpose's is not avail- able, or not available ou terms which : . make its use- practicable. Applica- tions have atcorddngly been received I from every district in' the north country. Not Assuming Heavy Load. cumbrances Farm • Machinery". tq • 'Pumps are down in price,no charge41 • li 3 for installing. . Wash Machines �1 and '� wringers are down 1n;Sri • � � � ce. Get 3 our prices on Lawn Mowers•. •• O : o • ' GALVANIZED WATER TROUGHS 2x2x6 at $11.00 7-8 e r� BEST MANILLA HAY FORK ROPE AT 25c.Lb. WE HAN- g o DLE GENUINE Fc.Ltl`RY FLOW POINTS. • POINTS WITH "AURORA" STAMPED ARE NOT GENUINE, BUT STAMPED : 0 •"3, FLEURY'S' ARE GENUINE. CHEAT? JOBBER'S POINT'S e O ARE 55e. AND Me. LEAVE YOU;Q ORDERS WITH US a' 0 That Elmer Lawson be awarded the contract to construct 4450 feet of field tile drain from, stake 10 to the outlet and. George Silber the 1100 feet of vitrified tile drain and lthe three catch basins of the Vic- toria Street Drain, subject that the work is •not to be commenced un- til such titre as so ca ordered by the Reeve of the municipality. Fred Werth is hereby appoin ted Collector of Taxes for . the year 19922 at a salary of 8$7,00 That the isum of $10.00 be grant- ed to the' Stephen and Usborne pto wing Assoc. for competition prizes The fellowing orders were pas- sed;— e Amusement Tax Branch, tickets $10.00; Centralia Farmer's Club, cement 19 00; Frank Adams contra. eta 8-9, ESR 158,75; Placid Disjard ine conn. 9, ESR 1.50; W. Lafond corn. 8,ESR 7.50;. D. Oestreicher, making cement tile 140,99; Res Mel• lin cont. 09, SB. 7,50; Express Co. charges .55: Municipal .Wold sup- plies 8.46; Stephen & Osborne plow ing Assoc. grant 10.00 The council adjourned to meet again in the Town. Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 6th of November next at 1 p.ni. Henry Either, Clerk CREDITON .A. quiet wedding was solemn- ized at the Evangelical parsonage last Wednesday at 8 o'clock, ,a.m. Rev', Hauch offfieiating when Mabel youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wenzel was united in mar- riage to Mt, Herb, Palmer. The bride looked very charming in :a neve time suit aha wore a cor- sage bouquetof rose buds. ; The young couple left on the •morning train for Detroit. They will re- rside in th•e', village. The best wish- es of a host of friends are extencle ed to the happy young couple.. Lily Lawson of Windsor, is hole id.aying with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Iii Lawson, Mr, and Mrs. August Kuhn have returned from Grand Bend, Mr. Kuhn beim mucin' ice roved in b p health, Jan. olIttzteen 'left Wednesday to attend General 'Conference of the Evangeliea lchurch; whin's is being held in Detroit. The furniture 'or the Meti,ed_ est Church has arrived, •tvorkmee are now engaged builcfiing the'stepe' into the church. The Hydro trietr expect /to be- ;t 1 werlti t1 Credito i with:thepo'es este of near Gorrie, WAR kkcite:die of Ha ter•'s faxen and syr. evc„i., •` ,.9 /• W... (4.1w .1,atee t.. j ^� colt, tl'1:^, �`,W `'�='i� I tll'?Cl. 1-0.111 Windsor W%sal,aa 0 e to • 0 A 0 0 600000esee eeessetee 000sese00Zi00000000011100 0 V6`i••4,0 trees, set heavy team harness; set single harness, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS —Pan- dora range, Quebec heater new, sideboard, cupboard, number of kitchen chairs, 6. dining room chain; bedstead., couch, sewing machine, hall rack, hanging lamp, . - cream separator, Connor 'washing mach- lee, New erPfection coal oil stone 3 burners, oil heater and numer- ous other articles.... TERMS OF SALE -t$5 and under ccash. Over that amount 12 mon - the' credit will be given on furn- ishing approved joint notes. 5% off for cash on. credit amounts, Geo. W. Elliott, Proprietor. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. COUNTY NEWS. Watford has a tax rate of 58 mills on the dollar. Mrs. Eli Crich, Clinton fell from a tree one clay lest week while pick ing apples and sustained a frae Lure of her arm, • It is announced that the annual plowing match, of the Exeter bre apch of the Ontario,„ Plowmen's is sociation- will be held on Rchazd Yellow's :farau on October 10th.• An interesting ' competition is looked • John Swan of 'Brucefield ennoun ces the engagement of his •- - dough- ter, Mabell,e A, to Ma•.'Edger.., u. - nn ion of .Mr• .. a l ct , z III"' e •' �'„ Ptei� II I I III 01111 II I H I IBI NI II 111111111011 iI I I i 10 I 11 01 I l I � H I I I l l 100111 111101 ILI I illi Ill 111 111 10010 I� I I .II II Il I III Ill ifr,(10�U�Nlillf(!I[IONRIiIIIiIIIiiIillll011fr1011diUfiIIIIIIhi111fUltwliitrllillililitlllllllUiIIII Munn of Heed Township; the mate. � 11�1111� riaye to take place the` (latter part tri Win hanx-Fair. The little lad tend the •injured of Ootober, g 1. man, Before the John Wainer of x,s.in 'serioats condition, ailthougix.doctor r, s n Stephen lost . arrived on Mlle scene the dr t d t t h y, Q gest Herald and Daily Globe6.00 ▪ Herald and Kitchen er Daily Telegraph $$6.106'00 Herald and Daily Mail and Empire :.. ... .. _.6.00 — Herald and Saturday Mail and Empire ... ... , : 3.75 Herald and Daily Star. 6.00 Herald ,and Weekly Star: : .., ▪ Herald and Daily. News _ 6:00 gnq Herald and . Free Press, evening edition ... ... 6.00 • ilierald and Free Press morning" edition ... ... 6.00 Herald and Advertiser, morning edition ...... 6.00 _ Herald and Advertiser, evening edition .., 6,00 tm E. -Herald and Farmers Advocate 2.75 — Herald and Farm and Dairy .., .. --- 2,15 - Herald and Farmers Sun 2.75 72 Herald and .Family Herald and Weekly Star, "...... 3.10 HeraldEd and Canadian Country s?aIi 2.00 .-Herald' alend Weekly Witness; .., 2.75 __ Herald and Farmer's IVlagaziine ..2.50 Herald and Youth's Companion ...3.50 MRenew , papers `with us and save money yourp P ti � , �,1 � a E EA' El,ti ra The HERALD Zurich h a valuable horse one night :las!t i xp, h ail 1 ui we'r lc. It was found: cleacl in ' the hroaigll,. field. t ld. The same night Mr: Pres -1 Alar Mysterious auto. accident g y ccaden hap ton Dearing last a heifer. in aped- cued on the road between , ar !p 7' Park — joining- joinixi field, hill and GrandBend last Tuesday; Th.. 11- . a, r 'C 1 old son a af. �. }J r e i y cl. Sr' Ara ov r't trued n in cite ditch west Ie iver climbed into another ' car which came along and disappeared, There was blood, on his person, 'showing his injuries, and as he drone away- •hi's ear burst into f1-, antes. which Were loon extinguished by the neighbors. The name of the driver is 'un`known. From the Bar River of -the , Algoma district came aection request for a loan of $5,000 to build a dairy barn. This looked like a pretty sub • - stantial dairy barn, but it was shown ,_ the farm included 90 acres 01 ex- ceptionally •. rich soil, 20 acres of , which two years ago produced oats , which averaged 100 bushels to the ':• acre and stood live to six reet all over tte field. Similar stories come from Sudbury, Tinziskanaing, Rainy 'liver, Dryden and Thunder I3ay, but many are for small "haus of $1,000 or less, and the' average will, there- fore, be between $2,000 and $3,000. This will mean an annual repayment • of amend $200. So it will be seen settlers are not rushing to assume - impassible burdens. Staff inspectors spent several'weeks; ,-.:,. going over the different districts, .and are of opinion that in the old set- tled- sections of New Ontario . loans, may be placed with as great .a sense of security as in Old Ontario. They found, ill fact, that sections such. aaAlgoma,° New Liskeard, Dryden, Rainy River and Thunder Bay, where settlement has been in progress for twenty-five years or more 'develop- ment is taking place very more, that of Old Ontario. In the Sudbury district good agricultural progress is, -being made. About 90 per cent. ot- t he population .is T'renett-Canadian, the balance being made up Of Fine lenders, Polacks f1om Central Eu- rope, and a few of Scottish and Bng- lish descent. Land Values High. Reports from all quarters indicate that land values in the older settled sections already are high„ Prices up to $100 per mentioned acrfor lazed; with only moderate: buildings, are very common. This is due to• sev- eral factors. In some sections the land is in pockets Between the rocks, Such land is limited in area, but very rich in fertility. Then, too, • there are growing cities, substantial towns, or lumber or mining camps adjacent to all the agricultural districts, and these offer a ready market for hay, oats an&.. potatoes, which are the three- crops most generally grown. Old Ontario, prices, pins transportation costs,, which means an advance of 10 to 15 per cent., are paid. These mar- kets would absorb more live stoole; and live stock products titan are pro duced, and making available monei,. for buildings essential to the winter ing of stock will help in develoPin, agriculture along stable lines. Whether present landvalues wilt be maintained is problematical, and the inspectors recommend a maxi- mum of $60 per acre as far as loans; by the board are concerned. it isa probable the average valuation will" not exceed half that figure. Systematic rnspectio#x Necessary. Sonia requests -have been received; for loans fen clearing land, but these,; do not come under the act and;; therefore'must be ,:excluded. Ilan of the applicationlb will be for - amounts ander $2,000. Inspection,, Involves considerable expense and, it is evident some plan will ',have, to be adopted 9o' that inypectiait,' cmay be tirade systematically avithoele 'covering, the same ground too arten.. Nq inspection can `be made whets, snow is on the ground: Little build-. ,ing is done In the winter, though, timber for building purposes is ofteet • taken out. It is therefore, rr.fore, probazble, that a plan will be adopted by which two inspection 'made ,s per year will be f 0 • a loans for building purposes., one in the spring and one in the fall. API//canons will be received up to as Certain date and lodes passed upon at a certain date. .[hese dates will bei ' fi cod go as to accord withtlle11a settlers 1 and' conveaxienee of • ttae aa aar as possible,