HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-10-12, Page 1ZURIC " Vol. XX I I I No 14 ZURICH THURSDAY NIQR. SEE US FIRST Leather Goods White Goods For Dress orSport. A wide. assortment of samples Reliable Workmanship Close Prices Quick. Service • Youbenefit because we sell at as close.a profit as we can stand GHEETREY. OUR NEXT PAM W. H. PFILEy ZURICH G THE HOME OF OOD SHOES. C.•••C=a•-•".Q••••--...;_.•=,•.:=.-0•••••—d<=:..C=.••<:?.:::.-C=...0..0•00.-li.G..••==. C••<:="••0•4=:••.:=....=•• •:=>•<:=,..=•••=3.191.-.•=•••=ri. -1k. BK:Z±,..•tsa...,•.,...i...os.‘:.,:•Q•.;,,s.'1,.rZ:t,..::,..,,..... :;:.... •.....t,,:W.,.‘;,..4...‘:::....C:s:,,i1ZN,CZ,..SZt,.....ZZ,....1010... onttx......o.t\ 2ZN)I0 0. • 4g4 0 GRAND STYLE. DISPLAY 3 Ladies' Suits, Coats and Dresses •-AT Money Saving Prices. , , • , .. . ...,.,„..:„:„:,:,,.,.,......,..,....,,,4....." :: ,' ,'.'''' .!''': ' ' 'i ' '', ' ' WE ARE. NOW SHOWING THE VERY NEWEST STYLES • _ are • FOR FALL AND WINTER IN WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR .. AT MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES. • % 0 k• FALLALDLISWPLEAAYSICBE ISFHA BEFORE EYTYOU MANDOUDECCOIDEE NSEE THIS .e.iFOR WE ARE CONFIDENT THAT WE HAVE JUST THE T STYLE. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AT JUST THE PRICE YOU - 6 -WANT TO PAY, R • • OCTOBER 12, 19 22, Chester L. Smith, Pubitelikaie a Ye.o. AdVattM $1,50 TN AUTO: A ES, $2 A.14 2. BE (MAIMED Mrs. Alex. Foster spent the past week at London. . " '11/r. and Mrs. John Gascho were at 'Medford on 1TuesdaY. Chris Erb. of Wellesley, ited'On the Bronson the past week Mrs. A. G. Eclighoffer spent the past week at Kitchener and Water- loo. Mr. Dan. Smith is spending a few weeks with friends at New Hamburg. Mr. Eden Kinzie of Kitchener sp- ent the week-ned at the home of Mrs, S. Rennie. Mrs. 0. Wagner left for Hensall last week, where she will likely be for the winter. Mrs. J. Ort, who had been for the past few months with Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick left for Crediton Friday. . • Mr.' and Mrs, John Wanless of Duluth Min., were visitors at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. John Gall man on Monday. - • Mr. an; Mrs. Mrs. Jos. Meidinger were visitors With relatives and friends in different points in Michigan the past week. , Mr. Harry Deichert, who had be en visiting relatiyes here for sev- eral weeks, left last Wednesday for his home in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman and sou Lee, also Mr. and Mrs: Chris Hoffman of Crediton, were Sunyda visitors at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. A. 33enedist Kitchener. • Rei W. .T. Yager of Dashw'oon, cenoiregernaarr service in the urch on 8unday Mor Ladies' Hats OUR NEW LINES OF LADIES' FELT AND BRUSHED WOOL HATS HAVE JUST ARRIVED IN A LARGE ASSORT- MENT OF COLORS, ONLY A FEW OF THESE HATS LEFT. GET YOUR'S WHILE THE PICKING IS GOOD. Men'sFall ndWinterSuits /1\ The Biggest and Smallest Man in Town will get equal astisfac• .. 0 tion in the fit of his clothes we have ° a soli of pride i filling inn wIfich OTHERS FIND HARD TO PLEASE; THAT'S WHY WE •HAVE ' OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ALWASY WHAT IT SHOU- \\ In) BE. 80 WHEN LOOK IN,G FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT, ,IS,1 COME IN AND -GIVE US A TRIAL, AS WE FEEL SATISFIED WE HAVE JUST THE PHIN G FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND J. •PREETER B.' Co11es who is leaving with family on Thursday of this Week for their new home at Will- iamsburg, wishes by this medium to gregtly thank his many friends for the kindness and patronage shown during his sltay as Manager of the Mesons Bank he Zurich. As •Pielt++++++++++++44+444.444++++++++++++4.44.4441.444.444.444t time is very; limited he will not bei:L. able to meet'all before his depart,' ÷ uretherefore he extends his best wishes' to suele 4. 4 4 4 Wedding Gift Suggestions See our Lines in Rich Cut Glass,Com-. munity Silverware, Pyrex, Casher oles, Etc. Also a number of New Cuckoo Musical. Mantel, Kitchen and Boudior Clox at greatly reduced prices W. G. Hess, Zurich r•••••••Mititinilt•Mklr•••Mtinatmt1 • 0***********************4 4r **********************444r 4 O 4 Fall Horse Goods. 4 OP' 4 ... 4 4 Test Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse • • • li. 4. Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. 4, Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices • • Ranging from. $7.00 to ea $13,00, SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US CALL. 4' A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand, • Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. 4 iliAIPTP$$-..EERATEINCTA SBECJALTY, PHONE 1 • FREDri • THIEL - ZURICH • *04..0.4 004>•••••••••••44.4.40*. 41. ;. REAL ESTATE CHANGES Mr. Sol. Zimmerman purchased last Tuesday at the auction sale of Mrs. C. Fuss, the farm consisting of 50 -acres, south -half Lot 10. con'. 11, for the consideration of $4.650 Immediate Possession given. Mr. Wilfred Laporte of the Saubie Line _south, has disposed of his 139-acrefarm to Mr. jos. Patter- son of Bosanquette Township for the consideration of $12,500. Pos- session given on March 15th next. Mach 'sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Masse, of the Bronson Line. in the severe I Toss they sustained on Tuesday morn- ing in the burning to the ground of their b aro, season's crop, im- plements, team of horses and other valuables. • The accident happen- ed about five o'clock in the morn- ing, Mr. Masse arose early as he was going to I-Tensall with a load of apples, and in getting down hay for his horses!, he set the 'lantern on the eeecl drilt and a cat itempe ing out of the, hay mow knocked the lantern intd the hay and catch- ing, fire. Mr. Masse at once rush- ed the burning lantern out of the front door, but upon his return the flames lead made such headway .. that he cosuld riot extinguish the fire and the fatal result took Place, The toss is around $2,500, which is partly covered by inser- ance, and the loss to Mr. Masse will be felt severely as he has startr.id up only a few years ago. and ,wae eitetting along nicely. He has bower, already purchased a barn from .Mr, Paul Bedard of the 14th con., and will at once move it on his premises. Miss Bernette Mousseau, Drys- dael, spent the past week at Str- etford, taking treatments for her teeth from Dr. Beattie of that city. Miss Mousseau speaks well of this "e nrofqqsiOnalto an natene of the best, '."',• in Western Ontario. 'A The cal W. C. T. U. wilt bold its monthly Meetirer in the Ladiee' fl',9 Hall, next Wednesday evening, Oct ..''': ober 18th, at 8 o'clock. • • CASTOR! Phone 59 Produce wanted Par Wants and Cblidrea • • WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR Atisucn AN CLOVER SEED • P 4., 4. 4. + + ÷ 4. + • Of Endurable Footwear 4 4 4 NOW THAT THE CHICI,J,Y WINDS OF PALL ARE GA.AIN ala 4' BLOWING, ONE MUST THINK OF THE COLDER AND WM.' * • WEATHER COMING. WELL I WE ARE BIGHT ON TEfEJOB 4 f. WITH ENDURABLE 'SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CH/LD-. 4 •et DBEN. OUR STOCK OF RUBI3ERS FOR THE WET IS TCOM- P* . LETE. WEAR THOSE OLD COMFORTA.BLE SHOES BY*, e • 4. FITTING. THEM WITH' A PAIR. 4 4.• 4 + Our Windows are displaying some of the Classy and Nifty 4. 4 styles, which afford so much comfort this season. 4 4 4 4 BE ECONOMTCAL BY BUYING AT THESE STORES 4 * 4 4a 4. ta FRITZ & SON £ SHOE MERCHANTS .1. • ZURICH DASFIW *VD DR. JOHN WARD ; Will make a complete test of refractive condition, of the eye, and of the muscles. Spectacles scientif- ically fitted. Serviceat reasonable eharges. Will i: e ate— 8-22 Zimmer's Hotel, Dashwood, Wed- nesday, Oct. attn. Wainer House, Zurich, Wednesday Oct. 25th. EVANGULICAL CHURCH AN,NOUNCEMENTS Y, P. A. Tuesday eve. at 8.00; Prayer services at 8.00 ,Thurs- day eve; Friday 4.15' Junior Y.P,A; Friday '8.00 'p.m. Choir Praetiee. sSunday, Oct. 15th, the ,,Y" F. A.. will have its annual Rally. • They furnish a program teeming and evening where offerings Will be re- ceived. ior home miesiOns. Sunday Oct. 2end, Rev. G. L. Gross of tenmiller will preach both morning and evening, Sabbath echo ol after the morning service. ' The serciees during the week at the regular hears, unless otherwise an- 111 USO For Over 30 Yoars totineedk, Always beats October 29tlethe pdstbry the G, Litt Meets to be home and Oignateee • ilW4.4,7444 ce()101.1qt t110 usual •ilt:,,rvit(!$e • , 1 / T H E MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up ,$4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to make a special trip to the nearest branch of The Maisons Bank every tine you want to irIepeat money. Send your deposit to the Bank by mail. Write today to the nearest eaanager of The Molsons Bank X0J: n- 1 orma W. B. COLLIgS 'Manager Zwrich Bur&*i • •, • 1 -4 0.1