Zurich Herald, 1922-10-05, Page 8110. I'. It w On Display New Fall and Winter Goods for - your inspection. We can supply your wants in !these lines at prices that mean Dollars saved to you. New Serges in all colors priced. from 85e. to 3.50 per yard. Velours and Homespuns for Coats and Suits, New Short Flannels in leading ,she des, suitable for skirts, middys, and Children's wear. Black Douchess Silk, guaranteed, Extra heavy quality at 29c iy'd, Eiderdowns and Kimona Cloths, a- gain to hand. These cloths have been off the market for a few years,b int we are now again showing a fine range of 'patt- erns to choose from. 4cnarch Yarns in Down, Dove, and Floss, 25 colors to choose from, New Wool and Flannelette Blan- kets. A complete range of Underwear in Wool and Fleeced, for Lad- ies and Children's wear. We have again in Stock, Reiners No. 1, quality Ho.siery in heavy and menium yarns, for Ladies' and Children wear. And have. added a supply of Yarn, this is guaranteed to give satisfac-t tion to wear. FOR MEN NEW FALL SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, FALL CAPS, HATS, GLOVES, FINE SHIRTS, STIES, BELTS, ETC. Highest market prices paid for Live Poul- try taken every Wednesday Forenoon Dried Apples Wanted GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS Zurich's Garage AUTO TIRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUBES; All Sizes (13est on the Market). Also a few Seconds to ;Clear at (Extra Special Prices), LE'J' US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CATING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. AI.so stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOST CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS AUTOS. LX.L. Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, Axy- ;A.cetyline Welding. EXPERTAUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. , Get into the habit of Pat-ronizing us. We want to serve you, and Serve You Wwll. PHONE No. 103. He Mousseau Zurich Flhf' HR.r,Xg Ordered Clothing DENoDrlY ROS, FNT'S PURE SEINGS SUITS TO MEASLJRI ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE, GETTING CLOTHES THAT SUIT^ AND JUST SATISFY YOU? ASK ANY MAN WHO WEARS OUR MADE-TO-ORDER CLOTHES. HE WILL TEL YOU THAT HIS TROUBLES ARE . OVER. TAILORED TO YOUR SPECIAL MEASURE FROM A CHOIOCE SELECTION OF iFA:B= RICS. Prices from $23 u DENOMY BRAS. Produce takes is aschun;e for Goons LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday), Butter .:_ .35 Eggs ... _.. .__ 25 Oats... ... ... ... ... _35-40 Wheat per bushel ... ...... 97-98 Flour per cwt. 2.75-3.75 Bran per ton ... ._. 20.00 Shorts per ton _._ ._. .__ 24'.00 Hog s 11.25 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson called on Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weber on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. L. Prang and'Mi E. Truenner spent Sunday with latives in Auburn. ,Mr. an dMrs. Herb. ,Moussen moved on Monday, their househol effects .in their new home purcha ed from Mrs. Elizabeth Geigbr, the boys of the 14th cog. Hay enjoyed two nights last week, chit/ aret;ung their chums Billie Haugh and Clayton Pfile who were rec- ently married. It is mooted by men ...in the'. know" that shortly ordinary post-.' agestamps will! not be accepted on checks and 'such other acknow- ledgements as shou'Id bear war excise stamps. ( , The incorporation of the ,Gun; sonola Co., Ltd., of Wingham,with; capital of' $150,009 is announced in the Ontario Gazette. The Comp any is authorized to manufacture gramophones, pianos, organs and other musical instruments. Mr. and rMs. R. Mawhinney, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. '"Harness of Exetert, and daughter Greta, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oesch on tinday. T mes Dignan of Exeter has in the blacksmithing busing nTthat• village: for fiftyyears. learned his trade sixty-five ye- ago in the same place that he nryw owns but worked away. .from Exeter for several years, returning fifty :years ago. IIIIIIIIIIIMM=MIERIVMMINIMINIED. ;i,%+>:. ++++++++444++++++++++++.41444++++++++++++++++.1.4.44-V •• A .1�.ew Seasonable 'Tints4. 4.4. 4. AU' OMOBILE OWNERS KNOW THAT WE SELL THE BEST 4. GRADES OF OIL AND GREASES, (TIRES AND BELTING ON t 4 ,;, TELE MARKET. GENUINE POLARINE, LIGHT, MEDIUM OR : HEAVY AT 81.10 PER GAL. OR 5 GALLONS FOR $5.00 4'4 ALSO MEDIUM MOTOR OIL WHICH IS A GOOD OI4. FOR 4. 4. F,711:D MOTORS AT 75C. PER GALLON OR 5 GALLONS FOR 4. ' $,1.50; WE HANDLE GENUINE, GARGOYLE MOBILE ' OIL •t i++ AND SPECIAL HEAVY PO:,ARINE FOR ALL TRACTORS AT .+j. 4 4. Itl::.;•IIT PRICE'S. l -...__... _.,:.:..b !1 H+' A. c:r.1; on the telephone an 1 We will have the oil trucks fill . n;r Your coal nil and Gasoline drums,. 4.4. 4 Tractor Owners bear in mind that we Sall Goodyear Kling- :it:' III `t io;y length or width, This is the best belting .i+ rmt^.ir•, i rr' • none. + 7';t?-t.i=!s r. r., ., 'ng binder twine for Corn or Buckwheat, should + 4 g i thc;ir° , , . at once, we have only a limited quantity : f ' getting y +II+ + and r;�> tend stria an more ,this season.4. Mr. W. H. Pfile and. sister Miss' Pearl Pfile are visiting friends .,in Northern Ontario, as far up as Lions. They visited Rev. and, Mrs. F. B. Meyer, at Ayton, over Sunday. Rev J. G. Litt left on Wednes- day for Detroit where he will be for three weeks, attending ,as a, Delegate the world's convention, of the Evangelical churches. The Convention will be held in Mack St. church of l<itat cit.y. The less coal bought during the next couple of months the better for the consumer.in regard to pri- ces. Use a. substitute if .one is available until the supply is gr- eater aril the price will be the more reasonable. • , 46' F R i;f p1, C' , ° ,' " I`. MARYS PORTLAND CEMENT.' DE "1k WE.1DO .t. 1v46 4 LOCK ZURICH 4Ni•4•-t++N4.4 4F+++4.4.444. � t».4.4 t EmmaMrs. Ema Saunders of Musk- egon, Mich., was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. John Schnell for a few days last week, and was on her way returning from Port Arthur,, Osterland, Wis.., and from Exeter to here. , A lively speeding contest took place between Mr. Hey's two hor- ses on Tuesday at the local track when Mr,. Hey driving Little Hal, while C. Either held the reins for Toney, the leiter winning by a ven small margins time 1,10 for the half mile. A return,race is scheduled for Friday. Rev, Dr. Byron Stauffer of Tor-, onto passed away on Monday. He was possibly the most dist,ngu'�shed pulpit orator in Canada, sand the founder of the Toronto City Tem-. ple. Was born near Kitchener 52 years age, and was of Pennsylvania Dutch extraction, and is a cousin, to Mr. Ed. Bosse! 'berry of the tillage. • Mr W, B. Colles, Manager , of thc' Zurich Branch of the Mo'lson§ Baia, for the past three years, has received notice that he is to he rt.,.noved to Williamsburg, Duni- das county, near Ottawa, and the new Manager, will he Mr. Joy, of Iriquois, of the same county, Mr. Colles and family will however, not g) unto tthe new manager arrives, The' farmers of this 'section have taken advantage of the fine warm weather; the past week and are doing their fall. work. The silo fillers are humming daily, and soon the 1922 crop wil'1 be all ,garnered int and another season approach- . Fire Prevention Week is to begin this 'week, October 2nd. From then until October 9th, the gen- eral public will be urged 'to clean up generally, exercise care to avoid fires and to remind others, to do the same. Canada's annual fire loss is; Property $45,000,000; lives over 350. ."A New Ontario Girl," says an exchange, advertised for a hus-a band and landed him. The total expenses for advertising and wed- ding trousseau amounted to only $11. Within. a year the husband 'died leaving a $20,000 'life insur- ance policy. Yet some claim it doesen't pay to advertise, Some of the early sown fields of kfail wheat are experiencing con, sideralbe damage by the distrue• ion: of the Hessen Ply. This warm and dry; weather is helping ;them along, rain is ,neededded y for moisture and would ,also do a great deal to exterminate this dis- trur.ii,,n pet. a "F T1au ";A7y, October `lt, I99 ,9 The store with ,the Liberal Cash discount And see the Wonderful Val- ues in Aluminum now showing iri our window. Here are;jnst a few items: TEA KETTLES $L98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR $1.98 DISH PANS $1.98 SET 3 SAUCE PANS $198 8 AND 10 QUART STEWING KETTLES $L98 These are all Guaranteed Heavy Weight Utensils We carry a complete line of Furn- 1 iture and Hardware. Your confid- ence is solicited. MELIeK&BRm[JN PHONE 63 Herald iob Department Is al Nays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, CallingCards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop. es, Ch3c1c links, Pasting Bills a sp3cialty. Tle 57th annual Provincial Con- vention of •Sunday School Workers of the Province! of Ontario is to be held in; Massey Hall, Toronto, dur-, ing the last week in October. The +Convention, which lasts a full week, will; be the largest and most important get-together gatherin,;• of people who are directly inter- ested in Religious Education, that Ontario has every seen. The theme of the Convention if worship and one of the principal . features . of all the sessions, from Tuesday un- til Saturday Alli; be Music -Won.: ship conducted by Prof. H. Aug-' nrstine Smith of Boston. In add- ition to his contribution to the coir vention Prof, Smith will present On Friday night his own Pagent, c4Tho Light of the World", the tousle :ifor the Pegant being fur•-, nished by the Orpheus Choral Soc- iety of Toronto. n SPORT rii v/S PECIAL We invite you to go carefully ouer these Seasonable Goods, and be convinced, of the low prices prevailing 10 yards toweling fon� In the final game of theN,W,` B. A. at Mitchell on Saturday last the Winghant Advance quotes the ,hollowing Writeup;-"A couple of tsar loads of baseball fens drove to Mitchell on Saturday and had the satisfaction of seeing the Irish 'Nine trim the Paltrierston team, Which, has been nurished on the bottle by the officials of the N,W„ `S Did they not think of sus-. e:- of the Lucian tnar 'parading � fey. ladsb eflre this last game? Surely that was an 'oversight on the part of leule 1#ox°w�irng. Serge, all colors 40 in wide, yd. 90c Dress goods for school girls per yell' at __4 _ 23c Plaid Dress Goods, Very New 9c5 Monarch Down 2 -oz. ball at A35c. 'Monarch Dove 1 oz ball at 25c Monarch Floss, 1 oz, ball for 25c In all the newest shades. Knit Your Sweater and scarf now. We are showing a large range of Dress Goods and Coatings for fall . in the following; Home Spun Velours, Serges, Tricotine. Sweater sfor Boys and Men. Just received a fine lot of Mens' and Boy's Sweaters, n11 wool, New Shades. New Hosiery for Ladies in Heather Shades. Men's Waterproof Coats, Regular $25.00. On Sale this week for ;1.5.00. Congoleum Rugs in the Newest design and popular prices. Wheii in town look these over and be, comvinced. See our window display for Intra•.. ductory trial offer of soap aa -w sortment. 1 , i, 14b. tins Pilchards for $1.00 iii 15c a tin. Better than Salmon., Choice Red Salmon, Libbys brand', at 45c. a tins why pay 60c. a ti'n when you can buy No. 1 Sal." mon at 45c Broken Biscuits, 10c. a lb. Brick cheese at per ib. ., .. 30e, We carry hundreds of samples of the Celebrated Broadway Brawl Clothing for Men. Come in and let us show youthese cams pies whether you want a stxi;lt or overcoat. We guarantee a perfect fit. A. Big Showing of Hats, Caps, Men's Garbadeen Coats in the Gloves, Bets, llraces,, Coiiaxa, Latest Style Price this week $23 Ties, Socks, Etc. Etc. NO TROUBLE i!TO SI1OW GOODS ABOVE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY WVl ARE OFFERING. SPECIALS Produce Wanted. BiterickraditoriO., Phonefrr RM