Zurich Herald, 1922-10-05, Page 2' � y •r
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only by the coluTnzaIrmlIr M..
z of V d�ra�l t1-ees J�ea,�cnlia�f q'veir bis *010, cover -mg one _
burning, to .ember. cart;,
d! The night seemed endsless• When In trio first Jigtht of the daWn:l)eir-
tale first vnivering gleam, carne in the are eat ,41med' whens eche saw it.
can sky it neve, ecl the lal�ielcened Falther," she P-Aed', "`you're Burt,"
ue� ,! e t e txet�s their r o n A "I'm all right," he said irxilably.
ling li , g eta.. } .
Ing draperies s'eorrehed and firq`-e,z ten,; She went over'to pini and lifted the Air
a �vlzeue tl3t fire, lal.e a xavenj4 mon- lulindlCarch ef, y Ivatl h�Llf-consumed tl His face was c'utdoiu�sl, wxaung with lacestex d
8Y KATHARINZ WS.I�NNAH PRICHARD IPOTI d on. ' " :.an pain and baanc+hed beneath the tan
The ta�ind• hind .svlropt the h�azo. and and snirike-gririe, ' A clammy sweat ,
. the smoke b•efa2vi it, fho °I� ,s„ in of `beadod an his frorehead;' The tem' erptture of the air lir contact
_ }}
the, earth lay Bare of the l t1,, w "(bald :your tonue, L�gn�dlre., he
• tou gliton. 1 ,; fight, ,d., ,muttered. "It's onJ a bit of a W`rn" with the slitG� Esulates tlhe, temperature
Copyright by Holders said S & wanly-gal�d�en grass t$uat kzad ooye>;L',s�I
Jlfrs, Cameron was grazing at the
Synopsis of ::•eced ng Chapter., ]ism dewzr the track in fx°ant of the and' i> om tris paddocks; k, 'bl�ckk- mins,of her home, 6�f
1) hloueo. They �veie hlalf way' aerosis ened foreot thm span is am atlas "What is it?„ she esker; ficosis a
Donald and Mary Cameron are eai�and,,"e , g ., ,
e x ri when Mrs. Cameron carne of bluish, smoke rose The.
Ing a honle. out oft e Australian wilds. the cle�i i ge hips voice, 'roti as it was pitebed'. ' 0111 Stasi a dPs. .i31rir1 x151 d rwear is
h to a standsi:n;ll, Flame load. eatenpeaceful space of trees crud m ,
When little David waslour months old ..:}� / l' / .�,,
wa slid cls aril lit mei driedrases allout t't' nTulr yatzve got a bad bairn,
his father set off to Part Southern for their Wray up the p o �' -•t>a, I� e roT1e. :;. Shc.went towards him, distress in
his prat CtO ga t1; tkle dax'gers
fresh supplies On the fourth day a�crass the track;, homes c d res b Cham but +
her eyes �� / i
pp „ , „ lines of hcxtls 'and what of ' ; Q passing froillt 4 Verhe _ d r O tYS . into
tivu aulit and ragged en one of Were cut off, she said. ttll iiu�e "It's nothing at all; it doesn't mat f I li 1 1
the] i e gg' m far "What can we do " Deirdre asked,,was srla left, stood on the bzw}W.;u ter!„ He 'e�di a 7vm a so r stree over,e a t],oXl nd 'stab
]i wounded, enter ea the hut. Mary y "There's, mw time to dose." I the hall. geci ave y f i h r Sh i�r . }/ ,
offered them unstinted hospitality The °`:•„ thttit�he• sihould not see, `When ,you /
Jenny screamed, ilancmg up and In the v'axz, light, iris pool mircika,ed Se tient chillin , eJC 051i11e ,�1CY 111tS
and heard the . star of their escapey and Dave dale fired up
Mrs. Cam.
the I lean and the do 'laesnde herself v^3th iera�o2 and n;esavation and the luagga,, ':and y,
Island pr t l Gnt off!': weary siren and women' v^ho in exon, Deirdre and I imi�st get; allong sand b tirwsnds� • `�
treachery of 1'ZeNab who had promised; ei:citement. Were cu ofc , and see how Steve and the srhio'ol
to befriend them—at a piles, Clothed' Elie dropped
an of the vases elle 4 it, Gllalled' axil cramped ':frcP�??g „
and r e acted', wau carrying and it broke in a throb -yin the oats; so long, eahaustet#,]ih dared'.
They found swine floux bread and'11e O t, QiIS'e wool, t� $lzeld��u vA
Provided with food, they d p I the at tueties cf the night; they -,vera. , { y
the tall one hoping to repay the debt, siand- pieces.
husbandMary in` " don't know" Mrs. Cameron said trued warily back" to the sti3i :hos tea in stone jars among the .ruins of shrink" ble, worn I��Xt W the kin, its
Putti . refused to and her rackI I , ,.the kitchen, Davey ml'lked the cows. J •
Putting the police on their track. Ten s:io-w ly. , Ilei eyes wandered to the earth. a h !Mrs; .Cameron and Jenn ]built a fire f1Xit and flnallQf� t, hold 1he b:Od
years of industry have brought pros -'broken pieces of the vase. Mrs. Cameron s eyes Turned •ir, t tai Ali` the, a•rdl and when the had all / - r� y
perity to the Ca Herons. While mak- For a moment Deirdre's brain was her Lean. His' face• was gs]rned ritlt; e y ' y weri 1n c'iir !Il aCe A21d hour] rotect
.Ing a tour of the neighborhood ad-� paralyzed too. She stood staaring'smoke and- leaf smuts. There- were+lz2eakfa'sted on the scorched bread and p" Y'P-
vocatin the establishment of a school; down the track. All the terrible star angry red, flushes on it �vherd.•s,axaps; Cameron wanted to health and. fe itself.
j Some tea Mrs. Ca
g s! put flour on the Schaolmias'ter's burn:
Mary meets again- one of the refugees les of the fires, of people who had been of burning foliage had struck firm• i .
of long ago, Daniel Farrel, who is ap- bl=nt to death, flashed into her miDd. Deirdwe s and' Jenny's clot'h'es lining to l
But he said that it was root wwxth �
pointed saliootmaster. Three' years A shout was raised behind them, them, scorched and dripping; °'risers bothering aibaut and weiild have ne- I Made in combinations and two -
later he brin s his motherless laugh-' It's'father! she cried, thing dome fox it, piece suits, n full length, 'knee MMUS
' „ i„ were burnt in Mtts: Cameion s
ter Deirdre Dave 's playmate, to Mrs. (To be ,continued.) and elbow length, and sleeveless -
The Schoclmas�ter dashed round the own dress•. Fari.•el and Davey were for men and women, Stanfield's
Cameron for housewifely instruction of the house. His face was drenched' to the skin. a Adjustable Combinations and
The summer that Davey left school blackened and, had angry weals where The Schoolmaster had tied at hand- Minard's Liniment For Colds, Eta �
buzli fires threatened the settlement Sleepers for growing children
' the fire had lashed it }ars .eyebrows � - _ -- -- (Pat.)
land beard were singed close to his '
CHAPTER XIV. head. At a glance the tolok in the ' For sample book, showing weights and textures, write
When Deirdre returned from the sdtuation. His horse with head hung; STANFIELD'S,, LIMITED, TRURO N.S. is
pool, where slice had left Lass, the was blowing like a bellwtivs. re, o � House
crate of fowls, and the cows with the "D'avey's just behind me!" he gasp -1 L"
old lag standing guard aver them, e3,,lookixrg at 11Sr5. Cameron. uDlr.1ij
Mrs. Cameron was already beating an Cameron a]rd he d•idn% know the fires
arrow •of flame that had struck the .were making this way till I tori them; = -
padidt:ck on the hill -tog, and Jenny on then he sent. Davey. I came . to
the ,other edge of the fences was also give him a hand-. Never-th1ougatt we'd Whereabouts of the Kitchen Sink. � right to left as. they pass from dish- -"-
bea ng, get hlah-e—rifles of fire across, the road. Ce�ain it is thet the ";Sark •tis one ran to rinsing pan, and front rinsing - -- -
Darkness had fallen. The glare of Get a couple of blankets, Deirdiv, and of the biggest, saveirs,. of time, Pan to drainer and, tray. This should graph in the home also offers many A Street of Little Homes.
the fire was visib.;e above the thick We'll make a dta�slh for .the creek. strength, and labor in the liomre—� be kept in miruci and prAvision made opportunities for developing and
stanceng wall of haze. i Deirdire ran back to the house, tore g - I Tbiere's' a street of little' homes,
Deirdreb a glittering line break the blankets from the beds inside and'.w'hen 'properly located—and one ` of for sioiled dishes at right and, :For a training the child, mind that are fr+e- And of little children runhdng,
saw b R in drain board at the left of the sink. quently unsuspeabei , Several of the
through the grass at a little distance. threw them on to the veia.ndah. He: the greatest burdens when missing or A little dog :upon -a porch,
from Mrs, Cameron, and -seizing` one dipped three of them in a bucket of of the wrong type. , phonograph companies. are • devoitiing
g seem, thousands Make ,Your' Own Candied Fruit, considerable •tine ands expense to:_this A drowsy:kitten sunning. --
�_. ;aP
of the green branches Jenny had wale? that stood e, the ire. a Bronoor, Straiten a it may • it Fruit whish ]s to be candied should phase of the work anid there are many
thrown down in the centre of the. wrapped her in one, and Airs. Cameron of women- are. Ls'brugglirig alAng w]�h p There's a row of little yards; -
paddock, beat the fire until it �veTLl. Aird Jenny in the others, no sank at all om, at ricer, a vexy pour be washed, peeped or pared if nec- records now available which parents There are fragrant posies' growing,'.
out. Other threads of fire appeared Davey swung into the yard on an and badly placed ;one. essary, , and then cut or slirsd, Drag w 1Q find interesting and valuable for And little fences painted white,
near Iter, and she followed them along all but spent. house. „ The size of brae faindly and,
of the 1 fruit into boiling water for two or children. And someone busy sewing.
the fence, slashing with the branch Keep her going, Davey, the the size
-o *ie
tlhe' size I f the:. tllxae minutes, drain wall and cover It is a welfl�c�taQolishRoi fa'ci that
unl�il they died down, leaving„ dx,acken Schoolmaster cried, "and get down to� les with a syrup made by boiling together musiic mares its deepest and most There's a lane of swaying trees -
earth and breathes of virulent blue the water. I'1l look after your mother. sink; but a shbit sink with, amp
smarts. (Deirdre, you take Jenny. up behind! table and shelf ro'ani Hess it may be': one pound of sugar for each pound of lasting inipres�sion in the early yearns And +the happyUsquirrels- roaming;
"Stay top of the hill you. Fly along and let dohs_ the slip more convenient than a long. sink.] fruit, witih one stip of water: Boll of chilrcl?hwodw The parents w4]w know There's' somebody who sits and rocks
Sia near the A baby in the gleaming.
Deirdre," Mrs. Cameron called, "and: panel. Sacl-s'1a eland the grass fire Two smaller sinks, one for the table the fT.Tuil rapidly in this syrup for what music makes flue most genuine g
n'ateh to see if these't a break on the if you keep him at A.' dishes near the dIi'ning room and the fifteen minutes.. Remove from the -fire appeal and how to use it at this There is nowhere in the world
front clearing, or the pool side, ox ' Davey and Deirdre dashed across other for general use in the kitchen,I and allow to stand over night. The period will be 'amply rewarded for Where ambition burns so keenly,
near the .sheds! the sm-aultiering and smoking padldbek, are v next morning boil 'for ten or fifteen their efforts. Among young children
Thele the fire be I ! era' convenient. w'' � , a Where everyone's ideals are high,
began to show in a! gutting their horses b?dniily tow� ds; • c minutes 'again. Repeat the heating the eat is very suscelptiblie and easily
dozen laces at once wrr 'rna lizard -'the corner of the fence where the slip- The material should be the 'bests And life is lived so cleanly.
P' , gg' � six clays, ac- trained slid neglect at this im orbant - - •,�;
P • and cooling for Esus to y , , g p
like through the dry, palely-gleaminlg r rails were already down. available, non 'absoxbent of grease as i `
grass. Beating became autontatnc anTrees Dir the age of the clearing; Zvall as of modslture, arid,theme ghauld' cardang: to how rapidly the water is period of growth can never be fully As, this street of little homes`
unfiagaisl lashin and tliiashing sand Ibehind the 'house Dere already rct>:r-I'be no cracks ox uare,earners to in- dmawzl out and the 'syrup absorbed. made up by any amount of musical Where each; one, ]lues for the other,
b g g eel
h se v 9 • When the fruit is transparent and] education in later years. Wi]ere baby is the king of all•-
waich had to be kept That the enemy ing, wrapped in the smoke and flam-) crease the work of keeping it &Tian. g liilfi it from the syrup and dry The question i ft The star mother?
was riot attacking in another part of ing inant'e of the fire. A shaver of A w'owden sink, ;even when it receives
bright yr p q s often asked: How o —A
the clearing• The lrlaekened' earth. sparks thrown up by a failing tree:an annural coat of 'aiiilt; ivibT absorb ]n the sun or in - •rood oven, early slioulll' a child begin the study nne.Campbell :: i
smoked' under a dead flame one mo- -uttered over the stable and barns; i maistare and "area; e sdlin,eh `:' ts' of music (with Particular reference
ment, the next a sipask kindled and A hoarse yelping, the -cackling of insects 3lid� is li el• to ,be sw ' The Off Day. be le'a(ming to play some instrument) ? His Preference.
p, wi•spash fire was rL=ing •through the fowls and the wEd terrified lowing of ' )c Y:t, g
I - , with bacteria. and to •sour..: ' It had. been.-gne of the days, known Of more vital ilnportan•ce to the child's- Father—"Which -would you rather
grass again. Par dawn the hillside, the cows came from the sol. Dave �� ?,,
R p an u lieasant odlo"r Eve dr ` all teachers; when a sprint of rest-� future wzI L is a is true question: Sow 'have, a little, brother o] a little stister .
through laic snTwle masts, to Deirdre rode mto'it, hwslled the cows into tide , . ?Z k,
essness+?and stiff idaty.s ,'sweep :eaxly s'hotul�l the chnld;hea•r music, and Dittle;7akey—"If .it's all the same do
the tog, Mrs. Cameron and Jenny Centre. •arid, took the olid .she �drog o? ctcd ai;I not,best, unless p 'i..
eP,:.:. -. what kind, of intlsic ? Ir
tile,' s poolroom. " Of course Miss• should' he ]tear .
• Iwoked �v�saatli-lrl:e in -thea white cot-' up on 1ris, saddae Socks, tiyitTl Deirdre' a luaterpao�]f findvh of vami i you; papa, I'd rather have a white rob-
ton &,&-nses: gild Jeri¢r an rile hack slashed in ' all] t. If a �rabdeii sank ss n ,, g "— — bit with red eyes., '
b. y , p.' p Bosley said to Herself 'ria human lrern
, ., A. Reproof That. Missed Fire. a
The fire nr the, trees, of which theses after ham: The Schoolmaster and it is better to have it m'e:tal: '+ y could be expected to teed; Emily Har- � .
swiift, si_ent runners in the grass osis, Mr..Cameron followed .a Ecru moments i raw decimal fra-cti The young wife entered the kitchen The Paraguay river •of Smith Ami-
v provided the sheets of metal which• is . ons. But for Ray g y
fame-warneTs, s�*as still dome disma.nee later. Ile' had caught up 1]er spinning i•g Ju1ne Slvallro to fail whlen rather nervously and after hesitating erica. is 1,800 nh'ies in •leng, Uh. t
usuaiily tin, zinc; galvanized iron, sop- I!'arroi amd P for a fesv'seoonds said to the cook; "O
Off. But they could hear the crash of. wheel and 6he was - clutching 'her _ bckth of them were as keen as razors!
ferning trees the rush and roar cf the `bundle and the other blue vase'. where they cool:, I must really speak to you, My
flames in the tangled leafage, shrill are joined and all paa-ts of 'tile sank i liacss to be in-, husband is always complaining about
P ' g ex or.lea�d, sae,soldeLed And for the whore
1 g
Grits of the wild creatures of the � r includdn the to different through history and eo-.
r CHAPTER kV: g of the sides, are g the cooking. One day it is the soup,
bush, the !lrltare and bei lowing s'cr'eams J covered with the metal, so that there � grap'hylP. �
The fire did not reach the trees • ' and the next day ,it is the fish; and the 0 r,
of cattle. I is no chalice for the wood to absorb It was of no use to keep the speai> ul i
Mrs, CaxniemoWe light skit cab htl above the pool td11 it had swept thee{ " third day it is the roast; in fact, itis i
g orchards sheds and house on the] moisture: Another pram is to have a Offenders m; If 'she lcelst them ]n she, always something or other."
fire. nd Mrs.beat-it out with leer hands, ' ' l cement -sink into a'w'ooden frame would have to keep the whale room, 12 It'!NG r
' $lie and Mrs. Cameron fell back a brave of the hill. 1 The, cook replied with feeling, "Well 0
moment.. Mmy. Cameron w'atche'd it devouring; and lined with sheet copper or "tin and she did .not feel like doing that. mum, I'm sorry for you. it must be IF SP
them. Ever line of the sheds and to nilaskd a smooth surface. Her only hope was that the morrowtt FLOWERING OUT,OF
The glare Iioh.d the whole of the y ( awfu'1 to live with a gentleman like DOORS, AND INSIDE
cleaiirg. Its the valley flashing shafts
barns, lire eaves and earners of the] Enamleled-+iron sinks are smooth, would be a (better day, that." l DURING THE WINTER
Of flame could be seer_. They leapt home that Donald and she had made,! Bast W&I wTbh careful use and ]nay They were all gone alt l'as't. Wd•th a MON H5
athwart cl udis of sm oke wnioh drove,
was struck against the glare. be coral kept clan but th aim more quivering sigh of weariness 14Srss
' , � IY eP• :' ev !Keep M.inard s Liniment in the house.
billowing, across the sky, sprayed by The stables fell with a crash.. Baillie arca ed tloivn at her desk. Site ;��_
showers' of sparks. Flames went up from the
new expene'ive than 'iron. Porcelain sinks y pp
"Airs. Cameron,'" Deirdre screamed
weather-6aard corner of the house. -are sim dar to the enameled' ones, ,butt wanted to.think things out. W'as there Find of Amber.
vra Airs. as a. fire rnad� Deirdre
ned steer "It's like watching sam.ehou you 'their prIice is ahnoLst pralvibitive, Per- really a difference in the children? The first amber in large quantities PLANT IN TAE PALL
hapt into the love &e slowd " sle cried. haps the ndieal lien ff Dost is not `to Or was she getting arra and stale SPECIAL.' PER DOE.
p paddock' and careered 3', . p discovered on the North American
acr•ces it into the, darkness on the A breath of wind brought a shower be considered, wou:'_d be to have an The thought'sent a stab of fear to her. Continent is that recently found in the ' CROCUS MIXED COLORS ase
other s'.de. y of blackened and burning leaves. By enameled or pyLooice?ain. 's ale 'for the �h'e$rt. ' But her supervisor had given , hundreds of tons of cutin from colhP.r-' CROCUS SEPARATE COLORS esO
The heat tics se_ocatin The, a. flank movement the fire was sweep- tableware Zn U11Ie ILitl ll'en or. an , , NARCISSUS EMPRESS YELLOW
g - p trry,i hex apecial I09,P)mendlation only last les _in the Nicola ti alley of 'British I DAFFODILS VONSiON YELLOW Be
hcuivy, acrid' smoke in their lungs Ing towards them. The wind spring- • near the dd'n ng room and an ;sari sink j mozlth.. She -couldn't have changed in l rola. PAPER WRITES
Trade their heads reel. Detrdre Zeas in'g tip gaffe it zest; It sprang ]ri lung; _ � C`OIUll { TULIPS SINGLE MIXED COLORS- Ase ..
or s�oa'pslbene sink for the heavier kit- a month, ----o-- -- y TULIPS SINGLE SEPARATE COLORS SOC
fighting a brilliant patch of Haines brilliant leaps over the qurvering tops 1 then ware. The opening of the door. to the t. Birmingham, Englan'd', was the fii:t' TULIPS DOUBLE MIXED COLORS
half wa)- aerotss the pado�ck when i rs. t of the trees. Davey and the School- � 5oe '
f TT� The d+ou}ile sinks, with one basin far scl -oolroam m'adle her turn. And tt en l:onMe of fib,:, .•toad ^iT. -- - 60 0
lra7ilei`air called to her. - master dropped from their horses. . i -. , ," �' -. --•- � � HYACINTHS DOUBLE S SEPARATE COLORS e I . ., .
"I't's Ito •goad, child." she said, Her Mrs. Cameron, Deirdre and Jenny g and another for draln]ng g g SEPARATE COLOR- - 1,00
t f waLC.]];Irl a tei'.rllkle .11nt4n fee'17i1 swept; i CINNSE LILIES . . . . . . , $2.05 -
P face was then With enT_ole, MT Bands I crouched in the water till the fury di�sheis, are very convenient, burl un- I through her. It was just what anyone
► burnt and blecl*ened, "It's no good, of the flames had passed over their fortunately they " are relatively ex-: 3nig'ht expect,of a day like that; Emr.y Aaovrr PRICES POSTPAID
trying to do any more, We must go l heads. Davey had his hands full to pensive. A small slink with a rubber I H'arrow''s mother was coining to 'take
now'." keep the cows from breaking away, istopper for it's escape pipe ma be i her to task]
leani L
I- Ther T1ieM1 ran from f:l]e hall -top to the mad with terror. Socks, the most used as a dash pang p ,p 9y,be Miss Bailey rose automatically. The --FREE—
ho2us•e; Mr:. Cameron caught up her restive and mettlesome of the horses,, i J . " �;visz'bor looked at her half eh lv boli£ - Our 3Z a e
bundi.e, Jenny the blue vases and the' started and 'whinnied as burning p g
If pose ble there e should be a yids , .
` in]tinC wheel sill De'irdxe takiit {leaves struck hint. De3rd're threw het shelf or drain Board, on _ each s de;taf i eagerly. "Miss Bailey, I ain Emily " illustrated descrlp
' a g' eve H,aaov's mother. I have been aYean-
HE postman.or express manwill tive bulb catalogue.
Socks; from the sitablle in wRhiclt he was wet blai&et over him and cowered the sink on the ]level with -the rirn;of i .
beginning to i h nny with.. fear, led I nest r to him under it,. murmuring the latter, one to receive ",.oiled dithers 'g ' , T... ,.Parke- —Send for a COP,'-
g y: " i y, g r w=e've had illness. I wanted to thank your home. r service right JOHN am
+ soo'3hilu ] There now., Stead old I and the .other clean ones. Some lu)us�e-; �n � Caine to see you for w eels brit Whatever __ ght to SA. BRUCE & Co.
P boy! Stead , m sett !" i ou—Mr . Harxosy and I bath do=fol e e you se71d whethe3 rt be
y y g y I keepers have tthese Covered with 7inc.,,3'
!! „ sults, ,coats, . dresses, • lace curtains, Seed M e r ch li n t s
011 The Sc'hoolinaster ;held his own I As in all. other Places whea e; it,, is l all you have drone for Emily. to sets draperies, horse and Lass, startled out of her I used tale metal must lie neat] fitted ` tapestry p s, etc. etc,—will be HAMILTON,
I! ,Miss Barley gawped. , -- {
i peaceful phlegm by the terrifying .gird �clwxel 'fastened down so. s' not ErnilVs mother smiled; a clear Cour- beautifully cleaned by the: 'Parker ONT•
, I ,( , process and speedily re- ESTABLISHED 1850
Tn Use for Over 25 Years. roar and heat, y a sous smile. You i e been so pa- tusred. our CuaLiry ANo sEavlte
r' Even when the flames had�aceci on to leasee an chance for loose, rou'gtt g r
over the tree -taps it was not We to i edges,' br to provide h -needling places' •tient. You see, we know that Emily ; -' t" a6 DEPENDED UPON
' ;leave the pool. The and v�anien�fhr inse'cis om a lodging will .always have a hard'time with; "' We pay carriage one
„ 1for, way on all orders.
L �, fl1i51iii � .. Iin it sibowd in water to their, waists fore grease and dirt.._ place many sltuddes, A.lid, liners have- been:;
hours, a red haze enveloping thein. l If there is no place- for permanent ( feachievs, whcI ]rave hurt her so, She, write for full partleuiur5.
! Tsai dura iri other things, only in
,• +o' ,�.- 1, The N nkets dried in a few minutes. ] drain boards, sliding ar hinged shelves ,
J The bu sh belhn'nd diem through which books.` she is veally a wonderful little; m f
may be used. Aright handled person P'a rli4'1C a ye
,j ribs firms had passed showed trees strl lioic keep , g being
p p usually halals the dzvPilt im the lift lva: to el er to .say nothing of ��T
Imo,_ peed of their greeneiy and outlined ! the - d�earesi little dau' liter in the `
with gtlowing embers. Some of the while washing or waphng int, acid t`re g rY O1C�{Sr I.IlilJl�eC�„
" dead trees beside the pool burned di'shhcloith, dish mops ors to sly tali thsl tea Id•. That's why we. t inl. of her yers
• � h Cleaners and D
+ cher as• ori' of our especial friends.'
dully; and fluttering red and black- rigtiut hand. It is court enioht, titers` C Gu zttl you come to ilin;ier Friday "rSt Yonge St.
shed leaves da?ifted from the saplings, fore, to Have bine dashes move friim 9„ Toronto nes
` I`oz all AcYlixLq Joimtks, Rheuz Once Jenny had to .dip to her ;seek ` � night
matic Pa'in's, Ne u r algia ,,} � as a spark of fire caught her dress, IDYe Skirt- DressMrs.. Harrow went out in a ; ew min.
►. Sciatica, Lumbago and GON , "Loiak out, Mrs, Cameron! Deirdre � � ' f utas. The teacher's discouraged t oar!
• or Faded bra eries
Dobson's New fife Remedy cried sharply, heaaii tg a crack and � T� � nese was gone. 1't was a beautiful
ha' -6 &tool; the test of time, aeerng a glowing .bo'ttgh waver over in Diamond Dyea woi+ld with read fisher and mothers, - ~` �Gd� Ic�OYII
Davey's mo'thex,
r One bottle for Oris` D' rin it, And. to -morrow wound 'he a bet-;
Dollar; Thi Schdodmaster bru•ah•ed ;lire: Each package of "b!amond Dyes" ter dray_ t shi er our
Cameron aside, g ck contains directions so simple that, any
,. �i+i bottles for Five Dollars., and the bob' h stru' ! � y �
his face. Delirare ubter�edi a law cry, i shoos today 7
ksk your Druggiat or mailed;' lbavey,� too, woman can dye or tint failed, shaw)y ';low Children Can BeTrained to Love: y
'had, teen tale Sohoal- ,.
direct from maslers moiTemexit skirts, dresses, waists cants; sweaters, Iliusic. j
"Are you hurt, Air. Farrel?" he stockffigs, hangings, draperies, evei•�u- s The ectucr,tional possal5ilities. of th'o •
r i asked- anxiotts%ly. » thing lire new, Buy "Diarnond Dy,e,11 phonograph aie coating to be 1'eal'ized
r I: , , ng t all? the —no obille] kind risen perfect liars {.. `
f�OltSillt i lVo 3t T�Qit anyths a
r� c t ;none sill mote, parLi.ctlarly in the
P111 f1P Elti£ It (�lnni fitf f lav 7t. y' with dyeing is guaranteed, evert if yoli lave � kind,ergarten and public schools.
► i p fl never dyed before. Tell ybiir drir
„chiaw:l7tials�r replied brusquely,
► .- r.ltad g
t MrS, Cameron herself did, not real- ggist Nowadays a phonagr:apl} is gait of! E '
" �ize..wbat #lad happened, whet equrgiiteut cf most up -tis -dated ,• h
7g West Ado4dda St., Toronto her the material you wish to dye � the.
GanadR To'the glare of the fire and the is• wool or sail;, or wbether It is llneilr I sehooys and, more or less organizgzl, E RSi
► --�� �- - hit; ]ed inlets, a fety hauls before cotton, or mixed goods. Dian]oi;d course i" in music �lrpm.ciatton arra in-
`' � dawn; siwV4t 0,ied a'hc�:rvy cl+firkness, lit Dyes -never sti Batt, s:pbt, fa�jey lir riiXi ; ill ri d in file traiiling. I3rvl