HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-09-28, Page 7hureda,Yl
t 28th,; 1922
'Our Killox<1xx Ro 'II:Ia,
Ra •ai eite Solicitors, t`iot,araca ,,
t'vXY�li:,. Eta, Ofeice en the Square,
etid 0900, Xrorxr Hamilton $..t. Gode
ierlcls, krevate fneds to loan at
'JiDWept rates,'
eSeoudfoot, K,G. J. L, Killoran
D. E. Holmes.
giYa,, be in Hensel'. oA
Friday of each week.
Mclrew F. Hess,Township Clerk
Rei or marriage licenses, Notary.
3'IxiiYie, ,Comnsissioner, Fire. and Aut-
4mobile' Ince anee Representing
%Wen and 'lie Mortgage Corpora-
iploni The Canada Trust Co, , •Zurich,
t+l�tN QPFICkx • HENQ 5,LT.
Professional Auctioneer, graduate
�i'ltavenport Auctioneering School
*fry me for real estate, merchandise,
38Wellery pedigreed stock, farm sales
Ales aiwayareasona,ble, MY territory
the world. Choice farms for sale.
"Me 18-93 • Zurich
Licensed Auctioneer
Licensed Auctioneer for •County
ofuren, In a position to con-
rluct any auction sale, regardless
eits to size or articles to sell. I
nolieit your busines% and ` if not
eatiefied will make no charges for
Arthur Weber, Dashwood.
Phone 31 r 13.,,,E
. a.
Fresh and, Salt Meats
'bologna .Sausages, etc
;+Iiigirest Cash Price for Wood]
"ughit &1
1 an v in a position to aceomo-
liiate; all requirements in the Livery
,ins; have Auto for hire. Any-
thing done in the teaming line.
Phone 511 Zurich:
ii, S. A.TKINSON, L.D.S„ D.D.S,
Graduate of . the Royal College
of leental gnrgeons of Ontario and
,of tete University of Toronto.
Late District Dental Officer, Mil-
itary District No. One,, London,Ont
Office hours at Zurich every
Tuesday and Friday from 10;00 a
'tri, tbtil 5.00 p.m., at the Commerc-
ial Ho ttse, (Upstairs)., Main Of -
file at .Bayfield, Ont. -19
Starting on Thursday, May 2nd.
LEVE:. .
every daytill 3.. ()clock . p P.m.
v y
Di not feed fowl same morning
whelk 'brought in
"chest Cash Prices
OR-•-,rearm' and Eggs
W. O'Brien
?bine 94. Zuruch
`nnring and Summer
°Win to "the e e Mi -
g stink of the n
verssl oW prevailing, in the Pennsyl-
man,'rAnthracite , coal fields, we
,are' unable` to' guarantee delivery
'or 'P4'iee arid .until conditions be -
a orae more settled orders will be
taken subject to orrr being able to
nista eulepliies, end at prevailing
urine time of deli'rery,
PRODUCE MEMERCHANTTli'11111's;-1,Vryy As
0/floe ' row, Houde' 10j.
Wants, dor 8ale,,Lpst,
Found, Notche Eto, Ads
rhes cQLu'M1
We �'� reeve '
,a rod
.pet u our
mill end are operating . sabre eider• on
Tuesday and 'Thirsday of each
week, Geon,e Recker; Bronson
iLne, north of Dashwood,
We are operating our cider mill
every : Tuesday and ,Thursday, be-
ginning Tuesday Sept. 19th. Par-
ties wishing to have apple butter
made,. ,should make arrangements
by phone. F. C. Kalbtleisc'h, Zurich
I have taken out License for
Auctioneer for the County of Hur-
on, and am in a .position to con-
duct sales by „auction, Give me
a trial and I will assure you satis-
faction pr no charge. tf-29
James 1enomey, R. R. 2, Zurich,
Fhone. No. 10-93
Zurich StHdio and Book Room
Juset received our ship-
ment of School Books;
igChooi looks Itc.
Printing and Developing, Photos
On Post Cards, Etc., --Etc.
Stationery always on hand tf21
Hartleib Bloek - Zurich
At' Zurich on Saturday Septem-
.eiree.: 30th, 1922, Estate of the late
M•• Abraham Geiger, at 1.30 p.m.
Coal heater, cook stove will burn
either wood or coal, organ, drop
bead sewing machine good as new,
glass cupboard, sofa, .. 2 rockers, 7
dining ,room chairs, bureau, bed-
stead springs and mattress,. com-
forter s,pillows, blankets, feather-
bed, . 2 mirrors, sofa pillows, pore
tiers, table cloths, carpets,window
shades, book shelves, chamber set,
eight day clock,' sealers, dished,
large black Walnut ttable, tops
garden- rake, 'spade, .wood and,'
coal, Electric flat iron; numerous
other articles.
Oscar Klopp, -Auctioneer.
reread is selling at 7;t;• cents' a
loaf in Exeter.Mr. Lawrence Rave, of Detroit,
spent the .past • week at his home
here •
Parkhil'le tax rate this year hasbeen struelt at 37e initis, a drop
front 45. miI!I last year. -
Mrs, • A. Heideman) of Jackson',
Mich„ is nursing her mother -,in-
law, Mrs. R. Heideman;. •
Messrs. John` Gascho and W. 5,
Johnston attended the High Court
at Goderich, last • Tuesday, .
Ur. ,Y3. G. Hess and Miss( L.
Siebert' were week -end' -visitors at
London, Brantford, Hamilton and
Galt. •
Mr. end Mrs. Louis Prang, an
son Leopard, were on a pleasu
trip to 'Dundas, Hamiltolr a
Niagara Falls, the past week.
Mr and Mrs • D. Bushlin of Ca
afornia, called on the 'former's o
boy friend, 'Postmaster, W.
piebert, for a few days last wee
Me. and Mee. 11. Coloskey, wh
had been,; visiting relatives. an
friends, returned to their home.i
Detroit on Saturday.
A number of baseball fans
were at Mitchell on Saturday : to
see the final game of the N. W
B. A., which was wont by Lucan.
Mr. Peter 'Papineau is improv-
ing the • appearance of the front
of his garage and machine shop
by ;the application of a ir'esh
ccoat of paint,.
Mr. G. Holtzman has leased the
dwelling •property and business
place owned by Mrs. M. McCormack
opposite' the jewellery store, and
will move into sane shortly.
' Mn. and Mrs. XI. Jensen and Mrs
Steckles of, Detroitwere .week.-
end visitoers with relatives here.
Mrs. Jensen, Sr., who had been
visiting here, returned with themeir. Ed. Wurm and family are
thisrt week moving their . house': o' d.
effects to Markham, \where Mr.
Wurm has purchased;' a livery, bus
and dray business. We wish them,
much success in' their new venture.
Mr Hartman :Elsie, Dashwood,
wishes to advise the public that
he is again in a position to do
a,.y. rind of pump repair work,
wonder. pumps repaired, iron,
pumps repaired and installed.
A most enjoyable time was
spent on Monday evening at . the
I mime of Miss Lulu Albrecht it
being the occasion of a birthday
party, whena number of her
young friends gathered and spent
a social evening.
• 'The fine, large J,uca i •Ptour'
mill was burned, to the ground at
about five o'clock last Wednes-
day morning: Much of the \rfl1-
age was threateneddi at the time
but the. fire-fighters assisted by
the London brigade, succeeded in.
confining the fire to the Mill. The
ass will be 'around $30,000 partly
o'er•cd by insurance.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Bays, and Mr.
Mrs, • John Walper, • all of Har-
row, were week -end', visitors in
Zurich. - Mr: Bays visiting with
his uncle and aunt, Mr''..and Mrs.
Ed. Bossenberry, while Mr. and Mrs
Walper visited with the former's
parents, Mr•..• and Mrs. Casper Wal
per, as well as other relatives in
Zurich.- i
Of Farms, Farm Stock and Impl-,
ements, on Tuesday, OOct. 3, 1922. a
at 12.30 sharp, on Lot 199 con. 10
X --mile south of Zurich, Hay Town-
ship, the following;
HORSES -1 Agric, mare 5 -yrs.
old; 1 Agr. horse, 5 -yrs old; 1 geld-
ing 3yrs. old, 1 filly 2iers. old; 1
horse 8 yrs, old; 1 mare 7 yrs..
old 1 sucking colt.
CATTLE -1 cow rising 4 due in
February, 1 heifer due in Feb,; 2
cows 'due in March 7 yrs. old; 1
cow due in May, 6 yrs. old; 1 heifer
iduei in April; 1 cow due in May
7 yrs. old; 2 fresh cows; 1 Heifer
due„ in .Oct,; 1 Reg. Shorthorn bull
13 months old "OOrange Brand"
(153380); 5 steers rising 2, 3 ,heifers
rising 2; 'spring„ calves. Cattle
all Durham 'with one, exception.
ewes, 3 buck lambs, 2 ewe lambs,
3 hogs, about 175 lbs. each.
IMPLEMENTS -141, H. binder 6 -ft
cut; M. -IL mower 5 -ft, cut; Kemp 0
manure spreader, Noxon drill, M. 0
H. 13 -tooth cultivator; Hay rake; u
wheelbarrow, pea harvester, roller, a
Noxon disc, 4 -section harrows, scut
fler, Cockshutt gang plow, 2 c
walking plows, drain plow, Ren-
frew Standard cream separator, 0
nearly new; wagon, set bob sleighs t
cutter, buggy, Clinton fanning mill.
with. bagger, 2,000-1b. tap. scales,
cart, wagon box, 2 gravel boxes,
new hay rack 16 -ft;' stock rack
wood rack, corn shel'ler, cutting
box, -grindstone, sap buckets and
pan, 2-doz. grain bags, turnip drill,--
2etts heavy , lr ivy harness, 2 sett 'single
harness, Treasure range; cradle,
foeles, shovels chains; about , e 14
ton of good hay, and numerous
other articles. .
The'fine weather the past week
has indeed been a great help to'
the farmers, some are still ,sowing
fall wheat, but .this is rather late
in the season s for such, ad fall
wheat should><'•/e up -and growing
nicely so as to bre~ good and strong
when the •winter sets' in, as hag
been experienced, the last few
seasons, that little or 'no snow
fell to cover this most important
crop. '
Mr. James Denomy of the 14th
con:: Hay, had the misfortune the
ther day, of being thrown e out
f his speeding cart, and fract
re his collarbon% Mr. Denomy
nd Mr. S. Hay of Blake, s were
ogging their eiorses on the 14th
on., and in meeting another party
oming in the opposite direction
n horseback, • Mr, ,Denomy's horse
ook fright send bolted against Mr.
Hey's horse and Mr. Denomy re-
ceived the • mentioned; consequen-
ces. We hope for "Jimmie's"
early: recovery.
holdersof 12,914 Victory .Bonds
wlio have . decided to,: exchange
their' maturing bonds for�. new ones
carrying the same rate of interest,
under the, proposals of the Min'-,
tater of Finance, which are now be -
inn adt*ertised, would do well to
surrender their bonds • at once, r•a-
they than delay until September
30 approaches, When •the' bonds
Were first 'issued in ,1911;. the 1922;,
maturity was a favorite, With sax
all investors, niany of 'whom were.
buying bonds .tor the first time,.
Consequently, there• are many,
many •thousand '.individual holders.
and it would he a great helpto.
the banks and the Department of
Finance in carrying through the
conversation expeditiously, as well
as a convenient. to the holders
themselves, if they, would turn
their bonds into the banks as early
as possible. '' -
Between HeLnsSall and St. Jos-
eph, an auto marker, 11•-006, Ven-
der please *five ate Herald ,Offiee
oe fie `owner, .IYIr, Philip Denomy,
'' 1. hv,
REAL 'ESTAiTE--•5O acres' grass
land consisting of e1,4 Lot. 18 con.
10, well. 'drained and fenced.' South
ITalf Lot 19, con. 11, •8 -acres good'
hard wood iheaeh, well fenced and
drained, good orchard, good bank
barn, ' plenty water, comfortable
frame house, hen house and other
outbuildings, The above man-
tioned farrus May be bought priv-
ately, if not sold before day of
sale, will then be sold by auction,
TERMS -All sums of five dollars
and under cash, over that amount'
12 months credit will be given by
furnishing approved joint notes,
3% per aenture allowed "' for leaeli
on eretlit amounts. Terms of real
Estate made known time of 'sale.
Mrs, Caro'in i Fuss, Acimireetratorio
x r T ell /retort, CIT -r i:.
i.�.':%l Tui l�fi•J.. ,ll .'�.#,t,
'1, >1 u'"C'1,°I
Routh -At Goshen, Line, Hey `Towel
ship, on September 20th, to Mx,
and Mrs. John A, Sirrith,a son,'
beslardi:ne--Ixy Stephen township,
on Septainhee list, to Alt?: and.
Mrs, Ferdinand Desjarcline, a
Walper--Tin Stephen 'Peeves/ripe on
Bepterriber 22»4, to Mr. and,
IV/re. Jacoh ' Walper, ,a sone(
Gerber -At 'Stanley Township, oe
Septeraber lith, to Mr. and Mrs.
Moses Gerber, twin girls,
Kuntz--T,Cfile-At Dashwood o'n,
Septerrrber 20th, Miss Matilda S.
Kuntz, to Mr. Clayton, Pfilei,
both of con.. - Hay,
Laporte.-A'loren;tette••-At St.. Preue-
aux-leenleaux, Drysdale, o'n Sep-
tember 22nd, Loretta, Laporte,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Laporte, :to Mr, Laurent `Joieph
Of Farm Implements, Stock and
Household Effects, at the Village
•of 5t. Joseph,on Thursday, October
5th, 1922, at 1 o'clock prn.
1 driving mare 8 yrs. old; 1
milking cow due to calve in April
3 dozen pullets, wagon, and box;
top buggy, set , d.ianrond harrow.s,
stuffier, set double harness, 2
sets single harness, DeLaval cream
separator, 100 -gal. coal oil tank,
frame shed 12x14 ft., 5 acres buck-
wheat on stook, baby carriage,
cabinet Gi•amaphone with 25 roc-
ords,b rasa bed, springs and met -
tress, 2 rockers, 12 kitchen chairs
2, cook stoves, kitchen cabinet,
sink, writing desk, chiffonier, wash
stand, warhi'ng machine, churn, but
ter tray, 3• lamps, dishes, buggy
robe and rug, woolen horse blah
;cats, 3 screen doors, window blinds
rainwater barrel, whiffletrees, rna°1
box and nunerous articles.
TERMS -12 months credit will be
given an 'aim stack by fr5rnish
rug bankable notes, Implem-
ents, furniture, etc. cash. 5 per
Cent off for cash on credit am
aunts. • -
Mea..G. A. Brisson, Proprietoress.
,Tames Denomy, Auctioneer,
Owing to Varna school fair, the
township council meeting will be
held cin Tuesday, October 3rcl at
1.30 p.m. instead, of Monday.
Mr. George Elliott has leased
his farm consisting of 100 -acres, it
being Lot le, ,con(., 11, Stanley, to
Mr Robert .Cnear, for a term of
one year. Possession elven on
October 15th. Mr, Elliott in-
tends going to, London in the groc-
ery ;business • •.
The county " rate for' Stanley
township for 1292 is five and a
half 'nulls; "township two mills,: st-
atute labor ttv brills, general eche;
ool ratethree( andthree tenth m'lls,
special school rate' from one and
a half upwards.; This is a red-,
uction from 19921' of county one
mill, township one half mill, gen-
eral school one tenth n'll andfro n
one to two and h. half mi Is on sp-
ecial school rate.
A. quiet, but pretty wedding
took place at the Lutheran par-
sonage at High /Coo* on Wednes-
day September 20th, when -Rev.
Giaupner officiated at the marri
age of Matilda . S. Kuntz, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Kuntz, it LI Mr. Clayton F. Pf7'la_•.-
The bride was beconimingiy at-
tired in a navy tricotine suit with
hat to match and carried a bou-
c ue.t of ,beautiful white asters. She
v as attended {s(;1,* her sister, Miss
Luella. Kuntz, while Mr. Herbert
,brother of the groom, was
best nian(. After the ,ceremony the
happy couplel eft . for Detroit.,
Ann Arbor "and Lansing, Mich. .
The funeral or 'the, late Daniel
Daniel Schafer who died ' on Wed-
nesday, September 20th, was held
on Friday afternoon from the res-
idence of. Mr. Jos, Wildfong to the
Lutheran cemetery. -The deceas-
ed had been in poor health for
some time, suffering with ''tuber-
culosis. He had reached the age
of 70 years, 8 months and .20 days;
was born in Waterloo county and
lived here many years. He is
survived by Fide sisters.
Word was received here on.
Saturday of the death of Ezra
Sender, of Kitchener, On of Mr.
and Mrs. -Mark Bender of this place
The remains were brought heiefor
burial, the funeral was conducted
on Tuesday laft'errioon by , Rev. W.
J Yager to the Goshen Line
r emetery. Deeeased Was 35
e ears of age and is survived by his
,•orroeving wile and two n small
children,- his parent's; 'and one sise
ter. '
Mr,. and „Mrs A. Fisher, and Mr.
and Mrs. Ostee Fisher and two
daughters of Det zoite, and ' , Mrs.
Apple of New Hamburg, visited,
with Mee ankl Mrs. J. Kuntz last
we•Mer:. ,
rs, Wi.tzel is at present Visit"
ing in Pet Ilurn and Detri?iet,.,
`Mr ai eMraa. Doerr of Auburn
spent ,Sunday With:eMr. and Mrs.
i Mrs. Jai* Guenther' is visiting in
Detroit at presents
Miss Catheru Pinkbeiner has
returned from e visit with 1 her
sister in Sarnia, n .I
Mr. Wim Ehlers` of Kitchener,�
spent a few` days at his home here
this week,
Mr. 'Clayton ?file has p-urchased
the shoe business' front 0, Fritz ,Se
Miss Mabel Schade is spending
1 few- weeks with friends- at Mir-,
Children Cry forilletch
Page it'iv
Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children.
Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine
is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared
for grown. -ups are not interchangeable. • It was the need of
a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children
that brought Castoria before the public after years of research,
and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30
years has not proven.
What is CASTOR IA?
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. 1t contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, aie.d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
n Use For Over 30 dears
;.oS �or6 i�•€ 3•Afii•##�r3rF l'r.A� € €��+ ' s s 3 §�$•#���fifiFY�€�3�#
f' Lumber Laths Shingles
Everything in
Combination storm and screen doors nnade to order;
Lumber and Building Material
Custom Work our Specialty
Always in the market for saw logs
' 1e
3+++.1.a#+•3ari4.•r4>4..4.+.3+ ..+++++.44.4..÷+÷+÷+++++++ +++•r>r
The best Ford $125 will buy.
Chalmers Six, New battery $850
1 .Four wheel trailer, painted $90
F. M. Hess & Co. - Zurich
Automobile Insurance
Are You Protected?
Y+rse teiday Arthur Elrid e of this 'city, hada ear. To -day,
nothing' remains of it but the charred frame work. • Shortly after
running it into th'e Garage, the, ncglibo',rs detected flames shooting
out of the roof. The brigade'' -apis' on the scene promptly, but the
car. was a ' complete loss before the firemen could get to it. Ac-
cording to the fire chief the fire was started by a short circuit
The motorist's loss is about $1,000.0". -Woodstock news Item .-t
' Saturday Free :Press, London,
MllilAiL•i-, .. ..