HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-09-28, Page 3Learn How to Randle `i'our :Car. "' It is quite evident to folks who fre-1 eluent our highways either on foot ori in motor cars that even some who, have owned their cars' for some time have not yet beoame very skilled in mastering them. The prospective driver seats him- self behind Uhe wheel. , It is a good idea to have an experienced.: man by his sideuntil he gets on to the funda- mental principles of ,drive g. One, of the first thino to da, of course, is to start the engine: This he does by stepping on the self-starter pedal, 'If there is no self-starter he will be re - (paired to e-(•aired:to get out and crank the thing. But :before starting the engine there are a few preliminary' detailsthat need attention, and they are very irn; portant, too. For instanee, he should place the gear -shifting lever in the neutral position, put the 'emergency brake on, retard the spark fully, or, • if well acquainted with the motor, to a .point where the apark will surely occur after the crank has passed top centre. Open the throttle about one- third•- (After getting acquainted with the machine he will find a position for the throttle -where the motor will al - Ways start best). . Piet on the switch. If the motor habitually starts hard, prime the carburetor. After the engine starts' close the. throttle and advance the spark about three-quarters. If the engine has been started on the battery and a magneto is used, switch immediately from the battery to the magneto. Do not allow the motor to. race. When running'idie it should tan over at its slowest speed, . Always place .'gear lever in neutral when the ,coir is stop- ped and. make sure that it is there before starting the motor. Don't let the ear stand with the motor stopped in the winter time; unless the radiator is filled with anti -freezing solution. Look the car .over thoroughly after each run, Testing Bearings. . The motorist is. sometimes puzzled to know just what shape his bearings are in and does not know •how to tent them. Connecting rod bearings should' be tested by tapping them very gently with a hammer and watching for play. For the crank shaft bearings, rock the shaft a little and with petcocks open; if you 'can do this the bearings are all right. - Tank Noises. In certain fuel tanksof- the cowl; variety there is a tendency to emit noises, wheal increase in volume as the tank is drained of its liquid con- tents, The owner is puzzled by the fact that irritating noises have begun after he has traveled a hundred miles or $o, whereas ;there we're none at the beginning of the journey, The obvious remedy -isto keep the tank filled up.: 'Motor Traffic Into Canada. Returns compiled by the Canadian Department of Customs' indicate a 600 per cent, increase of motor traffic into Canada. Automobil'egs entering Can- ada for --touring purposes during the last calendar year totaled : 617,285, compared with 93,300 for the previous calendar year. Of the total number of cars regis- tered in the last calendar year 615,074 remained in the Dominion for less than one month and 2,211 for more than one but less than six months. The Parks, branch of the Department of the Interior hats calculated that this motor traffic represents an expendi- ture in Canada of more than $108,- 000,000, and it is estimated by the sante authority that on a basis of 5 per cent. "improved roads are worth, over $2,000,000,000 without taking into account the service they render Can- adians themselves:' The Parks brancheestimate of ex- penditure in Canada by motor tour- ists is based, on a stay of seven clays for the' larger number •of cars and thirty days for the :smaller number, while the daily expenditure for the former is put at $25 and -$20 for the Tatter. Heed These Maxims and Avoid Grouches. Here is some excellent' up-to-the- minute advice offered by the latest issue of "Motor Travel" to those who would, heed that "word to. the .wise," which is said to be "sufficient": An ounce of` attention is worth a pound of •overhaul. An oiling a day keeps the repair man ..,away. aeLook'before you back. Spare the oil and spoil the car. A roiling -car gathers no "crowd. A tool in the kit is worth thousands in thegarage. Service is as service does. Fools rush' in' where experts fear to ride. A little knowledge of electrical sys- teens' is, a,. dangereus,thing. `, An ounce of instruction may save a pound of repair. A skid to 'the _wise: is sufficient. TEI ISKA ING IS BIG FUR AND GAME AREA BEST IN WHOLE WIDE DOMINION. Annual Pilgrimage of Keen Sportsman to 'Phis Happy p � p Hunting -Ground. An experienced hunter and trapper who had .followed his calling all his life le every -section of..0anada and then nettled in the region of Northern Temiskamiug finding there the goal of his dreams, described the country as the best fur and game section of the wide . Dominion. Allowing theejustitt- able claim of other areas of an ex - pawl's realm to this distinction, • one cannot, after but a rough and cursory inspection ,of the region, but concede 'th+at such assumption has a basis of proven merit, and that the area on either side of bake Teinitiskaming is,. in fact, a veritable paraditire for the hunter, fisherman, or out -o' -door lover. Not only in this section, by reason of the ruggedness of its formation and rough topography, the natural habitat at big. ;game animals and: fuebearing fauna, but for the verysame reasons is likely to largely remain so ui per:, petuity and this haven never be at- tacked by the inroads of more -donees - tic industries, The unique feature of this .country is that it is• by no means as inaccess- ible as its primitive, unblemished na- ture would suggest, and whilst exist- ing in a state but little changed front when • nature completed her work, is in daily touch and communication • with the modern, civilized world; with such conveniences and advantages as this nifty bring in its wake. From the main line of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way at Maft.awa, a branch line runs for forty; miles to the settlement at Temisleatning, on. the lake of the same name wl.reirtie a lake steamer travels , three times a week the seventy miles to the lake's further extremity, .From such points as Montreal or Toronto It is little more then a matter of an over nig ht's travel to leave civilization be- hind and plunge into the intra ttlate realm of nature. The wilds, here are ettr risingly diose to the centres of Catiediaai business itetivite, with all that this means to th.: man of a'ffair's With blit a limited time for holiday or y diversion at hir;d'epoeal. Quainity fhe{-,,,.c;ue Socnery. Phe etcemer t.'.;, tipoathe cah0 wa,tl.ls. or, ;the 'Lae 14.r1 'itself a leis.}ii'e-. ly pleasure which is, in some ways, unique—steaiine, calmly between tree- darkened shores•, with no visible indi- cations of Truman life,,, save an. occa- sional trapper's•log shanty. The water is strewn with thousands oflogs, borne for many miles on the cuerent, and bound for the mills below. The vessel steers gingerly round _many a log jam, . or rides valiantly over a. boom. It isnot at all unusual t^ see from the rail a moose, snaking his way across the lake from one shore to the other, to glimpse a deer at the water's edge scurry away at the closer ap preach of the vessel, or to disturb a bear at •his abdutions and send him lumbering clumsily into the timber. All is as nature first planned it, the only. madern touch' being the little steamer serenely pursuing itsway, bound from the point of railway con- taot to an economically productive sec- tor at the northern end of the lake, without .in any way disturbing the tranquility of the• shore life, between. The vessel with its lien= freight passes between the :densely, wooded chorea and when it has passed on all is still again, as if even the fringe of civi'lization's progress • had never tnteothed there. Only where, in a symetricaldy rounded bay, the,KMpawa river pours its temptuous waters over boiling rapids into the ; lake, is there a sign of human dwelling where the hunter and trapper, who found' his life's dreams realized,• has established a log camp. Tree and bush life on eialier shore of the lake are so thick as to appear almost impenetrable. For the main part they constitute the undisturbed dwelling -places of nature's wild things,. Merely a few trappers and hunters in- habit the region, and they have blazed out trails which are gnown only to themselves. But there are a thousand, unknown and unmarked paths be- tween the `timber. Bear are plentiful and are shot and trapped in consider- able Members. It le impossible to tra- vel .any distance in the bush without encountering the tracks of inoose and deer upon the soft earth: near sonie stream; or pond where they pass by or come down under `e r... m oveofr day darkness to drink. ' TeemingWith Fish and Game. Not only the waters of Lake Tends - keening but the ni;any rivers, which pour, their waters into it, and count- lests .sniallere lakes inland on either. shore, teem •with. varieties 'of fish and furnish excellent sport ;and the most satisfactory fishing. Bans, pike, pick- erel and ,whitefish are to be found in the larger lakes and rivers, whilst many of the smaller lakes contain trout, These sainiewaterways aro 0 joy to the tanoeist, the lakes and Amines interlocking for miles alid rs unci the worst Is yet to cone, permitting lengthy and varied travel through most wonderful countrry with- out the inconveniences of portaging, Not a few ardent sportsmen from widely separated points an the Ameri- can continent lave discovered the joys of, Temdskaming and make their a'n- nual pilgrimage these to unsullied na- ture, taking their toll of the region's bear, moose, deer or fish. For the main part they hold the secret of its charms close, fearful Of spoiliation. But it deserves to be more widely known among out -'o -door lovers' of the continent, for it -'can provide numbers with the most_ enthralling of outings without undue toll being exacted of its fish or fauna and without in any way losing that- charm which disap- pears with the onslaught upon. na- ture's strongholds by too many ,of the human kind. French Discover Ancient Sacrificial Altars. The veil has been rent Brom the ter- rible blood-stained mysteriee which", in ancient Carthage mores •,thip -" -,a00 yearsago, attended the warship ,of the Goddess Tanit (the Phoenician• -As- tarte). - Two French scientists, MM. Potties sot and Lauber, who are now search- ing the ruins of Carthage, • have dis- covered. the ancient inner sanctum of the Temple of Tanit, and in front of the altar have found secrificia.l vaults standing three deep before the altar. of the cruel deity. Each of these vaults, when unearthed, was filled with the charred bones of thousands of infants, ranging from new-born babes to infants one or two years old. The two archeologists conclude that they discovered one of the temples where the secret rites of human sacri- fice to Tanit must have been practiced. I•nfant children were usually -acre flced to Baal, the other chief diet,. of Cartilage, being slipped alive into a roaring furnace one by one. Just Natural. Some youngsters were playing a game which consisted of everybody in the room 'making a face, the boy mak- ing the worst face to receive a prize: Every boy, it appeared, was doing hie level best. The boy acting as mas- ter :of ceremonies finally went up to, one of the most diminutive lads pre- sent and said: "Well, Harry Peters•,. I guess you have wan the prize." "What are youatalking about?" de - mended Harry, "I ain't a-playin ," Sounds. I woke as midnight turned upon its purple hinges, And heard the sounds day hides. with- in the core. of :,_`,ence. I heard the shadows running races in the garden; The lonely dew that wept beside the sleeping lilies, I heard the stars play hymns on gold and silver organ s. I heard the moths steal honey from the dreaming rbees•; Thefairies snipping patterns out of crimson gauzes; The cocoons, spinning wings of black and yellow. spangles. I heard the forest chant a story to its - children As I awoke at midnight. I woke as midnight turned upon its purple hinges And heard the mosses sprouting on the rotting shingles. I heard . the cobwebs weaving gar- meats for the rafters; Lest :echoes searchleg up and town the dusty stairway: I heard the attic . step and step among the spiders.. I heard the gnomes that sit and snig- ger on the bedposts; The "things" that rook in empty allies and set them creaking. One secret sound was stranger far • - thanit the others; I heard a•laugh thathad been left among the worries— As I awoke at midnight. —Jennie Harris Oliver. London's Amazing Palace. There is so much electric wire in the new London Cour- 7 Hall that it is impossible to measure it. All that can be said is that there are hundreds of miles of it. This• is only one example of the amazing figures relating to the great building which oost $20,000,000 to build and which contains 30,000,000 bricks, 2,500,000ft. of wood, 175,000 tons of concrete, and : 50,000 trans of stone. Fifteen hnindred men worked there every day for ten years, and this is not surprising when one learns that there are 114 acres of paintwork and 100 acres of plaster. Fourteen miles ofsanitary pipes had to be laid and 250,000 tons of earth removed, Ten million steel bolts were needed in the building operations, Stories of Famous People Sto s m The Switchman and the Duke. A good story is related of the Duke of Connaught when lie was traveling through ' it crural district in northern Ontario.. .The' train on which he was traveling- was run on a siding until thee •oncoming express had passed. One of the switchmen who lied' heard a great deal about the Duke of Con- naught, • but had not had an oppor• lenity of seeing him, resolved that he would not jet slip this chance of see - Mg a real live duke. He therefore ran nimbly along the platform, peering ea, citedly into the various poaches, of which the blinds were drawn, in the. hope that he might, catch a glimpse of, the great personage. for• whom •wlie as looking.. As it was only 4 'a,m. and notquite este dawn; l ne feared that et would he too early torthose on boded to be about; but, seeing a closely mnf- fled figure sauntering towards• him, he ran :eiecitedly up to hint and said in 'o; stage whisper, "Say, where' is his nibs? But I suppose people like• him wont be awake yet.'' The; man ac- costed said, "Of whom are you sneak- ing?" "Why," said the switchman, disguetedly, "the `dock,' of "course." A twinkle appeared 11 seared in the Duke of Con- eatig-iit's eyes when lie reviled: "Yes, the' duke is. 'awake,What can I do for: yoe, sir?" et the same time ex- tending Lis hand, but 'a. face-to-face encounter -w,itit a real live duke proved too muds" for the unsophisticated northerner, for with one bound he cleared thetrack and disappeared into the semi -darkness with the swiftness of a marathon, and it is said that .some hours after the search was being con - timed for him. From Hearsay Only. Rather an odd meeting occurred re- cently- The authors of • two of the most' noted books of recent times en- countered each other at a London hotel:—Mt. A. 5.:M, Hutchinson, auth- oir. of "If "triter Comes," tech has reached its 30th 'edition and Mr, Sin- clair Lewis, the American author of "Main, Street noVel oVel which h also a, s been won�dei-fully Suecessful. They shook sands and engaged in mutual. congratulations: But they did net waste arsy time in vapid and un- truthful fiatterle& It ceine out, early in their conversation,, that neither had read the other's famous navel. Frank- ly, they ea,id so, They ,ought bothto remedy a s•erioii5 oinieeion. T eluate Sir Herbert Tree was more backward in natters of 'tb is kind. It wag net un'ti'l ho had highly praised farrie's works that Barrie got the to cotifeO•S that be had never tread 11113r11113rof thein, or seers thole played On the. Stage. Round the World for a. By Ernest A. Bryant The Spirit of adventure did not perish in the grave with $baelcleton. It is the force which is urging the lit- tle Malaya forth upon a three years' crulse to lands afar, A modest cruiser of ninety tons, She tS fitted out by Dr. C. Loolshairt Cottle to sail ren quest, not of fabulous gold ; from ships bemired in deep-sea ooze, but of the spoilof forest trees and tropical jungles: Dr. (lotus and his merry ince twelve strike a sounding furrow routed the world, with romantic islands of, the great oceanic Staith for goal, withor-' shies for'main prize, and batt a'hun- dred lesser schemes, for camera and.; ouretor, which' shall permanently re- cord the result of holding a mirror up to Nature and fixing her reflection. To sonic of is orchid -hunting may. not imply operation's to stir the pulse or beguile a man from the amenities' of civilization, But the lettered botan- ist has his tomes of travel and daring written by be men who risk ::ife and limb to seek these bizarre beauties in their steaming haupts, flowing in fan- tastic majesty high and remote upon the trunks of unfamiliar trees, princes of parasites in a nightmare paradise- inferno, to which a man must cleave his way wth an, axe, and perhaps fall dead beside his prize, felled as surely by malaria as has tree is felled by steel and human effort. The annals of orchid seeking, are a shimmering romance of oourage and endeavor, with tragedy here and there commens orated by dead men's bones. The treatment of 'upical diseases advanoes so rapidly towards the posi tion of an exact science that we may expect Dr. Cottle to safeguard bis ex- pedition from perils to which many of their predecessors fell victims, But his way is wild enough . to demand un- sleeping vigilance. Clearing their. last European port they sail south- west to the Freheh West Indies, thence to Trinidad, Colon, Panama, Gailapagos Isles, Marquesas, where disgruntled Londoners sought a year ago to evolve new existence which should know no taxes andvery little else; on then to Manahiki Islands, Phoenix Islands, Gilbert Islands, Solo- mon Islands, North New Guinea, Vie Islands the Malaccas, South East Borneo rivers, Singapore, Penang and the North Sumatra hinterland. Who would not envy Dr. Cottle? His little craft has set out before ausicious breezes, a model for the rov- ing naturalist. She has every con- ceivable appliance for the accommoda- tion of botanical specimens.; she has an armament of guns for the disad vantgae" ot big game;, she has tackle. fpr the entertainment of such -fish as boltand net may secure, and Mills bombs for the stunning and capture of some of the uncanny lords in rivers as yet uncharted. No one quits the beaten track with- out camera and kinematograph to -day, and necessarily the Malaya has hers for recording scenes and customs among the sable gentry to whose vil- lages the schooner will bear our party. And, that nostalgia shall not prove in- tolerable, wireless sets are of the equipment, so that voices, riding 'space where the sea -wind sings, may be heard over the aerial telephone. The same mechanism will enable the gate' derers to keep in touch when the party splits up into sections to explore the forests. Many adventures such as this have lower gone into the reeard0 The con.veYSnE'e of the cinehotia plant from Peru to malaria -stricken Xudi:x"t the sin.tig ling of seeds of the :rubber plant " yY zil to Kew and from Kew to to give the OM World a new a new Inde try and uiidreanr v $t5 of _weeitheetb os•e-.axe two grand romaxtaee of latter-day hi tiohievod by heroic practical men feared . none of the matey which beset their paths. ; Bu isone place to which, me other, the story should' at Pitcairn Islazid'and :othe dises to which descendi' cairners have rowed c the mutineers of the peopled Pitcairn, wer resembling that of th It' was Sir Joseph out the Bounty and , tenant William Bli, The little Bounty w collect bread -fruit pia - mid -Pacific, some 2,0e east of New Zealand, them to the West lade under which Bligh sal' tans, and one of the; the men of the Malaya, reach them in one of t• ca 11. • .After insisting that the be bathed in fresh watt care than was exhibited the ablutions of the crew. andum runs. • "No Dogs, Cats, Monkey. Goats, or indeed any anent. ever must be allowed on bo.. cept Hogs and Fowls for tie panys use; and they must be ca' confined to their coops. Ever; caution must be taken to destr Rats, as often as convenient with green. boughs should b' alongside, with :a gangway of boughs from the hold to her drum kept going below in the for one or more nights; and. as 1. will be censeantlyy used to deer them and cockroaches, the crew net. not complain if some of them who neo, die in the ceiling make an unpleasant, smell." The rest is history. The crew, en- ervated by six months of luxurious life at Tahiti, and seduced by the syren voloes of the island's dusky beauties, mutined, clapped Bligh, with eighteen men faithful to him, into a bout and- cast them adrift 1n the open sea. His magnificent voyage, in that little launch, to the Indian archipel- ago, more than 3,000 miles • distant, is still a record achievement for frenzied famishing oarsmen, The mutineers, reduced to nine, made Pitcairn; with - six Taliitan men and twice as many' •;, women. There the native men mur- dered all but one of the Englishmen, whereupon the Tahitan women mule, dered all the Tahitan men, The one white survivor, John Adams, was ulti- mately left lord of the island, of eight or nine wives and several children. From that tragic inception des- cends the Pitcairn settlement of to -day, with many hopes and hazards inter- woven in its later story. The, Malaya will bring no unpeopled island within the orbit of the Empire' wb;ose domini ons are marked red on the map, for we order these things better than out. forefathers. Dr. Cottle knows his men, and they know him; an agile - able company of right -hearted adven• turers with the Dumas motto of ,"One for all and all for one!" Radio. How many lovely sounds that else were lost Are borne today along pulsating air To lonely listeners of otherwhere; What largesees upon the winds are tos't• Nor time nor space nor world storms may exhaust, That scatter endless comfort far and wide; Poles apeak with poles, and lilts of sunnnertide Waft cheer to those immured by win- ter's frost; Perchance some day, since wonders never cease, It may be, from beyond the bounds of death, That words of those we mourn inay know release, And, whispering to us with wistful breath., Bring that dim, unknown land so very near That doubt !hid grief and dread shall disappear, —Charlotte Becker. Vocabulary of Shakespeare Comprised 83 000 Words. Stakespeare is said to have employ- ed mploy ed the largest vocabulary of any writer in English, exceeding that of another eolunsinous writer, Milton, yet Shakespeare's Words count only about. 8,000. Modern poets and dram- �. . atia3ts manage to ..:�ptess t.hem:;,odves by using from 2,500 to 3,000 words, Writers on science, as they need tech- nical andscholastic ternse in addition to their large. oomniand ot:, ordinary words, now lead thee list in vdeabn1iu'y. b . Honor Pasteur. The Preach Senate has unaninnous- ly voted 2,000,000 frame fee the ob- servance of the hundredth miniver, sary of the birth • of Louis rastour, this Year. In voting ilio appropriation Pasteur was dasar!bed its the "symbol of Preizeh science," Baiting a Bear With Buns. In ancient times bee ' baiting was a popular European recreation. The bear was chained to a post, and dogs were set upon it to the delight of the spectators. While Lord Frederic Ham Ilton, the author of Here, There and Everywhere, was in India, he baited a bear in a way that was certaimy more amusing, if not more humane, than the old way. We were at breakfast, he says, when kubber (news) of a bear only two miles away was brought in. My host, the Maharaja of Coocb Behar, at once ordered the howdah elephants round. Opposite me on the breakfast table stood a large plate of buns, which the camp baker made most admirably. Ever since my earliest childhood I. had gone to the zoological gardens in Regent's Park on every possible oc- melon, and therefore was in a position to know what was the favorite food of bears. That they did not live on bins in the jungle was owing merely to the. fact that there wore no blurs there to live on. I argued that the dainty would prove just as irresistible to a bear in the jungle as it did to his brethren in the big pit near the outranee to the zoo at home, and, ignoring the rather cheap gibes of the rest cf the raarty, i provided myself with half` a dozen buns, three of which 1 Mt cited by long etri gs.to thehowdah, tut; front of my ls.r�� doh, w y swung here thei . g' ] ke a pawubroger's ., sign, The was lying in a r r S r g s s ball patch of bamboo and .. broke cover et • cece. As I had - anticipated, tlr•e three i tv'it s r'g ing buns proved absoluteiy irresist- ible to him.him.Hee came s ,.trtr aiglit Op to ire, and. X shot him with a smoothbore. Ise is most decorative in. his 'present position, as a rug on the floor of my drawing -room ---a fact that ie wholly owing' to the buns, y The color for mourningv irrrc s. .lit Europe it is blood¢; in China, white; iii Egypt, yelluee in Turkey, bibs; i. 1'F s r. it while lamand ca;rrliiials - meantsi. i.,. purple and violet. The air• +r,. Wort p i>'rM,� sac9nci�atli.