HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-09-14, Page 4AUCTION SALE o f 'Douse and lion' oh:c,,1t1 Effects, Saturday, St*pt. 23, at 1O'cloclr Zan!. rat Zurich, . the following; Home Comfort range, coal heat bra •drop head sewing machine, Iris cupboard, organ, tensiond table, ;iide'board, goo ';Mite, 2 bedswith springs' and An1a,`tt ess, wall paper for 3 rooms, 1xch, lainps, 2 rockers, dozen lit- leen chairs, centre table, wash. tub Maladdin lamp, -drop leaf table, machin e, pictures, dishes, �i,alring Vickery; blinds, some mats, lin- w.11eum, spade, fork, 'hoes, glarden. 134 dozen sealers, buck saw, 'nate and numerous other articles, ZVi Thursday, Sept,, 14th; 192 iron Kettle, shovels, axe, buck saw, 80.cealers, wash ruachine, buf- fet, couch, glassware, dishes, cel- lar table and numerous articles. TERMS—C'ASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Rouse and Lot south of Luth-, Chas. Steinhagen, Bailiff enran church will be sold on day DASHWOOD"• WI dale if not previously sold "TERMS—Cash, except real estate l N rs: Moon of Detroit is visit-, :meale known on' day of sale. ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ars. Elizabeth Geiger,,,Propritoress Wm. Zimmer, star Klopp, Auctioneer. Mr, and Mrs. Jac. Fisher are visiting in New • Dundee Mr. H. Hoffman made a trip to Sarnia on Monday. Quite - a. number from here are attending London Fair this week. Delayed in: the mails( Mr. Lorne Taylor of Ann Arbor, visited his brother Dr. Taylor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rutherfore and Miss Broadfoot visited in Guelph over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jno Hey and Mr. C', Eilber of 1Zurich were Sunday AUCTION SALE AT • DASHWOOD r3bri Saturday, 'Sept. 16th, 1922 'Al one o'clock p.m. the following .Range cook stove, extension T ts,�ie New Williams �se�t reg maw oirie, sideboard, sink, 2 -burner coal szi stove with oven, 6 kitchen cha Ora, tane rocker, 4 rockers, 6 ph - e frames, parlor table, parlor **and, carpets, 'mats, 2 big dress' mets, 2 dressing stands, 60 phono Mr H Hoffman attended Toronto Exhibition Monday anTiernand Tuesday; Mr. Ira o G and Guelph Mr. and Mrs. $. Ireland of Stralt- ford spent the week -eland with Mr and Mrs. E. Tiernan. School re -opened. Tuesday With, Mr. Moffat of Bi'ucef'ield as prin'cip al andMisses Letta Guenther and Pearl Tiernan as assistants. Miss Louise Graupner left PA,Monday for Stratford where she is taking a business course Miss Stricker of Kitchener wisit' ed with Miss Oliyio Welton , last week. ur Mr. Elgin Schatz left Satday. for Collingwood,. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman, rMs. Stacey and Miss F. Preeter spent Sunday in Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Powell and family of Thedford and Mr Oscar Snell of Boston spent Sunday at the home of Mr. D. Tiernan, Rev. and Mrs. Grenzebach of lah records, bedstead, bed near Tavistock, renewed old acq- -clothes, 4 lamps, 2 oil cans, dozen visitors in town. uaintances in this vicinity last .alle plates, 6 bread pans, lantern, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft and, week, One of the five grades of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils is exactly suited to your car. Use this grade regularly and get trouble-free service from your car at the lowest possible cost for lubrication. Consult the Chart to determine the grade you should be using. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Manufacturers and Marketers of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils and Marketers in Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloil. • 1 - ,• �" n'91➢111 1 ' +111! " I�il01�1111111�!III elimetil(I e . � �'•\ _ ' M4111111111 1Q 11 r@ p Hath Weitrr�rrei# .dun • .. U(jl• �ir��(I fir" Mr, C. P. Leonard visited in De- troit over Labor Day. Mrs. Jack Eidt of Ailsa Craig and, Mrs. Herman Eidt of Forest, spent a rfew days last week With their parents, Mr,. and Mrs. • C, Stade; 0 Miss E,. Guenther left Monday ,for Windsor where ishe -is teaching this term. • M. and Mrs, Louis Moser and family of Kitchener were visitors` with Mr. and Mrs. W. Zimmer•ov� er the holiday. HAY COUNCIL.. The regular monthly meeting of the counicl of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, Sept. 2nd. All members except t Mr. S. ID •tz were present. The minutes of the previous , meeting were read and adopted. By -Law No. 8-1922 re fixing the hrarious rates to" be levied on the taxable property in the Township for the year 1922 was read three times and. finally passed. ,Bylaws 9-1922 and No. 10-1922 authorizing the Reeve and- the Treasurer to borrow certain' sums and renewals to meet currant ex- penditures were read 'three times and ri.nally passed. { A grant of - $20 was, made to-, wards Zurich School Fair, $10.00 to- wards 'Dashwood School Fair and $5,00 towards Grand Bend School Fair for 1922. - - A special assessment will be made on the lands affecting by ,Zurich Drain. South to meet the cost of celaning out said Drain and that a by -lair, be prepared . con; - .firming said. assessment. The folowing accounts were pasted;— Municipal World, supplies 1.51; Lauretta Ziler, 1st award, Soldiers Mere. Scholarship 27.50; Lilyun'Rose 2nd ditto 16.50; Gretta Blackwell 3rd ditto 11.00; C. L. Smith, print- ing' account 133.00; Wm. Haugh, tile and drain across rd. 14, 4.98; E. Theil gravel and teaming rd.18 44.45; Melick & Braun cement, etc. rd. 18, 156.00; P. Eisenbach, rep- airs to culvert rd. 12, 241.50; Bell Telephone Co.'; repairing cable, 38.41; Strornberg-Carlson Tel. Co supplies 47. 67; Northern Electric Co. supplies93.59; Melick & Braun .supplies telephone 13:92; M. Deitzbalance salary 131.25. The -dowel.' adjourned to meet n on' Saturday, Oct. 7th at o'clock, p:m. • A.. 1+`. HSS, Clerk B A L' L IF TO Holders of Five Year cent Canada'sSZ er Victory Bonds Issued in 1917 and Maturing lst December, 1922. CONVERSION PROPOSALS Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing an undertaking to deliver the 'corresponding bonds of the new issue. Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive their December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain the last unmatured coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion purposes. The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they will be exchanged for bonds of the new -issue, in fully registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form carrying interest payable lst May and 1st November of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest payment accruing and payable 1st May, 1923. Bonds of the new issue will be , sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered bonds. The bonds of the maturing issue which are not converted under this proposal will be paid off in cash on the 1st December, 1922. T HE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders of these bonds who desire to continue their investment in Dominion of Canada securities the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for ' new U bonds bearing 5i per cent interest, payable half yearly, of either of the following classes: (a) Five year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature lst November, 1927: (b) Ten year bonds, dated lst November, 1922, to mature 1st November, 1932. While the maturing bonds will carry interest to let December, 1922; the new bonds will commence to earn interest from lst November, 1922, GIVING A BONUS OF A FULL MONTH'S, INTEREST • TO THOSE AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION PRIVILEGE. " This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be issued `under this proposal will be substantially of the same character as those which are maturing, except that the exemption from taxation does not apply to the new issue. Dated at Ottawa, 8th August, 1922. W S. :.EL17XIST0,• Minister of r'itiance. if Bier T • .0••• •OI0••O000AO••••0000.0MOO •••a4 r • • • • Pumps are down. in price,no charge • • 1" for installing. Wash Machines and; wringers are down inaprice. Get $ .: • • p Farm Machinery our rices on Lawn Mowers. GALVANIZED WATER TROUGHS 2x2x6 at $/4.00 7-8'I'' • • BEST MANILLA HAY. FORK ROPE AT 25c.Lb. WE HAN- iWPM DLE GENUINE FLEURY PLOW POINTS. POINTS WI ` I "AURORA„ STAMPED ARE NOT GENUINE, BUT STAMPED It, "J. FLEURY'S” ARE GENUINE CHEAP JOBBER'S POINTS '• • ARE 55c. AND 65c. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US. • •• , O GOOD MOTOR OIL AT 85 CENTS A GALLON • Dain Hay loader in stock for quick 1: delivery. • • stg All Farm Machinery Sold - TELEPH ONE NO, 76 I L. A. PRANG, - ZURICH I, • • : •••••••••••••••O•••••••••• •.•.•.••.0®O....e.....•• S Zurich Fall Fair Wednesday and Thursday Sept. 20th and 21st, 1922 Open Trot or Pace MILE HEATS BEST 3 IN 5 PURSE $75.00 1st $35,00 2nd, $25,00 FOUR TO START OR NO THIRD MONEY GIVEN 3rd, $15.00 Brodhagen Brass Band in Attendance: [Grand Concert in Town' Hall Special Prizes HORSES • MOLSONS BAZ; :, Zurich, offer $&00 cash for the best: team of ho, sea in w' — on and harness in the Generali Purpose, Agricultural and Heavy Draft Classes. W. B. COLLES offers $3.00 cash for the best individual' brood mare of all classes of horses. J. GASCHO & SON offer $3.00 cash for the 'best halter:. broke foal of 1922, handled by a boy of 16 years olds' or under. LOUIS A. PRANG' offers a plow shimmer for the best in-.- r, dividual animal in the Roadster and Carriage cl•asses.... CATTLE L. WURM offers a pail of Dr. Hess Stock Food, value $3.25, for the best calf under one year old, any breed' HOGS 0. DENOMY offers a gentleman's fine shirt, value $2.50, for the best type of bacon hog. POULTRY ' Dr, A. J. MacKINNON offers $3.00 cash for best pen of'" " two , pullets and one cockerel. The three birds must- be of one variety and must not be shown in any_, other class. ' W. O'BRIEN offers $2.00 cash for the best individual cockerel of any breed on the grounds. OTHER CLASSES S. SIMPSQN Co. LTD., offer a case of Silverwarse, value' ($6.00, for butter in 1 -pound prints, 6 pounds wrap -ped". in parchment paper; Appearance as well as quality to count in rnakingaward, J. PREETER offers goods to value of $3.00 from stone to. party winning the most first prizes in the Grain and seed class. STADE & WEIDO offer goods to value of $3.50, for best - and neatest display of fruit, consisting of apples, pear plums, peaches and grapes. - . + • T. EATON CO., LTD., offer the choice of the following;--«• (a)' Case 'of knives and forks ; (b)i Clock ; (c) Hearth Rug (d) Sprayer, value from $6.45 to $7.50, for the best box;. No. 1 Wealthy, 14IcIntosh, Alexander or Northern Spy apples, quality and packing to be considered, exhibited' by an individual grower, who- has not won an Eatom.- prize' at any Fair since 1919. • W. G. HESS offers an Alarm Clock, value $3:00, for the lars gest watermelon; same to become the .property Of the. donor. C. Fritz offers $2,50 cash for half bushel, containing the least 'number of potatoes. Potatoes to become the property of donor. • W. H, PFILE offers $2.00 .cash, for most suitable incl ap-. petising cold lunch for one man. T. T. L. WILLIAMS otters 100 -pounds of Choice FarnilyFloUir, for best loaf of bread baked from this well-known' and popular brand of flour. THS CANADIAN' BANK Or COMMERCE, Dashwood, offer a handsome Silver Cup, suitably mounted and en— graved and vabled at $15,00, for the best.,,finished cattle: beast, any breed, up to two years 'old, MflL1C]C & BRAUN offer goods to value of $3.00 for` best composition, open to all Pupils attending sehiofi' in Hay Township. Subject `Ziirir:h Fall Fair' Corn-. 1r t~'ar;:.1,r,1 t <s �ti's1 rd.gv l tlr prrr,ry,