HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-09-14, Page 1"""TRIPAN Vol. XXIII No 10 ZURICH, THURSDAY MO limmormikrimmingrerimmIseripmeirsomew aminimman.s omit SEE_ US - FIRST Leather Goods - White Goods Quick Service For Dress or Sport. A wide You benefit b:Oitise we sell assortment of sam.plo- - lose .a profit as we Reliable Workma. . ,„„1,1 GET YOUR NEXT PAIR HERE. Close Prices SEPTEM BER 14, • • 922. Cheater IJ SmitN, preatiligg $1,25 a Year IPI AZ,*� 41.4%.4 A-41.ARG THE ALERT PEN FOR ALERT SCHOLARS • • W. PFILE ZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. •-••• • k / • • Mr. Ed. Miller spent a few clays at Toronto last week. Mr. Garfield Witmer and Miss laAdeLl onawitzer spent the week - 4 ‘1 Miss Susie, Johnson is visiting Icheachrsiesneterr., Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf, at Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sippel of „Lansing ,Mich., are visiting relate ives here. Mrs. Heist and Mrs. D. McIsaac Of Crediton called in the village on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Meliek and dau- ghter Ortha, are spending a few days at Detroit this week. The Tenth Division Court will sit at the, Town Hall, Zurich, this Thursday at 10 o'clock. 1P Middies Reg. up to $2 now 50c. IP 49 Fancy Voiles from 22c to $1. SPORT FLOSS I \ \ I \ 11, I It /4N We have just received a large shipment of Sweater yarns in all the newest shades 2&4 ply. ' LADlTA IES!`,' a We are now 'showing a splendid range of Ladies Suits made e up of good quality, Tricotine and Serge, beautifully trimmeti, in all. sizes. • iVz Lad. Hose to clear at 75c & 25c Sport Satins Reg 3.50 now $2.50 SILKS A heavy quality Duchess Satin Silk, :will not cut or crease and the very best wearing obtainable 36 uehes wideM 95 yd $1.25 ALL WOOL SERGE •.1. , •%ft) Just the thing for the Children school dresses, nice fine weave, good heavy weight, 50 inhcse wide. oys! Get Ready for School Boy's Suits TWO $7.95 PRICES • $10.87 'With the opening of School only a few days distance, ,par - ens wilt be greatly interested to know that we have almost every- thieg in the line of well Tailored Suits for Boys at prices which - are a real saving to your pocketbook, ' ..KUM AND C FOR YOURSELF. oon't forget, Two Prices Only. "gleafferonal CAN, 0100.04 Phone 59 Sweaters for Fall OLD RELIABLE PERFECT RIVED OUR NEW RANGE OF THE WE HAVE JUST RECENIT SWEATERS AND WE ARE GLAD TO SAY THAT THESSE SWEATERS NEED NO INTRO- DUCTION TO THE PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNITY. EVERY woe SWEATER IS GUARANTEED ALL -WOOL, AND A FINER RANGE OF SWEATERS COULD NOT BE SHOWN ELSEWHERE School Supplies We have made special effort to have everything in iness for the opening school that means we can give anything you want in thatline, SCHOOLBAGS SPEC,IALLY. read-, you FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND J. PREETER WE ARE IN THE IVIAltICHT Pon 'ALSIKU 4Z741.470,1e7sli et Produce Wanted AND CLOVER gtEIt Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener visited the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnson, over ilabor day. , Miss Pearl Fostre of Kitchener, vas a visitor at the home of Mr. Alex. Foster the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Dane of Port Huron, Mich., are visiting at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koeh- ler. The recent heavy rains since last Wednesday have fairly sat- urated the erPound and the fields •of beans that are still out will have a slim chance of being har- yeated successfully. • Rev. Reiner, a delegate from Switzerland • wfil preach a german sermon in the Evangelical church en Friday evening. Rev. Reiner Is• a very interesting and powerful ,Sp ea ker. • . Mr. Herb Mousseau experienced atliarraw escape on Monday or re - •injuries to his eyer, when eell•1?attig31o a,P' auto. .'qX•-• *the contenta in his face. WE HAVE— A COMPLETE LINE RANGING FROM $2.50 to $6.00 W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 T I-1 E MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 •Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,006 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to make a special trip to the nearest branch of The Molsons Bank every time you want to deposit money. Send your deposit tor the Bank by mail. Writer. today to. the nearest manager of The Molsons Bank for information W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch *••••••••••••••••••••••04,0 4 .0......4441.0.+40#.44.44.4)V: • Tires! Tires! Tires!, e HAVING A NUMBER OF ROYAL OAK AUTOMOBILE TIRES Z -J, IN STOCK, AND WISHING TO DISPOSE OF .SAME, WE ARE Itt- 4 OFFERING A 30x31,4 TIRE, GUARANTEED FOR 6,000 MILES 41' o AT $12.50, WHILE THEY LAST. ALSO A NUMBER OF HEAVY 4t- 4' INNER TUBES AT $1.85 EACH. 4F • `'. ..• • -.' 4. • 4 • es 4 A. NUMBER OF AUTO RUGS AT LOW( PRICES. 4• 1 EVERYTHING IN HARNESS AND REPAIRS. PHONE 102 + t ' 4 : FREP, THIEL Z R104 . 4g.'s.e•oo•oeo e+4,3•04.4.•••••••••• • ,0•••••• '44000 4404,00.90/0.41411.4t' • ''''''' ' ' He .at onee rushed. to 'a pool of • water atthe roadside and washed it from his eyes, otherwise ,serious damage would have resulted. Mr. E. E. Wuerth, the new tailor .++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$4.14+t for Zurich,, has this week moved 4. his household effects from Kitch- ener. to Zurich and is taking up .1. housekeeping in the rooms a - hove his place of business in the .te‘ Rennie 'Block, formerly occupied + by the Sovereign bank. ' We 4. wish Mr. Wuerth every success in his undertaking. See his adv. inn * Now that the hot days of summer I Canvass Footwear For the Hot Weather this wee.,k'S Herald. . + Publisher and Mrs. C. L. Smith and little Mae Ingold had a most pleasant visit with relatives and friends at Brantford, Hamilton, New Dundee and New Hamburg. They left here on Wednesday and returned on Monday, as a con- sequence the publisher's •"Nose for News" wad not in action during his absence, and the columns of locals are just a little skimpy this • issue. HYMENIAL A quiet house wedding was sol- - emnized on Tuesday evening at the /tome of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob How- ald, Zurich, when their daughter Miss Louise wag united in the Holy bonds of wedalck by Rev. liembe, to Mr. Ervart Hutchin- son of London. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau, and the happy young couple intend to make their fixture home at Kitchener, where Ithey have the best wishes of thir Zurich friends, the Herald also extends congratulations. ZURICH 1SCHOOL FAIR The Zurich district School Fair was held- on Monday, September 11th, under the supervision of the ()uteri°, Department of A.gr- icelture. Although the syk woes overcast with threatning rain el - owls, and the autmosphere rather cool and damp, the Fair was; in every way a success. The exhib its, in the show house were numer- ous and the samples the best We have seen in several years, -whit', goes to show improvementa along alt lines of products. The •judging competition created con- siderable interest and is a fine education to the boys. The game of soft ball between the school boystalnieiuclealeeight) dapiletdtZ7m of en, to feo OASTOR IA Por Iltfants and Children. in use rorOvor3Olrearro Alwaye bets the tegoolte I are here, give your feet allthe COM - +t 4. fort you can. LET -US FIT YOU OUT WITH RUNNING SHOES THAT ak ' GIVE LONG WEAR, SOLID COMFORT, ARE LIGHT, COOL t. * AND INEXPENSIVE, AS THESE PRICES ARE ALL BACK TO 4* 4" NORMAL. * *1* .ku + CHILDREN ARE HARD ON SHOES DURING THE HOLIDAYS + + WHY NOT GIVE Tam THE COMFORTS OF RUNNING SHOES 4 +4 a. AND SAVE THEIR LEATHER ONES. — ALSO EVERYTHING .akb + IN LEATHER AND STAPLE FOOTWEAR. LET US PLEASE 4* * 'MIR FEET BY FITTING THEM PROPERLY. + + + SI -10E MERCHANTS ZURICH DASHWOOD *,‘ o• l' •&;,, C. FRITZ & SON rimamow•••••••!1•10sIMINIMOMMINIM•••••••••••••••11.1111.111•••••••••••=1M11011b 4. 4. Midsummer SALE For 10 Days Only Beginning Saturday Aug. 5th We 11 sell the following Goods at and wi below Cost:— LAMBS' HOUSE DRESSES, PORCH DRESSES, LARGE APR- ONS, 3AIDDIES, SKIRTS, VOILE BLOUSES, GIRLS' MID- DIES AND APRONS, BOYS' SUMMER JERSEYS, FIGURED VOILS, PRINTS, GINCiPlAMS, ETC., ETC. CASH OR PRODUCE TAE IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 97 hLA1(E 5