HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-08-31, Page 8Ri It ZVRIC ", For 10 Days Only Beginning Saturday Septem- be 2nd on following lines of No � 1 quality Goods; All Organdies, voiles, prints, ging= hams, towelings, silks, underwear, straw hats, hosiery, men's overalls, shirts, ocks and many other lines See dills for Particulars J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS Amilmmt- Zurich's Garage AUTO TIRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUBES, All Sizes (Best on the Market). Also a few Seconds' to Clear at (Extra Special Prises)'. LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- GATING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOST CALLED FOR. PARTS OF VARIOUS. AUTOS. I,X.L. Battery Sales and Service Station; Battery Charging, Axye Acetyline Welding. EXPERTAUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. , Get into, the habit, of Pat-_•onizing us. We want to you, and Serve You Wwll. PHONE No. 103. • H. Mousseau Zurich serve ie++++++3+++++++44++++++++t'1"++++FII•+++•II••i•++++•3 ++e++++++_ A Few Seasonable. Hints AUTOMOBILE OWNERS KNOW THAT WE SELL THE BEST GRADES OF OIL AND GREASES, (TIRES AND BELLTING ON '.'fit. THE MARKET. GENUINE POLARINE, LIGHT, MEDIUM OR HEAVY AT $1,10 PER GAL. OR 5 GALLONS FOR $5.00 3 ALSO MEDIUM MOTOR OIL WHICH IS A GOOD OIL FOR 4' FORD MOTORS AT 75C. PER GALLON OR. 5 GALLONS FOR. 4. H 4. •I+ 3 4. 4. I $3.50; WE HANDLE GENUINE GARGOYLE MOBILE OIL .F. AND SPECIALHEAVY POLARINE FOR ALL TRAOTORS AT RIGHT PRICES. A eall on the telephone and We Will have the oil trucks fill Your coal oil and Gasoline drums, Tractor Owners bear in mind that we Sell Goodyear Kling- + tits+ Belts in any length or width, This is the best belting + ,i, made, barring none. t Parties requiring binder twine for Corn or Buckwheat, should 4 get their supply at once,we have only a limited ''quantity and do not intend getting any more this season. FRESH CAR ST. MARYS PORTLAND CEMENT, DE PPEE7ER BLOCK ZURICH +1+++++ +IM+N+1+++I�+f++ ++++Jw+1�+ + ++ •iw104+ +�i+++ 4+ �'�"�`+i++i++d+++'ii++l++e+✓r+d+++1+++3+14•Q++f+Ww Ready -to -Wear Clothing D'FNOMY PROS. GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered ' Clothing SUITS TO MEASUR ARE YOU HAVING TROI,TBLE GETTING CLOTHES THAT SUIT' AND JUST SATISFY YOU? ASK ANY MAN WBO WEARS OUR MADE-TO-ORDER. CLOTHES. HE WILL TELL YOU THAT HIS TROUBLES ARE OVER. TAILORED TO YOUR: SPECIAL MEASURE FROM A CHOIOCE SELECTION OF rFAB- RICS. Prices from $23 u DEITOMT ROS. Produce taken in exchange for Goods LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter 35 Eg'...._ ........ ... ... ... ... 21 Buckwheat 75c Oats 60-75c Flour per cwt.. $4.00-$4.75. Wheat per bushel ..: ... ... 95-1.00 Bran per ton` ......... ... .......... 25.00 Shorts ... . 30 00 i `r'' Hogs... ... .:_ ... 12.75 - ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Hay council meets on Saturday for its September meeting Miss. Pearl Wurtz and Dorothy:� Fritz were visitors to `Guelph t past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Merner and family of Detroit are visiting at the home of the former's parents. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Pfaff of Dash- wood called at `he home ;of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwalm on 'Sun- day. Be careful of fires as a spark will often cause the loss of thou-. sands of dollars. A. cow kicking over a lighted lamp while being: milked resulted he the historic con flagration at Chicago years ago The Governinent is asking the peoe pie to set aside, Monday, October 9th and following week as special days to remove danger spots by preventive measures in a general CLEAN -.UP Pastors are asked to speak about it) School teachers to dwell upon its necessity and ev- erybody to get bust, hi removing waste material that might be the cause of a fire,. A CONCESSION TO HOME INVESTERS• In offering, to rye: ew the five and a -half per cent. Canadian Govern ment bonds maturing December ;1st at the same rate of interest as is carried by the maturing bonds, and allowing a bonus of one month interest, the Minister of Finance is tnaki•rg a material conceslion to t Canadian investor, as this rate iso higher than Twas paid on the re- cent Canadian loan in New York. The high class of the security, wh- ich is the best that can be offer- ed in Canada, and the liberal rate of interest should ile;ad to large investment in these Dominion bo- nds. Attention is directed to the official advertisement giving de - THE WESTERN FAIR. Sept. 9th, to 16th, 1922 A. large amount of work is .in progress at Queens Park, London Ont , in preparation for the big Exhibition in September. Anew floor will be, laid on the Amuse-. ment platform. The roofs of pr- ectically all the buildings on the grounds will be repaired and re- laid where necessary. A contract, has been let for .the construction la a subway -for foot passenger9 only, -under the track at the north end of the Grand Stand. This will afford easy access to the A.utom-. obile •that are parked inside the horse ring, Several other hies. porta* improvernents, will, be made on the grokinds, as the board is anxious that everything possible May be done for the safety and` convenience os+ ail visit >rs ander- hibitors, All information about the Exelhitio i will be fui> i eyed an eepiication to the Skeeterv, A.1f Hunt, Gen, Offieesi London, T'On , DR. JOHN WARD reWill make a complete teat of active condition of the eye, and of '‘'the Muscles. Spectacles seien- ti 'ially fitted. Services at req- s s,eele charges. Will be at; - K er's Hotel, Dashwood, Wed- nesday, Sept. 6th. Walper House, Zurich, Wednesday Sept. 13th. Come to Goderich Fair Goderic hFair, September 6, 7 • 9$00.00 for races; special ions galore. $2,000 in cash FOUND i i''the Sauble Line, an auto tir x3}e•. Owner can have same by 'proving • article and paying this adv: from Mr: Philbert Denome, St Joseph. 1 , FOR SALE I -have fanning mill seives and, screensfor sale. J. Hey,jr. 8-3 omen's mind may be cleaner bete use she changes it so olftne. ewspaperdom is still . alive. Th Dominion of C'anada is served by ' 125 daily papers and 999 we- eklies. SPORT NEWS Che aro'ma that arises from the xbaseball friction in the N.W. B,A. is one that is not healthful or pleasing in the nostrils of the lov- ers of clean sport. -Exeter Times _: +II+ -+II+ Z Goderich'Won the second game from Wingham' at Wingham last Wednesday, score 12-4. The final playoff takes place this Wednes- day afternoon at Clinton, and the winners of this game will no doubt be the winners of the N. W.B.A. Cup:' 'last Friday night the Zurich Juniors' completely shut nut the Hehsal'l Juniors. O'Brien, the Zur- ich twirler pitched a masterful game having to his credit a r.0.-rua no -hit game. His curves and slants' proved too effective to the Hensel:I sluggers. The score at the end 'of the game was 5-0r, in faV'or•of.. the Zurich boys. :Cane telort the Hempel twirler was kno- cked out of the box and Ni:cholwas put in his place. But it did not have' any efi:ect on the Zurich nine Last week the dailies gave an account of the ,erii ' suspension of the Zurich players , -.3 .Club; of all amateur ranks. "J'a 3t why 'this File act was pulled o'f i no one kn- ows, and seemingly carnot find out, as inquieres ha'e been made with nos reedit, but possibly .some of the larger surrounding towns still have the gore feeling of Znricle the little hamlet, winning last year N. W. B, 'A, trophy, and are try -i ing to get revenge c by showin;, dirtiest, However, since every- body is pow a professional player some of otic boys who ate etillhere are :expecting some very • inducing offers .froin the Big Prot, Leaguea. for next season; and it is hard to e.l =jibs: 'hare they will - now stop, ti The' store. with " the Liberal Cash U.iseoltnt Thursday, August 3/St 192e And see the Wonderful Va1 ues in Aluminum now showing in our window. Here are jnst a few items:, TEA KETTLES $1.98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR $1.98 DISH PANS $1.98 SET 3 SAUCE PANS $198 8 AND 10 QUART STEWING KETTLES $1.98 These are all Guaranteed Heavy Weight Utensils We carry complete line of Furn-I. iture and Hardware. Your confid- ' ence is solicited. • MELIek& BR UN PHONE 63 1 Jer1dJob Dcpartment Is al ways at your service for GOAD PRI TTING..• Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Checic B:3bks,: Posting Bills a specialty. Here are some very good seasonable- Bargains that are exceptional values. EXTRA VALUES IN ALL SUMMER DRESS GOODS. VOILE' GINGHAMS, ORGANDIES, ETC. LADIES WHITE VOILE WAIST AT A BIG REDUCTION Regular Values $2.50. SHORT ENDS FANCY VOILS Sale Price ... .. ... :.. ... $475' AT PER YARD COLORED VOILS REGULAR $1 and $1.25 yd. Sale PRICE ... ...50c HOUSE DRESSES IN LIGHT COLORS. SALE PRICE $1.00, $1.50; LADIES WHITE SKIRTS. Reg. 6.50, 5.00 and CO On Sale at $2.`e Girl's Gingham Dresses, Regular $2.00 SALE PRICE .. $1+50 LADIES SUMMER VESTS 40c. and 50c. values; Sale .. 25e. JOB LOT LADIES WHITE WAISTS AND MIDDIES ON SALE AT EACH ... ......... ... ... ALL STRAW HATS AT HALF ('RICE MEN'S PLAIN WHITE SPORT SHIRTS, REGULAR $2.50 ON SALE FOR ONLY . $1:01 PILCHARD, Better Than Salmon? 1-1b TINS FOR ._ $1,110 LOOSE BROKEN BISCUITS ONLY PER POUND ... PEANUT BUTTER PER 'POUND AT CHEESE PER POUND AT ... ....... CORN FLAKES PER BOX ... 10e SNAPS IN ALL LINES OF GROCERIES 25e 25e ABOVE ARE .ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS WE ARE OFFERING, ERING, Produce Wanted. Buterickrashion Phou'efr 87. . L. \VUEM