HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-08-31, Page 4• ICH HERALD The steadily increasing percentage of sat. isfxed Imperial Polarine users is convinc- ing proof that the right grade of Imperial Polarine is giving the greatest degree of lubricating service and satisfaction to Canadian automobile and truck owners. Check up your car on the Imperial Chart of Recommendations. Use the grade of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils recommen3 ded exclusively. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Manufacturers and Marketers of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils .and Marketers in Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloil. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Faust of God erraeh called in the village on Sun- 1MIr,. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas of rieefield were in Zurich on Thurs • Mr. H. G. Hess, and Mrs. W. C. Viragner 'spent the week -end at .1.hener. L Choice Peaches for sale, all feeders •will be promptly looked enter. T. L. Wurm, Zurich 8-3 Mr. and Mrs. .J MasKay and fam Of London, spent the past we- vac at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tlsas. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Deters of Tp., 111r. and Mrs. Win. C'on- ltt of the Parr Line, were Sunday Visitors at New Hamburg. Mr. Josiah Geiger has purchased t dwelling property at the north- -vest orth- 1 ut corner of the village, ,from Mkt. . onzo Foster, and gets pons- ssiion this fall. Mr. P. 3. O'Dwyer was a week- qe :visitor at'Detroit, Mrs,, O'- w,yer and: little Doreen, who been visiting there for •some ime, returned with_the Doctor. Rev. and' Mrs. F. L. Howald and Mrs. F. Hess; Sr., of New Dundee visited relatives and friends in the village for a few days last week. Live Poultry taken every `Wed- nes'Say forenoon. Highest market prices, •cash or trade, T.L. Wurm„ Zurich. - 8-•3 Ret-. H. Rembe has returned to Zurich after his vacation at Ham- iilton and conducted services in the Lutheran church on Sunday. Mrs. Rembe, who is not enjoying the best of health,- remained in the city for a few weeks. This (Thursday afternoon in-, cciudes th$ast• of the three months half -holiday. To some it was a little inconvenience, while to others it was a great benefit, especially those who have a large garden to look. after. A good suggestion would be for, especially the far- mers, to arrange to do their shop- ping now on Thursday afternoons instead of Saturday nights until after the midnight hour. Our mailing List has been cor- rected •to August 21st,, See that your label reads correctly, it should by all means read 23, which weans you are paid up till next year: If it doesnot read thus attend toit at once and pay up your subscription, so that you you need not be ashamed; when: your friends read your label. DASHWOOD ',THE WESTERN' PAIR LONDON, ONT. Scevetai thousand l.'rize Lists and a lot of advertising materiel of different ,kinds have just been (nailed from the Western Fair Of - flees to exhibitors and, other s. throaghout Ontario and other po- inti The dates for the Big Ex- .hibitiou than year are 'Sept. 9th to 16th, and preparations have been in progress for months so that ev- erything v:erything may be in readiness for the opening day. Several new fe- ' at'4t c e may ,be' noticed in the new I Prize Lise in the Live Stoelc Dep- art 'tent, one especially being a y'onrlieg feeding competition. Any boy or girl who is a resident of Canada, between heti and eight- een years of age, may compete with their yearlings. The calf feeding competition. will also be of special interest. Send for Prize List, Entry Forms, Etc., to the Sec- retary, A, H. Hunt, General Offices London, Ont. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. The Stanley council will meet on Saturday, Sept. 2nd, at 1.30 0'e clock instead. of Monday Sept. 4th. The funeral of the late Mary Baird of Stanley: ,and widow of the late John Cameron, who died on the .16th, took place on Saturday, from the residence of her brother in-law, Alex. Thompson, to Baird's cemetery. She was born in Scot - r' land and her husband died 20 years ago. No family survives. A. pleasant time was spent on Tuesday ;evening' last, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam 'Stew- art, ,when ,the people of the com- munity presented them with a reed table. Mr. Will McEwen made a _.few opening remarks re- marks as an address; and Harry Stewart :made the presentation. "Pete" thanked everyone ,for the lovely `gift. The evening wast spent in dancing, and the' ladies supplied an excellent lunch Mr. Ervin McIsaac ' left Monday for Leamington where.. he line 'sec•- tired a position Miss Verda Fassold visited a few days in Highgate last week. Mrs. Beringer and children • of Pittsburg, Pa., visited ' •in this vide inity last week. Rev. Graupner and Mr. Otto Miller are attending the Synod; in Fishervilte this week. AUCTION SALE Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan and da- ughter Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan and son Eugene are vi '' ing in Stratford this week. n, Mrs. Arletta Willert and .c; dren of Zurich spent a few d last week with Mrs. .J Kraft.',11ee,, Mr. and • Mrs. A. 3. Dennis of. troit and Mrs. Granger and daze, ghter Thelma, of Sarnia, spent the .week -end with friends here. Miss Gladys Guenther and Idel 0 F FARM On Thursday Sept. 14th, 1922 at O'clock, pm. On the Premises, South half Lot 12; .S. B. Stanley, its . containing 50 acres. The Farm has • all woven' wire fencing, tile dree ined, good clay loam, never fail- ing water , all kinds of 'fruit, Sixty-two loads of cement gravel Blocks and abutmans will be sold with farm. Barn is 40x60, comf- fortable frame house, driving shed la Bender are attending F. P. g `• and other outbuildings, Good hard • Cbncvention _in •Chesley this week maple bush. Possession will be as delegates. given immediately except use of. house 'reserved to November 1st. Mr. Louis Kleinstiver,' Jr., a esr'(TERMS-10% of purhchse money nice, Miss Flossie K4einstive± !: ",';i oday of sale. Balance in 30 days as id privilege • of leaving $1;000 on s b � ,.gag , . Positively ne reser e. Mrs Cw 'Finkbeiner i - : • . ,,; Eli 'abeth Stelalr, a;ro7e,iato ess. in..Sarnia. - e .. ISP; "'Alictroneer. ited friends in Detroit last w r:, Ell `I`o Holders of Five Y;2a: 5-12 per cent Canada's Victory Bonds Issued in 1917 and Maturing 1st December, 1922. CONVERSION PROPOSALS THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders of these bonds who desire to continue their investment in Dominion of Canada securities the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bonds bearing 51 per cent interest, payable half yearly, of either of the following classes: (a) Five year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature lst November, -1'927. (b) Ten year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature lst November; 1932. While the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to earn interest from lst November, 1922, GIVING A BONUS OF A FULL MONTH'S ' YNTEREST TO THOSE AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION PRIVILEGE. This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be issued under this proposal will be substantially of the same character as those which are maturing, except that the exemption from taxation does not apply to the new issue. Dated at Ottawa, Sth August, 1922. Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange. an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing an undertaking tb deliver the corresponding bonds of the new issue. Holders of maturing filly registered bonds, interest payable by cheque from Ottawa, ' will receive their December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain the Iast unmatured coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion purposes. • The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they will be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form carrying interest payable lst May and lst November of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest ing and payable 1st May, 1923. Bonds payment nnewissue will •'be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered. The bonds of the maturing issue which are not converted under this proposal will be paid off in cash on the 1st December, 1922. Mr« S. FIELDING, Minister of Finance. rr tnt :,_i�"I reeeelr l`nt"wr`a • Thursd l; Aug flat'• et 1922 • 0000001s10001[o.011oG►006il I6sD000% 00000.1.008.00i�IR000.00000080 Maehinery •• •Farm s in Pumps areprice, no charge down• forinstalling. Wash Machines and wringers are down iniprice. Get our prices on Lawn Mowers. . GALVANIZED WATER TROUGHS 2x2x6 at $14.Q0 7-8 ry BEST MANILLA HAY FORK' ROPE AT 25c,Lb. WE 'HAN- DLE GENUINE FLEURY' PLOW POINTS. POINTS WITH l; 0 "AURORA" STAMPED ARE NOT GENUINE, BUT STAIMIPED 1 "J. 'FLEURY'S" ARE GENUINE.- CHEAP JOBBER'S POINTS •a IARE 55c. AND 6,5e, LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US. ' • GOOD MOTOR OIL AT 85 CENTS A GALLON I Dain Hay loader in stock for quick . 0 •• • delivery.; O .,All Farm Machinery Sold, •s: • • TELL+'PH ONE NO. 76 • • L. A. PRAING, ZURICH 2j /000000.0•000000••••410111101/4/400•0110111100.00041410000000. 00000000000000000•00s.it.N400.011011.00@10041410+/00#00. FOR SALE A .two-year-old driver, single harness, and a first-class top bug gy. For full particulars apply to Denomy Bros,. Zurich tf8 NOTICE. Any persons found trespassing on Lot 13 and 14, L. R. E., Hay Township, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. • COUNTY NEWS. Messrs,', W. T. Colwi'll of Cene traria and Alonzo Hofgins of Cred iton last week shipped 600 fat cattle to the English market. They were a very fine bunch of cattle and belonged toe different buyers:. Mrs. McDonald ,a• resident of Mitchell, died on August 17th, ag- ed over ,80 years. she had been in poor health for a year and is survived by a grown up family, one son, total'ly blind, lived with her: , The residence of ' C. Gliddon, o- ver the at T. R. tracks, Clinton, was damaged by fire last Friday evening. Mrs. Glidon was out of town -and; lVIr: "(Tiddzi`"id'' iSYit dui? after having his evening mea',and the house was vacant It is` sup- posed to have started from . the, stover On Saturday evenieg last • a`.-" nine o'.clock the large bank bare of Thos; Scott, Usborne, was tot- ally destroyed be, fire tdgether with the season's .Crop. 0 Mr. Sc- ott was working in the barn with a lantern when it either exploded or fell over and started a con- flagration:" The flames • spread .so rapidly that practically little co- uld be clone to save any of the contents. The season's crop of hay and grain were all destroyed h together with two calves, about seventy hens and the machinery. • 0 -COME TO GODERICH FAIR p e• Se t : mber 6; 7 and 8•. See the . Great Empire Shows, " the largest • travelling Midway in Canada. Sev- enteen carloads of Amusement De. vices and Side -Shows: Two thous and Dollars in cash prizes. Nine. Hundred Dollars in Race money. EXETER The Exeter evaporator is adver. . tising for women to pare apples. Rev. F. L. Howald and wife of ` New Dundee, visited the former's :brother, E. A. Howald. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Traquair an- nounce the engagement,of their • youngest. daughter, Virgin May, to Roland B. Williams, only son of-* Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams of Usb-... orne, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of Aug. Wm. Snell made a - shipmentof export cattle last wednesday fer- the S.S.(Cornishman, in care of • Donald Munroe & Co. commission firm. i C 4 R. T. Luker & Son again came. out on top! with "The• Emblem" winning first.(rnoney..at the List; owel races east Thursday in the.. 2,.15•class. On Sunday 'farewell services were ,held for Capt; G. MacGPli ray and`. for Cadet : K.i . .1MIacGril��-i.:. ray, who ; are leaving town .after having charge,of. the, work here for several months: Capt. MacGillive. ray has Veen( suffering from throat affection ande.Ior ;several weeks hia physician has not been permitting- • • him to address gatherings. • Saturday Aug. 19th _ was the dia nmond jubilee of_ the . marriage , of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treble of town. The daywas quietly 'spent athome Mr. Treble is a life-long resident of this community and, was born on the London Rd,. joust •south o` town;. On Friday 'of last week, while olidaying at Grand Bend, Mrs. Dr.) Ward narrowly escaped' dr- wning while bathing in the Lake; The water was somewhat 'rough and Mrs. Ward was; sitting on a plank. A wave' knocked her off and in falling she struck her head' against the plank.. She had gone down for the seocnd time when slrel was . rescued by her husband who beachad hjust. left the water -and 'waa playing with the, children on the HENSALL Mrs. Douglas and daughter of Blake are the guests of the form- er's mother;, Mrs, Dick. The gravel taken off our Main Street to make ready for paving, is being used to good advantage on the back streets. Mrs. Thos. Hudson, Miss Rena and Lloyd 'Hudson are this week in Detroit visiting. Messrs. Cook'*Bros. have last we- ek received a number. of Fordson tractors. They have sold tract-. ors to ,John Eckstein, Zurich and Peter McNaughton, east of the vil lege. Six ears of fertilizer arrived at the Hensall station for Messrs. C. Jinks, J. Hey, Jr.; A. Brisson and M. Rader. Ay all appearance th- ere will be a large acreage of fall wheat sown this fall. Mrs, Smythe and two little sons of Nelson, B. C. who have been the guest of her sister, Mrs. C:' Cook, left for Kincardine, where she will visit friends. A. great deal of grain has been coming in to the Hensall market ducting thepast two weeks. Far- mers from near Seaforth and the other side of Exeter ,and so.nie have come fifteen miles to :mar ket their grain in Hensall. The prices are from( 5c to 10c. per bush- el higher than, at other places. Miss Belle Sparks, who has been visiting her• mother, has re, turned to Brantford. On Monday afternoon' ' last John Taylor, who is engaged on. Dr. Moir's farm, northwest of the vil lage4 met with a very serious . ac- cident. He was unloading hay in the barb witie a hayfork, when the trip rope broke and he fell back off the load to the floor. He wa srezidered unconscious by the fall, but fortunately eo bones were broken, and although badly 'bru- ised he le able to be about a- ;.* r. sa CREDITON Miss Muriel Nicholson bas ree turned '.after visiting' a week in Michigan[ Rev, E. D. Becker "and family of Mildmay paid bur town a flying visit last week and, called on their many friends. Irving Stahl, as. Price and Ed. ,Preszcator :took in' the exetnrsion to the Northwest, Russell Clark of the Kati. Bank of 'Commerce, Sarnia ,is hone epi his holiday. Hy. Orleinen, and two daughters Y' of Pittsburg are visiting the fore nier's mother, Mrs. J: Lawsonr Alonzo Hodgins left last week; in charge of several loads of cat- tle for the Old Country. Mr. and Mrs. Borland have ret - timed to their home -in Timmins a1 ter visiting at • the home' of Jos., and Sam Wein, Esther Eilber has • returned to, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Otto,, Brown Mrs. Brown and children, returned with her, and are visit*, 11. P. Eilber's. Pearl Geiser of Toledo is visite, ing het parents, Mr, and Mrs. W.,. B. Geiser. Senator and Mrs, Ratz of New Hamburg, are visiting Mr. and Mrta O. Zwicker, Miss Sherritt spent Sunday at her home: in 13'ensall. Sorry tosay' that D. Oest•eeither, is not improving,. f The poles and wire have been, shipped for° our line to Crediton$ .nd are hoping that the. 17ydrQ(