HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-08-31, Page 2� � - I .1 __,_._ , , , , ,-----�---.--�---,..",��l'.1ill�— � __ , , , . , - '' -, __ , , "'' ", , , , . . � j I .. ,,, I I I..'' 111 11 7—, - I I Trilr— � . . - I I I – � --�—­W—­-----3r,-----7---:Z . I . . . � I � .. 1, I I 9 I I � - . I I i 'i � 'j, ,. tm�il . I . �� ­­ -1 I I � , I I , . . . ,�,i . � .. I I � . . � I I I . I I 1� .!�;� El CHILD I � I I I . ­ � .. I..'', ,:11 I I I ,: I ,. I � ­ , , _-1 � I � 1� $5 , I , Seed I � , I I 1, I - ,io I -.O".", i* J � -1 I Saving Han,d-Work on. the I , . Crop, . . I .- TH � 00 . ;1 . ,, I .. ,., 1, � . . 1! I lu 1 '4, ,!;i �, I ­, I - I . 'I, ... 1'1� I . it, '. So U*� as i4vallablci f arm help U 11. . . .. . I :.1 "I , . I I I � 1; ,. ' � .11 I . _11-� . I . , � " , .1. to be just as hard .. I , � 11 , i',,��:: 11 . concerned, we�seem I � . i I � - .. � � :�!, "� . . . ' , - _"Nafth� , . I I � .1 .: ...... ".1 ­ ... _ I , I . t � - I � � ....... : ,� f� ?') , �­ , il _;�_; ,�, .'.. " I up, in this commu , nity eus. during wax" I I : � 17, . I � : , — i I 11 '. I � time., 13kere 4eems, to be plenty, of- I I I : I , . I . a .0 e F P 7 , .1 � 1 4'e-) , what Can One, V40 1�01. ".,11�, `d, thei I '&i 'to ' � - I I , , . '4 -11- liands 10U� aw4ij o,; Was � I . I . -n,4,.. ? . . , UK .'! � I � � I - '.. , I' "Paul, why didut 'yZ rolok ,out b4 these will not work�-aiid, if they S . . _ _ I k In o � ' I - . � I I . - -, -61 .. I t think Sun. ,.;eball is would come ,out '', 40 'I, "'. - �, ,, I I . in the country, their . . " as% Toront0i Ym do no; th' :1, . . I Address a mmunications. to ronvinAlst. 73 Adstalde 4t. W . I _­V� Our , club I . . I � . 0 � I a good thin i yet yoll 1�' . skill would pro,ba:bly show to,best ad- I I ,� ally 'r, ,,, I I 11 . 11: . Poultry Farm Tests. ilax hen was found 'to be UUM" vote for ad hig it, : "', '� it saying Vantage with the table fork. So -we 1. . � IP I'lli- 1� � , i � I . -N , Paulis,� .... , looked . � . I , � I "I " 1, I � � . " I For breeding puwposes, two­yeaT-old heavy- a single ,VQAI , 11 nTff .1 � . 41 had, told have to itise every means possible tQ . Tests made the past - SeasQu in 41ter- ab -him reproambf ailly aft, bl. pave liand-Jlabor- Our method, of hand- . . I . , � � 11 , hens have been found, best, although 9 fW fertility) re� of the club'-!�-,,`�� L nating male biTd, of the action I ��_�, * ling the mammoth clover seed crop, I I . i, I to - I 't I I , - ,have I � striorig chichei have beenproduced from ,su,ited as fioTlowia, From JAIIMIrY 1 "Mother, what i9o0d w ou ,a, I may ,be of interest, and hielpful to , , � . -developed yearlings. were essligned. to done? What. c6uld one fcj,[", do? Ala some. , I � 'I . I I well Pullets may 11 four Males, 11.1 L" � ... k No. I started the others wardp(l ,it , a 6 � ' : 4 ' il j U ,S ; � lcopt , . - . , I ranging from six to nine months ,old three pens, That is, , 1. . I ''. " Wi6 take the grain bindier, put the '�, I I Se, L I won't , �­ -play, � . -in pen No. 1; cock No. 2 in pen No. 2; Still. Of icour , ,�and . tsfor,cutting �grain, take 11 ,�, 11 . I ', ,,, 4, "it. I I canva�sses on E I I are more VhRe their I I . I I � , ! � . . or less, a risk. I . ,0. .. ,b ,�'l T_.�di ,4 see -e chain that'drives the P ' 11 .1 �� . cock No. $ in pen . t in the Sunday. games,, I u , , , ackers No 3 andeock N tli'.� off th ", I . . , , , , .. . � ,��,' W � I � eggs, may batch well, there I's not the 4 was plated iii a cage in an"t)bel: any use in, saying bmyt4i4gv They and, take off one of the packers. The I I I'� �,� - ". I ' I , ,�, I virtality in the young that Is found in budIding. Th6 next week cock NG- I wouldlilt change for �600" fellOw. other Packer WIN then drop down out I I ". - , those from 4=dy, vigorous two-year- was Put in a eage, cook No, 2, w" ad- een�,i.n ou,V��-:club, , . I 1. .", �J . I . , There's flourt " :, Y' -of bhe way. Take bff, also,'the trip I - � I I .� � 11 I I .1 '' I . � No. 1, ,cock No,. 3 Went kn it ,,,,'� _ . that regulates size of bundilesii This : �, vanced- to pen QW. . ,,�,," I ,,, . . : V.; 4 � old- hens. This has been demonstrated origin. 10� , 9 repeat- , , . V_i ko; — to pen No.'2,,aVr1 the cock that "What can one tNJ1(i0, 46 M leaves nothing in the way to stop or 1711, � '. 1'. � I � .�; is a strong � ` . - I y a serdes of trials, and (M47,1,1, tell you ishell the seed. The ellove*r will run I I . b e we,% placed in pen ed b,is mo__ _ , . � ally was in a. icag ) � , . 4 , I � � . testimonial to the. policy of. keeping No�. 3, and slo on each week. After the What one f ellov�.,�da&t�, "Vibtle patt.y. off . I -�,7 ,, in a fine windrow.which will not be � �, I "' , �0 . ! I;', 0. a hen, regerd1leas of bier age, as long first ,of May 01117 OTOO ma"110A Were of Envitisb1ajr,s�iotai�b§, tbrO of them, in,the way . o� the horses or binder on " l�� I . I �,� I- as she is hawd!y V'Qus t c n . ut�M6 their,huts the next round.. - We find, that by cut- , . "I'll 111. No.. , vi -go , and, yields anowed f or every three pens, bu ea 'h I thi k, were sitting i o " ' I �� ri... a profit, .. 1. they we" moved to different in Africa one hot afternoon. Some- ting inthe 6.renoon, or afternoons, I I I we * "I . . Tests in mating show that Instance, cock No. I went thing stirred in the� jUnjl4-_'and then t,00, . �, I- for , 1 when the elov& is not bone dry, . 1; I I � . pens. POT , .. . i 1.1 W strong, livable chicks, the best mat-, to pen No. 3, cock No, 2 went to pen ,out into the cleanng befte-the. vil- we ,shell less seed tham by any either . � "I . L 4 , � I 0 . I , � I , � , , I � . . ) ., . . I ings are those otsix vigorous femalles 11 No. 1, and eock No. 3 to -pen No, 2. iage there crept 'a ll�nb � of eighty method, The binder cuts faster than : I I W I . I I I 1� . and an w� Uve male. When hens are These changes avoided favoritism and wretched. black ,peoplie :ehained to- the mower. The seving in hand4abor L I I . ­� I" used) the malte should be a cockerell; there was ,bettei f eTtility. gether. They were people'�i�qtuTed 'In comes in the bun�hlng. For this we LL � I to, ds for 1 1 1 �, I � � If ='tured pullilets, use a cock. Where After testing vaxi-Ous metho i raids in the interior, avd�. were: now take one horse on a dui�np rake, d!rIve I � � I , male ,birds are alternated 'in a pen, breaking up broodineiss tbe following: by molialTune4an. slave him between two windrows, 'and' rake I I I 1� 2 . beiifg diriven 1. � I %. . � tests show that ten females is, about vM found to be the most buinane and traders to the coasit. where' thay. would up two rows at onee in as neat. piles T6 lobacco 6F Qual i �v . 11� � . I . I I I . 1_411� - . I I I � the k a . � 0-i ,proper number. Good fertility has, 0atWactory: Once a wee .11 broodies be, sold, put on a. slave'.4iip; and car- as . possible --doing this, of course,' ah A . 1, N. ­ - � e, nie . ver I again o Q� An gym I , , P. 7: 1 been obtained in larger matings, and, found, on the nests'atmight were car- ri d away, i � see their wheTi the seed is a little danip. - Then � --w ma I 'i �`� I . � their loveid I 0 �1� I B.- I . without alrbernating the males, but the ried to, a house and run in. Which there native vlliag� 'or any- of to turn the seed so as todry the under � . " chicks were not in as good condition. werre no nests nor. '_'� other fowls. �IteoUS'�Lig�ht_. They � 0�_ I ,an . .. ones. It was 'a I I 1. . side we take the rake and .-go over the V2 L616 11 [ON X) I . ON- For years it has been Out'Practice Here they were kept for a week, by, were weary, fainit, sick,. yet, forced to seed just"ohe opposite way end ti the I ' ON. p 0 Many white ;pe�iplfe of dif'! piles over. . This makes the piles more' I ko.. to make all nests of tobatco -stems in which time they got over their bro di- march on. , -% s . - I- I I es had seen �s�,, li�a sight, a nd in packag = - e � preference to straw or saiy other ma- ness and went to laying again- Onee ferentcountffi- . 11 �ompddtj as well as turning another "I'll � pb terial, a -ad as a result there has been in a at while there would be a stub- and the � , �ot, with iid, to the sun, and thus the seed is 11 WITEM151292M I 1, � I gre ,ji heart$ hiad-gro . ,,,� . 0- vernifin 1 b � vpwld ha,ve -to I . ___ - � 11 0*1 practically no trouble ,With orn ,hen and sh, De- Indignation and'pity-,, BuCthey had ready. -to be loaded� for hulling without . - _­ ' 0- either on htns. or chicks. Tobacco main in, this pen for another Week, said, 'What can one,mah'Alo igainst touching it with. a fork,C. S. Ling- . I I � stems are used, in both the laying and but subh cases were rare. this great entrenched evil'?!'. So they d0n. � I I ir � incubating nests. As- tobacco stems- Teats made to find, out what effect had. kept gtiaq While tihe,�.siaves had � -6 Clay Soils and Theo Management ' , ". 1. . � , ".. 7 .1 ..I. . . tome.not always available, tests were different 'kinds of feed would have on.gone on. I � I � 11, I �� I ... -.11 Greenhouse Insects. -------- � I . I .. I 0- made by using bay as a substitute, th,e color of the yolk of eggs show "Not sto this little mi§,MbnaTY group. AN. plants wh . ether ,grown indoors of all the Var us types of s I er the landi, such as. it drug I � oil to mient ov I '.. 11 IN- and thickly sprinkling a good lnsect� I eiy that in the major- One man said,...'We . not, let this I 10 ", � I I quite conclusiv cap. , � or out are qubjeet to the attack of de- ' handled harrow,t-he surface soil Willi be loosen. . I . . , . - powder on it. When hens were set ity of cases the color is influeneed; by thing go on.' . I I 1. struetive insects. From Bulletin NO. be :found, none when proper'17 ed and crumbled suffi-eiently to prie- � . productive then the heavy vent it from baking Into elods� This � � ­ :. � -the nests thus made were treated the the quality,of the food givenp but that "The otheers: Lquichly , - agreed with 7t dealing, as the title linplies, with QX8 more . I . � m -me,' before the eggs were Put in- there awe Individual hens thai will corb- him. So the three unarmed men went "Insects, Aff ecting Greenhouse planta,s' ,01aT. The very fineness of theisO Soils Will !Check- evaporation and maintain . t"', , , � . . I . � In these tests zenalleum, a coal� -tar tinue to' pradfuce edther white or yedloW to the ,Slave traders,, and. in ib4 name prepared by tfie Dorrinion Entomolo- gives them a large wateriholding the proper moisture -condition for a I I �. � I... I �: product, was used on account of its yolked eggs reigardlesi of the feed. af. England,, they baido ,theini set the. gist, Ottawa, and the entomologist in capacityl W11ich will adjay.t them to the longer period. . . I - ­- : I . 1. 11 strength. The -result was practically pale yolks predominate when hens are slaves free., The tra4eirs 1 enough charge of P�ruiit Insect Investigations small grain andgrasses. Clay sodls aTe - generally wet . and . I . . '' , production of - ".. .1 1. � � the same as with tobacco stems. I fed on milk, whea4. oats,. b.Ta,n and, of Eritland to realize ,her, . They . at Vineland, Ont., we learn that the The ManDgenlent of these ,Soils pre- cold becauise.the water in them is con. I I I . With the aid of trapnests the nature middi-ings, and yellow yolks. when the did, not, know how � 61f'�. , �, ity the crops commerdial,17 cultivited under sents special ,problems for cOnsidera- stantly evaporating, and evaporation "I . I . I I 3L of the different hens has been noted stock is llbexal,17 fed on yellow corn. I missionaeos I have,, 11 O' the'-Y� glass in Ctnada, cover a space of six tio.n. Tbeir fineness gives theln,a ten' is 'a cooling Process. It is the coldne I sff i. I I . � during the past yeaT. The observa- It was noticed that eggs with Palo scattered quickly into th ' e, their - ion squam feet of glass. and, in drained soil as well as.the � I '. . . ,mill, and to require more of a poorly ! I 0- deneY to bake excess water that it contains that la t I .1 tions prove that Nature never exactly yolks -were more likely to have less guilty consciences per' I.. , ryihg '1920 Were estimated'tobe of upwards than the usual amount od labor in 1�. . I IN- durplicates anything. There are no two consistency than those with yellow them on. The eighty ,, , , e free.% . ln - icieut sur- ,responsible for the uns4tisfwtory .­ . - . of. three million d-61has in value. eultivation. The lack of suff � I I., � :: hens that are exactly ,alike in a -Ill yolks. That is, the pale'yolks flattened They fell on their knees. ,6ep ng with underdireduage, makes then, growth of crops from them. Drain- li., I . � - .1 . ., � I ,� . .dealing. With pests of this kind, grow- lace ,Or ���, , respects, allbhoug some come very out when the eggs were broken and Joy. . I � eTs are sidivised, to"notice, how the In- wet in the spring, and ,#hen age � carries off this surplus -water, I ., . , close to It. But this is more exempli- the whites of the same eggs seemed ".That is What one man" ,did. Two cold- and. or organic makes the siodd warnieri: hastens ger- "I . � .." � sects feedi, a$ by that way the proper : of vegetable, � f the hens them- to be thinner. YeZow yolks usu lY d to, ,bell) him " there is a laveli I fied by the nature o, al others were rea y . I I ni-ination,.allows, air to enter the soil �1 I -'I selves, Some of the hens quit laying I _Temed,y to� appy can. be ascertained. matter, they are hard to work and, less . ,� ' ­ stind up iound and full when thec egg soon as he had taken a.:stand, but so Insects are . ... and ibrings about favorable conditions .'' . , �. , , . 1. _ divided into two classes dadive. � . .� -_ _ , 11. �1� L � � I , s " ' UnSt a great , ' �.­ _­ � as they began molting while others is ,broken. small, wa the -number aglR._, .. , - ent berre dis- for bacterial I'lie. "' I I ­ ., I I � , -by the,natare ot t1wir aeacking -fiacil- PTO . :X. � � The methods of treatm, I �,� � . � continued laying, more or less, during Bumblefoot (swellings ,on tile feet ef,11 -that . 6an , e , 11 "It # a o0e-� I , of field . To keep up the fertility of Clay - t� - .�� I,- , . . . " . I I ities. .One class audh as caterpillars cu,ssed.are based on the results, .�.� - � I the molting period, and kept inlexcel� of fowls.) ds generally due to tread -In i ' b' Ir 0. " every ­ I . I - to check their� tendency. to I . I . t, 11 I g .man 30, . . V, . ,. , � $fte and, clie*� itheir food, and, the other made solls, -and , 'L , �' - . ,- �. I . bservadon& , � . 0- lent hedth and vigor. While shedding on sharp objects, Tough'ground, etc. gre.At .w � ��� !�b , � in the ", 1. � I denionstrationsand o 11 t� , atter I ;,�' : :: . 10- I - , I L �, by,means, beaks, such as the 'he Do in, ei conaid'era'61`0 vege We in I � ,) , . 4 ihei� I on t minion IllustriLtion Sta-tit 8 bW PO- the.featffiers some of the hens had a It is. not contagious, aiIid, for year? it miiid- of one ma id to I I L . ,addod.:, This ban be done by 1� 1�1 - ,� ., . 1. . . ap,hids, the t te bugs, the scale in7 . ,Lw B�unsw�ck and, Nova SbOuld be atefl appearance, has been advocated -that the pus in the tickle a jlo� P We' "' ' i` I . I r, in Quebec, Xt I 2 , �- '. �, ragged and, deje b be U§P- X�. ._ i, 'i, , I � - . i manure and by�pl�w- 4 - . I 'L , ­­ ' 'I I �� 't . ;44, etc. suck up their food., if the t_the, ,great d—.Wbacks '6PPlYingfitraw I - . .�� , I , " * 11 cotia.. One o I— ,_ ­ ', ­ 1 7 1 � . . I ,; . � �' 6*,rb 'in' the', Same, flock molted so bruise Ahould, he removed. 7his is if-� you are sure tbie.l .1 , .. I ., ­ ` i " ' S , � ­ I eT. legurnhions cr I � I I . � I 11 - jiI, ctJb1fte,s,, astomadh� p6lson such'as L 19 Und ,- . l� a t.,ovex, , I I , I � . , � I I ,. I I ype�:Iof�soij'is ,Pie fineness Ill op , � �1' . � I . . ' w�, th., thi s, t .. 111. � . L. � L I .1. ' �,, I . � . I quit , task I 9, �success- �, � t_ 'particles. To'' Qff§ �_ ,.. � I I I . i ' '48 ' I jhis peaz vet(Aied to I aange, was hardly Perharls. ­bii3st I* .gradually that th6 4one��, , - USUS - , 1 . et t . i,_ , I I ­ , .1 I icc th,6 besi�, Of L11eal '+"��th._p�ast yqpT ' " f a:.dozen 6 a6liuti6h of irsenat6 of',16ad"" . 0 � . a!de ' - - . 1� noti 4 and keptln' - th ful I ind not alway hall '" 'o the apli. be ''' IV, e . V , "I : � , I I., ..w.=- finite . I . � , _m]oef,o � , but'for, -suckinj - iiisects accompl6shied by fallowing. I '' "I'll. I I - . . . - J ­� L " , * L " ­;gr.'_1­1 .1 L _-ii- � 1` _ ly 40'60li i ., , ci&ndition the farm Practice sbould each ca,op �� ,-", I ­­ " . I I , ,� , I , . - . I I � ___ "'. .11 I I "t., P. eon, � I �; ''I ' , . . '. I , ciurin� � _ ­ � ­ ,� _.4. . T � I . P so arr _�,jod . . -On$ Willi crop rotation. By. so, doi' �,, .1 0, _ 'Xif , JIe I , , ou., , . . . 4 . I the ontI4%�P�iI64� �: g , " _, , RM, ewes dev 6 , e 6vink that the stood with y I -he operat Ing � 1� 1 �3 .. tict insecticides: are recoramenaeci a I ,pe , .that t � . Ile inatter, � *ll ,.hated to s' , 11 I i � I Were �ed-17,15a;�,B;g.�e,���erilbr,o"D,d�,,.wh,I I R 'right itself w1thoqt'tr6at­' the� . ,ay an I �V such for ins nee as preparations con� systenlatfoany open up and make while being grownto Its owli greatest ik , �, 11 I .1 .1 I . I ­ � - . . ta . � I ;�,'J. - ' .1 1� . others.were exceedingik good­natured. met, ',nothing was done, but, a careful, "Mother, ao,:n-,t ,say ,,attq Td. taining ,tobacco. How deadly and these soils. more porous. Special at- advantuge will, be at the same, time .:11�11 . ,. I . ' $ , � . L . I I . Some would sit carefully and always watch was, made iif - the condition. I'm gd,m.lg� to a-sk t: con- I d preparing -the soil, for the reception Of 1�1,,� - .. 1 . .1 ' 1 1, � I'll ., POTplous the -so I -ects may becornels tention I I - . I ; . 11 ' ' . . I I ns must be given to the timean ,�'. 4 I I � - I I . had a clean -loo -king nest; White' otherS After the s*elling rea6hed a certain sider the at t444 I . I : , exem. d- by the fact that -an expert type , cultivation. Heavy the next. A rotation of four, Years ,�! � . up and kept o And I'll what I ' , 't� it' I plifie of plowing and, � . -bisfactory .111.,! I were sure to break some of 1he eggs stage it began to I " sa '' �; I 71 . dry n I IJ ' declares if the progeny of a singlie , when 'duration. is giving very ... I . , , , I andbefoul the -rest. Sbme hens were' growing smaller until a -It the troublelt may not . I . I ..... L at `1 st. lay soils should- be fall plowed results on thie -Illustration Stations. I �,�,," ,, , , , I _ I ose aph were allow_sd to -survive in the mo,ist,,-re, conte.nit is right. If work- ";.."'. . . P I I " . , , I �, natumailly tiame, while others in the vanished, Fuirther observations will I. woiVt shirk , Ink Briefly this rotation is as followe: �1� I . . I . . �; , I three hundred days it woulld equal in p re apt to Puddle I � same flock are wild, and nervous. . be maideahould any new ewes develop. ,alone." ,,, I . .: � 'd When wet, ,they a First year, Hoed, 'Crop—Corn, tur- -, tri "Tliat'�,w.hait I laik ' . fin , weight seven t6mes the teeming popu- and -bake. While it is necessary to - .! The trapne'st ha's proved that the A method offeedinghas been ed . y 180' lation ,of China. Consultation of the Plow these soils deeply, the depth niFso mangells, or sunflowers. lt,� I I , neat -egg theory is all wrong. Nest out which proved very satisfactory. say,'�' sild his mo eT. 11�. . Second year Grain and Seeded -9 I : , I . I bulletin referred, to will implarts vast should be lowered gradually. The -::1. I -eggs have no influence. Whatever in Instead of feeddng magh in tho m,D,rn- ;. . . 6 , �­ �: 1. � a I mount of minute information on the early working of these so-flis, in the lbs.red clover,'2 Rbs. alsike and, 10 libs. � ��: . I � . , . coaxing a hen to lay. In our trapnests Ing (s:111,6wing an iron q)o.o.nftl to � Noticing Things,-, � I I . . 't I subject dealt with. I ,spring, is most important. f timothy. , � ...o, . . I A city sal I 0 1 ion should commence as S -ulti; o , 'is e there is nothing but tobacco, stems,, every two fowls in the pen), nothing esman- on his ... home Thlon a Third year, Clover MT—Iryt cuti , i � . - . vat I and yet right in these nests the pulliets, at poon, and a -full feed (a han:dful to about 2.80 one morning, 110 I I . ition is reach- clover bay; 2nd cut, clover ,seedi 01 I �'i I 0"lg ago� - Advanced Poultry Records. the proper moisturediand 111. I I ' .. , � . . starb to lay and keep it up in fine each fowl) at -night, the order was noticed an au omobile'drive pbst him ' ion is concern- Od, but I never when the soil is at ;all 'bay. . I.! � .- shape during* the yeax. Occasionally changed as follows: In the morning, three times within one blo�k. There So far as egg product I sticky. By passing some wide imple., Fourth year, Mixed, or.Pasture. 11�1 . a hen VAlil frequent the nest, but not grain (scratch feed) was thrown am- are. plenty of cars crulsiig' about ed, B-ilitish Columbia -ranks .as the — I . - . I . � . � ba . rding to '— 1, . lay. I noticed one hen get in the trap- ong, straw ---a handfull for every five down -town streets eve,i at that, hour, . nner poultry province, acco . Those which have receivedan over- � I , - , � � I . nest and remain there for an hour or fowls in the pen; at noDn the m"h and moist persons wouldn't ha I ve r(,.-. Report No. 2 of the Record of Per- f4i 1. � , .� I . . V dose wilillie abart frOM the flock and, ; 1� I . 11 I . formanoe conducted -by the Poultry di- .1 . 1P of Vain. These should, 1 :- . � more ,almost every day, and et :h,,e,wa,s given, allowing an iron spoonful marked the repassing car.' The sales- 11 11 show sympt"Cims . kil� I ' (311 1 did not lay. The hen was led nd :for every three fowls in pen; and in in,an did, though, - and told a policeman, vision of the Dominion Live Stock be placed, in a shady spot lamd. given a :1 I. I �, . I on beingopened up was found to have I the evening, an hour before dusk, a Who caught the drivers of the car in branch. The University of British When lambs which should, be thrifty teaspoonful of laudwnuii� in, a tum'Ner- 11 ''I I I - . Considerable fat accumulated around I handful of grain is given to each fowl the act of making off with a fil!e. Columbia males the best showing '01 do not thrive, seourbaffily and, grAdt- jul� of %.�vter. � I I L I the egg organs, As a rude, every sim- in the pen. I limousine that was parked ini an alley any .institution or breede. In th,A slay &e,, ,they ,are prdbNMy .suffering - Ob ! _� . , . nee last year 100 Legbrons, 25 :from worms. For this the use of I . . . about two blocks down ,the street. TWOVI � Sprayink for Potato Bugs& � I The young man's. hab4 of � seeing I Plymouth Roft and 47 Wyandottes ,copper sulPhate hats PMOVenIvOryeffec- .. I "I ' I. the things he.looked at s' for n tes treating, + sheep In the control of the Colorado beetle � .. EgIgm*9 'I iftem on To Buy . aved'�,sorneone qualifted adiva ced tertifica tive. Before ,he . ., � -about five thousand perfectly good that are granted for birds that lay should be shut away from food for it has been found, that Paris g,ven !,is ' � �.:' - . I I ' . vvill .give quickest � I . i 1. . I . � . dollars. '­: . 1 7� over 225 eg,gs in the 52 weeks. The twenty -jour -hours, Then give doseg the -Poison which I in ite .. 1. , . I . BY ERNEST L. THURSTON. The Bible (wise I *ld book) , says highest Leghorn 'record was 297, laid Of one ounce of copper sulphate dis- results, but the &Mdvantalges 5. � , -something a , ful- use aie that it W11-1. not stay in SO .��: ,,,, I about those who haTing:by -a bird owned by the ,Old People's solved in two quarts of . water as . ; il �_ .John Bartley was developing a poul- produce ready, an order ,card announe- eyes see mot, and those �vho` having Home, Vancouver. The Plymouth' lows,: For a threei.inorrtbjs�&Idl lamib, pension in, Water very well and- may 7. 1: .. .1 try and simall truick farm. He had ed, the fa,ot to his egg customers. The elars hear L not; -and -it is safe to ,say Rock record was 281, laid by a bird two-thards, of a fluid ounce; for a six- cauise, damage to foliage Of tender � 1 01 - :� I , 10. . an idea that he could' builid up a select goods ordered, were deillivered on the that not a day pane8 in the,'Iif� of OlArnedliat'Courtenay. The Wyandotte 111onths.oldi lamb, ono and bine-half plants, even the 'Potato- , plant ,Yhen ;� ; 1. �... , 101- ' I . 0. list of customers in a nearby city. Ile next weekly. trip, or ashipped b,Y P�xd any individual,witho'ut Itiq opportun- record was 293, laidby a bird, owned fluid ounces; for a mature -sheep, three applied.too strongY. 11 .1 . . I decided to make his ex-perdment with or express, if diesired. Hecould, market ities to slave:time; broub]4� or mo . ney at Langley Prairie.. Ontario bad 44 and pne-half fluid ,ounces,. calciuln arsenate acts lesR viallently I � .: I . eggs. . -at a moderate retail price and, yet by seeing what we'lo6k a, . I . . The -copper -sulphate for th is IGV, dangerous with -reference :� �. ,�� , . 1 4- and hear- Legborns, 11 Plymouth Rocks, -and' 18 i1a pur- and i -t y, but it;wlso kills the .1�.., 1. [ As soon as, his White Leghorn flock realize more than was possible uncler Ing what we hea :Wyandottes in the. adva,riced-claw, the ,.page should be,of a uniform blue color to foliage inJur - r. , , - ' . I 6 a a o 4 To � s w Arsenat I iL � . was big enough and, was laying, he' regular marketing machinery, Satis- J,bbn Hays, Hainmond, . Jr., tells the best records I being: Leghorns, 282, and the weights,and measures, should, In e- t ni 10 17. e of lead il , 11 . . ot, MgUl'aT CIIStOMM, 01 course, story of a mining -englneer, W� . 110 was !-aid by. a bird owned at Rie'll"I'Mid be socurate. Have your druggiat we!bgih acts still more silloWlY, blut I's VeiV safe ,L ,�, . I �, I I made his appearanee,'one day, in A fled '..""', Hill; Plymouth Rocks, 277, laid by a the blue stone, and, -also -have' Wn for plan�s . ceptible to . . I brought oithersi. offered a worked -o wblich are sus " I � utgold mine fora . � . I . good nsidence district, He,had with . L I L ," . him a -wa-be of eggs �of good size, clean, . Barday found that there was a mar- few hundred - dollars. 1le looked it bird owned at Xitqhgnev, and- Wyan- I graduate the drenching boittle, by foliage injury. , 11 I 11 1:��, ' - 1 I . dottes, 254, I -Aid, by a bird owned, at marking the dosels. with a file. Do not. .1.14, L I . � I attta;z�ave and, above abl, geninveily ket fpr hampers, of mixed vegetables, over afi&bought it, very, very reason- . ' I �,� . � fresh. At ea,ch. house he left a single proportilioned' for family use and sold ably. rher�'.;men whe-sold itlaughed Stony Creek. , I- I . allow the sheep to have access to it doesn't hurt to- take advice; one I I I . . � � egg. Attached to it by a sticker was at a fixed price. He made up a dollar at him forlibuying it. It Wasn�t imich I .L I water for several hours after dosing. is not'obliged to us.e 1�. ,, ,, - --- a little card, giving his name, R.R. basket which, one "ek might coAtain of a gold- mine. - But it iorove''a to be I Canadian Cattle Prices in I 1. I � _7.�_ I I � . .- . .. I I I . address and his telephone number. let ' tace, beans, tomatoes -and dorn. one ,of the�ikhist lead mines in the Britaim , I , � I I L I . The card also stated, 1 � . th the change ,of season and of world., wid pVt' its purcbaser,'� in, the While Irish bacon still retains its , , . '' Wi � I . Parents as � Educators . - ." ' "' . . . . dropisf necessarily the contents way of becoming a mUltimillionaire. position in, the British in atket Irish' I . � � I I I I . , � , . . This Is a Genuine Fresh Egg changed. The piri4ilego of seeing, and-he�rilng cattle do not seem to be *doing so well, - - Ill , I Poach, boil, or fry it for t.o.morrow's Having only one truck delivery day,, is orie of `*'Ektu'rele fre'e"gifia' 'to the probably owing to -the disturbed state Table talkers—By Lydia Lion Roberts !�,, , I I . . -1 . I I . I and u -sling pameel-poe.-t and express as t ' 't of human bgiigi.�, They. of ;the , ,ftnt . The Dominion Live 11. I . I I . � .1 . I I breakftsi I I Va:t n co, ry . ai,il,of cheery, h,a;Pr,Y ­ supplemetnital deliviery agencies., his co, = That is one reason thoy Stock branch reported Irish bacon sell- Meal tim,e,.l parents ,and children, ,and any little det , . . I . . Then write or phone mia.an order for [ own working time on his farm ww, not are not made better use of. If 'we had Ing at'fr6m 159 shillings to 167 shill.; can be an interesting -combination, but days. Daddy coulai tell of the jeoplt . I I I I a regUllar delivery of eggs of the so ,seriously interrupted. to buy Our eyes . ,and ears over the ess, evpeciallty prepared he met, of ,anything he saw Inade Or i , I I same quality. , � On truck orders he required Pay- counter two or three' tim,es a, ings the long hundredweight, Danish will not be unli � . a! way, and re'late i I , I Year, at from 148 to, 152 shillings, Canadian for -by the mother. Why not make it done in hu unueu � I , , I City delivery by truck on Fridays . I il 1�� I � . I ment on deltivery, and on MaIl oraeis, like our shoes, and pay taxes, on them, at frorn 186 to 140 shihng:5 and Un. one of the plemanteAt times of the stories of "When I Was a boy. .1 I ­ �� I receipt of go W ,as ,possible, in advance, until we'd - w a; ou he ,_ i Parcel -post delivery on ,probably thilik more 4 them. ited. States at from 115 to 120-sbill- day and teach the child,ren at the same Mothitw couild ti lk 1� t t P -41P-le I I . orders reliability was estAblishied. Where' it And it the railvoti,do could �qff6rd to ings, On the other hand C�anadian time to take theix part !in conversa- who had, tolophoned-, or been to. the I I . lqy price is the regulat reWl price f0c se . eined admisable, he required tempov., a word for iaA, read or he,ard' � I I I y a 'lawyer '2'500 I ' cattle commanded as high a,s 14o a tion with sense and'dignity.? This c4n door, �he bookgthe I . IJL I � I 1 3, , 1;� p, Look, ,and, Listen` at dories of when 1 I I gilt,.edge.product, This week, 85c'dozi ary ft�ts to cover the Post of,hamp- t�he -'il n7it, pound, live weight,wid, Irish at from be,st be done by making it i ,the time to about, 'the . , grandrais . , ­ . . . lets and of SMPPing crates- In many grade crossings, it ought to �e Worth . I �, I , 10y.g. to 121/2c. Prime Scotch ranged -tell! the pleasant things that cia6h*olie was a girl.' 1� . I . Accompanying this, '�samplier't *�ite bw(!,!� he PersUlailed- bis 1-11iPt'61114M to at least $12,500 ofaby man's money . to 11%e, has stent heard, done, or road. En- In the morning no bad news� fro.rd� I I . I an,or&r car& to be filled out, ancl an buY 116it own containers. . to have this Iiewspgper W�ita thi I at from 16YL- o a Tole that nothing disagreeable the pap I er should mat the me -91 Ths. . ..... 11 � In. Regarding wool the Live $took forc I d4 - . � " envelope, A16cir A time he f4lVit safe to agree )4radt Missing sign ?',or hi s brand I indntal g t 9P It repo,rN said the -spring rise shall be talked, over ,at nieals,—this pecaision wioul,a ibe a inerry one, an .0 distribution of samplio to n�onthliy settlements with some of "See, Hear, Think, and Ae " W -PIS *Aitaioed nnd that a is not goo4foit digestion we an told, everyone would, feel ,better ancl br`110*4 �:1 I . . The gingl ­ lm,tng mai . be " ' I I I eggs brought DartleY en,ough ojqers hia esti-AbRished, ,buotomers. In sub- Ta,ke it oil credit, if you lxke� ,qnd the right . I & of initting thel -patiodlic stat keien interost *at b6nirr shown hi, and no go8sip, horrible agah,5, nor ev I, we all, laaTned, to i � , - to,6 : �J.� � � , - real gatt, and' the Vic) ctoss wordis should be allawed. kind of t6blie talkers. It , . � for 0, V us the money; for we know you Is never i, '' I .1 I busince-s quickly took care of au his ever, he Always enci�sed; a' beit� will have t1% price sorfie.du'.� ,if you. western prod,ucts;i — Even little ebild-renean learn to talk early to begin with the A d1le - I , I 1 1 1. I P I 11 n VV4 : �4 , 1, I � . addr,c�ase,df stamped envdop,e, use the sign. I I I rfrown9f I il I eggS. I � I 8,ays Sain: Natitile never Intended about thepIcture they liked, the funny a, baby *11.1 met to P011*09 0 J , I . , , , .. , ��; I � . I I But the eggs simply opened the "Make it as c0nven`ieJit as Possible . � 11 I �dlieerful ia.i,�- breedig 'kind., I 8 in lif# is , ght aV % ts, but she, stoty the teacher told, 'the dog, that, ,and 960A 1, � I � Every hAdow I . #vid6n X ­ � I I ..:1 13,0611.4 f* o'ther prolduets. Whoileve,t for atustobla to oy and he iti likely I , 1 66. of all 01 � -11011r id'.., for f -fine , home I thoiuA-.t_#*1 60e", . ... � I D settle w1th y*iix fitat,"' biA,1V I A suit som#Awa, f'sun-Ay iusizts on an eight4ioiir night.'Wagged M'therft oll ,the way a I X I . I . .11 . ,8o�Ttl4y had poultry to sell, lot pta,onl t , . "" � I I I . I I � I .1 11 � . � I ,: I . . . . I � I I � . ,� � . . . � . . . . I I I � 11 i . . I . I �.. I I � I . . . 4 � � � ,. . I � ­ I I . I I � 11 I I I .,� i ,, ,I " " 11 � . �, , . . I � . . I I I . . I . . . I I : I � I I , I . � I .. . . . .. I I . � . 11 �1� 1 ;.1 . I I � . � I ., I . . . : I I �: . . I I . I . . , I . . I � : . . I I . � � I . I I I � 1 4 1 . I I I I 1. . � . �: I . , � . , . I I . I . 2 1. . 1. . I 1� I � I I . " , . . I . . I . . I . I . 1. . I I . . I I I . 1, ,�� I I . . 4 . . � . . I . I I I I . I . . I I �, � � , , � �: :; . , �,:� , h , L I I . I . . . . � . I . . : : :, � I . I . : � . � � � � � . : I "I - � . 4 . . I I I 1, I. i . � � � I : , . � I I . I : � I I 16 , . . I I I . I . . . I I � : . . ''. .1 � . I � �. . . � . ," , I I I . � I . . . I I .: � I � 11 � . I I � . . . � .. . I . I . I I . I I I . . I I . . � . . . . , 1;1 I , I I I I . . I I I . . I � I I I I .. . I I . : � ; : I I I I I I I . I . . I I , . . I I � � . I I I . . . . . I � ; ,. I I . I 1 2 . � . . I . 1 . I � I I I � I I I I I I I I I . I � �. . I . . I I ".140 I � . L . . 11, � . I I I � � 1. I I I . � � ­ . ... ­... ­ ---1 1-1 ...... _ ...... ­ . � I . � ­ ­ 1, ­ I I I I-------- 11- _,_' , _ ... .... ­ . ., I , ., , 1- I ,� ­ � I I I