HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-08-24, Page 8?A e light ' At Atractiv.e Prices. We quote a few here from our manylines of goods that will interest you Fine Swis:3 Organdies in Dotted effect, i41in. wide at $1.75 and $2yd,. Plain Organdies 44in. all col, 1.25 Lighter quality, 40 in " yd 85c Anderson's English Ginghamy.. These are very fine weave, excel- lent wearing quality 34 in, wide at 450. yd. Printed Voiles, short ends to clear at 25c. ?yard, Extra QualityDouche ss silks in Navy Black, Brown, Sand, special at $2.50 her yd. Habutai . Silks, in Navy, Brown, Rose, Mais,Burgundy, Coral, 131k., at per Yary $1.00. Tricelette Blouses; all colors $3.00 Voile waists and Middays from $1.50 to $3,00 Each. Ladies' Hosiery -Juliet Brand silk Hose in the different colors at $1.25 to $2.25 a pair. Lisle and cotton hose from 25c. to 85c. a pair. .Balance of stock of Curtain and drapery materials at 25% off Regular price. New shipment of Men's and Boy's Shirts.The celebrated W.G.&11,. line. Double wear cuff, priced. from $1.50 to $3.50. All Silk Shirts at $4.75. .A. complete line of soft Collars for Summer Wear. Mens and Boys' fine Straw hats new styles. Also harvest hat all kinds and sizes. A. lot of Men's fine hats, your choice for 25e.. Special -10 only 20 -year guaran-t teed Aluminum Kettles laft to clear at $1.85 each. WARM WEATHER WANTS IN GROCERIES Lytles sweet mixed pickles 60c. qt. Brick Cheese per lb. 30c. Lineberger cheese per lb. ..., 35c Niagara Grape Juice_.., .. 35c Sweetheart peanut butter lb30e Excellsor dates per package '...15c Victory pork&begins 10c. & 25c J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS • u.rip i s Garage AUTO TIRES We Piave on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUBES, All Sizes (Best on the Market). Also a few Seconds to Clear at (Extra Special Prices)'. LET US SUPPLY YOUR 'NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CATING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER . VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of t'A Genine Ford Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOST, .CALLED FOR PARTS OF VAA.RIOUS.. AUTOS. . I.X.L. Battery Sales and Service. Station, Battery Charging, 'A.xy- ;AMeetyline Wedding. EXPERTAUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. , Get into, the habit of Pat --ionizing us. We want to serve - you, and Serve You Wwll. PHONE No. 103. H. Mousseau Zurich DRICH I Lteady-ton W ear DEN 011102" 13ROS.. Clothing GENTS FURNISHINGS EASItillI ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE j. Ij;T•T NG CLOTHES THAT SUIT AND JUST SATISFY YOU? ASK ANY MAN WHO :1 WEARS OUR °MADE-TO-ORDER CLOTHES. HE WILL TELL YOU THAT HIS TROUBLES ARE OVER. ERALD • -.µ.Vi.-fin, Ordered Clothing • A Few Seasonable Hints AUTOMOBILE OWNERS KNOW THAT WE SELL THE BEST 41, THE MARKET. GENUINE POLARINE, LIGHT, MEDIUM OR 1.HEAVY AT $1.10 PER GAL. OR e GALLONS FOR $5.00 4 4' FORD MOTORS A1T 75C. PER GALLON" OR 5 GALLONS FOR 3,b0 ,, WE HANDLE $ GENUINE GARGOYLE MOBILE OIL + AND SPECIAL HEAVY POLARINE FOR ALL TRA.CTORS AT • RIGHT PRICES. Tractor Owners bear in mind that we Sell Goodyear Kling- tite Belts in any 'length or viridth.� This is the best belting + made, barring none. • Parties requiring binder ovine for Corn or Buckwheat, should .p get their supply at once, 'like ,have only a limited quantity and do not intend getting any more this season. FRESH CAR ST. M.ARYS PORTLAND CEMENT. GRADES OF OIL AND''GREA.SES, tTIRES AND BELTING ON ALSO MEDIUM MOTOR OIL WHICH' IS A GOOD OIL FOR A call on the telephone an 1 We will have the oil trucks fill Your coal oil and Gasoline, drums. • " STADE & INEI PREETCR BLOCK. )4.44++++++++++++++++++4 44014.4444+4^ .+ 4. + 4. 3 4 4 4. 'M 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 + + 4. 4. 4 + 4 + ZURICH • , TAILORED TO YOUR :+ SPECIAL MEASURE FROM.. A` CHOIOCE SELECTION OF RICS. Prices from $23; DTOM? BROW. Produce taken inxchaage for Goods LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter ._. ... ..... ... ........ ,. Epee . Buckwheat Oats 6 0. Flour per cwt. $4.00-$4i Wheat per bushel ._ _ 95-1f Bran per ton'... 25� Shorts . L:i'°r.' Hogs...... ITEMS OF LOCAL INT Mr ' and Mrs. R. P. 1;a W. (.00 on Sunda Mr and Mrs. Morrie el- a, d Mrs. Hy. Fin Sa-,c ay at Kitchener;. Mies Mary Voelker of i4ti. h , spent the past week btr friend Mrs. J. Hey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Whitcomb and Seel Witmer off the Babylon ,Line spent Sunday at Thedford, y M. Stelck, .returned on T eerie e evening from a pleasant vi it with her son, Mr. Albert Stel tt Iu,ndon. A doctor in New Jersey rep that two people were cured insanity by having their teeth pull. ed. Others, following the 'sam operation go quite wild. The country:. is bound to gal from the tax ion cigarettes. Ii[ you smoke them you pelt: the to and if you don't smoke thehn it i all the better for your health. Ir. and Mrs. Geo. Laidlaw, i,; and Mrs. Handsom, Mr. and . Mrs. FMears, Mr,. and Mrs. Quale, all of Croswell, Mich„ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Shell, Mr. and Mrs. Louis • Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Theil all of Zurich, were picnicers at Port Franks on Sunday. TTi E v OVEENMENT'S CONVERSION SCHEME 30.0") 12.75 DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete. ,test of eflective condet of the eye, and f the muscles. Specles 5cien- fically fitted. ,ServelliFs at lea- nable charges. Will be at; rashwood, Aug. 16th.. Zurich, Wed. Aug. 23rd. clean life is more essential than reat laches, he said. • Sardis ancient city in olden times, was owed because it had learned the et of dying wool. Many &n- ave "passed, an;d now, • that emembered not as a great cal city, but because there e , men there who lived S.' He said . when he con to Zurich, he does not how prosperous the men ich were, but how good they living. "Live clean lives." He tcluded his address by inviting one who wishes to live - that eau, life to make the beginning, at this .service. .Rev. and Mrs, J. G. Litt ankd Miss ;Lila Melick and Mr. .A. Melick rendered a much •appreciated quartette entitled;, "Jesus Will". Mr. Russell Stelck London "accompanied the organ ith his violin, very ably. Miss a Routledge was the organist or the day. The attention of the holders of the fhe and a half per cent war lean bonds maturing December 1, 1922 is directed to the offer of the Minister of Finance to renew the loan or. favorable terms. . The last Canadian loan was placed in New York at a satisfactory price,. The rinister is making his present fiilancial operation entirely .a domestic: one by offering to ex - change the maturing bonds for new bonds, bearing the same rate of inteiest, running for either five or ten years as the bondhold. er may prefer: • A further: induce-, nient to the• investor is; that he re-. calves a bonus of one month's in- terest. The terms offered are de de:,idedly favorable to the in- vector and it is probable' that a large part of the maturing,loan will Le renewed. Arrangeients for the exchange of the - bonds can 1 e made at any brnach ofpthe chartered banks. • Holders who do not wish to reinvest will lie paid in cash on` the lst December. EVA.NG. CHURCH NOTES A large, well attended audineett listened 'to a Isplendid inspiring sermon by Rev. Roy M. Geiger, at the Evangelical church, on Sun- day (evening, Mr. Geiger, a for enol Zurich old, boy is preaching ho i Roekwood Methodist M rst chu.•ch' , and is•spending his holidays with hitt parents hero He sr,oke rri the uT.trigfilecl even in Sardis:) r+A, THE WESTERN FAIR Sept., 9th to 16th; 1922. iar�„f x•. -m. M.-, a...' Thursday A.0 a t 21'i;, ll;22 T a Mom wall the blared Case Des unt_. 5 FURNITURE SALE For Pour Weeks Only S:8000.StOCk Of Furniture must goat prices never heard of before. Price Reduction. from 30 to 50 per cent. A CASH OR NOTE' SETTLEMENT IS EXPECTED ON ALL GOODS SOLD DURING THIS SALE, SPECIAL PRICES ON BEDS, SPRINGS AND MA1iTRESSES. Don't fail to take advantage of this while the assortment is good FRESH CAR CAN. CEMENTCOMING IN A FEW DAYS MEL1eK& BRI4UN PHONE 63 Rer1d JOb D Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Chscic Bxxks, Poating Bills a specialty jg'.he above dates have been' fixed for the London Exhibition this year. The Board is making active preparations to make this years Exhibition • thel best even hewld in London. The Prize List will be left practically the same last year when six thousand dol- lars was added to it, Every of -i fort possible wi'1 :b:e made 1:y the Vla'Yagement and Board to please both Visitors and Exhibitors. Pr- ize Lists will soon be .mailed to Exhibitor -s and others. Anyone requiring a copy, will be supplied on application to the Secretary at the General Officers, Dominion Saving's Building, ;London, Ont. s,'O$T NEWS Goderich teeam lost their fie st game in the semi-finals, Of the N. \1' B. A. at Gioderich on Saturday !o Vr ingham score 9-3. Thesec-, cnd game will be 'played this Wed• t, day at Wingham, and if the home team wins this game, they h:toe .practically cinched the N:W, r.A "trophy,as these two • are the hardest opposing teams inthe league. Haines and Churry the battery who started the season with Zurich hat team, and whin were offered leasitions in the London M.O. team ale going strong, o 3 i'urday they won .a game with 1>..e City,score 1-0 , The game was scheduled to gu reven innings, blit eight had to be played before any scoring was done The Alert ,of London, journeyed t i Goderich last Thursday with a s+ ,?acyl het patched up team and c e.toated tht strong Parity Flours b,, o ecore of 0-4. Young, their pitching ace was kn,aeked out of The the b'ux in the sixth inning, Polities are nbt putting up the and of ball they dill early in the season, or th �',1._*_ . are having a. ;;fuel7 of. hard 1ucl: Here are some very good seasonable Bargains that are exceptional values EXTRA VALUES IN ALL SUMMER DRESS GOODS. VOILS GINGHAM% ORGANDIES, ETC. LADIES WHITE VOILE WAIST AT A BIG REDUCTION • Regular Values $2.50. Sale Price ... ... SHORT ENDS FANCY VOILS AT PER YARD COLORED VOILS REGULAR: $1 and $1:25 yd. Sale PRICE :.._.:50e HOUSE DRESSES IN -LIGHT COLORS: SALE PRICE $1.05,[:$1.501 LADIES WHITE SKIRTS. Reg. 6.50, 5.00, and 4;3,0 On Sale at $2.'0 Girl's Gingham Dresses, Regular $2.00 SALE PRICE ... $1.50 LADIES SUMMER VESTS 40c. and 50c, values, Sade ... 25e, JOB LOT LADIES WHITE WAISTS AND MIDDIES ' ON SAL'E AT EACH ..50th ALL. STRAW HATS AT HALF 1RICEril., MEN'S PLAIN WHITE SPORT SHIRTS, REGULAR $2.50 ON SALE FOR ONLY • $1.00', PILCHARD, Better Than Salmon? _'-1-.Lb TINS FOR 51.00 LOOSE BROKEN BISCUITS ONLY PER POUND ! .. 10e PEANUT 13UTT.ER PER POUND,: AT ,.. ... CHEESE PER POUND AT CORN FLAKES PER BOX ... ._. SNAPS IN ALL LINES OF GROCERIES ABOVE ARE ONLY A. FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS W B ARB OFIFERING•.., 25e 25c , 10e Produce Wanted. Bu.ter clean ion Phone W