HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-08-24, Page 5'Thursday 'August 24t1i, 1922 BUSINESS CARDS troudfoot, Killoran et HOL11lES), Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Publi;, Etc. Office op the Square, 3tnd door from Hamilton St, God- eieh, •krivate funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Proudfoot, K,C. J. L, Killoran LOST D. E. Holmes. A. Grey Dort auto crank. Mr. Iiolmes will be in` Heneall op der kindly leave at Herald Friday of. each week. Z+}(1 RI PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN Andrew F. Hess, Township -Clerk FOR SALE Fin- Office leaner of marriage ,licenses, Notary ltwlb!!c, Comntleelener; Z;'ire •dud • Aut- +ilmobile Inaurarice, Representing. Moron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- Uou, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, festatio. Dr E. S. Hardie DENTIST At 1110410H',EVERY WEDNESDAY DAs�tt1 WOOD EVERY THURSDAY *AIN OFFICR HENgAT,L, • OSCAR KLOPP Professional Auctioneer, graduate **Davenport Auctioneering School '!'ry me for real estate, merchandise, • iawellery pedigreed stock, farm sales Rates slwaysreasonable, my territory UM world. Choice farms for sale. !hone 18.93 Zurich Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' fieeaee tor the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. .Give sae v a trial\and I will assure you Satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r O. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh arid Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc eheHighest Cash Price for WouI$ l CASH' FOR- SKINS tr... HIDES 'STursgbiuit Sz.i Reichert ZURICH LIVERY I ami in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line,. have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 59 Zurich, G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and +lif the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 a !i• until 5.00 p.m., at the Comnierc- isl` Houde, pUpstairs). Main Of tete at Bayfield, Ont. -19 Starting on Thursday, May 2nd. LIVE OPOU LT R Y WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought 'in Highest . Cash Prices -A$8 .FOR--= Cream and Eggs W. O'°B:rien Photo. 94. Zurich COAL Spring and Summer DELIVERIES SEASON 1922 ibwing to the strike of the Min- ters now prevailing in the Pennayl Vaftia Anthracite coal fields, we sires' linable to guarantee delivery of price and until conditions be- scone more settled orders will be taken subject to our being able to obtain supplies and at prevailing 'riee time of delivery. , emit; & PRODUCE MERCHANT TERMS ; --;CAS] 'Phone; Office 10w. Hattie 10j. EN ALL ONT., One stiff tooth Cultivator near- ly new. Also one 8-16 used In ternational tractor for sale. .These are both good bargains. Louis Pr Z - FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 -acres, being Lot 14, con. 11, Stanley Township. There is on the premises` a 1% storey brick house, Two bank barns with cement floors, good stables, plenty of spring water, half -mile from church, and school, web fenced and drained, land is of a rich clay loam and in is good state of cultivation. Six miles north of Zurich. Reasonable Terms. Fie- - e,Me-4am%. wee en the premises to George Elliott, • Varna, P. O. FARM FOR SALE I am offering my eine farm for, sale consisting of 100 acres Lot 12, Con. 12, Stanley Township. There is on the premises a --good bank barn with cement sta '.les, water piped in the stables, a, good comfortable house, 60 acres in grass, 8 acres of summer fal- low, good clay loam, is well fenced land is all tile drained, will be sold at reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to David LOGAL NEW. 'Alias Aonel'la • 1?,¢iby w,aa Lindon .a few -stays this weeli vie, Russell Stekk of London, was a week visitor with relaid,•' v es here, , Au, S. E. Faust .and family Ood�ericli were 1? the • village Mr, and Mrs, Well, ICibbler of Los Angels, Cal,., :..are .visiting i�el-� atives here. ; 'Miss Alice Johnson'' is visitie� her .sister, Mrs. E. Stoskopf a Kitchener,. Mr. and Mrs. Dosnell of God- erich were Sunday visitors 'WithMr. and Mrs. Kipper, Mies Thelma Shore of Wood-• biidge, is the guest of her coliele Miss Leila Witmer, Babylon; , 'F4 Mr, and Mrs. -C'. Buehler and 1V r. -and Mrs. M. Weideman •pf Pigeon, Mich., are ,visiting rela'tives here. Miss ,. VSiebert is attending, the millinery openings at Toronto alter which she will resume dirties a~. Caladonia, •f Miss Susanna. Smith who spent her holidays at the home of her parents here, left for Detroit en, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. JoelBechier, of Us}orne, and who speht the sumo mer at Michigan; have returned:•to. their home. Mies Johnston; who recently un derwent an operation at London Hospital, is visiting- with her sin-. ter. Mrs. Julius Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Dutnart o#' Kitchener, called on friends he Zurich while on their way to the Bend on Sunday morning. finance all farm mortgages offered. •- v ... 1 x his .is' not as true now in any sec - Miss Elva Bolton and :filen' tion as ;ormerly, and is not true at Miss Mawthorn, of Millbank, spe; ;'all in some sections. Victory bondsns Sunday in Zurich with. their fr attracted °large sums of money from end, Miss Margaret Hess, Henna )rural Ontario and moreover develop- ed an understanding of bonds and A very'enjrbyable birthda 'par heir advantages for investment hich d4d not previously exist. Con- wis tendered to Miss Rose •Albz sequently many applicants for loans echt last Friday evening b:� have stated that there was now little about a dozen of her friends, an or no money emit -fable letheir-corn a good time is reported,. ileenity for farm mortgages. 'I'hen the rate of interest at six per is regarded as reasonable for a dg term loan. It is, of course, two e• three per cent. less than prevail - g rates in New Ontario, end there reason to believe that in old On- ario it has. a stabilising influence. But the feature:_which. appears to appeal to many is the basis of re- ment. When the repayment is ided into annual instalments of e°cripal and interest and • spread erlod of twenty years it gives f permanence and enables a seeke his plans aoeordingly. &7.17 per thousand dol- ed, will discharge the to 20-years,'and'this ie more than the intereett 4ehich would be asked in ea otherwise. Most morrow- ooking forward to having the nose discharged long before maximum period. but when they told they can pay as much as they e on due date after the third year e• ;they are`Auite satisfied. .> 3}it4LD FARM LOWSYSTEM Cloverflf letlt Plan for Developing Farm Property, beans Limited to Specific rurposes ^'^iteascsriabile Bate of Interest for song 'Term Loans—Helps ` to iStreighten Estate Tangles --About > peemente,. (Contributed by -Ontario Department or Agriculture, Toronto.) On October 28th lair the Agricul- tural Development Boerd..passed the first loan under • the long• terfarm loan -legislation of the previous' see - :eon. Since that time loans to the uuouret ot about $800,000 hare been passed. In noting the progress as shown by the figures .quoted It is necessary to remember that the loans are limit- ed to certain s'meet/lee'purpose's. Acquiring land, erectioniof buildings, straightening up an estate --these were the' purposes in the original Act and loans up - to 66 per cent. of the Value ot the property could be made. To these purposes hate now been added the discharging of enoom- branee where sueh encumbrances do no, exceed 40 per 'cent. of the value, and the cost of installing the drains. Three Features. There are three features of the plan which have been commented .oil favorably by applicants. These are: 1. Money 1s available. 2.' Rate"of interest. 3.Amortisation of repayments. i There' has been a general impres- sion that there• was always plenty of money -arallable in rural Ontario to X. Tough, R.R.3, Bayfield. t-8 s, FARM'' FOR SALE 160 -acres of good clay Loam, all Matte, situated one mile from the town of Clinton on the London Road. There is a good bank barn 50x56 with cement floors and water in the barn pumped bywind mill' from a never failing well; a good frame house with kitchen and wood shed and water on tap at house. Also oncward and small fruits.: Would sell at once and gees.. possession immediately. For,,, further particulars apply to Mr. Amos. Courtright, Clinton. FARM FOR SAL 100 -acres -Farm, , 10 acres good bush,balance under cultivaltion;' Lot .7, Lake Road ' East, Stanley Township, 12% miles south of- Bay- field. , Good brick house, base-. ment barn 40x60; implement barn 26x40, good water supply; teleph- one' and rural maiti r or price anis full particulars apply to the own- er.—Chester Nicholson, Bayfield', Ontario!. - NOTICE I have taken out Lieense fer Auctioneer for the' County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction -or no charge. tf-29 James Denoiney, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 Zurich Studio and Book Room Printing and Developing, Photos on Post Cards, Etc., Etc. Also sell Cameras Films, Albums), and all ametuer's 1. Supplies.. A. full Line of School books aisd Stationery always On halal tf21 OBRIEN '& KALBFLEISCH Hartleib 'Block — Zurich f j The Western• Fair '4:: i • The summer crop harvestin now a thing of the past, and mens are busy threshing, w: some are harvesting' their heap which are only a fair crop .and th weather is ideal. J. P. Junes, member of t Board of Grain .Commissioners,; who returned last week from exiended trip through the estimates the 1922 crop at 280 bushels. Alberta coal is now' in the homes 'off appreX; whole, of WesternCapt'' eepting •Winnipeg. Ai thracite coal in. Winnip rapidly being replaced by, domestic coal. Our mailing List has bee rested to August 21st„ See your label.:•eads correctly, e should by all mean!s"rea,d 23, whir means you are paid up till next- As to Bed Tape. yeas. t, it does not read , thus attsed eo it at once and pay u your subscription, so that you you need not be ashamed whe your friends read your label,.' The Annual Meeting of the Per and Huron District Press Assoc ' It is perhaps asking a good deal ;u expect a skeptical public ;to be- efe that any Government or semi- vernment organisation operates hout red tape. Certainly it is the 1 of this •Board to do so. To com- p' with the Jct and to see that the :interests of the .Province are pro - allot)) was held"`at Milverton last periy 'safeguarded there are some Friday. Mr. Malcom MaeBeth, of conditions with must necessarily be Milverton, the President the last igidiy insisted upon. Within these three years, presidedi n the hcair, Ines, however, the Board has .en - the election of officers for the n -e deavored to make the operation of suing year was first transacted .the plan as simple as possible from which resulted as follows—Hon's 14he standpoint of the borrower. W Pres. Malcom MacBeth; Pres. : Sometimes there is a slight flew in Kerr, Brussells; Vice -Pres., J. Van atter, Goderie;h Sec.-Treas., Alex. Abraham, Stratford. Very educ- ative and instructive addresses we re given by Messrs., W. G. Colgate of the Wingham Times; W. Kerr of the Brussels Post; J. Vanattez.o)' the Goderich Star and W. Robert- son • of the Goderich Signal. Many little problems were under dis cussion during the d,ay. Luncheon we reserved at the Grand Central Rotel at noon and a Grand, well prepared dainty Banquetwas ten- dered the editors and their wive at the home of MIA, and Mrs. Mac Beth, by Mrs. Macbeth, . which was much' •appreciated by ail present Thee r, xt meeting will be held at t Marys. •••a•v4(••••••••••••••••••• • LONDON, --ONTARIO September 9th to l6th, 1922. WESTERN ONTARIO'S POPULAR EXHIBITION r • • • e $38,000inPrizes andAttractions • Everything to educate and amuse nothing to offend • • • EXHIBITS OF ALL RINDS, SPEED EVENTS • • • Calf and Yearling Competition • • DOG SHOW, AUTO RACES Saturday, 16th, Music all, the time WONDERFUL PROGRAMME TWICE DAILY, FIREWORKS • EVER ii NIGIIT +► •C. A. IWORTHAM'S SHOWS ON THE"MTDW"A f •• • • •Something doing all the Time. - •• • w Admission: --9th, 11, 15, 16, 25c. 12, 13, 14, '59c. • Children Free on Monday, Sept. 11th. All information from J, M, SA.UNDEItS, President A, M AUNT, Secretary • 0 the Secretary, • v`e ;e* "..a"3, .:w v •`•l a G. ,p.,^��;,"'. .y. W'4 `5n'' y,• -;.•r w .a ,a v • " � :�„y,r1' E �. 'a+.: r"; a•,�,o r 4, the title, making it necessary to get' he signature of #emeone now several •thousand miles away, It is to the interest' of the borrower, as welt as of the" Board. that the title be made absolutely clear, even if it takes a few weeks to do so. In this work it will be obvious that `inrpettion and valuing is a moat im- portant part. The Board is expected and desires to serve the whole Province. Covering such a large territory with such a variety of con- ditions 1s a big job and the Board must necessarily place relfence on the information.,, which ,comes to it tram It lnepeetors. • .Eptates• said Bindings. • One ot- the., purposes for wiileh baths• are authorised ander' the Act for straightening up estates, and this .las been . fopnd sill e41*ntass in : a • conslderM le n uinl)er of �ciisp ; tOt instance, where toe Wopertx has posit left . to• tee i 'deet von, With fie pteuctions to pep elf obit gtians to otker uibnit+9rs 4t the fasli ly n Old Ontario naturally'• th ap- !ltisations` tOr iu$ge tg greet W1411nae# 'hr's not been nurnerousebut .a num- ;bee of -etseh elpPliCetiens Halle 'been palseed. . Mer, a eeet, .of a hundred acre farm S+lth bulldl#q!i, pat 'down Ira worth 17,600;. free ox debt. Yet the heuse.k,is • only ',Vetted 'et, ;2.0).8.hence the owner: secu;eip a loan of ;2,600 to build' ti: new• lacuna and 'slireadtng the payments EiYes.a period Of,' years ' Viii enjoy the ' addltlonal comfort while 1t''ls' being peed for. .Ili ether a aces• it ht's been a new barn or'improvements to Some of the existing buildings. Not many lomat: have been granted on. small holdings. Repayments. Repayments are probably the Allan test of the sucdess of any loaning acheme, No repayments aro due Under- 'title scheme until next fell, and hence no evidence on this paint ls•avallable. Every precaution has been taken, however; to unsure repayment, and every borrower is Arleen to understand that a loan is a business proposition:and must be treated ori a strictly business basis. A good sire is the begiiming of a �r^�srl hod;' a bad one is the end of c43a uuxu, ,euwi,u.,��,,,i,�m nim,r,m„ini�w,iiir^up:•n Tie CASTORI For Infants and 000m Mothers Knorr, That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of �iyy,i,n/lirnr Abeitifillgmatdribt Constipation WV and Feverishness and Loss Old SixoP jresettingTherdtawinlatat i'satimited r” Ttirs Ca rrwa Cox Y• MONTREAI+•p Q' In Use for Over Thirty Years CASTORIA3J D'oars `_ Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, New ro5R cm. • e+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ere•e••d•++ +++i f i• -i f 1• i• Lumber Laths Shingles Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order Lumber and Building Material • .Custom Work our Specialty I Always in, the Inarket for saw logs 4 • t e<, _ LEEK PHONE 69 ZURICH I 4+4+++++4.++++44+++++++++++++++++46÷1.+++++44+++++4+44 ++++++ +3++•+ ++p+e• +++++++++++++d•+++ +++d++++• .44+r 1 rg ITZ L tctL) New Overland 4 The Overland Pour is still going ' and going good • Chalmers Six, New Battery, at • McLaughlin Truck p F. M. HESS & CO. - ZURICH 7 ..$850490 $375,00 OVERLAND SALES MID SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars utomobile Insurance Are You Protected? "Yesterday Arthur Elridge of this city, had a car, To -day nothing remains. of it but the charred frame work. Shortly after running it into the Garage, the neighbors detected flames shooting out of the roof. The brigade 'utas on the scene promptly, butt the a complete loss, before the firemen could get to it. Ac- cording to the fire chief the fire was started by a short, circuit. Themotorist's lose is about $1,000 00" ,---Woodstock news Ateln Sattirday Free Press, London, LIC LTA ILITY COLLISION TRANSIT, THEFT, PUl3 LET ME GIVE YOU RATES ON FIRE AND TR B S N D : AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. VICTORY BONDS SOLD AND BOUGHT. was Have You MADE YOUR WILL? FOR PULL PARTICULARS' APPLY TO;— ,z O;;— .. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich ''1