HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-08-24, Page 1Vol X1!1 Na 7 .' SEE US Leather Goods White Goods For Dress or Sport. A wide assortment ° of samples Reliable Workmanship IMMO FIRST Close Prices Quick Service You benefit because we sell ,w. at as close a profit • as we can stand GET YOUR NEXT PAIR HERE: W. H P=F I L E ZURICH THE HOME OF 400D SHOES. ,p4.3,1"1:".47 dOQ ppP�4Aa�PA p42a Summer CLEAN-UP Sale In order to clean out the balance of Summer Goods wehave put THE KNIFE into prices and, o put them away down where they will niove out. 41oo quickly. So do not delay to get your share of these ,X4 REMENBER- 1 HESE ITEMS ARE OUR REGULAR- STOCKS, NOT JUST BOUGHT • Alias Nettie Well of Detroit Is l iting in Zurich. Miss Maida E. F outleclge is at•. eving the Toronto millinery op - hags. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Gillmanvis- tea friends at .Petrolea over the weeir-end: , Mr,: Roy E. Patterson! County ngiheer of Goderieh called' in the village on -Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Colles and :little Bettie are spending their lvalidays ate,Chatham,. ' ssr; r• J, H'ey, Jr., and P. Dur- an ,business trip to Lon- atnrriay.• •FOR, A. SALE; YOU WILL FIND FI FR THING RIGHT IN Q1JAL3 "ITY""AND PRICED --WAY BEL W- REGULAR. OTHER' LIC�'hel PRICED ACCORDING. .1)P "COME" AND "SEE'' FOR YOURSELF Q : �V17 ...andMrs. Alf. Foster of Hen - pent Sunday with Mr. _ and Jacob Battler, Babylon Line. s 'Li1 ran' >Weseloh who has the 'past month in Detroit, fled to her home on Satur-' �n(d Mrs. Geo, Sills of See- d Mrs. J. Sills of Dunday, 'Thursday • at the home of oma! Johnson. no LADIES HOSE VV A iii; ':line of Ladies' Silk, Boot Il'os s ii Black, Navy and Black, E $1.:,Z now 75e. d0 .BIG LOT Of Ladies and Childrens' Cotton Hose to clear at a SPEC - ,IAL PRICE at 25, cents • White Breekn Eby n•,n.,1• M � . FANCY 'VOILES /1 Reg.price 1:75 to clear at $1.004 Reg. .price 90c—to clear ar ... 50c Reg price 60c—to clear at 35c Fancy colored Emb. Swiss Organ- dies Rrg. 2.25, 2,50 yd. go at $1..75 Reg 1.50, 1.75 yd. to clear at $1.25 • +;. Fancy SPORT SATINS in colors Reg. 3.50 yd. ,to clear at.. ...$2.50` White Baronette Satin 3.75 at $2.90 MIDDY. WAISTS Big Lot of Middies in all sizes to fit a child. 6 years up to size 42f Reg. price • uJ�p to -2.00 alltY0o et '50e,, dr MH•Nk�h`.u'.1...........,11.1: ' **1414 kaki J,`�.' r?9 :urM,,• .,.,n" n«iw Ladies (111-wool)'ral.l col&sizes $5.00 Mees • - r. . ..:.,, . $4:50 Mens&Boys. cotton " 60c to 1.75 LAD. WHITE WASH SKIRTS To clear at 50c. CIIILDRENS White Wash Skirts To clear. at 50c. ALL KINDS OF SUITS For all kinds of Men Medium Weight --Summer Weight --Fall Weight Blue Suits FAST COLOR INDIGO DYE 18 AND 20 OZ. ALL WOOL SERGE Palm Beach AND MOHAIR SUITS" FORMERLY' $15.00 TO $18.00 NOW $11.00 TO $15.00. Fine Eng. Worsteds A NEW SHIPMENT OF ENGLISH WORSTEDS JUST IN SEE THEM NOW Big Men THE LAST SUITS WE BO- UGHT WE THOUGHT OF YOU, AND WE ARE GLAD TO SAY WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT. '` � OUHI R CLOTHING DEPT. IS ALWAYS FLILED WITH BARGAINS EVERY DAY -OF TRE YEAR- n�d ]UT AS THE OLD SAYING GOES; "ONE TREE DOES NOT MAEK, A FOREST" SO TO KEEP e . IGHT UP TO -DATE WE HAVE AGAIN RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF NEW STYLISH SULTS AT A PRICE (YOU'LL BE SURPRISED). AND THATS WHAT YOU'LL •+ !. FIND HERE IN ONE OF THE CLEVEREST SHOWINGS WE HAVE HAD THIS SEASON, ' 'STRAW PIATS—All ' Men's and Boy's Straw Bats at 113 off. Iu CERTO—A Pure Fruit Produet, niakes Perfect Jams and Jellies From all Fruit. No C uesswoirk st —No Worry --Sure Results, Fresh Groceries always on Hand, . W. FL Frank of Waterloo r'the week -end at the home r. C. Silber, Mrs. Frank, whoti.en etaing a - couple of we - her father, returned with, jn �f 1 C. Wagner and son eClinchey and Miss attended. the'fun- ossenberry ;arid the week. ittle ;and his gan eve completed" pain nk block, ineludin ore, also the garage.Th property occupied by Mr. olles has also received a coat `of paint and it is cre.it to these workmen!. large crowd witnessed ' th e horse races on Friday ev- g g e ma eni 'sand a. most exciting and' +i+ � Q s d program of heats was . ff. The promising ,young .p. Broken Lenses Duplicated Quickly and Accurately Save the Pieces, We Match any Lense W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No.074 Chester Il; Smith, P1'#bitsiige $1,25 a Year Zn iAdv lsji A'{I�,H7,1.-.{, n„.a.q.. 1;fc.4,kaAIMED ' T Ii PARSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up '$4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to make a special trip to the nearest,. branch of The Maisons Bank+ every time you want to deposit money. Send your deposit to the Bank by" mail.' • Write today to the nearest manager of The Molsons Bank for in - forma iffbni. W. B. COLLIES Manager Zurich Branch 444444444.40.4,,.., •404,40.44.4•0 4,0 •••400•00•••••. t 000,000OOrP000*0040000♦PWRa:'••' • ih Tires! Tires! • Tires!• •0 HAVING A NUMBER OF ROYAL OAK AUTOMOBILE !TIRES 4 IN STOCK, AND WISHING TO DISPOSE OF SAME, WE ARE 411. OFFERING A 30x3%; TIRE, GUARANTEED FOR 6,000 MILES AT $12.50, WHILE THEY LAST. ALSO A NUMBER OF HEAVY INNER TUBES AT $1.85 EACH. 0• A. NUMBER OF AUTO RUGS AT LOW/ PRICES.410, a EVERYTHING IN HARNESS AND REPAIRS. 9 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 PHONE 102 4 • RED A0• 0o00A00ao2.00OO00000*0Oaoo>O** *,>4.e>0*+►ii*+eaw0000 .004 a 44+,+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 e 4' he awned by Mr. C. Eilber wa 'W se t M ly injured and will be of the track for several months. This is indeed regretable, as this horse • was: making good and looked•lilc- ely winner in any Class he wa- uld ' Undertake. UNITED FARMERS' PICNICt s f + Now that the hot days of summer are here, give your feet all the co - Canvass Footwear For the Hot Weather 41 SOD b++ J. PREETEf- Pli-one 59 Produce Wari ted WE ARE IN THE MAltI(ST POR AI,SITcE A.Nt CLOVER SED ` The United Farmers' Picnic held at brand Bend. last Wednesday, Aught 16th, was possibly the biggest event of the season. at that place.. Premier E. C. Drury was . the principal speaker and he thoroughly discussed the 1i e tnrfre of the day, his main sub- jeetb "ging on "Broadening Out" with his political party. He also eNplamed the big problems this p' -'sent. Government was up ag- ainst in Hydro and Good Roads. A line program of sports was contested in. There must hive been nearly :a thousand motor cars parked: about the Ben& A horse was a rarity. Yet man's once best friend had a moment of tri-. innpih during the afternaon sports •vhen-.a tine big tears, owned by 4'1'cte' Eisenbahc, pulled off their' feet a team, of 12 picked men on the end of a rope. For a few, so amds there was a deadlock.T:he. crowd el:.eeredthe men. The noise startled. the horses, and away went the .rope. The winning team was ec •.uposed of Louis Shoemaker, Billy 'Decher, John Hey, Jr.; Saar. Hey; Sol. Schroeder; Arthur Sr eenan t' Albert Hendrick, John Dietrich, Delbert Webl., 13o 14Terray, Ernie Geiser, Eldon Kirks. Hiy Township %ppseball team de- feated Grand Bend after a stren- wr s match itii the morning, score; 17 t•e 5. Batteries; Hay, O'Brien and 'Brown; Grand Bend; Hayter D r .staa':and Mawhinney. George Tarr re' orr umpired.. Norman Turn- bull pzesident of South Huron 1 , F.. O. and his officers worked hard .ind i:uecessful'ly, to, make" the day- enjoyable ayenjoyable to all. Broadhagen Bt,a.sa Hand contributed, a gener- ous niu;'ieat pr+ogratn. TORIA For Wants and Children Nn Use ForOver30Years A1w ''a l Cara the S3g4 wiiliGurk of t. fort you can. LET US FIT YOU ' OUT WITH RUNNING SHOES TEAT ... .T. • GIVE LONG WEAR, SOLID COMFORT, ARE LIGHT, COOL ,'p *AND INEXPENSIVE, AS THESE PRICES ARE ALL BACK TO +F - • NORM A.L. +ls + CHILDREN ARE HARD ON SHOES DURING THE HOLIDAYS 1 • WHY NOT GIVE THEM THE COMFORTS OF RUNNING SHORS 4, .1+ • AND SAVE THEIR LEATHER ONES. — ALSO EVERYTHING 4. ÷ IN LEATHER AND SiPAPLE FOOTWEAR. LET US PLEASE ' +g+ YOUR FEET BY FITTING THEM PROPERLY. +1+ C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS . 4. ZURICHDASHWOOD ++.,++++++++++++++++++++++444++++++++++++++++++++++++4, 0• Midsummer SALE,, For 10 Days Only Beginning Saturday Aug. 5th We will sell the following Goods at an below Cost: — + LADIES' 'HOUSE DRESSES, PORCH DRESSES, LARGE APR- ONS, MIDDIES, SKIRTS, VOILE BLOUSES, GIRLS' MID- DIES AND APRONS, BOYS' SUMMER JERSEYS, FIGURED VOILS, PRINTS, 'GINGHAM, ETC., :ITC. CASH OR PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND;• R. N. DOUGLAS LA PHONE fit o 97' SLAKE'