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Zurich Herald, 1922-08-17, Page 1
} re; r VoI..:XX 1 1 i No 6 ZURICH. THURSDAY'. SioNsuarsor SEE US FIRST geeee GUST'17, 1922, Leather Goods Close Prices White Goods Quick Service For Dress or Sport. A wide You benefit because we sell assortment of'samples at as close a profit as we GET Reliable Workmanship can stand HEREYOUR NEXT PAIR W. H. PFILE ZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. C>.Od•00�.•0•4.0.4•�O�d aoo'c�`-000a• .O'• •04 o.0.0 0•© ao!! vaaodo oo0 ppm• p0.4•l!•4•p•p•v0.0•©•p•�•d•OOO4O•O4'POco� ummer GLEAN -UP Sale • o In order to, clean out the balance of Summer. oo Goods we have put THE KNIFE into prices and �D put them hem awaydown where they will move out quickly. So do not delay' to get your share of these qac aoo a ••- 14?, E M;N B E R -HESE ITEMSSTOCKS, NOT JUST BOUGHT FOR A. GULAR SALE, AYOU WILR-OURE FIND P1 FIS: THING RIGHT -IN QUAL'. ITV AND PRICED -WAY 13E.i.r,'V - REGULAR. OTHER LINE.; PRICED ACCORDING. "COME" AND "SEE" FOR YOURSELF sgnie real snaps, read T. rrr',s New Adv. rs" I3;. G. Hens and W. IC, were at London Saturday: ria ' Noata, Siebert, nurse, of Js lxoli Laying at her home Twist and Mr. Finkbeiner, I,Con called on friends in the e''. on, Sunday. ,r a.nd Mrs. F. Southcott from ONeani Park, Cal., are camping at the }nd for; the sumtmer. Mei '79, Wing, of Kitchener is s,Ppe#ng:' the }week at the home ofAgi mother, Mrs. P. Haugh. Mr and, Mrs. Norwood Deichert Chic o, visited for a few days t �Oeihcert ho etro vTi�,Y at • t -and Mrs. Williams of Kirk 9. .,. ere. Sundayvisitors at ,they toe" Of: Mlt. and Mrs. S. Jacobe. and Mrs. Sol Capling also 1VIr. +.bner •Capling, all of Sh"akes,peare, called on relatives here qn Sunday. M and Mrs. Ralph Litt and little ;tiTean, who had been visiting at,: the' Evangelical parsonage left •for Toronto last week. • 1'i,Stec a of the Mo'soai.s Ban'c staffs .tubo has been absent for several weeks, 'has resumed his dut 'res at the local f -.ranch. Ret. and Mrs. R. M. Geiger and chubof Rockwood, are visiting at the;honie of, the former's` parents, Mei; and' Mrs. Moses Geiger. Russell Preeter left for Kit-. er la.At week where. he has ah • the laig:e departm Lang r,a acey,k rs. B' '{lifer and'T�Idite, iss' Pearl, of, the 14th con,. • W. H. Pfile of . Zurich, 00 • 40.1 d�Od Medium Weight Summer Weight -Fall Weight LADIES HOSE A illi '. line of Ladies' Silk, Boot Host ra. Black, Navy and Black, g H '$1 ';._now 75c. BIG` LUT Of Ladies and Childress' Cotton Hose to. clear at a SPEC - ,.JAL ' PRICE at 25 cents. AIR.. White and -Brown. FANCY VOILES Reg, price 475 to 'clear at $1.00 Reg: price 90c -to clear ar 50c Reg price 60c=to clear at 35c Fancy colored Emb. Swiss Organ- dies Rrg. 2.25, 2.50 yd. go at $1.75 Iteg 1.50, 1.75 yd. to clear at $1.25 ALL KINDS OF SUITS For all kinds of Men • e •e Fancy SPORT SATINS -in colors Reg. 3.50 yd. ,to clear at-._ White Baronette Satin 3.75 at $2.90 MIDDY WAISTS Big Lot of Middies in all sizes to Sit a child 6 years up to :size 42f Rog. price up to 2.00 all g"o BATHING suL s LadroS'(all wo"oly all col&si Mee'9 a. •'' ` .. Mens&Boys, cotton " 60c to 1.75 LAD. WHITE WASH SKIRTS To clear at 50c.. CHILDRENS White Wash Skirts •Y• To clear at 50c. 1. Blue Suits FAST COLOR INDIGO DYE 18 AND 20 OZ. AIL WOOL SERGE • Palm Beach AND MOHAIR SUITS FORIVtERLY $15.00 TO $18.00 NOW $11.00 TO $15.00. Fine Eng. Worsteds A NEW SHIPMENT OF ENGLISH WORSTEDS JUST IN SEE THEM NOW Big Men THE LAST SUITS WE BO- UGHT WE THOUGHT OF YOU, AND WE ARE GLAD TO SAY WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT. • 'Q F.V ER1 '" DAY OF THE YEAR. OUR CLOTHING DEPT, IS' ALWAYS FLILED WITH BARGAINS BUT AS ;THE OLD SAYING GOES; "ONE TREE DOES NOT MAEK A FOREST" SO TO KEEP , EVERYTHING RIGHT UP TO -DATE WE HAVE AGAIN RECEIVED'A LARGE SHIPMENT OF r+% NEW STYLISH SUITS AT A PRICE (YOU'LL BE SURPRISED). AND THATS WHAT. YOU'LL 1 FIND HERE IN ONE OF THE CLEVEREST SHOWINGS WE HAVE HAD SEASON THIS 1 STRAW HATS -All Men's and Boy's Straw Hats at 1/3 off. ', CEHTO-A Pure Fruit Product, makes Perfect Jams and Jellies From all Fruit. 1e --No Worry -Sure Results. Fresh Groceries always on Hand. No Guesswork J. PREETER Phone 59 Produce Wanted WE ARE IN THE MARKET POR ALSIKE AND CLOVER SEED ani,, visa a' relatives' at Bylth on Sun- day. A band of Salvation Army, cam ping at, Bayfield and from Strut- ford,. trutford,. passed through the village on Saturday and demonstrated their open-air free programe of music, singing and addresses. We are .pleased to report that Me. Lloyd O'Brien, who is at St. Joseph's' Hospital, London, suffer - injuries . of his back, is making won derful progress an;d conditio. sloolz very favorable. A. letter received from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ont- ario gives notice of a change in power rate to Zurich. The new rate ,is $74,00 per H. T. per year, commencing Jan. 1st. 1922. The old rate was $60.00 per ,h.p., thus showing .,an increase of $14.00 per h. p. per year. The domestic lighting rate is now 3 cts. per square foor service charge, 6 cts. per k.w. for the first 30 hours and 2 .:cts. over 36 hours. The minim um net monthly bill is $1.25. The commercial lighting is the sa me as last year 12c., 6c.,, and 1.2c. The minimum net monthly bill is also $1.25The power rate is as fol- lows; $1.00;, 6.8,c. 4.6, and 0.15c. min- imum net monthly power bill $192 .per h.p. ; Ten per cent discount is given on all above bills ;for prompt payment. The' street 1i, ii'lrhts re., ain„'the snmv.. 1;5 an ,r•• t �rtalrt. points north at Calgary; 33 degree accepted lo;.; north! at Peace River, Alta..+- In the workl,grees east of north at Fort?, reys Branch. son, NAV T. etc. !interior two These angles, which Chang rd ---the true,. front year to year, have been ,1 d the coag• Measured all over 'Western O .c the coni the Dominion Land' Interior ut For 1 0 Days Only rc north. De'partnie�nt of the Imteitor ur ` observations have n. !tea oe these anem 0�ely the sante trrin•ed: Magnetic maps., comp nigo rnaSnet, 'I�* 10 e obseivatione anal ptrblia Beginning Saturday Aug. 5th e , used in the time totime, are available td Q�wer. It Dos era! public upon application ft, south Hies• 'vel^or General, Department o` will sell the following Goods at and • t;ivated at.iah�e hector, Ottawa. iagnetie, coin- , this, information isinva4 l below Chat:--- to point true navigators, aeronauts,, explorI not the caste eexss prospectors, timber orttii •3r LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES, PORCH DRESSES, LARGE APR- ..,o£ the geo, tiS it affords a, ready means ,`,,:l, generally x trtne north. Moreover, 1 ONS, MIDDIES, SKIRTS, VOILES BLOUSES, 'GIRLS' MID- '' ,clouds, 0 ,nornce ,.given s,s' are hidden by n`l;peditlons in palls is the only method by obtain direction. de not coin Similar magnetic survey, al poles, the sled Mut by almost ,all corn g situated In the Department of Terrestri the Arctid iStii of. the Carnegie 'lost south, mag Washingtonsends land and d, VII: (and, ,t editions all over the world ' the ;gaps left between othr, sdlo always' iii°the lase of the inagneti 'itis polo, it WeSitern'Canada, the work u 4 o the mat- Mitt practically without cost, to the true it"delve in conjunction with iidorably 103 'sitiley. Broken Lenses Duplicated Quickly and Accurately Save the Pieces, We Match any Lense W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN P'HO;NE. No. 74 Cheater. O�rreitI , Pii-!lusher? • $1,25• a Year IID A: virned A lSR F.r,t n, to -,,.A . ri G ...43.4.ROBEY THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to make a special trip to the nearest' branch of Thg Molsons Bank every time you want to deposit money. Send your deposit toe the Bank by mail. Write today to the nearest manager of The Molsons Bank for iin formation. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch t••••••••••,••••••••••••••••• 0.4******4/•••••••••••4044. a44- • • • Tires! Tires! Tires' 4!1• y 41, HAVING A NUMBER OF ROYAL OAK AUTOMOBILE TIRES , IN STOCK, AND WISHING TO DISPOSE OF SAME, WE ARE. r OFFERING A 30c31A TIRE, GUARANTEED 'FOR 6,000 MILES :- a AT $12.50, WHILE LTi EY LAST. ALSO A NUMBER OF HEAVY 4) INNER TUBES AT $1.85 EACH. A NUMBER OF AUTO 'RUGS AT LOW) PRICES. O. t. 40 gEVERYTHING IN HARNESS AND REPAIRS. PHONE 102 *. • ir FRED1-1.1EL ZURi0H .. ®,90@•••0•••••40.04'••••Ot►OA90P4-:;•••••••••••••••••04-••••4,...*• 4....,.................................................. •I Canvass Footwear .i. . •For the Hot„ Weather 1 Now that the hot days of summer are here, give your feet all the corn- +* , fort you call. * LET US FIT YOU --OUT WITH RUNNING SHOES THAT + GIVE LONG WEAR, SOLID COMFORT, ARE LIGHHT, COOL AND INEXPENSIVE, AS THESE PRICES ARE ALL BACK TO * NORMAL. • CHILDREN ARE HARD ON SHOES DURING THE HOLIDAYS . WHY NOT GIVE THEM THE COMFORTS OF RUNNING SHOES •l• AND SAVE THEIR LEATHER ONES. - ALSO EVERYTHING + IN LEATHER AND STAPLE FOOTWEAR. LET US PLEASE � YOUR FEET BY FITTING THEM PROPERLY. C. FRITZ'4. 4. 4. �'& nSON ZURICH ®A,BHV4''Q�OI 4. 4114* t+414.** +4 $ ' 4p t +++++++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, oor•l :• •SII•'boo.l•.'s•.i•.p••l•+3r•1••F'+•i•fi••%•I.•€••l..IIt..S•++;d•.•g••a.•E° ••g•.qg••l..g•.II•.g•+• ^g••i.•£•++ E•+ 8 Midsummer SALE DIi:S AND APRONS, BOYS' SUMMER JERSEYS, FIGURED VOILS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, ETC,,, ETC, CASH OR PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Re N. DOUGL PHONE 1/ - 97 BLAKE Fr'