HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-08-03, Page 8• free SU At Attractive Prices. We quote a few here from our manylines of goods that will interest you Fine Swiss Organdies in Dotted effect, 44in. wide at $1.75 and $2yd. Plain Organdies 44in. all col. 1.25 Lighter quality, 40 inl, yd 85c Anderson's English Ginghame. These are very fine weave, excel- lent wearing quality 34 in. wide at 45c, yd. Printed Voiles, short ends to clear at 25e. yard. Extra QualityDouche ss, silks in Navy Black, Brown` Sand, special at $2.50 per yd. Habutai Silks, in Navy, Brown, Rose, Mais, Burgundy, Coral, 131k., at per Yary $1.00. Tricolette Blouses, all colors $3.00 Voile waists and Middays from $1.50 to $3.00 Each. Ladies' Hosiery -Juliet Brand silk Hose in the different colors at $1.25 to $2.25 a pair. Lisle and cotton hose from 25c. to 85e. a pair. Balance of stock. of Curtain and drapery materials at 257. off Regular price. New shipment of Men's and Boy's Shirts. The celebrated W.G.&R,. line. Double wear cuff, priced. from -$1.50 to $3.50. All Silk Shirts at $4.75. A complete line of soft Collars for !Summer Wear, Mens and Boys' fine Straw hats new st3"1es. Also harvest hat -all kinds and sizes. A. lot of Men's fine hats, your choice for 25c, Special -10 only 20 -year guaran-k teed Aluminum Kettles laft to clear at $1.85 each. Ready,•to-Wes, Clothing WARM WEATHER WANTS IN GROCERIES Lytles sweet mixed pickles 6Oc. qt. Brick Cheese per lb. ... ...... 30c. Limberger cheese • per lb. ...... 35c Niagara Grape Juice ..., ... ... 35c Sweetheart peanut butter lb. 30e Excellsor dates per package ...15c Victory pork&beans 10c. & 25c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS J Zurich's Garage We are appointed. authorized. Chevrolet - Service Station, and carry a stock of Genuine Chevrolet Parts Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts Domini on and Dunlop Tires and Tubes BATTERY SERVICE STATION AND REPAIRS. ALSO BATTERY CHARGING. BRING IN YOUR MOTOR CARS NOW AND HAVE THEM REP- AIRED READY FOR SPRING. WE ARE EXPERTS ON REPAIRS 'AND CAN GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON WHAT IT WILL COST SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. IF YOU ARE SATISFIED, TELL OTHERS. IF NOT, WHY TELL US. H. Mousseau Zurich a s Straw: -a; The Sfandardsfor A 1 Ta Thursday Augur 31d,,,102% T!.�....M..r�1w.M!.+r,?....w1!II!.rN."p..."+.. :...':M A..«-`.rw.�.�' •�.e�.�.rw+�l'�'+�'e��1 FM.Mu.KL ... . ... ..�..�I. r'1.^".r,^.�+ ..;-_+-•. Uraerea -'_^- X?ENOMY BROS, Clothing NT$ FURNISHINGS The stare with the Liberal Cash Diss it t••. mer Comfort Panamas Two 'generations THE THINGS MAN HAS A WHOL ESOME.. "RESPECT FOR -THAT'S WHY HE CHOOSE A HAT WHICh PROTECTS HIM, ADDS TO HIS COMFORT, AND ENHANCESHIS APPEARANCE DEO17' ROS. Produce takes is exchange for Goods LOCAL MARKETS. (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter Buckwheat Willem. per bushel Wheat Oats Flour per cwt. Bran per ton _. Shorts Hogs --, ..7 5c. 1.45 ..$1.37 60-75c. $4.00-$4.75 30.08 $35.00 13.,50' ITEMS. OF LOCAL- INTEREST Hay council meets on Sa !lay for their August- meeting Fancy Voiles ..way, • r at Preeter's. Read his .Ad Some people have leen busy pulling flax on the BabylonLine' Important and extensive sales have already been made at prices quo- ted above. Last year the de- mand, greatly exceeded the sup- ply. DASHWOOD Rev. Eifert of Tavistock and son, Prof. R. Eifert of Oakland, Cal. called on friedns in town a few days ,last week. Miss Ida ..Gates of Chicago, is at present 'visiting with her par- ents. Mrs. Humble of Sarnia'.` spent a. few days with her mother here lest week. Miss Bechtel of Waterloo vis - 1 eco .W ih. Miss E Guenther,. Miss Rutherford of Omenu -and Mr. Broadfoot of Guelph are rvis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. L. -T. Rutherfrdo . Mrs. John Foster is visiting at. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Sebrine.- the home of her son, Louis Foster Kitchener;. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Weber, Mr. and Mrs.. J. Albrecht and Mrs. Oarlock, motored to Goderieh on Sunday. - Mr: and Mrs. Rudy Shc«;artzen- truber of -the -Bronson Line and Mrs. H. Rupp of Zurich were vis- itors to Woodstock last week. Mr. Louis Foster and children Pearl and Francis of Kitchener sp- ent Friday at the home of Mf. and Mrs. J, Battler, Babylon Line. , John Bracken, the 39 -year old. professor, in the Manitoba .Agric- ultural college who becomes ..Prem- ier of that Province is the young- est Premier in Canada. The farmers of this district will be pia ased to learn that the Cook B!• )s. Milling .Co., Hensall: ,are in the market to buy all land's of grain this season, and have _ al- ready commenced buying.. wheat. Canada and Canadi,en farmers will rejoice that the stigma on the health of Canadian cattle has been remo ved and that the' British House of Commons has voted in favor of lifting the embargo on Canadian cattle. It looks• as though the day is not far(: off When Canadians Will agail export their cattle to an open market in Britain. t ' I ÷ Springs,Bdsand $ M.,,. attress in, Saris 4- n 4.▪ We have just added to our stock a 4.complete line of Bothwell Beds,4. *, Springs'and Mattress, the' line we 46 + CARRY CANNOT FAIL TO FILL YOUR REQUIREMENTS AT I REASONABLE PRICES. THE PAINTING BOOM HAS STARTED, AND WE AL- WAYS CARRY A PULL LINE E OF THE OLD RELIABLE + SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, VARNISHES, SHERWILLAC, ' AUTO PAINT, FLOOR PAINT, WAGON AND IMPLEMENT PAINT, FTC. • FENCING -Parties requiring feneine should see us befor� e buy- + • ing. We handle genuine Frost Light Lock Fences. . Also a • full line of hog and poultryfences, coiled, barb, brace and 4P• black wire and steeples, Etc. Car and Tractor owners :r should see us about Polarine and Tractor Oils, Gasoline, Tires + Tubes and accessories. New Perfection Coal Oil Stoves a nd Ovens. t WE ATM TO SAiTISFY 4. 44 VVEID PREETEA BLOCK ZURiCH 4.44 vale called on friends in town on Tuesday. Miss Ella Zimmer of Detroit is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stade and Mr. and Mrs. L. Kraft of Zurich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs C. Stade. Quite a number from here mot- ored to. Ipperwash on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Parisian of Royal Oak, Mich., are" visiting Mr. and Mrs. `Wm. Held. • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schumacher and family spent Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Geo. Merner. Mr. M. R. Eilber spent Sunday at his home near Crediton. Mrs. Wan. Ehlers is visiting in Kitchener at present. What might have resulted in a serious fire occured on Monday noon at the home of Mr. George Koch in the kitchen, when a small confiagaration broke out. In some way, while Mrs. Koch was outside, the coal: oil stove expl- oded and set fire to curtains and clothing ,and as a result the en- tire Ycnterior of the kitchen was eharree and ruined. Only for the ready and prompt assistance of the neighbors, who worked so faithfully, the entire dwelling wo- uld have •been runined. ' Mr. and Mrs. Koch Wish to extend their most sincere thanks to .those who so ;cleligently helped them in their hour of distress. ONTARIO BEEKEEPERS' -ASS. REPORT LIGHT HONEY*, CRO.P The Crop Report Coieinitteecif the Ontario Beekeepers :ikeseciat- July 1t9h 1922. Reports ," were received from 4e3 treenbeies';;.,: to - prominent apiariets in:different doe Goderieh defeated Stratford at unties. The quality is reeiorted the former place, score .3-0, last to be good, With a goodeeverage recommends the follewing eeeees, quality extracted, Wlieleste.e 45e -1$c per lb. Best qual. lightedetteeted, retain (to consumer) e00,e256 Ib. No. 1 comb wholesale. $2.$043.(50 per dozen. NO, 1 eorriblei'''Whole- Jen= price is 'recommended for um prides CV' part el'OP' LOOK! 10 Big Spring FIIRNITURE SAL For Four Weeks Only $8000 St�cI Of Furnituremust goat prices never heard of before. Price Reduction from 30 to 50 per cent. A CASH OR NOTE SETTLEMENT IS EXPECTED ON ALL GOODS SOLD DURING THIS SALE. SPECIAL PRICES ON BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. Don't fail to take advantage of this while the assortment is good FRESH CAR CAN. CEMENTCOMING IN A FEW DAYS MELIeFC& BRAUN PHONE 63 r.� ri °raid Iob Depirtmeu Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, CallingCards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop es,• Clink Becks, Posting. Bills a spacialty. This Store is showing you the big. gest values money can buy to -day. We are buying in the lowest market and serving it out at the lowest possible Sport Satin, in all the leading Shades, suitable for Shirt Foulard Silk in Navy and White Black and White, Brown •and V. Horne Spun suiting, very popular at the present tirne, yd. $2.15 See our New Line of Crepe, at 50c Short Ends of colored Voiles , RACES IN WINGEAU On August 9th, and .10th. Two big racing events, $2,000 in purses; Admission 50 and 25 cents., SPORT NEWS Friday evening. This was the final game -and Goderich has now cinched the group and, we hope Witiego on and win the N.W..I3 A. day at Wingham, Gcelerich def- eated that -team by the score of 3-2. It was a pitchers' duel be- tween Morden and Cooper, ' with terms about even, and was claim. - '04, to -be the hest game eVer se,en 5 and 10 lb. ties. Hobe:rill glass in Winghaine of packing and bottlieg,• ;.,' The donee/efts of Zurich now "export - honey maeket is practicellyeeleatecl ine players for hockey', It has mit 'of 1921 drop, thee ereeliee , tO ProVen a fact the past few seae the I.j. S. as ev.:111 a.' ,Caneriee'eT,Iiie Sons that if Goderieh ever hopes year's honey ii first, tetiOity.,...,:Ttie; to 'will anything in hockey, they cell-reit:ten eeel the the fillere4 feet Mae- do the same es in baeoball ere needed shOuld' be theitetaireid, "Import their .players." 2 Ladies' and Children's Gingham dresses at Low Prices. Men's Felt Hats, in all the leading shades, Don't mise te seethers before you buy. Just Arrived; -New Straw Hate, Soft dollars, ShirtS, Ties, Socke, Belts, Etc. Men's Balbriggan Underwear, two piece and Combination. less and knee length. Ladies' White Voile Waists, long and short sleeves. Coats, a Men's Waterproof and Dresae Coats Regular $25.0ti for $15.01* WALL PAPERS Girls' Sehool Hats at prices away A,11 Wall Papers to Clear to ondt down. 1 Season at .25% distoant foe Cash. Ladies' Silk Hose, Ribbed top colors, Black white, sand, grey, Job Lot Field Hats, 1,50, $1, iee2St Brown, Burgandy at pair .... 75c Blatchford Calf Meal 2Mbs, PRESH'GROCERIES AT ALL TIMES. EGGS, BUTTER AND LARO WAN TED. Produce Wanted. ButerickPashio Phgt.tfrra.