HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-08-03, Page 5U INEP$ CARP 'arouclioot, f illoraai & HOLMES,, RAlrriSter8, Soliotors,- Niitariee,`. >t'iXhll, Etc. Offiee on the Square, Rima • deer from Hamilton St. God - Reich, .private funds to loan at. :Qwest .rates, e "W4 ,P ,truldfpot,,,K.C, 3. L. 1�illoran D. E. .Holmes, e. iolmes will be in Hensall on -Friday of each week. Andrew F. Hees, Township Clerk Issuer of marriage licenses, Notary g►iitlalic, Commissioner, Fire and Aut. ,temebile Insurance, Representing Iguronand Erie Mortgage Corpora - 04104. -The The anada Trust Co. Zurich, Mario. • Dt.-E, S. Har u e . DENTIST utl►t .. ,'L'UBICH" EVERY WEDNESDAY. DA$HWOOD. EVERY THURSDAY UAW -QFFIPF - HENSALL.. OSCAR KLOPP Processional Auctioneer, graduate Ort Davenport Auetioneering School Try me• for real estate, merchandise, We)lery pedigreed stock, farm sales .states alwaysreasonable, my territory the world. Choke farms for sale. ase' 18-93 Zurich Licensed • Auctioneer ;' have taken out' Auctioneer' license. for. the County of Huron Aisd .ism in a .position .to conduct „y ` kind of Auction Sale. Give Ione a trial and I will assure you aat1sfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - 'Dashwood, Phone ,31 r 13; Zurich Meat MARKET ONNOINIS Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc -,b Cash Price for Woull1 CAS>I FOR SRINS,& H1DES url rngb1ut &'i Reichert, ZURICH LIVERY I' am, in a position to accomo- date. all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 59 Zurich, H. B. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIiSfT' Graduate of .the - Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of. Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District. No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 a nutil 5.00 p.m., at the Commerc- ial House, 4tYpstairs), Main Of- tire1- at Bayfield, Ont. 2nd. Starting on Thursday, May LIVE P O U LT R Y WANTED Taken every day till 3 ()clock p.m. Do not teed fowl same morning When brought in. • Highest 'Cask Prices ---C•ASH FOR -- Cream and. Eggs W., O'Brien Phot ne 9s. Zurich 1 . COAL L Spring ..and Summer DELIVERIES . SEASON 1922 Owing to the strike of the Min- ts,* now prevailing in the Pennsyl- raaiiu Anthraeite coal fields, we nre 'finable to guarantee delivery or price and until conditions be- Bonne more settled orders' will be talker subject to our being able to obtain supplies and at prevailing *rite time• of delivery. PUT Y(?' Wants, For `Sale, Lost,' F'ound, Norio°, eta. Ads IN THIS (JOLT/MN, LOST A Miller Cord tire, tube and rim, between London ,Road at, Warwicl,,Arcone, .Grand :Bend and Zurich. Liberal. Reward, W, J, Dowsoin Zurich.. FOR SALE One stiff tooth Cultivator ,near- ly new. ; Also one 8-16 used In- ternational tractor for sale, These are` both good bargains. Louis Prang, Zurich' -4 WANTED Local Representative wanted to sell for The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries.' -Largest list of fruits and ornamentals to offer, exclusive territory, highest commissions, handsome free equipment. Write for full particulars. -Stone & 'Wel- lington, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE Two large frame buildings. A lot of good barn timber and mat- erial. Apply to Richard Robin_ Ison. R.R.1, Zurich. 1-4t," FOR SALE. A 'Three=spring light waggon for one of two horses. •Is in good condition, price right. Apply to G. Holtzman, Zurich. tf-47 LOST On July 21st, between John Eckstein's and Zurich, a Club Bag containing International Har- vester Co. advertising matter be- sides other valuable material. Fine der kindly leave same with Louis Prang, Zurich or 'notify A. G. McMurray, ' Clinton.•and receive reward. HONEY HONEY We beg to advise the public that we have N. 1 Extracted hon- ey for sale now. We are offering sarne at 17% to 18 cents per pound, till August 5th. After this date prices may . raise. Bring your containers. J. Haberer & Sons Lawn Social A Monster Lawn Social -will be held- under the. auspices of the U. F. W. 0., and. the U. F. 0. of Hensall en the grounds of Mrs. W. N. Glenn, Lot 23, Con. 7, 'Us - borne, on FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST ;11th: ' Hon Manning Doh erty, Minister of :Agriculture; Mss, Agnes McPhail, M. P; Wm. B1aek, M. P; also Andrew Hicks, M.' P. P. will be present and ,give inter- esting addresses. . Gates open at 7 o'clock, Program at 8 p. m. Band in attendance.- Admission 25c. • 'COAL & PRODUCE` MARCHANT ',GERMS •,- CASH tine; Oftiee 10w. ;House 101. FARM FOR SALE I " am offering my tine farm for sale consisting of 100 acres Lot 12; Con. 12, Stanley. Township. There is on the premises a good bank barn with cement sta i.les, water piped in the stables, a good comfortable house, 60 acres in grass, 8 acres of summer fal- low, good clay loam, is well fenced land is all tile drained, will be sold at reasonable .terms. For further particulars apply to David Tough, R.R.3, Bayfield. t-8 NOTICE I ha ve taken out License for Auctioneer for the County ofHur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. tf-29 James Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 Zurich Studio and Book Room Printing and Mr. A, Melrck and far toHennas#'l on S'unday.,' Mr. Frank. 3ossenbexry of ohener, is around, Zu,rieli this"We , Miss . Helen Foster . is spending a :few' weeks vacation ;at "Kitenen'ei'. Mr. Wait, Siebert, 'Jr, Of ICit-: chener, is spending hie vacation at; his home here. • Rev.,Struempfer of Elmira' vrs` itecl at the Lutheran parspnage the past "week., Mr. W, H. Frank of Waterloo spent the week -end at the +:home of Mr.'C. Eilber. i4 Mr. and Mrs. Isiah. `.Witmer and, two daughters of the Goshen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gell- man all man in' town; Mr.,1VIartin of Port Huron visit- ed his sister, Miss Martin at the home of Mr. P. Koehler, the past, weep. Mr, and Mrs, Jake Battler end family, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art. Weber' at ' Dashwood A motor trip to Kettle Point is getting to be a real popular. outing for a Sunday afternoon by the Zurich people. Mr. Lorne Foster of Hensall is spending his facation with his cousin Oralndo Battler on the Babylon Lines Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Wickiens of Drumheller, Alb., are visiting ate- latives and friends here. Mrs. ,Wickens is a daughter of Mr. C. Hey, Babylon Line. Mr. Frazer Brown, who- is well known in these .part, as a whole- sale produce merchant, $,s again making his rouni(s buying the 1922 apple crop, al Developing, Photos on Post Cards, Etc., Etc. Also sell Cameras Films, . Albums!, and all ametuer's Supplies. A . full Line of School books and Stationeryg always :on hand tf21 OBRIEN 8r 'KALBFLEISCH Hartleib Block - Zurich MONSTER United Farmers' ...rs' Picnic at GRAND BEND on WEDNESDAY AUGUST 16 Speakers -Premier Drury, Wnt. Black, M, R. A._ Hicks, M. P. P; Sports of all kinds, Baseball u etch the morning, .Carne and enjoy EN .ALL 'NTrr.i the day at the Lake. I ,arovinc aL, Act !Does the Power. x iproves Latin 1ie'ar after e1i*K•-�» Cbmparisou of Cost and hi►efit• (.1oveilainent Money Oa ed at .Low Rates *its: illiien, >1Aitzitetted by Ontario Department of Agrieultitro, Toronto.) 4 spite , of „'the fact that Govern- : ,loans' for term iinderdrainage i been available for; a number of s, it is still: mews for many farin- ersiwho; have not suthcient capital to 'tile':their farms, Too much cannot be „said,in !rapport '.of this aid to inereas- ed ',production. and . ,.enhancing the value . of ,i?r'operty. No other farm improvement. will give equal returns and. become a permanent improve- rierit. Improved machinery, although fear$, ,desirable;, depreciates year by '•:year.. and in time is- discarded and repiaeed by other" and"new. equipment. ,Fertilisers, are available for a year ar ',tavo and :have , to . be renewed, 'eWlrereas tile drains become more ef- `elcient ; year , after year. The soil beegnnes better aerated, more friable, and In a better physical condition when maximum drops will be pro- 'dircad with, the minimum amount of work '111atvtiing Cost and Benefit. . Suppose for instance it takes $40 =to life drain an acre of land sys- tematically, but by ao doing several hollows .,which never produced more than - halt'a crop .before now yield :more than any place else in the field. ,Supposing another wet area which al- wayas drowned out does likewise, and 1n :all we have twenty-five bushels of whtai instead of twenty, or we have sixty bushels 'of oats instead of fifty. These estimates are much too lo -w, but conservative estimates are safe. Let`lns'see what interest we make on •Owenioney. " Taking the present price of wheat as $1.40 per bushel, we have made $7 on an outlay of $40, which' is 17 i, per cent. on our in- westnient. With oats at 45c we have per, cent. on our investment, and; if'these are not good returns I dont, know where to find them. Government Loans at Low Rates. For the use of this money, on which you make large interest, the Government asks you only 5 per cent. You have twenty years' to return it, long :before which you have been re- paid: several times. Under the present act anyone wishing to tile can borrow ;75 per cent. of` the cost of his work up to $2,000 per hundred acres. The loan is obtained through the township council, which is responsible for pare - Ing the necessary by-laws and the issui . g,; of the"'debentures for sale to tl? rovincial Treasurer. No town- "" ' uracil;alive to the necessityrefuseto iofe w , n ge' tubuld - ri ted • in obtaining such a 'Of their ratepayers. - Gaverninent assistance by wa ,.1,; s'hnv'eys; plans and specifica- tioni for •drainage work may be ob- taincd by applying to theDrainage; Department,' O. A. C., Guelph. They will!'also be glad to assist individuals or councils,;in discussing with them the Tile Drainage Act, or in mailing then: copies in which they zan get the ;details, -F. L. Ferguson, 0. A. College, Guelph, 81 Drs. P. J. O'Dwyer and A. 3. MacKinnon, operated on Miss Mabel Hauch, daughter of ; Mi'. John Hauch, 14th Cons on 'Tues- day, for the removal of her tonl- sils. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Martin of the• Babylon Line and Mrs. Chris. Erb of the Bronson and her sister, mot- ored to Pigeon, Mich to attend the funera lof the former's sister Mrs. Wideman last week. Mr. C. Wuerth, of Ki'tchenerk has purchased the building known, as . the Ladies' Hall, :ill Mr. P. Papineau. Mr. Wuerwill open up a merchant tailor ness, and we welcome. him td h, as it will mean another buss.Mr. and Mrs. JohnPeck, of Akron, Ohio, are visiat the home ofMr. and Mrs. J. Dow - son, Goshen Line, Sty. Mr Peck• hay a very prent pos- ition in a large deparntal store of that city. Mrs, Garrett ,of Deloraii ienewi±Ig old friencle, heir0 was formerly :Miss Tillie ;Gabeli, being , raised 'on +the Bronson; Line, and has (beep absent from. Zurich" for 33 weirs. She is a cousin to' Mr. Cyrus Colosky, also Mr. Ed. 'Bo nhrrry. A monster T.J. F. 0, picnic will be held at Grand Bend on Aug- ust 16th.. Premier Drury will be present as well as W. Black, M,P.,, and A. Hicks. M.P.P. .A fine pro- gram of sports have been arran- ged, and good prizes will be giv- en. See bills for particulars. Results of recent Examinations in Zurich by -the London Conserv- atory of Music. The names of, succesful candidates appear be- low Those failing to a total of 65 gives a pass standing. 75 Honors, 85 First-class Honors; Pi-. anotorte Grade IV, Ruby'Erratt 81 Singing Intereed, Lillian Pollock 90. The death took place on Wed- nesday, July 19th, of Colin Moir late of the Township of Hay, - at theage of 71y ears. The deceased had been a sufferer for many ye- ars and laid aside from active, service, but bore all his illness with Christian fortitude, He was a son of the late George Moir, one of the pioneer residents of the Township, was very highly resp- ected by all and was a member of the Presbyterian church. He is survived by several brothers and sisters. The remains wereint- erred in the/ Hensel' cemetery on Friday last. Last Saturday Zurich lost t,wo more of its popular "-young men in the persons of Clayton and Clarence Hoffman, Who have left for Galt to make their future home the former ing enrolled on the public school teachingstaff as'a-s sistant Principal, while the latter- has a very enticing position in a . departmental store. Thee boys. as well as "Babe" Siebert who left for Kitchener last week, Will be greatly missed, trot alone in their daily social life but -also' in their sport activities, as we, most say they were of the cleanest type. of athletes, always played the game like a man, and played to thein very best, The two ,former v=ill take part in the Galt hockey team this coming winter. Owing' to ,the science . and speed these young men have developed into in benkey they find themselves too superior to play with contesting teams in these parts, andconsequently move on to the faster company- «Babe's Siebert will be, on the Kitchener line -tip this winter, They all have the best wishes to maltp good, by'. their Many friends in and around Zurich. How Fruits Ripen. The' place' which fruits are assum- ing in, the dietary of man is one of growing importance.. Certain species like the apple and pear, the plum and the grape, have long enjoyed a de- served ,popularity; others which were ones among the rarities in the United States are now in great favor. The !ripening of fruits plays so im- porta ie a ;,part in. their ,availability, and some of the, problems of trans- portation, that authentic information on this subject is much to be desired. Some,,fruits, like.the apple, may be allowed to ripen almost fully on the tree, 'and Way be kept in the ripened condition for'. relatively long periods, it proper attention be paid to their manipulation and storage. Thephysical.changes, like the vari- - ation in Color of ripening fruits, are familiars since they are evident to .the seuaes; but these alterations are. merely indicative of changes in the chemical make-up of the fruits under the can'ditions.which determine ripen- ing. Beat, moisture, air and light may, .a11 participate in determining, the characteristic changes that ensue. Laboratory eceports of statisticians' inVestiFations in.; recent years have given'. clearer indications of what takes plaCe.• Among the changes are the transformation of the starch into buga a the cobvele on 4f soluble tan- nr a: corupotind With thele astrTnient properties into insoluble forms, the actual ?lessening of the quantity of acid, nor, the masking of the acid Savor by the accumulation of auger, the softeeinge of Woody tissue, and the increase.. and 'etorage: of juice. With the ;, geeWing knowledge of What the, ripening' of fruits really .in- volveb,,: *e'are certain to ,acquire bet- ter id'eag of 'what a properly ripened' product N+hOtt d ,really be. The fact thatunr'lpened (winter) apples are unfit for. consumption In the early fall, because, instead of .sager they contain a large amount of raw-stareh, which 01$11 disappear with the "mei- lowing" process,, will. be understood in a snore intelligent way than nas nsual)y been *he Case, ghatle Trees ori' JEiighwat s. +Ou]r highays would be much more. attractive ,11 lined With shade trees. These treeb eauld be set 50 or more feet apar't,and would:do little damage either; to, the ; adjolit ng property or the roadway. • They..woud make the road.�'p1easanter to travel ,over and also t,o flys l),. c e.:tiiiot,gk .the" grain fields with the objrct ofrem.oving impurities and lici still Fletcher's Castoria is, strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies, Ababy►s medicine. is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castbria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. hat is CASTORIA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a.d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE ,CASTORIA TALWAYS. Bears the. Signature of Use Fur Over 30 YearsIn i THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY 4•i 4.4.+4.4.++++ +++++++++++++++++++++41e-' r4•++++++++$r+++d•4.4++++41 Lumber Laths Shingles I Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order e Custom®Work our Specialty Always in the market for saw logs Lumber Lumber and Building Material Y. SIV.' iti t 1jl l'+ .1. 4° PHONE 69 ZURICH �. 4• +4.+4.+++++44+++++++++++++4.4 4.++++•+4.4.+4•+4.+4.4 -*-r V c New Overland 4 The Overland Four is still going and going good Chalmers Six, New Battery, at --: McLaughlin Truck • $85000, $375.00 01 F. M. HESS &C®. ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AND • SERVICE STATION .-.. Overland Cars! Overland Cars i Automobile Insurance Are You Protected? "Yesterday Arthur Elridge of this city, had a ear. To -day, t after e. work. Shortly nothing remains of it but the charred frim y running it into the Garage, the neighbors detected flames shooting out of the roof. The brigade was on the scene promptly, belt the, car was a complete loss before the firemen could got to it. Ac- cording to the fire chief the fire Was started by a short circuit: The motorist's loss is about $1,000.00". -Woodstock news •Item -»! Saturday; Free Press, London, LET MB GIVE YOU RATES ON FIREAND TRANSIT, THEFT, PUB LIC LIABILITY, COLLISION AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. VICTORY BONDS SOLD AND BOUGHT. • Have You MADE YOUR WILL? FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY hort circ3An uiF Hess Zurich