HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-08-03, Page 2,� ti� ,� t
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,a ' 'W °, •�'' �� __ Y_-. .'the
Gra o�11od inixtu'ze "is cl'eax, beitzg car fur rat to
hie -Juice JPattcli axid r, G
..400,0 s � crush the !+saran whiJ'e sti ring. Add
" Y1�76 jU,lc'P pian "4�! .` V LA" 1� :�A'S1-three gwaxtems ctE a cupful of sugar,.
remove from the fire and keeping the
ju e, one qui of vel arcts of ext of: miwtur? cov2xed stand ats'ide to coal.
ganger ale, juice -of s k oiv4 in Hulce Whip ono' and gene-qulalber cupfuls' of
of '$ix lomons'. IVfake a s3' P (if ''o1nE heavy cream until stiff, fold in the
pound of sugar and the war, sgaeza raisinmxtuxe, ;add one teaspoonful
vanilla extract then freeze,
the juice frarn the•o az. . end ons, , , ,
ands plLace the rinds ,in ttie s roup' Mien ,'
• ' Sanctified.
�, hen ,aby came a ,guardian ang'e'l
reremainlin When cool sol i einave 0�04"f ioiii W bent
g ng edien'ts ad4Mii xl?oxe
eed'ed•. Pqux Rvex zee'„wird' A'kiontt t'kris shielding wings
e ,h e, and shut out sordid
r--_.--------- ..
serve b friers.
1” h Ue� P i e -Jras
An attxaetiv'e eel%L is !made 1,Y 1i11�
Ing a sui+ad bowl with' I6*t ce Iereu'es, 'lYhe race. for wealth, position., place,
Shred two ox thxie letttice'':leaves.and and fame
place "in the 'centre: Ovep thk ;place a Seemed such a paIrtry thing—when.
layer " . Baby oame.
layer of radishes cut illi 'very !4%10
dice. Cover the raddishes w?,W. a loyal • _
�i �,�, �g NE � 'R�tl: �l��
of srliced" tomatoes, and . -, these We longed to stet some 'standard,
p''aoe a layer of t,hljn, y sweetly wise,
11 -J
, r,, ,";cu- .
cambers. Caver with ., oneeh cl+xes9 Of life''before those innocent ble eyes,
Copyriglit by odder and Stoughton
Ing, dust lightly with ' p ori]- and ,
We leading feet
aimed at toddling
serve very cold, g to'd'dlin
Synopsis of Preceding Chapters. en's eyes, resting on him and laughed
`" ", Pp
Stuffed beet salad mak an a et- through flair
Donald and Mary Cameron are carv- a little shlamefacedly.
izing supper d1sh,. ' Boal ,inedmmr 41zed Arid. -holy lands'--�tlie 'angel helped ors
ing a home out of the Australian wilds, -, "I Fink he''s forgetting ,his com-
!beets until) tender, lun q roto, calld - there.
P g
When little David was four months old pany manarers surely " he said.
his father set off to Port Southern for "You're t+he'�first conr?i'an'y he's had
Water and xemoye the shins Scoop
out the een'tres leaving tl4'e1,W',�: to, And somehow revery little meaner
fresh supplies. On the fourth dory to practice on, she rep'I¢ed.
two gaunt and ragged men, one of Her Islimpla'city, and again the clear,
be stuffed withrcaglccd peasy chopped1. ;rlae'e
• them wounded entered he hut, shining --eyes with their direr�t and
English walnuts and a rattle .0010 Within our souls teak on a higher
' swilling g1l!anrce astounded him.
ehficken, veal or lamb cu ina!o"nice. grace;
CHAPTER IV.—(Cont'd.) "You'd) best give this. to your friend;
Place on lettuce leaves, top};with ><,., Our spirit music thrilled with 'grander
"It is not much to offer You, but it yoursedf," she went on, putting the
Is, all I've got," Mary said, "I wish bawl: on the Mable. It seem•s�to trouble
onna'ise dressing and serve •wtilit ryie or sound;
brown bread and 'butter s4ndrye'i lies. OUT feet'elimbed Godwards in the daily
it were 'better, because you're wantin!gg him to see a s+blange face.
I'll She rifle 'Davey from the strong -17
P2neapple fruit Puaich its paxticiillax- round
good wholesome food just now.
and ex's arms and he the bowl of
good. i'1'aee in a las+ge ini1din,grbowl When Baby came.
make some gruel for your friezvd-
gruel to the other lien.
one cupful of s'trainedi tea, ane 1'4x9'8 —Lillian Gard.
�r maybe there'll be an egg h -marrow
k or I can set snares for a 'possum:' "Be gentle with him and humor
cupful of finely dices. .pin'elappl "Iolr a
ItShe took Davey from him and he him," she warned', "but make him eat
can of crushed pineapple, the �>?i of The Well -Dressed Girl, •
11 turned to the table to eat. The ma'n' All of it. I'h1 put a blanket here on the
on the bed moaned weaTXy. She put hearth for you., and, Davey and I will
two Lemons, one Sliced "cramps iiia A mirror long enough to give a re-
sugar to taste. Chill on; the ice,flor1 flection of the ,entire figure is some-
Davey iIt,nto his basket, lined. with furry sleep at the, other end Of the room.
two or three hours and just pret 'us 1 thing every woman should have, if she
skSns, and went to the sink man. The When dive had thrown all the spare
to serving, stir •in.one quart of cracked}can affnmd at. Sometimes a bureau
W altoths that she had put over it to soak rllothing in the 'hut on the floor -before
ice, one pint of ice-wafterand one, c(tiart mirror can be tilted! s!o that it reflects
off the filthy rag which bound the fire land had spread a patoliwork
of caribonatead W,ater, poured frown: a l the but when the mirror is
se She uilt and the rug of 'possum skin's at
head had served their purpose. • q g
lifted, them and the festering gash on the far end of the room for herself,
bei ht. If, carbaz>ated wafer m i?otf onafigxy,
I ��'onary, there should be an addd'-
hi's forehead was, laid' bare. she 'sat dolwlr on a low stool near the
availabl, use three pints of ice wsitc7: tionlal glass, hung in a good light and
Fruit ice cream can be made of milk,
Her exclamation, or a twinge of door and: lofted Davey''s lips to ,her
pain as the air touched the wound, breast. She sang ahalf-whispering
in prop'ea ,posdtion. By using a hand -
mem is not avaibable. iis,e''fave+ glass one can see bath the book and
shatvened' alas ibraiu. His, eyes open- lul'la'by, rocking him. in her arm's. His
cupfuls of milk or onle' large-sfto'i •;:ani front of the figure,
ad. He stared with semi-conscious cries ceased,; her thoughts went off
of evaporated milk, the juice of 'On" The wallwdresls'ed girl or wom'an
gaze a moment. 'Then With a hoarse into a dreamy psalm of thanksgiving
lemon, and three. cupfuh Of su,gan! . looks hexs,elf over critically When she
oath'he sprang at her. His quivering as, hofs soft mouth pulled at her breast.
fingers' her throat and clung She looked up to find the eyes of
Add .six Lar eacaies eeled . and
I kis
hr a or sure than all the lit-
. gripped
tenacfro>uel The man at the table the tall s'tran, or on herr.
A his
adl, e.
mashed' or cupful's'. oi , slaw- detaidresls
tie details are correct. Skirts have an
berries or red res bermes wasated'and'
p , unpl'ea'sant liabit of sagg9n,g in this
lung himseitf upon him and wren.-hed gaunt, fang' -limbed • man,
)fres )lands away; they struggled for cloths' :hung on his 'arms and legs! a's
",.. t
crushed, or a can -o€ crushed; pan'eapple. � back, and nothing will spoil .the ap-
a moment then the sick man dna ed if the were the wooden limbs of a
pp y
1► bed but he The shreds knotted
Mix fruit, sugar and lemt1,an juico, add! pearance •slo much as that. The petti-
the milk, then freeze A, -.ice � the
cni to the again; shouted scarecrow. were
�ictaer coat that is supposed to the right
r'.`" inwherneni:Iy, his fover-+bright eyes and tied bagelher and showed bare,
cream is obtained- by making• the inilk will sulddeinl shorty bellow thea
I 11
i11 I
11 Fig'
baleful b, the Aickerin firelight., shrunken shanks and shifts burnt and into unke't before`fr , ,in y"
re 1rirt=ar you'll find that - -
i~. } .
M "After the goals; 'n the sea, 'n the cwt. about, the dark lvaiF�of virlityp;e wild make ali'out tlareeJq' , bf beam "of the s
- bush to be taken now and. like this, thick on them. His farce lean and • � R your heels have" runt over. The well-dressed girl attends to Father Was Right,
zee cream; - , .. .
�!r " -- a , ream Ie and crease •in the -' ' see dietailO beforV 11eavin: her'rolom I •
R by Gods-•• he panted., Let rite bs..l�atlte�ri, had; a curious expression of ys � ,: S>�� P the, _ _ g +; Thr oldest eon. was iioius on his' Stflt
T l„ Ra in lK?e. yam, zs Xi ma ;find that ov Q $ . h , .
y P• !elle Ayes-gxi' at held dark . t1 Y Y x liven . forgets, e acatlou since,lze,had atEainecl .the
MiR t me ,,n t. au:; see it's s a . tri hunger, far a is ll boot t cin. etc v
To male, sfoalt zxh?tih, .
• I s arlll ri ht" film' otiiar gasped). memories, t a. glitter of fine sun:, ba l?xws'hed, across th • stttdtes' hex t e in connlactlon with 1,
g.. er YP di nit ;czl.elass president. .Ile.aihsi his -.
fur e_ seeded, xsni - .,, a , X . h
='bon''t let z an ue ^fan awe v�ith .:lllarY C3ainaxan= va uel realized _ over co11r.:ha :fit son. o l.et,
y S : y g Y, , .. ,, s every, detiaiil of liar ,t x azid dais not.. f t ussling tha affairs ,ot '
',. that :he h , t° manner of water and o,tt'e• to oa . r .) 1,, ,: a lifer were disc
youill, Steve. s had, kixocwii who rry �. 2ts;r. :at eomi'e,timts sticks out be'hutd; the make the mistake of using white pow- ,: ",,,
It, "111 .no .Fre taken alive " the man men this Wes ;rhe moment she leaked 'nice: Place the mixxture ,ill .a -'':c ors g the d'ay.
t "'Not -how - , �, �'..,, ` !tat that 3aoks:so well around) the face . flet 3f she 'is a 'brunette. It is iznFos- the bo remarked: "Say, ,.:
IV on the 'beds erred., not after into his eyes.' That was why she had covered saucepan +and snmtrr'Or s_ . 1; Prinally Y ,
�fn h h s ":'far la net be not been afraid when he confronted " does not always set well upon the head, Bible to change a dark aompl+exion to dad, I)tail's when I sin as old as yo :
�' g g t n�otig+ o I" won until the ra'nsm"s are tend¢ry , , but or -maY. a+hloryv. tiiait the hair has not i u
tat alive, n the one fiat .tries to her on the doorstep; wky, tea, she 'one-half e7.t f IJ - O water ,xemaYna: light uaxlt the corer of the akin is know lots' more titan you., - '
e. take me'Fd irntat live either." had been able. to as'k him mto flet P .. «: c •' ,, „ . 'been arranged, i'n the ;back in a way to , due to color pigment to the blood',' dv', that I bl
'` The tall man cursed beneath his house and treat him as, an unexpected, Moisten one talbles oonful� of u. ,n make the 'hat becomiin'g there. Your' which shows through the skin. Every "Yes,"' answered the father, "I only.•
er I starch in four tatblespaonfuls of ;` a I
M fneath. but not unwelcome guest, doves and salons may not look well to- collar has its, owls chlaxme and If a girl hope that wbon you are Ahat old you
The woman me'an's no harm to you," The man on the bed. moaned. 'Sud- water, adding a f'ew' grains of alit;
w y u,' gether, :ar may not harmonize with tries to keep her skin and'smooth will know as much as you think you
he said, dent he started up with a shrill add' to the iaisins and coal: ttnt,,, y g P y it will sn�rely be attractive. Snout- do now."
P "It is the fever troubling him," scream. our dress, tliro'u. h se axataF ,each
Macy explained. "A waver A wave! We''Il be swamp 1." item may be aa1 right. " white noses ars ridiculous,.
„ me to see 'you like the ;women at Dot to find the order that av'its -
The sick man was already weak ed•. try powder
,, home. But that would not.liave staved
aga{.n, He lay on the bed limply and His voice fele 'away, muttering.R A D31 your skin yon color .And texture. I note
YOU. Starving men, fighting for Our"�
mu+'terin uneasily.Then again lra was crying: sea man b¢ unettes with fucea made -
o lives, we were. Wild beaslts Pity? y
r "You'd best Iiahim so as I can "Is that the l!andy Dan that line , � , ghastly white. Have you ever held a
N. put on the cle'a•n rags'," sale said. against the sky over there+ No, don't know pity's been shown tt?: us'. Doi � piece of erfectly white paper against
know what,it means to have felt .the P
r She hraXi! a ,length of _.:old linen, y' see there—khe're, man. God'! Don't las1h, and' made youm escape from P�iit the glass which forms your mirror? �°&Vasellneo,,,
smeared with ointment from a small say it hn!t. How long have we been Arthur; swimming the hay at Eag71e- . ,-; You wild find that very little garass
e , theJiiware Sar, in her band+a. the in this, 'boat? Seems years) been hawks' Neck, wrapped in kelp, c'ieat- , 3ir perfectly clear in bane. There ie
$. leh _ it over the wound and gently and see!in' the "sea them 'bllavted: little )blue r IR B01 �, ��'
k firmly bound' ft into place. waves jumpiii' up 'n ifcldn' my face! ing the bloodhounds chaired a• few ,_ usually a tinge of solar in it (green
F "That'll be better," she murmured. Better threw me overboard, Dan. yards from each other'acrossi )the°leek moae often than not) end it is dire PETROLEUM JELLY
and the sentry whod shoot 'you Ili lce a .
'1`ha gaunt man overlooked her, a Dam? Better throw me overboard - to this color, erha. s that we db not
y r, „dog i#, he .saw you? gDo y know whist ' (/' Qai P 2� ',
� curious cynical humor ka his eyes. ... can't stand it any longer, The lie crawling from- ane., end � }� ' r always "see ours,el's a's' ithi'ers Gee us." `IERY efficient ,
"You're a brave woman, be said. thirst and the pain in me head Dan. it was Ia &h
"I'm net indeed" he replied; but Mar turned pitiful eyes, on kin of the Ts9'an htonIy ao the tnai, I foe s tl:e)east manylat is the excuse I make forstartling c ntras s Ise' an=ti tic when
A ; y IT Y' , at fight 'd • g ` '
�fther eyes met his squarely. I rocking Davey and, hushing hint gent- ,
you ...not knowing tvItether lie, veer Few peorpae can use a white poM1vder Used as a first -old
She laughed softly, and told • hini i 1y, as he wakerte'd and began to cry going to spear you, or run you into with stLocess. Onl+ too flari'd ode
how 'afraid she had been earlier in the querulously, y • dressingOr Guts,
div. "A seal!" the sick man shou'ted'. the tribe .:.making your way `an a can 'stand dt the ' 'ala 'bl'onde s'houFd
'` , I„ cockle-she!1•ll of a. boat'in" tit's ,OPL eea P i
p; At th'e sound of his another s voice, Some blalsteld clipper for th'e Port, witivowt an mariner's' toNsils pat.. lI use a flesh -colored. powder, . There is a scratchew, bruises, in- 7,
k Davey piped, wis'tful'ly. She went over i d'y' think she'll see -us, Dan ? Are we I y , a ' r br�Lnette shiade for the very d'arIc olive
s { and only a -keg of water acid a bi}:of = sect b1te5 etc. Kei'p
W ' too him and ti ock'ed his cradle for a too- far away? Will the waves hidle ,plastsvixs skin ta,.chew to ke'e!p.,tlie 11afe ' , skin, and' ereana-c'odored powder' is used ',
m ent o t v1o. lis ' in ou? '�" Hear Toronto and Montrlal Radio Con- far the shades of co'mg.exion 'which a tube in the h ' use
y g y, , you don't knowl
! "Hush, Davey," she sand Catkin to He s'ank back wearily, muttering , , come in ibetweEti. Whatever the shade
or �t „ , No Haw '14';1x10 carts every night, just as though you for errier encles.
him softly in her native Wels,i a again'. you?" He paatsed a moment, andjcbn- Were 1n one of these teat cities with used., apply at sparingly anid' if you "
k have company. There's one bunggry � Ill not be- eaught . , not be taken tinuecl desperately: "And it's no ooii C value the texture,of your skier remove. CH!ESEBROUGll MFG. COMPANY
N man wants his supper, and a,no•tlier�Alive, Dan." He started• tip crying ig atlr Marccsnl Radiophone (Model C). yo ,
M man sack that thymother must male an 1, -III,. "I'd rather my trying to tell you; Steve cit : a p ever pow'
gray go to ]ie1R than. Write for fall Information and rices. y bi't of rile der before retia (Consolidated)
gruel for. Do thou 'sing to thyse'if, 'back, A tirgh!" crack On. his helad the night wee ! - the AiJTOW'ATI.0 TEi LPMON S a;nd ing at night, x880 Chabot Ave. Montreal
t'on', till mother is ready to take thee A shriek that curdled the blood in bo III was mad with thirst aaJ ,-''e 4. I 0"W0400" L
again. flet veiuis 'a e that boat: I was, near it niyseliF , . , and TIME R!~CORDERS
rA ' rye sped upward% in T head a12 the work to do; puIlin aril-roRONTO - CANADA Minard's•1-Iniment far Burns, eta. ,
�. g ncurling r�creain of unoontroll+able}.slbraiining my .eyes for the land•. ''fie -
Bort Davey hard' no reat notion of ata u
the 'laws of hospitality that separated anguish' flew from the sick rnaii. An -, _.__ ___.: _ •._ -_
hint from; the source of all consolation. other and !another. lied' to kethe G of sight of ether' �rtiets;
tiola and' he Gavexnmelot shoo 1' ®®i. �'f ►'i9� ® !!� DRi V®n ®► i'4� ® �i `
W ' He wailed, incontinently and from Mary looked at the man before her betw+ee'n Port -""Southern aiid Hg,61u4rt
g` l '�
i. i. wailing took to uttering his 'protest questioningly, i Town, for fear we'd he seen, pzclred'itp
S e were bent land; sent 'back, Months of s!crhemjn;g'
Wath x111 ;lie strength -that- was in him. The lines about his' nose ®tom (a�„i �,j �,r,
The unkempt stranger munching 1 to a faint and bitter hike; but th'er'e it -bbook to get so. far! I'd, plckect 'up �'" !s Ia l6,�� 3 � „
his dry bread by the table, glanced was no smile in he's eyes.
u furtively at Mtrrys book as sale stoop- "7'hirika''lie's being flogged,,,. he said.�the lay o fire )orad near the Port Akid�r�+/ s r { C ; ��
p „ ' the way to get about iii the ,country 1 i e Blue the Fresh 1.he Ever � ree
r, ted hen
ate firer stiirl;ing the gruel; He would be if we were eau�gbt -I 3
n h g ftp and went to the cradle. taken back again. Xou know w'her'e
beyond-, from sailors'. It Y•as a,mari /
ire lifted the d with awkwardcradle. we came from again.
who 'got as far as' the const ane ,hard x, this Is a trip to remember! six glorious days on the Groat• Laky I.,-
,: „ been sent back talid'me 66 lotr�'f'W � boyagim 1,800 miles from Sarnia to Sault Ste, Marie, Port Arth r, •
aarefu'lmess. Dov coiutinusdi to wally Y@5, SI2e Band, bo u d ;!ort :,llliaan, Duluth and return, Six days of fresh air, sunny aitl►tr
iw nsvort es's that it as t "!{'ram the island" 'his the m d y river -water an ttie �4i ;acid d bloc waters. ae long as you live you will recall with longing the de-
w .,, t (l w not I ' head wVas get wp tli0, river 'at tza kt:'. �C' 9'ited bious meals they serve on, board trio 'Moronic," `kla.monlc" and, "fiul"•onic,"
tit@ 9601 t 06V(eT%T oi' )las �p•� s j ]&rked to )the direction •of tare s1ea. e . g v air" gist, :Vest of all to :;most .of ua, is the daily life on ghtgboard--ttie diuleds.
�« F!r0ast that ire was )aid a alt t oau'se elle first soul I've, 4ken to ttr tnalo live WxrreE becathlse thea +s: ie
is ' ^y •', ,pro ie' a,des and conceits—the delightful gays on theewide, shady, decks of �
Z t of ' } -- •�. - sp a 'hail --'lines near 'the, ;rifler YI , . .i mlasnif ent Great Lakes liner, And the trips ashore; the lu eheon at
.1 Id harsh fabric, smielhng of rile sea,, canoe we escaped except him, ,and fete h'e wolf) ave us, fo1o1 slid elx Prince Arthur %Toter, port Artliirr; fire tri b train t0 T�akebeka Falls hear
the earth dank leaves` and a etratnge • been raving mad moist of the time, ..• � - .« ,11
mow,« a , ar xieip.tiS get away o.• 10 t,i , ," ' Vert ArtfiYrr; tiro day in beautiful Ltiliith y {' r .
a 'italic . You and) I ve of 'to do some talking, •�� ,• , \I 1. ,
1' ! 1 „ B^ V got,,to the r€veer and lla��„'xaEl Y
' ��11» s e took the •gztlel from the ma'tiatnr low in thee' Bush all day' in11i', 11- . t. . %. "�' �'1® �( �M
fl!re and; poured it iaata a 4dbtie bowl,) Ike Laakerd' abatis the_ roam, ltf•ted'came a - gain. 'When I w ! ;�'� � t� $ O � i H MJFREAT ��RFi; �7
O', g ent it t lx .
06 her 0765, r°0sitod, 'a the stranger els he DbrisEd'•s chlalr and, stet it. ,before leer. ! thea trees t' a ; , p bT l .
�t o wooderh hnttse wequt ,,
I to .a1llise Davey. He Stad recovered. hofs slelf-pos'sesston, g ;
g see am'ang abler h!ousES"iihiat w;aal1'iNr'nL��"��� Q1.�� "���
- i
He .iva �r liri'g then eli'i'ld in )lis tivas' r.eadjutin kisS1a plans.11
Nr otitis, and muttering ering awkwardly, dis» "Y`e:w?" she, said', inttd, ar mud and'stones. ;lt ars' �i � � - ,
«r r, ,� . �, Net's 'shality. 'Wed gat , a„ s,ai o :,to — Sarnia (Polirt Edward Docic at 4 1.
eirodai i"bictitx90 bsuoint, everY 5a, ) ,
M• . txe"Nilly. I`h•ere novel There! An '`xou 1n we meant eta get all bhe take a letter hr - en m.r. Tuesdays, T'hursda s rind °� ” ;;
l through to htm., 5ectt vl+t+Ok day evening. Taefxerdbm te, m Y
"I 'reSe'14n oaf ;awe ,arra 3*9oCtivene5s Mood, and, clothes we 'Wanted fro n i 1 9, aiioextw, "I.uiiohalosi at Prince Arthur Saturdays. S�pcola) steamboat train -11� r
�, .. ! �, ! W 1 re corri,�ng r� ,,be oh '1.lic:,;.1:60 �.. i0I r1eS Yr. r5
yo,ilpd the sleet�i iesa o"Z 1u f i lea id arshly. We tvatohE , , hotel, ;'ort Arthur. tri by trdn to leaves'Union 6trtt i 1' d Y,'xhu
ou�'or lid And I" 'o' . a -,t e! , e�
" ,0' P tt ow Shere thleb", '" t Yte (« X11 kiibekk ro la, hear Port Arthur. day and Saturday at 16.02 a.1n. via is
A x 4 lxp you j. a iia n the ti es And , fr'o'm Mcl�ab telling us how ttl '' et: to doll' In6t Fro, Af toimoon exam. Aub drftx� He.rniit:on and London, direct to
s� l - .Z w _ ihaug t a i -matt warclld be coiling Home
r ,, him, what 8101 t at lien he: was to )core Ikon TCwvi�etito�r, dell . etlipboard. Pa- w'teaiiner.
rr�� ..
He ls'oked' up to find, Davey's, moth• after sundown, We didn't mean to 1 , , < e, , • err. tnrtlda 'A 0ch riiueio. Mooulii%t BuY your ticket to the W60t vie, ,
fM �^""' •11 """'""' .-.-------: w-. t you otl' ]f 6u s:cre'atkiG+fl and At, and s,ayirig lbw Vgas V6lYll2ig ltY'' �,�J , duorny oil 6ok« soolzi 7toouvs. Northern Navigation Water Waf'.�rorn
1e y y us gest away ori. eo'uai-titrti.:that- . t'h'en'11
01 +. rifts Zi. trim continuous cruise alta, any Canadian Natlonal-Grind runk
bra'tagltt him lagfoie wed got what the r
py�� r , tVL ,got oi1'aux fQe't wed'fnla'ke •x':: p Ourbiia; to Duluth nd ret rn, inelud� ricket Agent, or write for folder to
0111110-111 v ay ��wrC!a 1 1 rvari+ted). « ,"h'e deg s drool Did you a meal's!. berth an side trr -) 74:75.
Silk and ar it1� 117k8 h i a liiti7 of CauxLSb: tic had to 11ay �n t p T'.'. G�IOGkT s CA;N, Gen. Passenger * t•
A y i ere ; know . I killed. him, caught ham by the spot tool And we'd, .qb,a;''Ih`i't'.; 'to I XorSrile, 14'abaonfo and Huronlo leave Agent. ✓ i - , ;
'Suibal>.o fort' . 1 ateh W " lc and throat bAili'd.the •sthe'd', �", '
a c w ox';s. i,at I' icka �► s1anC 1b ,r � 86 it with. ;!_ va heard, thele sav'srat tSle �f ,,
1101 I V h v 'kr4'' g ' But that was n. p1tyl s'he cried, , . !, '� • � ,i�i „•,
it fox fifty Tits, or iih're'e for a d!olw ! a note' of d'is'trAs+s in her voice• Is9,an'd Fri s rmakiilg his flo�tttil, y` h . b r . r N ,
real."'2:'�ikYl ar lnrrn'e 'arXii". i to „ u•ab. . .. . ��
v. . Pity', Hie le'auro'd forward. But �s
( 'a be bntil uEd. CW&af'4dliAn,- ttxtf0 Al-0rand Trunk 1'�e�uto
NY. J rf'"I I. CO.
O. }''we,�an't stffor<l to have pity. I saw
0" r r, , t1 s ttin ialtiln' in' t11e sun aril •. ' ► "t f'' ! k F' t tom' lINM1 : �, 'd&IA � `t�pl► l� �. ` �ql�. QIiL'� �9l 1! rM� 1 "'
s (v+fling/og Stu;'llff a't,, T t tto a. > di? r,. , f , -
h,04 ONOW" : I ill to• the, lob l•d. . heart ttamod' ill_, t toe ria ldr ixii, � w ,
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