HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-08-03, Page 1a u'; M1 if. 'Vol, XXtII No ZURICH} THI SEE US FIR. Leather Goods White Goods For Dress or Sport. A wide assortment of samples Reliable _ Workmanship AUGUST '..Chester V. pith, Pfaihdi0J1 922. $1.25 a Year.ID 4vailei t " (' ARBTO ,t,. >g alas 131e, Ulfh.RGE17 Close Prices Quick Service You benefit because,.w at as close a profit .'l GET YOUR NEXT 'P can stand . HERE. W. H. PFILE ZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. .OdoovooA00004` vvodo`o umr�ner CLEAN-UP In order toxlean out the balance _ of, Sun! Goods we have put THE KNIFE into prices` yah o put them" away down where they will move of �quickly.AA Q ' So do not delay to get,your share of then Q �T Qi (R �! HESE ITEMS ARE OUR REGULAR STOCKS, NOT JUST BOUGHT` R ,1 FOR A SALE, YOU WILL FIND. EI., ER\: THING RIGHT IN civ v. • p.' ITY AND PRICED -WAY 3EiCw- REGULAR. ' OTHER LINE,.4 PRICED ACCORDING.: "COME" AND "SEE" FOR YOURSELF . • TIDY Louis Foster and two chil- dren of .Kitehener, visited relati- ves '.here last week. Miss'Jessie Buchanan of Heneal2 was ;a week -end( .visitor with the. Miss L• ainori$. Messrs., C. Eilber and J. Decher Ji .,;:.were' on business to Strathroy one ,day last week. Mr. Jos Gaseho is erecting a fine:; artistic verandah in front of hifi `resi.'dental property. Mrs. A. Rose of the Babylon; slsent Sunday with Mr. ` and Mrs. m. Rennie; ,>4aeax-Blake .v. goo OUR CLOTHING DEPT. IS ALWAYS FLILED WITH BARGAINS EVERYAY O spHE REM) 0 BUT AS THE OLD SAYING GOES,"ONE TREE DOES NOT MAE ,„ RSHIPMENT OF ;e EVERYTHING 'RIGHT 'UP TO -DATE WE HAVE AGAIN RECEIVED .A LARGE S SHWIM T (1'or, 'small.. 'SULTS AT A PRICE (YOU'LL BE SURPRISED). AND TH;&T I� 'W ND "HERE IN ONE OF T1?1E CLEVEREST SHOWINGS WE HAVE HAD THIS SEASON, STRAW HATS -A.11 Men's and Boy's Straw Hats at 1/3 off. , CER.TO--A Pure Fruit Product, makes Peicfeet Jams and Jellies Pram: .-No "Worry -Sure Results. Fresh Groceries always on Rand. LADIES HOSE a.. 'iii, ' line of Ladies' Silk, Boot Hos?. `i1 Black, Navy and Black, Hui. $I:,L now• 75e. - BIG LUT Of Ladies and Childrens' Cotton Hose- to clear at a. SPEC TSL k'tt10E 'at 25 'cents. Col rr"� Bak. White and i3rown Reg. ' price 1,.75 to clear 'at ... $1.00' '` Reg. 'price: ,90c -to. clear ar 50c Reg; price, 60c -to clear at 35c ,e ancy: colored Emb. Swiss Organ- 4 dies Rrg. 2.25,.•2.50- yd. go at $1.75 11.eg 1.50; 1.75 yd. to clear at $1.25 Fancy SPORT SATINS in colors Reg. 3.50 yd. to clear at $2 b0 White' .Baronette Satin' 3.75' at $2.90 , MIDDY WAISTS Big Lot of Middies•in all Sizes t e fit ;a child ,6 years, nuP 'to si, e;' ii Reg, price up to .2 00 all go a LdYes (alI-woolf. a 1 sol&sizes $5' Men's ` , t $4.50' 11lens&Boyer, cotton " 60e to 1.75 LAD. WHITE WASH SKIRTS :To clear at 50e. CHILDRENS ,White Wash Skirts • To clear at 50e. Mrs, •(Rev.) H. Rembe has been ri-the'sick• list the past week,We lope for a speedy recovery. Mr. R Litt of Toronto, is vis- ing,'for a.few weeks with , his. i*elite, Rev. and, Mrs. J. Q' tt; Mrs T. L. Wurm, W, H. Frank, iss M E. Routledge and .V : Sie- ,erf are spending the week at `Bayfield, camping. 'The regular monthly meeting of e ;Women's Institute will beheld in the Ladies' Hall on. Wednesday *Veiling, A.uguet 9th. It is nec- essary that the executive be pres- ent; 'to look after some special usiness• that is to be attended to . r• uiet wedding took place on a"turday .July 29th, at the Evang- War Varionage when.'Mr. Robert 34kIlwain and Miss' Ann Barri- oth ' of Goderich .Township, of'eed in holy Wedlock., the t performing the cer•-� F ha!?IfY''d'r"6vrn i er • of; Mrs. Hen' brirye MgClin- y, of 'near' Zurich. The Herald, of 's .in extending •congratulations• he Men's Adult Bible Class of ei; Evangelical church spent a soel 'evening on Friday fast at the home of Messrs. Clayton and' Cla ence Hoffman, prior to their • -departure ' for ' Galt an SaturdaA A resentation, consisting of a mn h appreciated umberalla was ma a to each of the boys. Short add •esses were made by the vai- loos ,members of the class, ,ex- pressing the regret of them leav- ing and also of the faithful willing members they . have been to this society,• ALL KINDS -OF SUITS For .all kinds of Men w Medium Weight Summer Weight -Fall Weight Blue Suits 'FAST COLOR INDIGO • DYE 18 AND 20 OZ. ALL WOOL SERGE Palm Beach AND MOHAIR , SUITS FORMERLY $15.09 TO $18.00 NOW $11.00 TO $15.00. Fine Eng. Worsteds A NEW SHIPMENT .OF. ENGLISH, WORSTEDS,''. JUST SEE THEM NOW . - Big Men, THE LAST SUITS WE BO- UGHT WE THOUGHT' OF YOU, AN]) WE ARE GLAD TO SAY WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT. An unusiial event 'took place on :Saturday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Otterbein when grandma Otterbein celebrat- ed her 96th birthday: She was visited .by., her son, grnadso.n . and great , grandson from • Dashwood and Kitchener, and many friends. 'from .Zurich, whereshe resided, for' many 'years. She was the ,recisp- •ient of many little gifts from kind neighbors.: We are pleased to State that the old lady is •.still well and • hearty and able to attend' to her 'flower garden and tomatoe es, which are her specialty and she is .also very fond of reading, which she deso without the aid of glasses. Her many friends wish her continued good health and'hape pitiless during her remaining years jensall `Observer. all Fruit. To. l`uesswork; PftEf1EI. Phone 59 WE AIE IN THE MARKET F0 Produce Wanted o ALS ICU AND cLovia sum) LATE THOMAS SHERRITT 'Thomaa Sherritt of Rensall.died On Thursday July 22nd, the result of'.an accident, aged 87 years. A few days previous to his, death,, he was inthe hay (loft of his barn, putingalvay some hay. While the men were out for another load in some manner he slipped and ;fell to the floor some distance be- low. In falling he struck an' oat box' and was rendered unconscious It was some time before he was c found and conveyed to the house. X7'0. "bones were broken but the shook- was too fpeat for him and line passed away a few days latex. le is a, former resident of Blake, having lived there for many ye- aria, and also -having many friends in this vi.cintty. He moved to Hen sal3 about seven years ago. Is sur'i ived, by a grown up family of which wars. C. Meyers, of Blake le a daughter. The remains were bid, to 'rest in the Bayfield cam' letery,. Broken Lenses- Duplicated Quickly and Accurately Save the - Pieces, We Match any Lense G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 E MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to maker: a special trip to the maresta branch. of The Molsons. Bank every time you want to deposit rnoney. Send your deposit to: the Bank by mail. Writ today to the nearest manager of The Molsons Bank ,for in- forinationl W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch •••••••••• •••••••••••••••* 4.A....l•..a•`0••.•*fin o Tires! Tires! Tires! 1: T• ,. a HAVING A NUMBER OF ROYAL OAK AUTOMOBILE TIRES; IN STOCK, AND WISHING TO DISPOSE OF SAME, WE ARE o OFFERING' A 30x3; TIRE, GUARANTEED ,FOR • 6,000 MILES s j AT $12.50, WHILE THEY LAST. ALSO .A NUMBER OF HEAVY'' . 8. !^ ie•. • INNER TUBES AT $1,85 EACH.•. AT LOW PRICES. A fJUMBER OF AUTO RUGS EVERYTHING IN HARNESS ' A -N')) REPAIRS. • • + - ..N.....0 a..dAAOO��.�..N...��.►!►N FHONR: k0� 3• 4. 4. 4. Now that the hot days of summer are here, .give your feet all the corn - 4. fort you can. fig. LET US FIT YOU "OUT WITH RUNNING SHOES THAT 4 GIVE LONG WEAR, SOLID ,CO�1v1T'0R'T, ARE LIGHT, COOL 4 * AND INEXPENSIVE, AS THESE' PRICES ARE ALL BACK TO NORMAL. + CHILDREN ARE HARD ON SHOES DURING THE IIOLIDAYS + WHY NOT GIVE' THEM THE' COMFORTS OF RUNNINGSHOEs +AND SAVE THEIR LEATHER ONES. - ALSO EVERYTHING + IN LEATHER AND STAPLE FOOTWEAR. LET US PLEASE 'g' YOUR FEET BY FITTING THEM PROPERLY. 4 4. 0. FRITZ & SON + SHOE MERCHANTS + ZURICH - DASHWOOD !il, . Oanvass Footwear For the Hot Weather 8. 40. RI 1or:ants And Child/en n rise erOver OYfears #gray'* beet*c .� the I nalm$e:4 Midsumrner SALE For 10 Days Only Beginning Saturday Aug. 5th We will sell the following Goods at and below Cost: --- LADIES'. HOUSE DRESSES,' PORCH DRESSES, LARGE APR- ONS, ONS, MIDDIES, SKIRTS, VOILE :3LO1LISES, GIRLS' MID- DIEIS AND APRONS, .i3OYS' SUMMER JERSEYS, FIGURED VOILS, PRINTS, GINGU:AMS, ETC., ETC CASA OR PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR. �x0ODa. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE" 11 - 97 ISLAK f •