HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-07-27, Page 8"14i At Atraotve Prices. We quote few here from our manylines of goods that will interest you Fine Swiss Organdies in Dotted effect„ 41in. wide at $1.75 and $2 yd. Plain Organdies 44in. all cot1.2 5 Lighter quality, 40 in, " yd 85c Anderson's English Gitighams. These are very fine weave, excel- lent wearing quality 34 in. wide at 45c. yd. , printed Voiles, short ends to clear at 25e. yard. Extra QualityDouche ss silks in Navy Black, 'l3rown4 Sand, special at $2.50 per yd. Har butai Silks, in Navy, Brown,, Rose, Mais, Burgundy, Coral, Blk at per Yary $1.00.. Tricolette Blouses, all colors $3.00 Voile waists and Middays from $1.50 to $3.00,. Each. Mens and Boys' fine Straw hats new styles. Also harvest hat all kinds and sizes. A lot of Men's fine hats, your choice for 25c. Ladies' Hosiery -Juliet Brand s?lk Hose in the different colors at $1.25 to $2.25 a, pair. Lisle and cotton hose from 25c. to 85c. a pair. Balance of stock of Curtain nd drapery materials at 25% off Regular price. New shipment of Men's and Boy's Shirts. The celebrated W.priced,.& line. Double wear cuff, from $1.50 to $3.50. All Silk Shirts at $4.75. A. complete line of soft Collars for , :Summer Wear. J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER P ATiTERNS Ready -to -Wear Clothing Special -10 only 20 -year guaranJ. teed Aluminum Kettles laft to clear at $1.85 .each, WARM WEATHER WANTS IN GROCERIES Lytles sweet mixed pickles 60c, 30c.qt. Brick Cheese per lb. Limberger cheese per lb. ..35c 35c Niagara Grape Juice --. --- - Sweetheart peanut butter lb. 30c Excellsor dates per package ...15e Victory pork&beans 10c. & 25c Zurich's garage 7 r,1r11, DENOM' ` BROS.:. GENTISHI 'GS Hats for Straws The Standards Ordered Clothing Summer Oomfort Panamas Two ;Generations and. for THE THINGS MAN HAS A WHOL ESOME RESPECT FOR -THAT'S WHY HE CHOOSE A HAT WHICh PROTECTS HIM; ADDS TO HIS COMFORT, AND ENHANCES HIS APPEARANCE DEITOMY 'CROS. Produce 'taken is exchange for Goods LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) o Butter 24 Eggs -- • :_. _-. -.__.. cc Buckwheat ............ 75 Wheat per bushel •- • ' :-. 1.45. 35 Wheat ?5c. Oats 60=75c. Flour per cwt. $4.40-$ per ton ___ 30.00 Bran .0Q Shorts 5 0 Hogs ............ $35.0. We are appointed authorized Chevrolet Service Station, and carry a stock of Genuine Chevrolet Parts Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts Domini o a and Dunlop Tires and 'rubes BATTERY SERVICE STATION AND REPAIRS. ALSO BATTERY iCHARGjING. BRING IN YOUR MOTOR CARS NOW AND HAVE THEM REP- AIRED READY FOR SPRING, WE ARE EXPERTS ON REPAIRS rAND CAN GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON WHAT IT WILL COST SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. IF YOU ARE SATISFIED, TELL OTHERS, IF NOT, WHY TELL US. 44 4. 44 4, 4. • 11. Mousseau Zurich ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST SPORT NEWS One of the main attractions of the Evangelical S. S. picnic held at Grand Blend on Thursday last was the ball game between Chas Fritz's picked team and Jake Ort-. wein's stalwarts from the Bronson Line, the final score being 11-9 in favor of the former. Jake's team started out like a house on fire and things looked bad for Charlie but Fritz got the old fight into his, men and kept plugging away like the old "turtle" and as soon as- the game was tucked away, Charlie says (Too ,Dark.) Charles' home run featured in the game by him reaching 3rd base before the ball touched the ground, which. was hotly disputed b y the "op-_ posing captain. Oly Jake pulled out the longest hit• of the day and could easily have made a home run of it, but some good Samar- itan threw the ba14 in from the river and Jake stood perheed on 3rd. • .Fancy Voiles way below cost. at Preeter's. Read his, Adv Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Rennie, of Hensall were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's 'mother, Mrs. S. 'Rennie. The Misses Jean and 'Dorothy' Carapbeli and Master Keith Cam- pbell of Toronto spent a l?'wY days with friends here this week.-+ Whig -When we get Kingston . perWin. Morden of Wingham, got accustomed to paper 'clothing- it his name in the basebait hili of ally be ail right to refer to an eveling dress as the quire • iiivis- farne pit- ched . last un sno-bit�7gamhe in ible. Kincardine and defeating that lir, and 1VIrs. Jack Routledge"of ,team by the score of '5-0. Be- sides winning the game Wingham, 4-Hr4, X4.4.4 4+aFP'.44144.4.444.4'1'3, 4.44 4,444, + •4.444.4.4.44+441• 0 Springs, Beds, and Mattress in� Springs 4. 4. 4. • 4r 4. Centralia spent the week -end with the former's parents, Miss Ida P.outledge returning with them, .to ,Centralia and London( 4. We have just added to our stock a 4. coo..: lcteline of Bothwell Beds, T. Springs . and Mattress, the line we I Spy �n�5 � l'd'arstla'y Jttly %Ith., The store with the liberal Cash Discount, 0 K1 LOO Big Spring FURNITTJRB SALES For Four Weeks Only $8000 Stock Of J-+ ui'niture must goat prices never heard ofbefore. Price Reduction from 30 to 50 per cent. A CASH OR NOTE SETTLEMENT IS EXPECTED ON ALL GOODS SOLD DURING THIS SALE. SPECIAL PRICES ON BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. Don't fail to take advantage of this while the assortment is good FRESH CAR CAN. CEMENTCOMING IN A FEW DAYS MELICK&BRAUN PHONE 63 cannot be b'ea'ten for group Ni. 3, of the 1�W(.B,A., 1 hhey now ready sfor hl -final and on this p ouid go along The highest temperature ' In l 'v ay in the race for the cup. Jute was 95 on. the 24th; the lo•w- Af eri id Job Department Is al Nays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards,. Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Cheek B)Dks, Posting Bilis a sp3uialty. est, 10, on tthe 26th. The rain fall4r-4. was nearly four.inches; much more On Monday evening Ipsy's team lady, the average for that month. from the Goshen Line south, and Brother Smith of the Zurich I our local juniors were matched in II a stellar game of baseball, result - to e last blit wa didn't en i'h-m (•ing in a win for the locals by Herald took a holiday week be- 't be- the score of 's to 3. • Quite • a cin accident,t hough; he hada en in a fight, except with the dentist. But we trust health and prosperity will smile upon him from now on. -:Clinton News Re ord• - DASHWOOD CARRY CANNOT FAIL TO FILL YOUR EEQUIREIVIENTS AT ,tj, REASONABLE PRICES, THE PAINTING BOOM HAS STARTED, AND WE AL- 4. WAYS CARRY A PULL LI:.TE OF THE OLD RELIABLE 4' SHERW IN WILLIAMS PAIN rs, VARNISHES, SHERWILLAC, I •AUTO PAINT, FLOOR PAIN. P, WAGON AND IMPLEMENT .17 PAINT, ETC. ' ;�. FENCING --Parties requiring fencing should see us before buy- ,y. 4' ing, We handle genuine Prost Light Lock Fences. Mao a 4, 's° full line of hog and poultryfences, coiled, barb, brace and I blank wire and steeples, 'Etc. Car and Tractor owi'iers 4• '.Ti should see us about Polarine and Tractor Oils, Gasoline, Tires Tubes and accessories. New Perfection Coal Oil Stoves a 4. nd Ovens. 4, '1 ,l. Mrs. Bueheer and daughters Mar garet and Marion of 'Buffalo, caro visiting with Mie and Mrs. ' Frecl. Preeter;, Mr. and Mrs, C. W,, -Gage of De- troit are this weelk visiting at the hong of H. Ho Milan, Mrs. H. Zinfiner' of Stratford is spending a few days with her mother Mrs. H..Wiilert. Miss Olivia Welton spent Mon- day in .ondonl. Mrs. Jas,• Smith and two chil- dren of Windsor, are viaitin•g with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Hartleib. Mr, and Mrs. G. Oestreicher,Mr. Jac. Kellerman and Mr. Geo. Kel- lerman attended the goldenwed- ding of a relative in Michigan last, week; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stall andfani- ily of Kitchener and Mr. and °Mrs. Hartley Speneer and family of St- ratford visited with Mr. And Mrs. G. Edighoffer this week. 1lTiss Edith Walper has return- ed from. a short stay in Detroit, accompanied by the Misses •Cora, and Eleanor Snider, who will wsp.: end the month of August, at the former's hoxae' here.', Mr. and Mrs. H, Hoffman and family and Mr!. and Mrs. C. Gage Of Detroit spentSunday in'. London), Miss Pearl Tiernan spent the weelt end tri •London a..'! iStrat-+ ford, Mrs. J•te Ke l .rnia a has return 171 from 't Visit with her daughter E AIM TO S..wrisP'Y STADE & dotg CTER BLOCK U RICH +7t4i7444040 +71.44704+44+ 44 .4444,4444.4 crowd witnessed the game, which proved to be a regular batting practice for Ithe juniors. Ipsy says he is going to bring out his best team next week and show our locals what real basehen aoong 1 oks like. Alright, bring 'i'-4. The Purity Flour team was beated 'apt Goderich on Saturday afternoon by the Kitcehr Tntercoun ty team in a harct ought contest, by 3 to 2. Jack Young ace hur-. ler for he Purities struck out 13 trier L.' Haynes catcher for the home team was knocked out in the rth by a4 foul tip, and in, the -- N DEll VAL This Store is showing you the big- gest values money can buy to -day. We are buying in the lowest market and serving it out at the lowest possible prices. Sport Satin, in all the leading Shades, suitable for Shirt and Dresses at per yard ... $2.50 Men's Felt Hats, in all the km::int .shades, Don't miss to iseethenx before you buy, Foulard Silk in Navy and White Just Arrived ;-New Straw Hats( Black and White, Brown and Soft Collars, Shirts, Ties, Soekl-; White, at per • yd. only ... $2.50 Belts, Etc. Home Spun suiting, very popular at the present time, yd. -_. $2,15 See our New Line of Crepe, at Men's Bulbriggan Underwear, t'aa piece and Combination. Me BV.d. Athletic Underwear sXeev I less and knee length. Short Ends of colored Voiles 26c at per yard --- - •• - .�s fou ninth a fast foultip drove the Ladies' and Children's Gingham mask into his left eyebrow, mal dresses at Low Prices. ing an ugly gash,. The New Hamburg ball team who have won their district with Milverton, are readyto play off in the semi-finals with the Purity Flour ,teary,, and think this team will be, easy for them. However after the first gar:.' the boys of the east will prop., ..,r find out the class of bail plea •-•i in Huron County i.s of the ver best, The Irish Nine of Liman have won their district and are looking forward for the. semi-filials. Who will win the N. W. B. A„ cup this year? It looks as it ` it will Piot go fare from Zurich. 'T'he Galt rrerrlors, baseballl t play et qoderilh this Wed, loertMeMarr Ladies' White Voile Waists, long and short sleeves. Girls' School Hats -at prices away down, Ladies' Silk Hose, Ribbed top 'colors, Black white, sand, grey, Brown, 13argandy at pair ::. 75c Men's Garbardeen Coats, a snap at $1.6,0 Men's • Waterproof and ° Dress Coats, Regular $25.05 fol, $15 0tle WALL PAPERS All Wall Papers to Clear to;' He: f Season' at 25% diaeoun4 tett ,Cash, Job Lot Field ]lata, 1.50,1,: Blatchford Calf Meal ; 25lbe,. ' FRESH GROCERIES 'AT ALL TIMES. EGGS, DU-TIERA WANTED. Produce Wanted Pho r+e •8� Enteric; �T �i�