HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-07-27, Page 1ffi Vol. XX # l'1No 3 SEE US Leather Goods White Goods For Dress or Sport. A wide assortment of samples Reliable Workmanship W. H. PFILE ZURICH THE HOME ,OF c OOD SHOES. ZUR:1CH. H'URSD 3 INOE JULY '27, 1922 Chester I:. Smith, )Pnbli� ez' $1.25 a Tear Iu ,Ailvaaco rN r1 F'A.i 4 ' \LA.Y titat:litt,i£f Close 1 r Quick Service You benefit because we sell at as close a profit as we GET YO17R, NEXT PAIR can stand HERE. ( „..,. oo'. voPoo4000000 Summer CLEANUP ., .. In order to clean out the balance of Sunhl f!I Goods we have put THE KNIFE into prices anput away down where they will move our Y . l to et your share of then •�60 EGULAR STOCKS, NOT JUST BOIIGH ovoo'c�s'c4�o p mica. •p*OOOd•¢�1 Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer was to Lon - on on business on Wednesday. ;Mr. Frazer Brown of Kitchener, was a visitor here the past week'. Read J. greeter's Adv. in this week's issue for some real berg - Mr. L. Prang and. family and J Kipper were to LOndon on Thursday. I. Rev. and Mrs. Gross of -ere recent visitors at the of. Mr. and Mrs. J::,;Hey,, Misses MVlabel greeter and Ortha Blyth home Meliek attended the Girl's .Camp, at Kincardine?' the past week. •,Miss,Lilhlian Weseloh is spending the holidays in Detroit, visiting with her; sister, Mrs. G. J. Gettus.' Raspberrie t proveto both be an enit- undant crop his y vated:'and in the woods, large iekrngs are' made daily. !Mr and Mrs. Ezra J. Smith of troit, accompanied by Mr. and Ts W. H. Smith of . C'alafornia, ire visiting relatives and friends around here this week. Miss Johnston of Kincardine,who vl'.ited with;her sister here Mrsi. Julius ▪ Thiel, was taken ill last Tuesday and •on Wednesday was taken • to. London Hospital and op - gated .on for appendicitis.. ,rlr ▪ G.A. Routledge and - Miss tan Routledge of Hyde Park and J.. C. Smith' and daughter, Mrs tanning 'of Los Angels, e•Sunday' visitors at the home her' brother Dr. J. Routledge. Broken Lenses :Duplicated Quickly and Accurately o quickly. So do not delay g [2 E ME N B E R—•rIl>JsE ITEMS ARE OUR R F A. SALE. YOU WILL !FIND EI!ER R FOR : IT'S: AND PRICED —WAY BELCW REGULAR. "CUM.E" AND "SEE"• FOR YOURSELF tip i7�QQ LADIES HOSE A iii, 'line of Ladies' dlk,134 toot Hose it Black, Navy Ren - $i:�E now 75c., • .BIG LOT Of Ladies, and Childrens' Cotton HOSE. :to clean at •a SPEC- IAL PRICE at 26 tents. Brown.. Colors, B1k. White and FANCY _ VOILES Reg price, 1,:75 to clear clear at --�'-50e reg. prig.: 90c—to 5 Reg price 60c—to clear at Fancy colored Emb. Swiss Organ- dies Rrg: 2.25, 2.50 yd• go at $1.75 Reg, 1.50, 1.75 yd. to clear . at $1.25• •i• 4. 4 •3• •II• .i. •i• +4.• 4 4 •g THING RIGHT IN .QUAL) OTHER LI A'Er PRICED AC CORDING Fancy SPORT SAITINS incol2 s Reg. 3.50 yd to clear at -. $ White Baronette Satin 3.75 at $2.90 MIDDDY WAISTS }3,g Lot of Middies in all sizes to Iit, a child 6 years up to :size 42f., Reg. price up to 2.00 all g;o at 50e BATHING SULTS & rzes 1I ,adzes (a11- wool' all col s Y $ .0 Alens&s1Boys, .'cotton:: 60c to " `' •�` LAD. WHITE • WASH SKIRTS To clear at 50e CIiTLDRENS White Wash Skirts '1) clear at 50c. • ALL KINDS OF SUITS For alt kinds of Men Medl •um Weight Summer Weight—Fall Weight s 'Blue Suits FAST COLOR INDIGO DYE 18 AND 20 OZ. ALL WOOL SERGE o ` a Palm Beach AND MOHAIR SUITS • FORMERLY $15,00 TO $18.00 NOW $11.00 TO $15,00. • Fine Eng. Worsteds ‘P r Dennis`Bedard, mechanic; at rofleisch..' planing mills, who sttrrkelr in the aide by, apiece k trrxzer, two tiz eeks ago,,;is scant Blit .it wi71 still bcone a ew Weeks "Until -he " can reslrneIris 4uties. A monster U. F. 0. picnic will be held at Grand Bend on Aug - nit ' 16th. Premier Drury will be ;present•• as well as W. Black, M.P., :and A. Hicks. M.P.P. A fine pro- gram of sports have been arran- ged,, and goodprizes will be giv- en. • See bilis for particulars. ave the Pieces, We Match any Lense W G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PF1ONE No. 74 99.9•0004.9•4 T ti.E MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $1,000,04:0 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to make a special trip to the nearest' branch of The Molsons Bank every time you want to deposit money. Send your deposit to the Bank by mail. Writes today to the nearest manager of The Molsons Bank for in f ormationi W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branco d44 Tires Tires" Tires!I ., L. HAVING �. NUMBER OF ROYAL OAIC AUTf MOBILE MIRES It WE ARE:'" �'' i, IN STOCK, AND WISHING TO DISPOSE OF` SAME, ,tk, 3 OFFERING A .30x3% TIRE, GUARANTEED ,FO}R 6,000 MILE t 4. 4' 4T $12.50, WHILE THEY LAST. ALSO A NUMBER OF HEAVY" 4 A NEW SHIPMENT DiJ OF ENGLISH WORSTEDS 4OD JUST INI OW SEE THEM NOW Police Magistrate Reid, Crown Attorney Seager and Consta�-_ t±ilbw of Goderich and Inspector +•t», acre her give your feet all the com- fort you can. 0 - 4 •A INNER TUBES AI` $1.85 EACH. e O. -S AT ,...ar) PRICES:PRICES:• 4. EVERYTHING IN HARNESS AND REPAIRS. •4 ° ° •� FRED THIEL aw 4• 4 PHONE I0. 40, ZURICH 4944999999499.4 4.909 4494 4 4 49 44 440 494 99494 4.99409`499 0 ow that the hot days of summer 4.,+•l�•i••h+•II�•¢•'F i.#grb'k•i��'�•i�+3••i••b+•II..g.•p.E..l• II•..g. ••t l••II•4r�fi• 3+•P•4••i.•II.+++++4 t co r Canvass For the Hot Weather '4,, T Cooper of Clinton, dispos- ed' of a few charges of intoxic- ants in the Town Hall, Zurich on W eednesdayL gW! Big Men , Q THE LAS I` SUITS WE BO- LIGHT WE THOUGHT:OF YOU, AND - WE ARE GLAD TO SAI.'' WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT. The Huron County Medical As- sociation met for its monthly gath- ering in the town Hall Bayfield last Wednesday. The medicos were accompanied by their ladies and. at the conclusion of the bu iness session a picnic wan enjoyed at the lake. Reeve Erwin welconi- edthe medical men to the village and bade them ,come again. A certain portion of the Ado- lescent Act of 1919 came into ef- fect hi 1921,.but few people are apparently aware to -day that when the fall terra opens in the schools next September, it is 'absolutely necessary, under th* new act, to provide accomodation for the sch- ooling, by part time courses, of a17 children between the ages of 11 'and' 18,. The act also provides that on and after September 1921 alt •persons between the ages of 1'1,.and 16 mast attend school for the full time during which the schools are open, each year, unless excused for a number of real - ons. t OUT WITH RUNNING' SHOES THAT t^ LET ITS FI7 YOTT • GIVE LONG ViCEA'R, SOLID COMFORT, LRE, LIG-HT, COOL at INEXPENSIVE, AS THESE PRICES 4'RE ALL B 3.CE TO t~ •i• 1V . � 11 . •II• CHILDREN` A.RE HARD ON SHOE WHY NOT GIVE'TLEATHERM THE ONES. TS• ALSO: EVERYTHING OFRTINNING SHOES 4 AND SAVE THEIR • IN LEATHER AND STAPLE FOOTWEAR. T.F4T US PLEASE . •1, YOUR PEET BY FITTING THEM PROPERLY_ O. FRITZ & E AND INE SFi" * t` NOR IAL S DURLI3CA TITS OLIDAYS Last Tuesday and Wednesday Mr. Henry G. Bell, Director of the Soil and Crop . Improvement Bur- eau Toronto, Was in town Visiting • a number of the wheat growers of I the vicinity. Mr. Bell stated that in his travels through the prov- ince this year,, hey had seen very few wheat crops that were in a class with. many nn.thi vecsection y nxuof the country. H• impressed with the wheat ' crop on the farms of Mr. Wm. Consitt and Mr. Sohn P. Rau. He made a " close study' of both of these fields, and attributes their good • quality to good seed, good soil and plenty of well balanced plant fowl. SHOE t iIERCHANTS , �• DASHWDDD • • ZuRtCH q0 WITH BARGAINS EVERY DAY OF THE VEEP • OUR CLOTHING. DEPT. IS ALWAYS FI�ILFD� FOREST" SO TO EP OD S ;THE OT.D SAYING GOES; ; "ONE TREE DOES NO.T iVIA-EIS AA �RGE Sb rI` BUTA EVER�TRINCx RGIIiT. UP TO -DATE WE :STAVE RpRISE. )• AGAIN RIICE.IVEO ANI TIIAiTs V`:'HA.T. YOU'LL •�� NEW STYLISH SUIT'S AT A' PRICE ,(YOU'LL BE SU FIND HERE IN ONE OF THE CLEVEREST SHOWINGS WE HAVE HAD THIS SEASON. STRAW HATS—A.11 Men's and Boy's ,Strew Hats at 113 off. ,CER;TO—A pure Fruit Product, makes Perfect ,ries Jaalms and ys onJellies Frim • Worry—Sure Results: Phone 59 J. PREETER all 'Fruit, No 40�+D Guesswork Qy" 0nn0��0 Produce''Wanted WE LEE IN THE MARKET FOR ALSIICE AND, CLOVER SEED a ASTO R . rot Infants ani: Childreix In UseFor Over 30 Years Always bears the igrl$ly F We invite you to come and see; our new Spring and Summer goods 'e,1 Veils, Gin.ghalns, Gelateas, Prints etc. We also have a good. assortment of Staples in -hardware an �1L C oils harness and repairs sweat pads, bridles, lines, -waterproof rugs I etc. We have on hand different var ieti es of see d corn at right prices. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON ITAND EIGIIEST pRICCES PAID FOR EGGS AND DEIE-iD APPI +`S.' DOUGLAS PHONE 11 "' 97' BLAK