HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-07-20, Page 8At Attraotive Prices. We quote a few here from our manylines of goods that will interest you Fine Swiss Organdies in Dotted effect„ Olin. wide at $1.75 and' $2yd. Plain Organdies 44in. all col.25 Lighter quality, 40 ink " yd Anderson's English Gingham'. These are very fine weave, excel- lent wearing •quality 34 in. Wide at 45c. yd. Printed 'Voiles, short ends to clear at 25c. yard. Extra QualityDot the ss silks in' Navy Black, l3rown4 Sand, special. at $2;50per yd. Uabutai Silks, in Navy, Brown,, .. Rose, Mais, Burgundy, Coral, 'Mk., at per Yary $1.00. Trieolette •Blouses, all colors $3.00 Voile waists and Middays from $1.50 to $3.00 Each. Ladies' Hosiery -Juliet Brand silk Hose in the different colors at $1.25 to $2.25 a pair. Lisle and cotton hose from 25e. to 850. a, pair. Balance of stock of Curtain and drapery materials . at 25% off Regular price. New shipment of Men's andBoy's Shirts. The celebrated W.G.&R;. line. Double wear cuff, priced, from $1.50 to $3.50. AIL..Silk Shirts at $4.75. A complete line of soft Collars for !Summer. Wear. ;tea dy -to wW ear Clothing Mens and Boys' fine Straw hats new styles. Also harvest hat all kinds and sizes. A lot of Men's fine hats, your choice for 25c. Special -10 only. 20 -year guaran-' teed Aluminum Kettles laft to clear at $1.85 each. • _._... DENOMY BROS, GENTS FURNISHINGS rtTZ r C',' If'1* P A li 1) Ordered Clothing fiats for Summer Comfort Straws and Panamas The standards for Two 'Generations THE THINGS MAN HAS A WHOL ESOME RESPECT FOR -THAT'S WHY HE CHOOSE A HAT WHICh PROTECTS. HIM, ADDS TO HIS COMFORT AND ENHANCES HIS APPEARANCE, DEQ•MY. BROS. Produce takes in exchange for Goods WARM WEATHER WANTS IN ' LOCAL MARKETS GROCERIES Lytles sweet mixed pickles 60c. qt. Brick Cheese per ib. 30c. Limberger cheese per lb y35c Niagara Grape Juice ..a 35c Sweetheart peanut butter lb. 30e Excellsor dates per package ._.15c Victory pork&beans 10c. & 25c J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS Zurich's Garage/ We are appointed authorized Chevrolet Service Station, and carry a stock of Genuine Chevrolet Parts Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford 'Parts Dominion o and Dunlop Tires Ona Tubes BATTERY.: SERVICE STATION AND REPAIRS. ALSO'BAT+TERY CHARajINNG. BRING IN YOUR MOTOR CARS NOW AND HAVE THEM REP- AIRED READY FOR SPRING: WE ARE EXPERTS ON REPAIRS; 'AND CAN GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE.: ON WHAT IT WILL COST B.A.TISFACTION GUARANTEED,,. IF YOtT ARE :.SATISFIED, TELL OTHERS. IF NOT, WHY TELL US. I H. Mousseau Zurich (Corrected every Wednesday), Butter ... 40 Eggs .:_.. 27 Buckwheat ............ Wheal per bushel Wheat Oats Flour per cwt. Bran per ton .: Shorts Live hogs 75e. 1.45 :$1.37 60-75c. $4.00-$4,75 30.00 $ 35,0`0 14.60 in addition cut the guy wires let- ting dawn an arial for a' wireless radio. Mr. •Clarence Yaeger, son of Mr. Yager, was working ups until about one o'clock the same right and the ast evas committed some time after that hour: Mr. Yaeger has two cars and each car carried a , . spurs ' tire. , 'The party started intothe tires by cutting a slit about eight inches lone .but evidently because of .the toughness of the tires and the difficulty to cut them, becore com- pletittg the'job tblepy were con - ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST muted with simply etabbinghdles tented •++++X403++3++ +++1F+4++A+4•44•44 4 +464.4• ++++ 14++++++++++4++++ 1.Springs, Beds, arid :14, w �n + 111 is estimated that t- ' the damage is in the' neighlaora Mr, and Mrs,.. Root. p M in,st the. the Parr in;e, an • . ,•as or Green of hood of $200. Spite aga I," d Mr. and --MTS. T t by 'Rome of • the :liquor"1 J. J. Smith of Zurich were visit= „r is is said to' be at the back ors to London one, day last -wee: of •:it.,Altthe present time sus - Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Finlay salt picionf points strongly to the led with the--former's brother, ' Mr. perpetrators of the crime. -Ex. , 'Wm. Finlay,, while on their- way from Ch.ering Cross to Gorrie,last week. , Canada's total population up to, June 1, was 8.788,483.. This is the final figure issued of the census recently taker!. Of the Provin- ces, Ontario leads the way With ° a population of 24933,662. • More trees have been planted ed sport must admit this as rot- in the spring of 1922 than in any lows; SPORT NEWS., We take the following paragr- aph from the Teeswater News and itb eing copied from the Kincar- dine Reporter in connection of a recent game played at the latter.. place, and any good soundmin-d We have just added to our stock a it complete line of Bothwell Beds Springs and Mattress, the line we CARRY CANNOT FAIL '1`O FILL YOUR REQUIREMENTS AT'tf, M REASONABLE PRICER. + THE PAINTING BOOM HAS STARTED,, AND WE AL- + WAYS CARRY A FULL LINE OF THE OLD RELIABLE + SIIET:WIN. WILLIAMS PAINTS, VARNISHES, SHERWILLAC, * 'AUTO PAINT, FLOOR PAINT, WAGON AND IMPLEMENT �i PAINT, ETC, !! FENCING -Parties retiniring fencing should see us before buy Ing. We handle genuine Frost Light Lock Fences. Also a 4 + full line of hog and poultryfences, coiled, barb, brace and black w"re and steeples Etc Car and Tractor owners .. of 1°Teeswater brought over to this town what can be called a square team and much to the liking of the people who saw the gams. The team was mostly 1Teeswatei boys or fellows from that• district and, the 'result iva•s a good game. What in the name of common sense they want imports for . can- notb e understood. The fans do not demand professional ba1,1what previous spring in the history Canada says the Forestry Brunch News letter. BORN Restameyter-On Friday July 14th at Dashwood,, to Mrs. and Mrs. 0. R'es.tameyte1', a son. Gassman -At Dashwoon on July 17th to Mri& and Mrs. Wm. Gass-,• they really want is to see a real man a daughterr fold -time home town fight. What hnl z$'e ns if theare a few e' ra 's The Seaforth branch of the �l.here's nothing the people (like Province of Ontario Savings Ofrice�better than to kick over a few was officially opened on Saturday, bum! plays.. But . send over a June 2,4th, by Mr. J. M. Govenlock'team like that any time, Teeswater and whether we lose or win we know all is one the square. • 1(aff '.. 11.3 store with the 11. rat Cash FURNITURE S, For Four Weeks Only OOQ Stock Of Furnitirtemust goat prices never heard of before.. Price Reduction from 30 to 50 per cent. L, A CASH OR. NOTE SETTLEMENT' IS EXPECTED- ON AL,, GOODS SOLD DURING THIS SALE, SPECIAL PRICES' ON BEDS,' SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES:. Don't fail:to take `advantage of this while the assortment 'is good FRESH CAR CAN. CEMENTCOMING IN A FEW DAYS MELIelK&BRAEIN PHONE 63 er4ild lob Departmen Is al avays at your,. service for GOOD' PRINTING. 'Wedding Invitations and Announcements; Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, `Statements, Envelop` es, Ch.ec.c B53ks, Posting Bills a spacialty.. L , .should see.us about Polarine and Tractor Oils, Gasoline, Tires SII* Tubes and accessories. New Perfection Coal Coit Stoves a ill• n d Ovens WE AIM TO SATISFY + M, P. P. for Centre Huron, who opened the. (door anct ,made the' first deposit which was received by Mr. J. M. McMillan; the man- ager. Mr. Govenlocll ;was as- sisted by Mr, A Hicks, M. P. r. .:/ ■ r f ■r.r _a.r PR .TER BLOCK. ZURICH h4.4 41^"1w+CWF++ +4.4***4.44+4+h 44•+ •*++ 7 ++++4,4,444,4,4,,,,4 +41; 1 i; for �South. Huron. The second dei-. posit was made by Mayor Golding ancial difficulty and have• o,fered who was present' with~ members ,their franchise -for sale. Just of. the Town Council, together with a good representation of citizens from the town and country. The office which is in the • Sills Block is Modern in'every respect. Mr. J. 14L McMillian who is in'charge of .the branch is' no .stranger. to the town and.district. Ile is a Seaforth boy, having been con-• nected with The Canadian :Bank' of Commerce in Seaforth in the cap- acity' of .'accountant for several, years ras well as'having been in Charge of the branches at Walton Parkhill and Niagara -on -the -lake~ The office will be open' to. the' public Fronk 99', 30 ant. to 5 pant daily except Wednesdaysf when it will close at,12.30. The office will also be . open Saturday' evenings from 7 to 9. The Pr�ovinoe of Ontario Savings' -Office will pay„ 4%" on all Savings deposits andwill be guaranteed by the Province'. Are the, weeds bad onyour farm Do you -ever think_they'll be a a few years fron now it yotelet thein go/ A Mean, dastardly .act 'was per,• petrated et Dashwood on'Mail- day aur day evening of last week, Nvhen Some per`sne oe •perch:i entered, The' Kitchener M. p. League Club.. seems to be (in great fin-* ',what (town or city would take this over is a� question, some ` one sug- gested. the Purity ~Flour Co. of 'Goderieh supported by thP1town(, would be* an excellent idea, as they have` players enough, and good enough, as their: pre -s thinks that the Big Four is as fast as' the' M. 0. League. SCHOOL REPORT This Store is showing.you the big gest values money can -buy to -day. We are buying in the. lowest market and serving it out at the lowest - possible prices. Sport Satin, in all. the leading Shades, suitable for ` Shirt and Dresses at per. yard _.. $2.50 Foulard Silk in Navy and White Black and White, drown': and White, at per yds only $2,50 The following is the report of S. S. 0, Hay, Promotion Exains. 1 Jr. IV' to Sr. IV -Luella Far- well (Honor; Anthony regier, 11.; Bruce Rose, ; Sr. III to Jr. 1-".-T,ela Witmer t,Boxi;.) ; Edith Greb. Jr. I1I•to ''Sr, TII-'Jrvil'le Wit- mer (:lion.); .Anna Ma.le Farwell; Leonard; Dabus, Georgina Poster. Jr. II to Sr. III. --Beatrice Far- slier~ t"non. ; Cdcne1!1ofs Dabus $. Pt. II to Jr II -Willie Watson! Ikon; Evelyn Masse TI; Neil 'Wit, trier H; .Andrew Poster, Earl Ging- erich, Harold Masse, .Alplh. Dabus, J Pt, It -Kenneth Grob, Iriscilta Farwell, Elda 'Gingericlx, Lilliarxw Widcombe, grim Hughes. Pr. Nelson Masse. Doris • Grob, the garage r, Roe. W. 0. 'i'"ag;er, Lorne Gingcrieh, PeteroVieon, Jos, 17A5 tor ", • h • Eva/Igo"' IIoffinaal and sla iied uip twn aato tire, anti i • Dorothy I. Fowlie, teacher Men's Felt Hats, in all the leading shades, Don't miss to :seethem: before you buy. Just Arrived ;-New Straw Hats, Soft Collars, Shirts, Ties, Socks Belts, Etc. Home un ung, emery par ' Men's llulbriggan 'Underwear, two at theSppresesitint time yd. _..opul$2.15 piece and. Combination: See our New •line of Crepe, at 50c•B V.d. Athletic Underwear"sleev-. • less and .knee length. Short Ends of colored Voiles„ at per yard • 25c Ladies' and Children's Gingham dresses at Low Prices. Ladies' White Voile Waists, long and 'short ,sleeves.' Girls' School Hats at prices away down, Ladies' Silk Hose, Ribbed top colors, Black white, sand, grey, Brown, llurgandy at pair ._, 75c Men's' Garbardeen Coats, a snaps at" $16..00 Men's Waterproof and Dress Coats, Regular„ $25.00 for $15.60 WALL PIPERS All Wall Papers to Clear to end E Season at 25% discount for Cash. Sob Lot Field hats, 1.50, $1, &25e Blatchford Calf Meal 25lbs. -$LOG FRESIi 'GROCERIiES AT ALL :TIMES. EGGS, BUTTER AND LARD, WAN TED, 1 Produce Wanted ButerickPashions Phone 87 I