HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-07-20, Page 5ersdee, .7111yesesees20, ..m ' OUSINESSCARDS. roudfoot, Ki116ran , HOLME, . ; Barenters, Solicitors, Notaries, ;Pelee; Etc, Office on the Square, end Heels .troth Hamilton St, 'God= nricle Private funds to least at lowest rates. W. 1'roudfoot, K,C,.'J. L. I£iilloren D. E. Holme. fir. Relines will be in Hensel] on Friday of each week. Andrew 1P. Hess, Township Clerk teener of marriage licenses, - Notary k';aubiis, Commissioner, Fire and Aut=- smobiie 'Insurance, Representing lisirol. and Erie Mortgage .:Corpora- Iron, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario. Dr E. S. Isar ' e DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY "[AIN OFFICE" HENAALL 922 OSCAR KLOPP Professional Auctioneer, graduate, +o! Davenport Auctioneering. School Try me for real estate, merchandise, lewellery'pedigreed stock, farm sales Rates alwaysreasonable, my territory 'the world. Choice farms ;for sale. phone 18-93 ' Zurich Licensed Auctioneer I have ` taken out Auctioneer' License for the County of :Huron ,And am in a position to conduct 'my kind of Auction Sale. Give me a trial and I will, assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone .31r13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Boiogna Sausages, etc .Highest Cash Price for Wopll l GASH FOR SKINS & 'HIDES Reichert ZURICH LIVERY 1 am in a position to accomo- date all requirements .in the Livery ine, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in. the teaming line. GEORGE .T. THIEL Phone 59 Zurich; 1, iG, • S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST .graduate 1 of the Royal College tot Dental Surgeons of Ontario and :01 the Univereisey of. Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One; London,Ont Office` hours at Zurich every Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 a 1M until 5.00 p.ne., at the Commerc- ial House, QUpstairse Main Of - life at 'Rayfield, Ont;. -19, Otarting op Thursday, May 2nd. LIVE p O U' .L T R Y WANTED • "Taken every day till 3 Ocloek p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning - When 'brought .in. i best Cash Prices —CASH FOR --- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien 'Phe ne 94. Zurich COAL Spring and Summer DELIVER IE SEASON 1922 Owing to the strike of theMin- lets now prevailing in the Pennsyl- vania Anthracite coal ` fielda, we 'tire unable to guarantee delivery or piice and until conditions ' be- te/lee more settled orders will be taken subject to our being ebleto 'Obtain ,supplies and at" preaailing ltlee, time of delivery. "'GAJ'; & I'ROT:1E10E MERCHANT TERMS ;--CASH One: Office 10w, Heim 10j.. PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Plotioe, Etc, Ads mm IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE I have a nearly` new 11 -dice fer- tilizer seed dril ifor sale. : APIelY to Sol. Gingorich, Zurich, - WANTED Local Representative wanted to sell for The Old Reliable Foothill, Turseries," Largest liet ;of fruits d ornamentals to offer, exclusive territory, highest . , commissions, handsome free equipment, ' Write foe full' partieularseeStone & Wel lington, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE • Two large frame buildings, ee lot "of good barn timber and mat- erial. Apply to ' Richard Robin- Zson. ' R.R,1, Zurich. 1-4t. FOR SALE A Three -spring light waggon for one of two horses. Is in good condition, price right. Apply to G. Holtzman; Zurich. •tf-47 FARM FOR SALE I am offering ' my rine farm for sale consisting of. 100 acres Lot 12, Con. 12, Stanley Township: There is on the premises- a good bank -barn . with cement staeles, water' piped in the stables, a good . comfortable house, 60' acres in grass, 8 acres of sunnier fal- low., good clay loan), is well fenced land is all tile drained, will be sold at reasonable terms. For further particulars appiy'to David Tough, R►R.3, Bayfield. t-8 NOTICE I have taken` out 'License fir Auctioneer for the County, of Hur- on, and am in a position' to con- duct sales by auction., Give me a trial and I willassure you satis- faction . or no charge. tf-29 James Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich Phone No. 10-93e Zurich Studio and Book Room Printing and Developing, photos on 'Post Cards, Rte., Etc. Alsip sell Cameras Films, Albums! and all . ametuer's 3 leleHes. A fedi Line of School books and Stationersalways on hand tfel OBRIEN & KALBFLEISCH Hartleih -*Block Zurich FOUND .quantity of money ,vin the street lin Zurich. Owner apply at Herald Office. ' NOTICE. To Breeders of Fast' Horses. Thr ;famous trotting stallion, WIDOWER' PETER Has bean sold by Mr. W. Groneh; Stratford, do Mr, John Decher,.Jr. of Zurich, and will be at his own stable, at Zurich for, the conv'en Zience df parties desiring to breed to this splendid horse. Service fee to insure $25.00 This horse has .already some veil fast colts, andr without a doubt is the most papular coming sire in Canada, For .further particulars - apply to Johe Decher, • Jr., =Zurich, Ont. Phone 13-84. BORN: Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Wickie, an- nounce the birth of a son, at the General Hospital, Stratford, on July 11,1922. (Kenneth Lorne) (Nee Esther-Liebold. DIED: •Willert-At Dashwood on July 14 Henry Wil'l.ert, aged 64 years, 9, months, and 4.7 days; Fisher—In Exeter, on Wednesday. July 12th, Mrs. Jane Fisher, aged 87 years and 10 months, Hicks—At St. Joseph Hospital,Lonl- don on July 8th, Archie Hicks. son of Andrew Hicks Esq., K P. P., and Mrs, Hicks, of Centr- alia, aged 19 years, 10 months, and 14 days, • , Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert 'Farrell and two children ;of Ripley spent the past week at the home of the formner's 'sister, Mrs. and Mr. Wm. Finlay', Town Line. An automobile•. wheel in which a disc of lamnatedd wood takes place ofthe ordinary spoke whe- el has recently been develpoed The same grade of wood are used for The airplane propelilers and are built in layers, in such , a Way that the grain of one layer` runs in a different direction to the grain) in the other lamination. The layers are held together With sp- ecial glue developed for the sev- ere duties iinposeld on air prop- ellen, These wheels are claim- ed to be about the saute weight as the .'spoke wheel, but have four times the laterad strength. A farther' tells us that 'a fun- nier thin than a country felloW in the city is the tsi 'y fellow in the cotantr•y. LOCAL a4'.frs. C, Fritz was a visitor': 4o London last w( ell Mn, Albert Siebert aleft k fol' Eitchener. and Gait last, week. Mr' J. Elgin. 'Tess of Toronto, is visiting relatives here. D'lf's, John Albrecht>' was a vis- it'ox to Dashwood one day week, c . The Evangelical 5, School pic- nic Will be held this Thursday to Grand 13end, Mr. and Mrs, T. L. ,, W urm, at- tended the circus at London :last Wednesday, ( Miss Johnston of Kincardine, is visiting with her sister, 'arse Julius Thiel, t Mr, W. H. Frank, " accompanied by his brother, from Oil City, sp- ent the week -end at the home of Mr. C. Eilb'er. ' Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Mousseau were Sunday, visitors with Mr. and Airs. John Waiver, at Harrow, Mr. Edge Farrell, Mrs. Gilbert Farrell and Mrs. Sam Arbany ` of Ripley were week-endvisitors with 'Tr. and Mrs. Wm. Finlay. " Children's Day was obser'ed" in the Evangelical church' on Sun-. day. A good program was rend-, Bred by the children'. , 1VIrs. W. II.. Hoffman' accomp- anied by her sister, : Mrs W`' R. Finkheiner, of Stratford, are vis- iting relatives at Chicago 'and Berwyn, Ills. Mrs. W C. Callfas, Mrs:, G. Merner, Stella and Lennis i~allf is and Mrs. A Melick attended the funeral, of the 'later Earl - Merner at Bayfield on Friday. A renunion picnic of the -family of the late F. Hess, Sr., -was cel- ebrated at Grand Bend last Theirs - dee and a pleasant time was spent. Mrs. Heim -oilier of Toronto, Mrs- L. Peine, Miss Deichert and, Mr: A.. Hostettler of New Hambur,A, visited at - the Deichert home here last Thursday!; •. Our local merchant, Mr. J. Pre^ter has recently purchased the entire stock of the St. Joseph General Store, conducted by Mr. Louis TYenoxny, who 'is ' retiring from the 'mercant'ile -business. Twenty-five 'thousandserious forest fires Were -started in Canada last year by careless campers.This year the Canadian Forestyr Assoe- lation is asking people' to be more careful. According to `Superintendent of Penitentiaries H'ages, there are Al boys under twenty years of age in the penitentiaries of Canada Un,doubtediy, lack of - proper home training is responsible for a con- sidereble part of ' this deplorable showing. South Huron Orangemen cele- brated in ;S`saforth on the 12th and a'e.;^'-. concourse of people gath- e . t take part in or to wi,ines' tee spectacle. Over twenty lod- ges took part in the parade and Clinten had the honor of being the largest one' present. Mr. ,and Mrs. Ezra Miller and dauyg liter of Chicago„ and Mn. acid Mrs. Dan. 1Vliller and son and ding liter of Segasit.tau,^Miele, were visitors . last week with the form- er's mother Mrs. S, Miller of the e and his sister Mrs. Jos k,.rar as, Sauble- Line. A new game law is being pas s n the. Ontario Legislature.The law r 1 egarding deer• will extend the season n from September 15th to November 15th; and the partridges hoot s ing season will be from the! 5 o ,the 20th November., The; daily bag for wild`' ducks will. - be, smite li d to 25,:with the maximum f e year of 200. ' villas ed i th t or th Le - come Ford ' zone Providence f are 'pe to h cad g lith Mr: Wi H. Frank, a Waterloo jeweler, is out $82 as a - result of a clever check swindle Which was played on him by a crook on Fri- d(ty. It appears that the erook who was a ` neat -appearing young mans came into the 'store "and pur- chased a $60' Watch. He offered in payment a check for $82, which was apparently issued by the hy- droeelectric corn. and signed by the name -of Thomas Ma.rshal'1' ov- er the stamp distrfet treasurer:The check also contained a clever forgery for the regular hydro check stamp. It was indorsed by 'Phomas Smith`, and looked good to the jeweller, or his sister 'Who. w•as in charge at the time, she handed the nian $22 in change, and when the cheek was put in the bank it was returned marked, 'No Funds." M. Frank is becoming well known to ina.ny in Zurich, and M9 friends here react this tnis- he bobeed lair ctit has , e - c a popular fad with the lad- iesand .looks something like a car without a' top-, or 'in other'words a rooster. that has' beenrobLed of his tail.. If nat- urewould not allow the hair,of ourfair sex togrow tenger any lc g t theywould' spend all kinds of, money to have it grow, yet while P dence has given woman these hairvr! an honor and , beauty,they a cut offs An old adage says "if'people go"crazy. they start at the eacL" ' rt sure make' the: lt. lighter and certainly: shows li ead;ednles =,�• is,; a Laugel'otls Feed, Espe ti to Young Cattle, ]nvestigat mal Work by , Provincial Veterinarians -- it illelkee Casea- tion and Deirornwg flisey--t19.ore Research and Exper iner')tipg NeeetiSsary.. (Co triotitc•d by. Ontario Department or &grIeuiturc, Toronto.) t (Recently' considerable sickness and bosses have been reported among .•.clttle being fed onensilage, in some instances only a few animals have been affected on a particular -farm, but in a few cases the losses have been serious, as one farmer is Keown to have lost 17 animals' out of a"herd LIE 50 cattle, The frequency and peculiarity of these losses has led the Department to have investigations and experiments nide to determine the cause. Investigational " Work . by Ontario Veterinarians. .The staff of the Ontario Veterinary' College have been in close touch with the veterinary surgeons throughout the province, and reliable" Informa- tion obtained as to the prevailing circumstances where cattle have died.. In a]1 cases investleation has reveal- ed the fact that the losses have. occurred among cattle fed extensively 'on sweet clover ensilage which had 'become mouldy. Samples of the en- silage were shipped to the Veterinary College, and experiments conducted clearly indicated that "mouldy sweet clover ensilage was harmful to cattle:, From observations ands information available at the present time, it would. appear that the harm is confined to sweet clover ensilage which has bee - come mouldy, and that the continued feeding of it is liable to cause death. Young Cattle the First to Succumb: It is an interesting fact that young cattle under three years of age are' the ones -which suffer most severely and succumb the' quickest- In illus- tration 'of- this'. the ' case mentioned where in a herd of 50 cattle the 17 which died were all young cattle un- der two years of age and in good condition. No sickness had been pres- ent ha the herd until after the feed- ing of the ensilage commenced, and thelosses occurred within a few 'weeks. Apparently mature cattle over four 'years•r•od a.ge, are able to withstand the ill ,effects better than young cattle. Howev'.s, continued feeding of damaged sweet clover en- silage may be harmful to cattle of all ages. Ie Makes Castration and Dehorning Dangerous. It is also' interesting to note that operations such as ,de! orning . and castration,.performed on :cattle that hive been kept largely .on mouldy _ns eet clover ensilage •caused sudden. death. in 'many cases while the same npeeations sinnilsrle performed on . Lottie fed differently have .not been; followed byill effects. The exact na- ture, of the poisonous factor associated with the ensilage, and the manner. in white it produces harm- ful: effects in calttle and to cause their death- hasnot yet been definitely determined, and ' any opbelons ex- pressed at, the present time are based on practical obsereaitioris More itesearclr - and Experimenting required. , In fact a large amount of intense study, investigation and research will be, necessary to obtain reliable con- elusions regarding the possible dan- gers incidental.' to the feeding of mouldy sweet clover ensilage, or as to whether sweet clover cut at cer- tain, stages and under certain con- ditions develops harmful properties as 'silage. In the meantime sufficient evidence isat hand to justify warn- ing,!,farmers against the feeding of mouldy ensilage. ' to live stock in order to avoid losses, and under no circumstances should operations In- cluding dehorning and `castration be performed on cattle which are being fed pis sweet clover ensilage if It arrears mouldy. Such animals seem to develop marked vascular changes w'bice produce a tendency to internal hemorrhage resulting in death. --Dr. C. D.••:McGileray, President, Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. Clover Seed Grown at Home Is Safest. .Clover seed from Italyeand other countries of similar climae produces plants thatare not hardy in north- ern districts of• Canada and the United States. In 1919 four and one- half millions of pounds of this seed carne into the United States. This seed is not sold to farmers in the. aonditioii thatit conies in, because seed -11'0000S lrllow it )s ififeriot' and will notproduce good crops. Tbere- fore it, is mixed with nativeclover ,.seed acid: undoubtedly is the. cause to a considerable extent of the ui- satisfactory clover crops. The only Way to be safe is to buy from 'reliable firms which will guar- antee the source of the seed- or .pur- chase from growers in the' imimedl- ate viciiflty. : • When purchasing direct from growers care should' be' exercised to secure ,seed free from • noxious and otherwise troublesome weed seeds. -- A., C. Arny, University of Minnesota. Keep Records., Adequate records are necessary td the eicient ntanageinentM1`of any busi- ness. The farmer, to be suceessfOl, must be et business man as well as a grower of crop*and producer of live 'stock. As iiebusiness man he should have suitable business records. Uniformity Desirable, riflery poultry raleer should make a study of the market derands. A uniform color of eggs and flesb in poultry is desirable. - A mixed flock Tian and hope this crook tcili be will not .produce uniform eggs or brought to justice, meet,' and oags front such a flock are Children Cry for Fiet I q a�wvr., ash .�a.n•,ANSAN.N. NA+.. e: N.IN a..m -.r wk;"av,w,00.,,`..q.rv••`. .,caw ,.n vYraWW, Fletcher's Castoria'is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine' is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use,,for over 30 years has not proven.' What k CAST! a Castoria is' a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,' Drops and Soothing ' Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine... nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in, constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, aid by regulating the _Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food.; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of n Use For Over30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK. CITY. I Lumber Laths Shingles ' Everything in i 4 + Combination storm and screen doors made to order • 4. 4. • Lumber a4ndliuilding Material + I. 4▪ . Custom Work our specialty fi+ 4 Always in , the market for saw logs 4.+ t. PHONE 6o 1'+++++i•+++aiPt•++4.+++++++•t•+•++ ++++++++++++++i++++++4.4 -e »a. AL [fin J IBC ZURICH (5 aMIS l 1 areiSOMIENRI New Overland 4 The Overland Four is still 0. going goinggood ..$850(,h0 1261 C Cfii. Chalmers Six, New Battery, at L McLaughlin Truck ... ... .. ......... 375 r tl oo C. x'.' M. HESS &, CO. ZURIcHiska 'A CA OVERLAND SALES AND SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars Automobile Insurance Are You Protected? "Yesterday Yestetday Arthur E1r]d e of thiscity, had a car. To -day, nothing remains of it but the charred Kwame work. Shortly after' running it into the Garage, the iieiglabors detected flames shooting out of the roof. The brigade 'w,as on the scene, promptly, bcit the cal was a eotplete loss before the firemen could get to it Ace Lording to" the fire chief the fire was started by a 'short circuit The motorist's loss is about $1,000.00".—Woodstock news Item • ' Saturday Free Press, London. LET 117E GIVE YOU RATES, ON PIE AND TRANSIT, THEFT, PTYW I �IT- COLLISION ANI) PROPERTY DAMAGE. LIC LIAR 1J Y, VICTORY BONDS SOLD AND BOUGHT'. Have You MADE YOUR WILL?. FOR FULL PARTICULARS Ai'PL7' TO r Andrew F. Hess, Zurich; �a:��:��;;����mi��:���r��1..:�i-:�11