HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-07-20, Page 4anN.L.'. a 2' irx VireterliacQ, .colxi ty mid : When u iaiti;, IC rx olatitaax boy'' with lass pat"einee, eio veli. 'to Stephen '.loweehip, where lie lias singe resided, EIe WW1 .:a member of tine CountyeC'oueeil at one time and served a peritelt of elevext years as reeee" •He was a stk uneh r�caa�aa� Conservative in politics, and 'has kliour thieetakW an't, stopped off or been Postmaster for the last .;ten 10hnrt Sit' at the ixoxxie of 'Cass 'tars and at laresent Was'eng�tged I,» ' 4Ta1lier and other relatives ,Deceased' sons u the flax. indus'try� " 1 T1 1V llea"t and Deceased had reached the ago K o ears, rncan s an and 1 to ed iloss, x &esti ,of'::' Caxao, visited .fz'x sariawxna widow, two sons Edi Wire xxtt Ire Theo oee G xe ;tach" of L iiYag' ixPl la er; laalents, .iaveie liI<ea ticib, Wile has •I'pp'e rwa sh Eeeeh, is vis her p ren't8 tla.is wetai�. »R'anCl 5[rs. Peters of Ole- , :Oixioe!who are on >t motor i i 6 i y 9 month- d 17 Jaye, ably and iYIX"" end Mrs. Vern Gen- eaves x i his 1z's tends here laet aveekrand Willof Cen i'a1ial .tied Titre daughters; Mrs. Hermon. Zimmer of Stratford,: Mrs, Wm. Kleiestiver and Mrs. Robe Uayter of Dash- wood, Mrs, oPni ;Isaac of Green,- way, reen,way, and Mrs. Bert Statton of Grand Bend; Seven brothers and a great many friends. Itis funeral, which was very lar- gely attended' was held from his late residence on •Sunday afternoon to the Bronson} Line cemetery. Rev. Dauschner of Stratford oaficia't- ing. The floral tributes were numerous, showing,' the high est-. eem . in which the deceased was held: The bereaved have the, sympathy of the entire commun- ity. Among( those from a dist- ance who attendeld the funeral were; .Mr: and Mrs. Theodore Will- ert and family and' Mr. and Mrs. :V Gunsell of Cario, Mich., 1VIr. and Mrs. Adam Willert of Saganaw, Mr. Dan. Willert of Bay City, Mrs. Louis Preeter and son Lorne of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hurtz of Romeo, Mr. Sam Willert of Niagara, Falls, Mr:aid Mrs. Chas. Willert of Thedford and,Mr an dMrs. Stevens of Sarnia. • SCHOOL REPORT Following is the report of the promotion examination of S. S. No. 1, Hay. Jr. IV to Sr. IV—Melvin Bed- ard, Athanese Denomy. Sr. III to Jr. IV—Madeline La- porte, Cecilice 'Laporte, Annarence Ducharme; Louis Dueharme. Jr. III to Sr. III—Lawrence. Cor riveau, Augus Bedard, CliffordCor riveau, Tellus Denomy, Victor Du- charm'e, Urban Denomy, Lucien' iCorriveau, Violet Denomy. yxxrand .'De toniy Medeleiee Bedour, Cee%1ia1. Datehe arriie, Elmer Deeetny, adgee Sophia ceo. Rortaplt. Jr, I to, Sr. L—N'apoteon Drxelie arum, Genevieve CarriVeau, Anne: abelle Deuamy, Leona,', Denosay, Valerie C'orriveau, Occur Toxn'lixx, Jr. z -..Victor lerjssore Grace 1.?eeonry, Gerald Brisson, Florenee Denomy;, ,A.iu a elouxph, .Madeleine Rompli. ,, r Messes 'Maria and J orothy` Kuntz Ali Pereter visited their cousin lefiss a'etTath Weeper +east week.. i Rev. Graepner spent the week la, a't Poa"t Oelboenelo Little . Edith K'lopp of Zurich is • ►9nating,, at the home of Cl,Walpet Chas, Lintlenfeld of Parkhill *vent Sunday in 'tower Rev. A, Kellerman and, son, of .esley is visiting hist father this a•reelie. , 1 • :A/ire. Kitchen and family of Sar- leaia is visiting with li1r, and Mrs. *terry Kraft` and Mrs. N. D. Schatz and tantily .of Waterloo were Sunday wiist tors with Mr; and Mrs. Hy. tichadyea Mi. and Mrs. W. Kuntz of Exet- tend MiL' and Mrs. O. Klapp of brach were Sunday visitors at the *acne of Mae 0. L. Walper. Mrs. "Yates of Sarnia who spent ';fat week with her daughter, Mrs. lorry Kraft, returned home on u'rbrclayt Verda Merner of Parkhill visit 'red. "her parents on 'Sunday; AlltEA.TH OF HENRY WILLEIT POST MASTER The community was shocked on lerich' morning, July 14th, upon tearing of the death: of Henry 'inert, one of our most promin- • l: business men of town. The deceased @ad been in his *atrial godd health Ladd had retired. °+about twelve o'clock'About• art hour ,later he complained of mot feeling .1e11 and before med- Banat help•.;could be summoned had 'folioed away,, ; ' - The late Mr, Willert was born D. e, ,Roth, Teaellex*,, STANLEY' TOWNS.I YP, (Iptendedi for lash week.e The marriage'"took place at St. Paul's church, Clinton, on Wednesday afternoon of lastweek of Miss Lottie E, Elliott and Mr!. S. R. Reid, both of Stanley. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. O. L, Silkey, Tie, ;bride wore a pretty gown of white canton' crepe with lace trimming and a black picture hat. Miss Ictu Reich,• sister of the bridegxioo'nee was ,bridesmaie and Mr. George Elliott, brohteer of the: bride was; best man. Me and Mrs. itexd, al- most immediately after the 'cerem ony took the afterpoou train south; for a honeymoon trip, thebride donning a navy blue suit forthe, journey, On their return' they wi'l reside on the Reid: ;homestead in Stanley. ivIt1. and Mrs, Reid have the good wishes of their friends for a . happy /future. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal, ter Stevens, Stanley' Township,was the scene of; a pretty porch wed- ding on Wednesday, June 28th, at 12 o'clock ,when their daughter!, ioletV Eva;, became the bride of Mr. Frederick H. Thompson of;; Sarnia, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thompson, of Watford. Owing to - the absence of . the bride's :pas tor, the ceremony was performed, by Rev. Alfred McFarlane, of Bay- field, and was witnessed by .only the immediate relatives of the con- tracting parties, the wedding . mu--• sic being played by Mrs. Cleland, of Listowell; sister of the beide. Theb ride; who was given away f. • 1 \tr11.1i . F .110 • take any chances with . fire in Ontario's forests. jjp"rthrow away cigarette or cigar butts, pipe' "heels" or burnt matches until you ares, dead sure they are out. neglect to drown out your camp fire thoroughly with lots of water. Stir up the ashes and throw on more water. build your camp fire against a rotten log or stump — nor on high exposed windy points; nor near moss patches; nor atthe base of a tree. Build it in a former fire place, if any at hand, or on a flat rock, or on a spot cleared down to the true soil below, preferably by the edge of the water. forget that the upper layer of ground in the forest consists ,of partially rotted wood which holds fire and slowly burns. The only real soil which will not burn is beneath. Ontario Forestry Branch Parliament Buildings; Toronto ntario's Forests heyre yours 4:7 'iflattress old jS rj Exactly as , Cut 1.-4-6 White Enameled Bed $19.00 1-4-6 Simmons felt mattress 13.00 1 4-6 Coil; Springs 9.00 Actual Value $41.00 Special offer on a few Sets For Cash at $33.50 MELICK & BRAU.N Phone 63 FRUNITURE AND' HARDWARD THE STORE WITH A LIIBERAL CASH. DISCOUNT. by' her father, looked lovely n ' a' gown of Swiss 'ivory canton cr- i•••••••••••••••••NNi•NO••••••••••••••Nr••••Nr••" a. Farm Machinery s epe, trimmed with radium lace midi sequin and carried a shower bou quet of Ophelia roses, her only Ornament being a ldiamoud set bar brooch, the ;gift of the grooms After the ceremp;ny, the guests re- paired to the prettily decorated dining room where a dainty wed- ditlg dinner was served. Mr.ancl Mrs. Thompson left on the after- noon train to spend their honey- moon in Muskoka, the bride travelle ig in a suit of 'navy tric e> nye, 'embroidered in g old thread a d lai ge black hat. They will. li re iu', Sernia,+where the droom is eem er • of the teaching tee% pf the; 'Sarnia 'public school. CRE TON John Steinacher is visiting his daughter in Bracebridgo. The masons are making rapid headway with the brickwork. of the new 'church. Only a small portion of work is to be done on the tower before the roof will be put am Mis sE1'a Linz of Walkerton was a recent visitor here. Frank Taylor was badly shak en' up while racing his horse at Luean; last Saturd ty. The . horse abead of him a J7 an l be, ore Frank could avoid a co lision he drove on top of it. A renunion of the Schwanz.farn- ey; took place at the home of Mrs. Grist. • Hai :t. The family came to- gether from many places.. The day was spent in pleasant pass time. The Misses Haie!t played Several duets, Mr. John Schwann rendered a solo. Dinner was ser ved at twelve and a business me- eting followed. Mr. Senior pho- tographed the group and a niot- or trip- wee " Taken to Go'derich on Wednesday. COUNTY NEWS T, E. Ha!ggitt of Blyth lost his finis race horse "Paddy Dillard" re- rently. The anima •letepped on la stone or into a hole on the Brus- sels race track and broke his leg,, Varnp 'Civic holiday will be ob- served this year on Tuesday July 25th. '' The stores and other places ,of busbies, will be closed while the. friends . of the three 'churches enjoy a days picnic at Bayfield. J. F. Ross, principal of the Sea- forth Collegiate, has regignied to take the principalship of the new Collegiate at. Sault Std Marie, at e, salary of $4,500. • The death took place at thet home of her song last Thursday of Mrs. , -Christina McEwan, the oldest eesident of Turnberryu aged rirety., rrr '3f4Lra, The death occured et Lucan on J''uly 4th of Mic\haeli ;Egan e. the oldest urian in Western Ont., arid probably the oldest man; in Can - eclat, . e, Egan was born in Gal - Way Co., Ireland, " 1;07i years ago, wird -wan 'married there. Sixty years ago he settled "in McGillivray Township, moving later to Lone doe Tpy, where be lived for 16 years, andestill later to Lucan for eight years, Mr, Egan's first wife lit°edeceased, him 5; years,` Fifteen years after her death he mairiedl a Mrs, Li'Piie, an English. 'lady,w:ho ".'ireev..4 nini,. •. Pumps are down in price, no charge • 1 for installing.::, • Wash Machines and • wringers are down insprice. Get I, .our prices on Lawn Mowers. GALVANIZED WATER TROUG:TIS 2x2'6 at ;;;$14.QO 7-8• s BEST M. NILLA HAY FORK ROPE AT 25c.Lb, WE HAN •,N I DLE GENUINE FL'. U tY PLOW POINTS. POINTS ---WITH "AURORA" STAMPED ARID NOT GENUINE, BUT STAMPED a "J. FLEURY'S" ARE GENUINE. CHEAP JOBBER'S POINTS f ; •• ARE 55c. AND 65c. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US. ;. GOOD MOTOR OIL A.T. 85 CENTS A GALLON Dain Hay loader in stock for quick delivery. All Farni Machinery Sold • • • • TELEPIf ONE NO. 76 • • • L. A. PRANG ZURICH . •••••••••••••••••' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••J Lennis O'Brien "Red Bird" Agent Zurich EXETER : full capacity. P. W.. Gladman, of the ,law filen of Madman Lit Stanbury, with of- fiees in London and Eretex, encli who recently purchased a resides once in London, naoved his house . hold effects to the city% Mr, Glatt ,imam wilt ,maintain his connections, with thio Exeter branch, but the increasing' volume of besinese at the London branch necessitated the removal of one of the tnerb-. Miss Kaercher ;of Kitehener,was I the guest of Elva Harvey during the past week. S. Pollen( of the Ford garage had a bonne in his wrist fractured on Sundt morning 'when a eats' he wags Cranking backfired (and the crank lstruck him, , on the wrist, ,. .A'` quiet{ Wedding took pleeeat 'the Main • St. parsonage on Tues day last when Rev. MCAllister etril- itedin marriage Mrs. Melinda A, TTaylor and Mr, ,john Ford, both of Exeter North. 5, 11X,,Sanders and Jas. Brintnell have sold the Exeter levaporator to A. D. ,Clapp of Dutton', who in- tends instalning new' and tip -toe d�tc maeh.iriery and operate it to ..- ers of the firm 'to, the City; ' Wellington Dern had a Very)* unpleasant experience on Friday,• morning last, He was coming down the stairs at his home when( some way he slipped and' iell:m; ,striking his head on the rail, awl inflicting a gash that ieached tui the skull. .