Zurich Herald, 1922-07-13, Page 8TrYVTVIr Pieh ZURICH' HPRALn At Attractive Prices. We quot: a few here fromour manylines of goods that will interest you. Fine Swiss Organdies in Dotted effect, 4lin. wide at $1,.75 and $l2 yd, Plain Organdies 44in. all col. 1.25 Lighter quality, 40 ink " yd 85c Anderson's English Gingliams. These are very fine weave, excel- lent wearing quality 34 in. wide at 45c. yd. Printed Voiles, short ends to clear at 25c. yard. Extra QualityDouche ss silks .,in. Navy. Black, Brown, Sand, special at $2.50 per yd. Habutai Silks, in Navy, Brown, Rose, Mais; Burgundy, Coral, 131k., at per Yary $1.00,. Trieolette Blouses, all colors $3.00 Voile waists and Middays from , $1.50 to $3.60 Each. Ladies' Hosiery -Juliet Brand silk Hose in the different colors at $1.25 to $2.25 a, pair. Lisle and cotton hose from 25c. to 25e. a pair. Balance of stock of Curtain and drapery materials at 25% off Regular price. New shipment of Men's .and Boy's Shirts.,„The celebrated W.G,&R, line. a Double wear cuff, priced, from $1.50 to $3.50. All Silk Shirts at $4.715. A complete line of soft Collars for Summer Wear. Mens and Boys' fine Straw hats new styles. Also . harvest hat all kinds and sizes. A lot of Men's fine hats, your choice for 25c. Special -10 only 20 -year guarani teed Aluminum Kettles laft to clear ¢ at $1.85 each. WARM WEATHER WANTS .IN GROCERIES Lytles sweet mixed pickles 60c. qt. Brick Cheese per lb. ... 30c. Limberger cheese per lb. ...i._. 35c Niagara Grape Juice ..., .. ,. 35e Sweetheart peanut butter 1b.- 30c Excellsor dates per package ...15c Victory pork&beans 10c. & 25c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS urich's Garage e are appointed authorized Chevrolet Service Station, and carry a stock of Genuine Chevrolet Parts Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts Dominion and Dunlop Tires and Tubes BATTERY SERVICE STATION AND REPAIRS. ALSO BATTERY CHARGANG. FIRING IN YOUR MOTOR CARS NOW AND HAVE TIIEM REP - WIRED : READY FOR SPRING. WE ARE"EXPERTS ON REPAIRS lA.ND CAN GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON WHAT IT WILL .COST SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. IF YOU ARE SATISFIED, TELL OTHERS. IF NOT, WHY TELL US. H. Mousseau Zurich unemerse Springs, ed n .�. S � d *1. � Mattress rn� S ren We have just addedI. to our stock`• a I. complete line of Bothwell.. Beds, Springs and •Mattress, the line ,, we .144 CARRY CANNOT FAIL TO FILL YOUR .REQUIREMENTS ATT, -,i, REASONAI3LE PRICES. + THE PAINTING BOOM HAS STARTED, AND WE AL ,.e WADS CARRY A FULL LIVE OF THE OLD RELIABLE I- SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, VABNISTIES, SHERWILLAC, AUTO PAINT, FLOOR - PAINT, WAGON AND IMPLEMENT 4. t PAINT, ETC, ' FENCING -Parties requiring g fencing shouldsae us before buy- ing. We handle genuine Frost Light Lock Fences, Also a *. + full line of hog and poultryfences coiled barb brace black wire and steeples Et ' > , and should see us abnut',.ol P ' c. Car and Tractor and Tractor owners Tubes and. accessories. Oils, Gasoline) Tires New Perfection Coal Oil Stoves a lad Ovens. r, �. WE AIM TO SATISFY 'ty. STADE & WEI "' R "ETFRBLOCK ZURICH 4• +4t # 4.444 1 4' 4+4'4"4 + +4.40telt +44+44+4.4'444 + +++++, A, ' ., ,,+ t, Ready-to-Wea Clothing DENONIY ` BROS. GENTS FURNIS ING-S Ordered' Clothing Hats •for Summer Comfort Straws and Panamas The Standards or Two Generations VENOM" Produce taken in exchange for Goods.. THE` THINGS MAN HAS A WHOL ESOME 'RESPECT FOR--ITHA'p'S WHY HE^ CIIOOSE A HAT WHICh PROTECTS' IIIM AD1)S: TO HIS` COMFORT, AND ENHANCES ;HIS,. APPEARANCE LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter Es Buckwheat 75c. Wheat per bushel .... 1:45 Wheat ,, .$1.8T Oats .6.0-75c: Flour per cwt. $4.00-$4.75. Bran per ton 30.00 Shorts Live hogs ... 14:00 27 $35.00 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Messrs. J,. Preeter and C Fritz are up north to Lion's Head on, a trout fishing trip • Miss Grant of London ,was holiday visitor at the house W.L. Siebert. Mrs. Orville McLinchey of St- anley was taken to London. Hos- pital last week and operated on for appendicitis. Mr. 'and Mrs. Becker and, daugh- ter Roxie, of Kitchener were Sun- day .visitors at the home of •Mx and Mrs. C. Fritz. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Klop and son Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klapp are away on a trip visit- ing at Stratford, . Shakespeare, New Hamburg, Tavistock, Well- and, Buffalo and. Niagara' Falls. FOR SALE Two large. frarnle buildings, ,A lot of good barn timber and mat- erial. • Apply to Richard Robin'. Zson. R.R.1, 'Zurich. 1-4t. • Z. P, S. SCHOOL . REPORT. • Promotion Examination of Room Jr. IV -Honours 544, To pass 435; -Helen Foster,' Hon. 568; Mil dred Geiger Hon'. 559;'Evelina Du- eharme .542e Lenoard Prang 520; Kenneth. Koehler 517; -Luella 'Rei- chert .486 Irene Decher 473; Dozy othy,,Bren'ner 464; Raymond Fisher 461, Claude ;1Vleidiniger 453, Leonard /,Wagner 438, Austin Hey 425. •,lIII, -Mervyn , Schwalm, hon. Vietoria .Deichert'hon. 5761 nes Deitrich hon. 570; Martha Heideman'. hon. 569; Wesley Qa'llfas. hon, 564; Gladys Melliek 540 Ros- aleen .Sararas 508; Hazel Bedard.;- 486 ;; A.lvin Gaseho' 478; 'Marcella. F.aravel'l 465; Francis. Deitrich 241, Jr. III -Vera KalbfleiscW hong. CO; -Clarence Farwell hon. 586, Dor 4 Dor- othy Zettel hon. 570; Willie Neeb 523 Elzar Mousseau 514; Stella;Ca; Ifas 513., Freda M. Kalbfleisch teacher Report of the Promotion' Exam ination for "Room. 11, Z.P. S, Jr. II to Sr. II Hon. 580, to pass' 460; -Lawrence Howald 674; Norman : Fleischauer 668 Kathleen. Wurm. 617; Dennis Bedard 611; Rus- sell Ducharme 556, Edward Bren- ner 515; Goldie Uttley 351; Willie Liebold (absent). Sr. IT To Jr. III. Iron( 489, pass 380; -Eleanor Fleischauer 512; Fre- nzy- Kochems 511; Floyd Foster 506 Rose Liebold 488; Wilfred 'Duch- arse 470; Beulah Sararas 463; Gr- ace mKoehler ' 447,; Laurane ,Schwalm 413; Milfred Uttley 408; Earl Thiel ' 405; Bruce Koehler 402; Cl- aire Meliek 360. Rosea. Albrecht f(promoted)G 'Jr. II to Sr., II. Hon. 390; to pees; 315;-Leeland Willert 411;1'1- °37d 11;F1-oyd Kropf 392; Grace Zettle 388;. Ruth Zettle 38.1; Greta Koehler 344 Cocil : Uttley. 342, •Carle. Haberer• 341; Napoleon Bedard. 327; Ervine Diet- rich 316; Nelda Schwalm 315, Alice Koehler 287. r• Olive M. O'Brien, teacher Miss Agnes McPhail, M. P. for Southeast Grey, handed back to Mr. Fielding $1,440 of her sessional indemnity of $4,000.-"Aggie" has thus made a record' which the znaj ority of parliamentary represent- atives will not be anxious to fol- low. Farmers are Cheesy harvesting, the hay crop which proves to be considerable heavier than an av- erage crop this year. Some fields of wheat are already show- ing that beautiful golden colon/ and will soon be ready for the cutting machines. Let us have your next order for Check Books. We have the agency for the 'celebrated A.p- pieiord Counter . Check Books, and can give them/ to you as ch'ea,p if 'not cheaper than -travelling agents that may call on you. Pat- ronize your home man that pat- ronizes your STANLEY TOWNSHIP. 4Mr. Alan Irwin: of Wiarton spent a few days last week at the home of his nephew, Mr. Robt. Mc- iClinchey, he also visited other friends in Stanley and :Bayfield. 'rhere passed away in Goderich on Sunday July 9th, Mr. James Boyce, formerly of Stanley, in his 78th year. Deceased had been a lifelong resident of Stanley, mo- ving to Goderich about a year ago. He is survived by his wife four eons and two daughters. The daughters are Mrs, John Rohner and Mrs, (Wire lfohner of ,Stanley; The funeral was held on Tuesday to Bayfield cemetery, Mr. Wm. Robinsoe has gone to Walton to take Charge of the, work at Walton circuit. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dunkin, Mr, and Mrs. John Reid • and Mrs. Mar- garet Armstrong of Flint, Mich., motorede ov r to spend, the Holi- day, ;Mrs, Dunkin and Mrs. Reid remained to spend a couple of weeks with their tzzotb,Pr Mrs, S. Johnston r, , Owen t- •lr o., apace 50111 J r j+a r, at;be- " q¢t } hold over SPORT NEWS A lively game of baseball was played on the local diamond on Friday4 evening when the Hensall Junior team visited our . Juniors, and our lads just squared up with them from the defeat su; fered seine time ago alt Hensall. The score at the end of the game was 9 -3 iSome very fine plays ;were made, and these are the boys that we look up to for the coming ye- ars to make our senior team. A fair crowd was present consider- ing the threatning rain. ' Wm. Churry e' the. London Tecusehs was in 1. tillage last week to et the ,. ,wnce of his clothing, etc. He is r::.zking good and has the best wish:. Rus -el I-Xiines,the pitcher, al,o has done well, he has pitched two games winning both. --+ In a. well contested game at Lucan last; Wednesday • evening the Goderich' team won by the score of 5-1. T, L. Wurm of Zurich acted as umpire behind the kat and received considerable eriliciarn by the winners. ' The return' game 'will be played at the County Town thin it'rzesday 4hursdl • .'ulv 1' th', j 2, The store with the LibraI Cab Asaut FURNITIIRE 'or Four Nl'eeks Only 000 Of Furniture must goat prices never heard of before. Price. Reduction from 30 to 50 per cent. A CASH OR •NOTE SETTLEMENT IS EXPECTED ON ALL GOODS SOLD ' DUIING THIS SALE. SPECIAL PRICES ON BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. Don't fail to take advantage of 't this while the assortment is good` FRESH CAR CAN. CEMENTCOMING IN A FEW DAYS. LI@K&BRA PHONE 63. er zid lob Jeprtment Is al brays at your service for GOOD PRINTING. s 'Wedding Invitations' and Announcements, Calling Cards, , Stationery,; Letterheads,, Billheads; Statements, Envelop -- es, Gh,acc Bxxks, Posting Bills" a specialty. Vi This Store is showing, you the big.. gest values money can buy to -day. We are buying in the lowest market and serving it out at the Joweet possible _ prices. Sport Satin, in all the leading Shades, suitable for Shirt and Dresses at per yard $2.50 Foulard Silk `in Navy and ' White Black and. White; Brown, and White, at per' ydc .only ;.. '$2,50 Home Sptin suiting, very popular at the .:present time, yd, $2.15 011101.1.1111.1011.101111. See' our New Line of Crepe, at 50c Short Ends of colored Voiles.., ' at per yard 25e Ladies' and Children's Gingha n dresses at Low Prices. . Ladies' White Voile" Waists', long and short sleeves. Girls' School Hats at priees;a5tay down. Ladies Silk Hose, Ribbed top colors, Illack white, sand, grey,. Brown, 13urgandy at pair ,... 75c Men's Felt Fats, inall the leading shades, Don't miss to •see them before you buy. Just Arrived; -New Straw -,Bate Soft Collars,' Shirts, Ties, Sock Belts, Etc. `. Men's Balbriggan Underwear, two piece and Combination. B. V.d. 'Athletic Underwear slee'v- less and knee •length,, Men's Garbardeen Coats, a snap at -. .. $16.041 Men's Waterproof and Dress' Coats, Regular $25.00 for $15.04 WALL PAPERS All Wall Papers to Clear to end nd • •1 Season' at 25% discount for Cash. Job' Lot Field Hats, ,•1.50, $1, & 25c Blatchford Calf Meal 251bs. --$1.001 FRESH GROCERIES AT ALL TIMES. EGGS, BUTTER AND LARfl WANTED. Produce Wanted,. Buterickrashion fr Phone 87: