Zurich Herald, 1922-07-13, Page 1• ole ACX I I No ZURICH, THURS-DAY N I NG, JULY 13, •1922. ser P e .have taken: over the Agency of the Star Pho raph in connection with our other lines and are •: pared to show youall the di. eren.t-styles. WE_ ALSO HAVE THE STA R RECORDS FOOR SALE, COME AND HEAR THE LATEST MUSIC TIIE PRICE FOR THESE RECORDS IS THE CHEAPEST ON THE MARKET, A DOUBLE .` EIDE A'1' 65c. ZURICH THE HOME OF ()OD SHOES. •oF.crr. Mr. .J F. Moritz is visiting re- I-iiives in Guelph and' Kitchener. Mr, A, Melick . made a busin'- ess trip 'jtr Texas last week. r. Lloyd Hey of Lonfdon, is itiendiiig • his holidays at his' horhe ere, , Miss "'Marjorie Fritz of London s the guest of her cousin, Mires Dorothy ?riltz. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Jantzi of liaden4 `visited relatives and friends here ove the holidalbr. Miss V. Siebert who had been at Calado'. is as Milliner, is spend- ing her. 'o'Iidays under the par- ental tai rod Mrs. Root. Drysdale of Mich- igan is visiting her sisters, in town as, G. 1 ollnek and Miss G. John- ston: *, , Mr. Clarence Shepherd of the olsons ,'l3ank staff, Hensal$ is r"e:3eiving teller Steel, of the Zur- ;ich Branch;. • " Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido have oved their household effects into'. e house of Mr. Ernst Gies, where `they will resider Mr. and -Mrs, Irvin D. Smith', r1-:; Hamilton visited the former's others, C. o Smith of St. Joseph C. L. Smith of the village :ver Sunid,ayc ;,:. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Heideman of ,J.acksonvil'1'e, Mich., visited . at tI're homeof the former's mohter, 7rs Heideman, the past week. ,.,'Vb., F..L. Willgoose, of theLoni of "" ess,e • Censervatory of music was , 0.0•- We arae shown:�g' ons• of the: finest range of" season ��•ppD able Goods eve knave ever hack" in Dress Ytateri : �Oo 4i or the 1iot. weather, bo h for ;Il ,er and 'U' `omen an r .would: invite o • to 011. -and look over oiur lin • efore making your purchases. No trouble -to s. oods.• ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES IN SUMMER WASH GOODS PRINTED VOILES large assortment of this Season's', new designs.- black, ehecks" Foulard and Chalile patterns at 25c. to 90e. a Yard. , EMBROIDERED SWISS ORGANDIES French Blue Peach, Orange. and;Rose �nd� of Bfinerald, 'Greet, r „ e"red in spots.' and figures of: contrasting colors= 4.A jnehes; ,'f 50 to $2.50'and.in plain'Organdies`in ail colors at 65e yds; GINGHAM NEW SPRING GIN...HAMS ' Hundreds of yards of the- newest spring' Ginghams in all"the- newer patterns and colors effect including the new check pattern, Plain colors and fancy figured patterns at 20c. 25c. and 35e. yard. BARONETTE SATIN. White Baronette Satin' for skirts, a'l beautiful all silk' .cloth in _plain and fancy patterns, 36 inches wide at $1;50 and $3.75 a yard.= j?EETTY DRESSES 2 TO 16 YEARS For the little . Tots are pretty Dresses made from good . quality Canadian ` Gingham, beautifulIy trimmed with white ric-rac braid and finished with, smart little belts • LADIES HOUSE DRESSES AND APRONS A. beautiful' range of Ladies ,House Dresses and aprons Made of good quality print and chambray,very neatly trimmed in all sizes. HOSIERY Ladies' Venus Silk Hose'such good makers as Venus, ribbed tope. in colors of black, navy' brown, lark and white at -$1k90 to $2.25. Also :Glove Silk Queen.quality Hose at $3.50. We are also showing a good line'of Silk Hose' in all:shades at $1125". a ' pair,. MIDDY BLOUSES' r 1. This is the 'Middy 'Season, ',a wonderful range to choose .from. They come in all, white or,white with fancy colars, at remarkable tow prices yl, .s,; T, village on .Saturday, July sioI b�. , the bar lutatmg ,ekamaina'tions iy► • PHONE 10"� REPAIRING A SPECIALTY a, Ffrn ,e1ud.io of M s Broken Lenses Duplicated Quickly and Accurately Save -the Pieces, We Match any Lense W. G. IIESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Chester L. Smit , 11,51)1101k* $i,25 a Year Ya 44.11 iefil tes h r nes ss, x rt,sk isa ises,I ( Ars THE MOLSONS BANK. Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not.necessary to make a special trip to the nearest branch of The Molsens Beale every time you want to deptssit money. Send your deposit to the Bank by mail. ; Write today to the niearest manager, of The Molsons Bank for in- formation'. SUMMER HEAT 1S ONE O W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branc �0 00so00oaa o40Rs�0o040oe•• 4. 4 ♦.i4iN4Mr�►�ie*.MN�NhNI7 ; O � � I Great Bargain Sale ,. a HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF'DIFFERENT GOODS MEN'T411, - '? IONED BELOW, 1 DECIDEED PUTTING ON A SALE AT a PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. THESE PRICES WILL $i$Ils 4 GOOD ONLY FOR' A LIMITED TIME ONLYF • 2 dozen all -wool Horse Blankets, size 72x84, at each .. $5,00 • 4 2 dozen Jute Blankets, at a Real Bargain • O A. Big Assortihent of Halters at 25% Reduction. t,. 10 Robes, size 54x62 at from: $12.50 upwards. 4' O A number of real English Flush Rugs, prices from $6.00 to $9.rs91'k 4 Several dozen Men's Heavy Horse -hide Mitts at a Bargain.. . • 20/ off on Whips valued at, 75c. and up. / p *. • A number sets of Single Harness, at $25.00 each. b1fi ^ u ' Mis4 Eliz -..Fl. el ac o • et that Mr: (s 1 �r y a;d> s Z of Da gnwood has installed ' \'Y''114az i-j--,Preet.'er is:`ro.W-comp- ."4" '4'4•0•CSOm0000•0+•+••4'W►i•• •4••••♦'P« 0***4 + *?i►{1M*lh*', \l, listed;, and Mr;'Preeter. iskept in 3 ~sews . -with' the •` big. doings in the• \ ` •"4fsidpp world. 'r'g "Irk ! •; °II•4!+'fr bd'•i°�i• 1 C4 r � 1! � A' reit ,wedeln trod p�lac ar•i•�8^+^J�3�3�+�^•!�3•4�•��i•F•6•+•i^^E•2•�•i°+�i••I�t4k•l�+•1•+^��°+•h•>k' at Wingham on Wendeaday July 5th; at 'high noon,at''the home of, Mr. and Mrs. J. A., MacLean, when Oanvass.. Eootwe ` came the 'bride, of Dudley Ellwood d• Holmes,. son of Mr. and Mrs. Dud For e p � Y�/ ,� � �3 ley Holmes of. Winigham. Revs •II•• ! +' Dr, Perrie officiated. Mr. and Mrs.. Holmes left in. the early aft- .� Now« that the hot dam s of Summed+ ernoon .for Toronto and Montreal :,II Lit Ucoin- I �I4 �,�, �r l�_ _ RE: NOXIOUS WEEDS. are here; give youy Section 9, of- Chapter 253, Rt t S. O., 1914, relating to the Nox- .l.• ious Weeds. Act, provides thatev 4. LET US FIT YOU OUT \VTT%3 RUNNING SHOES'' TINIIAT` ery overseer or- commissioner of t. GIVE LONG WEAR, SOLID COMFORT, ARE LIGHT, COOL highways shall see that all nox-' AND INEXPENSIVE, AS THESE PRICES ARE ALL BACK TO rt±• ions weeds growing upon the 4. NORMAL. , highways, in their respective div« .g, CHILDREN ARE HARD ON SHOES DURING THE HOLIDAYS nsion5 are cut down or destroyed 4. WHY NOT GIVE THEM 'THE COMFORTS OP RUNNING SHOES ^%- at the proper time to 'prevent the ,II, *- ripening of their seed. The work + AND SAVE THEIR LEATHER ONES. -' ALSO EVERYTHING * p g�• IN LEATHER AND STAPLE FOOTWEAR. LET IiS PLEASE 'L°" shall be performed as part of the •.l. YOUR FEET BY PETTING THEM PROPERLY. sts road world and shall 'be paid for •k' by the, municipality as the coun- F Q IT Q, o , oil may direct. Section 13 of the •&• s Q(►r said Act provides that a penalty . • of not less than$10.00 and not more . than $20.00 for the neglect or re- ,�, fowl .of the commissioner to per- i' .w Rave just Received Our .secoend shipment of Palm Beach "uits and to those who are undecided n regard' to tsheir Summer Suit, we feel greatly' satisfied you will be .well pleased by looking over our fine assortment of Palm Beach Suits, ranging in price from $15 to $35, the thing for Summer wear dust g ALSO A FINE RANGE OP GREY AND FAWN ALL WOOL WORSTEDS' AT $30.00. STRAW HATS These fine' Summer Days. makes you throw your old Hat and Cap up on`,a shelf ancients you go for a new and up -to date Straw Hata WE HAVE lir, `4,THAT'S ALL." PREETER Phone X59 Produce Wanted IED ARE IN THE MARKET FOR AI,SIKl+� AND CLOVER. SL fort you can. • SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH DASHWOOD form his duties in; this • respect. *.i,.r++4.II^4.1.+•1•++4.4r^h• 4•+++++++.4f'++ t ++ : +++++'tri+++++++++++' O:TSA OFFENDERS PAY HEAVY FINES Two week's activities on the part of Inspector Pellow, Prov. Of .leer Whiteside, and C'o. Conistable Wallis, hats resulted in several con- victions 'under the 0.T:A. It was known that outsfclers had .supplied. local . meth with liquor • for several eelebilations. Wm.. :F3annon of Logan' Tp. appeared before Pol- ice Magistrate Meakin~ of St a'€old and was fined,$1,000 and, coasts, and' a stock of` about $500 worth of whiskey' (1922 makey which the of - Veers discovered in a dug -out un- der his woodshed, was confiscated. Bannon also faced other Charges of Selling, 'before' Mag, Reid in God- erich. Howard Doherty of Wal- ton has been wanted by the offic- ers for some time, and beforelag. Reid he pleadedguilty of violating the O,.'I\A. and paid( 1$00 and costs. Ritchie's blacksmith shop in. Brussels vela the scene of a drinking bout reeently and as a result four tines were reeordeds, Charges of intoxication were also prosecuted against men at B1 Orth, Hensall, 'Dashwood and Seaforth. CASTOR IA For .Infants and Children In Use PoorOverr30 Years Always beets ' semm* the Signatiirt ofw We invite you to come and see our new Spring and Surn nes goods rz Voils, G -in shams, G elateas Prints -etc, We also have a good assortment of Staples in hardware and oils harness and repairs' sweat + pads, bridles, lines, waterproof rugs etc. We have on hand different varieties of seed corn at rigl .t prices.. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON E1) H EGGS A.PPI.,RS„ I(l:ll'GS'r PRICCES PAID FOR DC1G SND DRIED A r w N. • t i AS PHONE 11. 97