Zurich Herald, 1922-06-29, Page 8.1• TR q;•rx►r F., 9l�!: f 'rt TT T"T,T 1 T. NEW SUMMEGOODS At Attractive Prices. We quote a few here from our manylnes of goods that will interest you Fine Swiss Organdies in Dotted effect, 44in, wide at $1:75 and $2 yd, Plain Organdies 44in. all col. 1.25 Lighter, quality, 40 gni " yd. 85e Anderson's English Ginghams. These are very fine weave, excel- lent wearing quality 34 in. wide at 45c. yd. Printed Voiles, short ends to clear at 25c. jyard. Extra . QualityDouche ss sines in Navy Black, l3rown4 Sand, special at $2.50 per yd. Habutai Silks, in Navy, Brown, Rose, Mais, Burgundy, Coral, 13lk., • at per Yary $1.011. Tricolette Blouses, all colors $3.00 Voile waists and Middays from $1.50 to $3.00 Bash. Ladies' Hosiery -Juliet Brand sulk Hose in the different colors at $1.25 to $2.25 a pair. 13.1111111111 Lisle and cotton hose front 25c.to 85c. a pair. Balance of stock of Curtain and drapery materials at 25% off Regular price. view shipment of Men's and Boy's 'Shirts The celebrated W-G.&R.- line, Double wear cuff, :priced, from °$1.50 to $3.50. All Silk .Shirts ,at. $4.75. A complete line of soft Collars for 'Summer Wear. Mens and Boys' fine Straw hats new styles. Also har•veist hat all kinds and sizes. A. lot of Men's fine hats, your choice for 25c. Ready -to -Wear Clothing Special -10 only 20 -year guaran-t teed Aluminum Kettles laft to clear at $L85 each,, • WARM WEATHER WANTS IN GROCERIES ' Lyties_ sweet mixed pickles 60c qt. Brick Cheese per ib. • 30c Limberger cheese per lb. 35c Niagara Grape Juice ... :.: 35c Sweetheart peanut butter ib. 30c Excellsor; dates per package ,_15c Victory pork&beans 10e. '& 25c &SON GASCHO PRODUCE WANTED. DESIGNER PATTERNS xi-ch's Garage We are appointed authorized Chevrolet Service Station, and carry a stock of Genuine Chevrolet Parts Also stock acomplete line of Genuine Ford Parts Dominion and Dunlop Tires and Tubes BATTERY SERVICE STATION AND REPAIRS. ALSO BATTERY CHARGING. BRING IN YOUR MOTOR CARS NOW AND HAVE THEM REP- AIRED - READY FOR SPRING, WE ARE EXPERTS ON REPAIRS AND CAN GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON WHAT IT WILL COST SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. IF YOU ARE SATISFIED, TELL OTHERS: IF NOT, WHY TELL US. I, Mousseau Zurich maisma DENOMY , BROS- • GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing Hats for Summer Comfort Straws a.d Panamas The Standards for Two ;Generations THE THINGS MAN HAS A WHOL ESOME RESPDCT • FOR-ITHAT'S WHY HE CHOOSE A HAT WHICh• PROTECTS HIM, ADDS TO HIS COMFORT, AND ENHANCES HIS APPEARANCE ' lENOMY 1311105. Produce taken in exchange for Goode LOCAL MARKETS '-• (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter._. .,....._ ... .. 40 Eggs27 .:.........:. .. :.. .. ;.... Buckwheat 75c. Wheat per bushel1.45 ;Wheat ......,..41.37 .Oats 60-75c. Flour per cwt; . $4.00-$4.75 Bran per ton 30.00 Shorts • $35.06 Live Hogs_;.... ._. . 13.50 Springs, Beds, and Mr. W. Ii.' Pfile was a business to Exeter on .Friday. Messrs.. J. McDoneil and Thos: Parlmer of Hensall called ;in the -village on (Monday. r ra< Mr. Wm.'Churry left for Sag- inaw, ,Mich., last Saturday, where. lie joined the London ; Tecennseh; team, acting as catcher. The dwelling property opposite' the carriage ;shop, owned by Mr. Dan. Koehler' of Kitchener, . has been sold to Mrs. Alfi,Jita Wiliest of Zurich. Mr. J. Preeter is. installing the first Radio -Phone in Zurich, and when, completed -will keep Preeter well posted to the latest doings in the big centres. • Mr. Russell Haines, who has been played his position's very ably.. We drop out of the N. W. B. A. ,league with three games , wonf and three ':lost. The three lost are to the Goderich teamswho if they' hold together, should easily win the _cup. However, we are not ashamed and have no apoligies to make of the three' games lostto Goderich, as they have not used their own players, but an import- ed mported tean- , solely for the purpose to beat.. Zurich. It seems a cowardly thing .todo and : shows poor •. sportsmanship • foss a . town -like :.:Goderich, avith more,: than )ten times the population of Zurich to ,cast aside their ,own boys and at a ;.great financial :;expense and,. a big.' detriment to.-!tt.e 'sprto, • to: import .a ,.team, or as one .of their citizens puts it "Run aR °over cre- ation to get a team together, to beat Zurich'. • While another fan says; "We'll beat\those Dutch- men and . if we'll have . to mortgage the town." And after all the beating was not so bad, as the teams played six games, Zurich- winning two and Goderich four, and three of which,.. no more than three 'runs were scored on them. Again; we must express our regret of not being able to finish the our mainstay baseball pitcher, this 1 season•, we know the Goderichfans season left for London on Satur- day, where he :: intends to pitch for the London team one of these days. L 11 1 Mattress int . Springs 1. +1. Wehave • W just added to our stock a -1' complete' � line of Bothwell Beds, I ; Springs and Mattress, the line we 4. + CARRY - CANNOT FAIL TO PILL YOUR REQUIREMENTS AT*t- REASONABLE PRICES- 0 + 4' THE PAINTING BOOM IAS STARTED, AND WE ..i WAYS CARRY A FULL LIVE OF ISE OLD RELIABLE 4' $1T.ERWIN WILLIAMS .PAINTS, VARNXSIIES, SIIERWILLAC, .l, ± AUTO PAINIT, FLOOR PAINT; WAGON AND IMPLEMENT . '" PATN'T, E;TC- .e, ,�. qt4. FENCING -Parties requiring fencing foreshould see us bepuy 4'.zng. We handle genuine Frost ,Light Lock Fences. Also a -x,. bare g n nine full line of hog and poultryfenees, coiled, barb, brace and 3 Iblack wire and steeples, Etc, Car and Tractor owners + should see us about Polarine and Tractor Oils, Gasoline, Tires 4, Tubes and accessories New Perfection Coal Oil Stoves a ttd Ovens, 4. WE AIM TO SATISFY 1 STARE &WEIDO i• 4.PREETER BLOCK ZURICH 4.44+44.1-44+44444-.4.4.444.4.4•44.404+4.444.4444. 4--4edstet04-4--1.444.1.44.+T - BORN Turner -At Stanley Township On Wednesday, June 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, a daughter. SPORT NEWS ZURICH WINS LAST GAME through the medium of their week- lies, who have become;, a regular. "Tool" Will everlastingly call us anything that does not look good in 'print to fair minded people, as this , season they have ska politely termed' us as "The Roaring Lion" and called us "Bodeheads", a fine expression to encourage sport .of this kind, but we do not accuse the editors for writing up these articles, but they [should .first use their consideration before putting it out in the press. In the past when out team went to Goderieh Thursday, June 2"nd, 1522 The stare with the Liberal 'Cash Dischant LOOKI 100 Big Spring FURNITURE SALE For Four Weeks Only $BOOO StOCIC Of Furniture must goat prices never 'heard of before. Price Reduction from 30 to 50 per cent. A CASH OR NOTE SETTLEMENT,' IS -EXPECTED ON ALL. GOODS 'SOLD DURING THIS SALE. SPECIAL PRICES ON BEDS, SPRINGS AND. MATTRESSES. Don't fail to take advantage of this while the assortment is good FRESH CAR CAN. CEMENTCOMING IN A FEW DAYS E LI Q.K&BI-:2U N PHONE 83 t erald Job I rtmen a1 sa •a yourfor Is ys •. t yo service GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Carde1 • Stationery,'. Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop es, Ghee' Backs, Pgsting Bilis a sp3cialty. This Store as showing you the big- gest values money can buy to -day. We are buying yin the lowest market :. and Y g serving it out at the lowest possible prices. Sport Satin, hi all the leading Shades, suitable for Shirt and Dresses at per yard $2.50 end won from them, they bitterly In a fairly well attended Big scolded us for doing so, and if we Four game here last Friday even- lost to them we have received the ing, the locals, in a considerable crippled -condition, defeated the Imiported Purity flour team: of Goderich to the score!' of 2-1- Coop, er of Clinton pitched this, game and certainly deserves credit for the manner in which he did it. There was little pep and spirit in the •game, as the old life of the. past season seems to 'have pot come back as yet. This was the last game of leN ague ball, whether it is ;Big hour or N.W.B.A., that the fans of Zur- ich will see this summer, as sour team was forced to drop both: of these leagues, owing to' our catcher Churry and pitcher Haines leav- ing., eaving, the former left two weeks a- go for Michigan and has taken part : in two games catching, for same treatment. Butnow since we will not come at all we will be 'reeky to get offi with "anything less then assassination. If we are such a tough bunch why did the management of the "Purity Flours" coax and beg Zurich to stay in the league the other evening after the game, their words and actions do not correspond. Goderich has a fine bunch of players, as good as ever" put foot on our diamond, but the public is getting sick of their management which is equally as bad, but we will silently lay low ' and "Laugh last and laugh best" as they states and letthein go to it,,as we had oily year last 'season and cam,': out on top, even if they used five imported players to our two. It is a question if Buz/ Wet e„'s pro e;s:onal '.i -:e -up, Zurich will for some time again and is showing; up . wen, and he have a ball team, equal to what fans of Zurich wish Churry "cry, aucceas. On S ttu `d ty p;tchei#';t1a- in es left naso for• London where he wilt be used by the same team, and he also has the good wishes of Churry. We are indeed sorry that we have to discontinue se early in* the season, 'and the fans who had expected to see some r' obail yet titisummein Zurichealg, w1od111 be gren atly-disaproin1r- g ted. Our boys have been ttry- ltg to do the best they can the last few games by using "Babe" Siebert $ he outfielder, as eatcher, but this 'position 'takes a lot of practiee which "Babe" has not had It is indeed regretable that the team is ,Taken up owing to the we; have had, and we rthank the public for the support given!, al- though not so good in attendance this year, owing undoubtedly' the depression ,of a little flat times, If our boy's stay together by next year, we will we hope, have again a team, that will not alone be called an amateur team, hut 'will be amateurs. If the N. W. 13..:1., executive allows such semi professional teams to play and vin their ,trophies, they ,should not attempt to call themselves an am- ateur League. But here's to good luck to our home boys that we feel proud of, and if they should leave the, village, we still have:, their ;ineniory lingering in our Foulard Silk in Navy and White Black and White, 13irown and White, at per ydt, only .;. $2.50 proxnising Young boys •eomirig 'a- thoughts, as good clean sport:, tont, as Lennie -O 13raeri,, a niere and have the assurance that they ••n'11D1 host looked ver; "}moi a:rr l 111 n-'tke,,good \vh'.re'i;er they go. Home Spun suiting, very popular at the present time, yd. ... $2.15 See our New. Line of Crepe, at 50c Short Ends of colored. Voiles , at per yard ._- -__ -._ 25e Ladies' and Children's Gingham, dresses at Low Prices. Ladies' White, Voile Waists, long and short, sleeves. Girls' School ` gats at pxIces away dawns Ladies' Silk (lose, Ribbed ' top colors, Black white, sand, grey, Brown, ilergandy at pair ,:. 75e Men's Felt Hats,in all the leading shades, Don't miss to see theta! before you buy. Just Arrived; -New atraw Hate,, Soft, Collars, Shirts, ies, Soak Belts, Etc. Men's Bulbriggan Underwear, twat.' piece and Combination. B. V.d• Athletic Underwear sleev lessand knee length, Men's Garbardeen Coats, a snap at TB16.011 oxmovormae Mcn's Waterproof and -Dress Cats, Regular ,$25.00 for $15.00; WALL PAPERS' All Will. a p ers to Clear to end h f. Season at 25 ' discount -for j Cash. Job Lot Field lints, 1,50, $1, &'25e Blatchford Calf (Meal 251bs, FRESH GROCERIES AT ALL TIMES. pacts, BUTTER AND LARA WAN TED. rode a Wanted B ter ek 'ashion Phone. 07 7 7