HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-06-29, Page 1• 77, Vol. 'XXI I No 48 ZURICH, THURSDAY NG, J USNa 29, I922. ifreaerereelf A 10.0 per cent Gift We have taken over. the Age cy of the Star Phono graph in connection with out odder lines and are 'pre-' pared to show ------ all ALSO HAVE THE STA R RECORDS POOR SALE. .COME AND REAR THE LAMEST MUSIC THE PRICE FOR .'1'HESL RECORDS IS THE CHEAPEST ON THE MARKET, A DOUBLE SIDE AT ••65c W. H. PFILE ZURICH THE HOME OF (GOOD SHOES. • • �•o'o•�•o•a'•o•o•o•a o•. •' o e 4 o v b o �. o d. 4• d .. ©` � •rte p ll 4 45rlYO e0tGe eeee 0•l! J D.p••p• l7 O d •po. e CLl rrimer -Goods We are showing one of the finest range of Season- able Goods we have ever had in Dress Materials for the lint' weather, both for. Men and Women and, we .Would invite you to call and lookover our lines- ►.efore making your purchases. No trouble to, show, Goods. ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES* NOVELTIES* IN SUMMER WASH GOODS i PRINTED VOILES A: large,. assortment of this Season's new designs, black checks Foulard and Chalice patternsat 25c. to 90c. a Yard. EMBROIDERED SWISS OROFANDIES rounds of Emerald, Green, .French Blue, Peach, Orange and Rose embroidered in : spots and fignree of contrasting ' colors • - 44 inches t id,'e at ertCl „to..42 5O,ta#i!d it % ?!b n ,030.)-44.91L meal eeeelors at ' 5e.y ,: GINGHAM—NEW SPRING GIN HAMS Hundreds of yards of the newest spring .Ginghams in all the newer patterns and colors effect including the news check pattern, Plain 'colors and fancy 'figuredpatterns at 20o. 25c. and 3.c, yard, • BARONEPTE•SATIN White Baronette Satin for 'skirts, a:beautiful all ,silk ' cloth in plain and fancy ,patterns, 36 inches wide at $450 and $3,75 a yard. - PRETTY DRESSES e : TO 16 YEARS Fore the little Tote are pretty Dresses made from good quality • Canadian Gingham, beautifully' trimmed with white ric-rac braid arid 'finished. with smart little belts; LADIES HOUSE DRESSES AND APRONS A. beautiful •range of Ladies ,.House Dresses and aprons .made of good quality print and chanbray,very neatly trimmed in all sizes.. HOSIERY Ladies' Venus Silk Hose . such good makers as Venus, ribbed tops • in colors of black, navy, brown, lark and white, at $190 to $2.25. Also Glove'; ilk Queen quality Hose at. $a.50.' We are also showing a good line of Silk Hosein all shades at $1,25:.a parr MIDDY BLOUSES 1 , r ! This is the Middy Season, ,a woad erfut range to `choose from. They come in all white or white with fancy colars, at remarkable low ; prices Saturday is Suly' 1st, a)on.inion ;Day, and a "public holiday, Mr. and Mrs. A• Melick were vises iitore to Crediton on Sunday. Mr. C. Fritz has his celery field It set out and' it looks very prom - sing for a good start, • Mr,: and Mrs. James J. Barry of 'Aunville are 'visiting relatives here. Mesers. A. F: Hess and ' M. G. Deitz attended a Telephone Con- vention at London on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geiser of Gredit'on. 'galled at the homer. of Mr. andl4Irs. Melick on Monday evening. The, editors of Huron County received invitations to attend the County Council picnic at Bayfield last Friday. Only two were pies- sant; • The Z. P. S. annual picnic held • at Grand Bend last Thursday was a decided success, although the weather was cool, the enjoyment and sports could not have been better. Mr. and Mrs. John Gascho are spending the week visiting relat- ives at Pigeon; Mich. Mies Verna Geiger, Mrs, Gaseho's sister, who had' been visiting here for some, time, returned with them. Owing to..Saturday, July lst, being a public holiday, del Les- ,;iness places in Zurich will be closed Sul on Friday evening, June 30th, the storee.. will be open so 'that_I people can do their week -end a napping, r • Mr. F. C.` Ealbfleisch would feel bliged if the`. party who took a- -ay two bags; of oafs on .a whe- elbe•rrow' 'from jeis :bar• on Tues morning,!. '�:yz •er1, Blur € nd e .o'eloek, kiTaiO'f urn , 'it int-- tree/lately, ni-tree/lately, as he vas seen in the act � g of.' carr irn • them, out of the 4 4n4' ,46 Palm Bach Suits Have just Received Our secoond shipment of Palm Beach "nits and to those who are undecided in regards to their Summer Suit, we feel greatly satisfied (that you as well as us wilt be well pleased by looking over our fine assortment of Palm Beach Suits, ranging • in; price from $15 to $35. "Just the thing for Summer wear” ALSO A PINE RANGE.GE GREY AND FAWN ALL WOOL WORSTEDS AN $30.00• STRAW HATS These fine Summer. Days makes you throw your aid Plat and Cap up on a shelf andour you go for a new and, ap-to date. Straw Hata WE HAVE lit "THAT'S ALL." Phone 59 J. PREETER Produce Wanted WE ARE IN THE MA. ET FOR ALSIKE AND CLOVER gEED OP baree. A Sunday School conference will be held ''itennthei Menn on t Sati Church e+4•44+++44401.44+++++++++++++++++4414444444. Zurich be g'II' J W A L IAM 'THE SCIENTIFICALLY BUILT WATCH', See Our Sesection. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Cheeter L. Smith, Pafillah $1.45 a Year Iu Aelleaael o („N eeein eer, :F'!, .11rt) 128 Ua?ltil ls1S Ti MO SONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up ,$4,000,,004 Reserve Fund $5,000,00% Over 125 Branches It Ks not necessary to niaku,' a special trip to;the r+earest branch of The Molsons Bank' every time you want to deposit money. Send your ,deposit.tao.' the Bank by mail Writ today to the nearest manager of The Molsons Bank for iii- .. formation► SUMMER HEAT IS ONE QIe W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch N004•••••0.•4•••••••4•••4t•••••••••••••••••••••••lAy- I Great Bargain al - • HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF DIfl ERENT • GOODS MFN'i:`-.. e ZONED BELOW, T DECIDEED PUTTING ON .A SALE.:',.., A°l' o, PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. TRESE PRICES WILL RE •+ ' • GOOD ONLY. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY • $5,ef6: • 0• 2 dozen all -wool Horse Blankets, size 72,84, at each _.. . q. 2 dozen' Jute Blankets, at a Real Bargain • A ;Big Assortment of Halters at 25 Reduction.` • 10 Robes, size s4x62 at from, $12.50• upwards. .e.. • A ; number of real English Plush Rugs, prices from $6.00to$9.54. • • Several dozen Mens, Heavy Horse -hide Mitts at a Bargain, • 20% off on Whips valued at 75c. -and up. A• ' number sets of Single, Harness, • at '$25.00 eaaeh. 4, 02 -REPAIRING A -SPECIALTY PHONE 1 P FRED THIEL ZU • .. I ......00.•.00•*0.300.•••0•`••• •••N+•4•..•In$'' Y .,,red nirfig, July' 1st, and ending on Sunday evening. (A fine 'prove amine of.. speakers has, been arran- 1 ged, and„ this losok promising to be an excellent conference. Came with us and we will do thee much good. A most successful picnic was held at Bayfield on Friday by the members of the Huron County Co- uncil, great interest was manifested in the program of afternoon spots, lei which -Reeve E. F. Klopp . captur ed the 100 -yd. dash', andalso as. listed by Mrs. Ci L. Smith, won ,out in the needle race, Reeve Neeb of Stephen won in the shot-put. It was a . pieked crowd and cer- tpin1y <t ; ine time. The' regular monthly meeting of the W iC.T 17 was held on Wed- nesday evening last. The dev- otional and educational parts wee, re combined by the seiperintend- en;ts of the Evangelisitic and Sys- tematic Giving departments, viz; Miss A. Hese and 1VIrs, 'A.''Geiger. Interestong - topics . were •given on Christian Stewardship and The Reward of Obedience. The follow ing delegates, were appointed to represent this Union at the WteL T.U. Con,vention, liensall' on July 6th, 'Misses El. '.Rennie, A.. Hess, E. Heyrock, M. Preeter, Mrs Routledge, Mrs. :Siebert, Mrs, J. Hey, All who are interested in the work of this organization sho tsld attend this 'convention. NO I-IBRALD NEXT WEEK. Owing to tlae publisher, dC'lL, Smith again being on the side list, itb.ere willl .be• ,no Herald next week, as has begin the custom for this weekly since it was founded twenty --two years ago, to observe the first week; in July as holiday ,weak., but on account .of missing three issues last; February through ,tilness we had decided to oto ob- serve this holiday. Bet a very unfortunate accident happened the editor on Tuesday evening while having some teeth' extracted oele of his jaw hones was fractured and being laid up on We•rbiesday being away to . tees -tilt an doctor, the Herald is a day elate. this week, and we are getting it out under great :d ifficulty, We hope our readers Will again bear with us during .this time fo illnesA, CASTOR IA `or'Wants and Children ` in:Use F'olrOver3Oyears Ads ay s beats the Sienaturt �t 1 Spring Showings of CHOICE FOOTWEAR Oar Spring ; Showing of Choice Footwear is now complete and we must say without the shadow of a doubt, that we , • have never had in Stock such a good assortment of the • niftiest styles, made over the latest lasts, and they also assure; .d. comfort and easewhen walking. The leathers this Spring al- 'g • ' so premise to be considerable sup- erior in duality to former years. See our Stock of Ladies' Fine, One, Two and Three Strap Slip- * per's. Oxfords are worn extens- ,, ively. this Summer, and we have • just what you want in this line of Footwear;. • Also an exceptionally fine show -° Ing of Men's fine Shoes, Oxfords, + +g` Etc. You will save dollars, and + have the best of satisfaction by ,1 baying at our Stores. �. C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH DASHWOOD 44efel $•f••i• '•e••t'+l• •3• er++ ++44 1'•i+Fid• •+ •+++++•1•++++++++ 441 4 4 We - invite you to come and see our new Spring -and Summer goods in Volts, •in ghana.s, Gelateas, Prints etc. Ve also have a good assortment of Staples in hardware and. oils harness and repars' sweat ;i bridles, lines, waterproof g..... etc, We have on hand different varieties ofseedcorn atri ht prices. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND HIGHEST PRICC a S PAID FOR EGGS AND D:RIBD AppLI a s 1