HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-06-22, Page 7Practical Paragraphs. SpiOng preeervative—Qie of the hest lubricants aid pres4watives for the leaveof automohile springs is flake grephite and lubricating oil mixed to a eonsistency of a paete and appaied 41,th a paint Ittrush This erre vents the accumelation of ruet and contributes to the eaey riding quail - ties of the part. Gasoline logic—A einiple but Ire- gliently forgotten, precaution in riegard •to filling the gasoline tank is that the mouth of the gasoline can should, be carefully wiped off before filling to remove anfy dust or dirt that may have lodged there.• Otherwise, in the ab- eence a a strainer, the gasoline will carry the accumulated dust into the • tank arid later there will be trouble • with clogged pipes or carburetor. is faulty alignment a the front wheels, which 'causes them to eeatie the the 'along the road surface at each revolutien, Whenever excessive tire wear develope the wheel's should be inspected for misaligement, and if the ear ewom ie hot familia'', with the method used in alignieg he should have the serviee station do the job. The tharge for, aligningthe wheel Varies, but $2 is about, the average •and this usually includes a ecanplete inspection 'and adjustment of the steering mechanism from the P4S Scratches on body worit—While a deep gouge inthe 'oar's body work will usually call for the attention of the °each builder, still the really skillful chtMer may be -able by running into the eeratch beesentax and resin melted together and the eothing off the surface and repainting to accomplish satisfactory Tenet., Testing the mixture—If the mixture is suspected of being too rich, Ant •off the fuer in the tank and open the throttle. If the mixture paesing into , tete cylinders is too rich the engine -speed -will increase as the liev,e1 of the gasoline in the float elamber 'Ls low- ered, since ,this -operation veeiakens the mixture honsederablee If the mire Is thought to be too weak the float Chanibr Can be' flooded while the en - forward. Front wheels ate always cambered and gathered; that is, theY "toe in' in front making the distance from wheel te wheel in front less than that, in the rear, At the same thne the distance betweim the points of contact With the -road is lees than the distance (between opiposite points. These dietanees vary with.- different makes of cars, but usually the gather equals 8 per cent. of the tire diameter. Thus, with a thirty -font inch tire the heel will be gathered about an inch. ewever, the ear °Weer who propeses aligning his • 'wheels Should get the exadt figure from the manufacturer or froth' the service station. - Refitting old pistons --When an old set if pistons reaches the • stage where replacement is nenessagyi it is some - wommawand the wors Vhhoselalkrekeeeee times polgaible to avoid this expense45 - 'swelled. The process used for this In a bed of hot charcoal, which. corn- CAI1ADIAN FARMING by iheat g istons one at a time • Pletely covers them. The chareetaleis brought to a red hot heat and is then allowed to cool When the piston is • gine is running, and if this causes the removed it is found to be consider - motor to speed up it may be accepted ably swelled, sometimes as much as as an indieation that the mixture h004 of an Mote Pistons so treated are iot rich enough. - ' • not as good as new ones, but consid- h 1 e tion—tDrme of the most e.rable expe,rese le saved, and the clear - A NEW PHASE OF • by having the. worn Set exParrdod or S C NOVEL BUSINESS' IN CEN- TRAL ALBERTA. D. H. Bendick Operates Wild Game arm Yielding Hand Revenue. &event c.auses exiceseive tire we ance is returned pretty close to normal. p, Look Up and Smile. Don't lase ye= grip. Don't think that life • "Something to Hold To." Although it was long after mid- night, the reading lamp was still burning in Dr. Ferguson's study. His wif-e a,piphoaelied the room aexiously; " she knew only too well the 'cause of ' her. hushand's wakefulness. insomnia and nervous depreseion had mastered him as a result of ioverw.ork in a. hos- pital for mentally disabled .soldiere She opened the, door. The doctor was seated, et.„ his desk, teeming the_leavenns of a large 'hook. , "I am, afraid yeti will not sleep at rdl if youbegin to study at this beer," she said to him. Then she exclaimed, ;"Why; that is the Bible! Are you—" "No; ino worse than esual—rather better , mentally than for some time. But no wonder you are iastani,sheri,nly dear; this is the Bible that you gave me ,when we were married! Find for me, Macy, the text that begins: 'For am persuaded that neither death, nor 'He, nor 'angels, ner principalities, nor eowers, nor things present, nor things tee come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature—' But first) must tell you what 'called my atten- tion te those majestic words," Mrs. Ferguson seated, herself. "You remember," the doctor con- tinue,d, that I told yen about John Poeter, my college classmate, who min- . s A "discovery" has been made near • Leduc, south a Eamonton in Alberta Will be a never-ending ram. which adds still another phase to the Look im eind smiee! Though deeds are daik, Believe the sun will shine again. You cannot see a ray of light? And think that heneeforth you must groPe - In heavy-hearted wretchedinese Along a path devoid of hope? There nevee yet has been a storm- e e , u open spa.ces and generous bluffs. A perience :with the E'gYPtian. goose has aiumin.um results in a greater me- an draughtsmanship. , ot er fee tele n ation or addition was required for raised as easily as chickens and -rile I composi,tions not containing has been provided: for the summer. teary eritirely lose their wild' wlth suited me siorne time ago. I sent Craba are not ueually laolted upon ie the light of a intesaneeo but there are sOme eneeles which. cause bother Pad elarne Oddly, eneugh, the fisherman of Japan /MS a supreme contempt for the gigantic crab of his coast, whieh has niers ten feet ill length, and when moving along the bottom of the sea with ite claws apread out covers an area of twenty-two feet or so. The destructiveness. of certain sue - cies of arab in the West Indies is re- inarithble. Oa Grand Gam= ilier are as 'heartily detested as the rat. They are great burmwers, and In lo- calities where they are Plentiful—and they multiply with the rapidity of the rodent—nothing is safe from them, They will eat even the eggs on which a hen is setting as greedily as the hen herself if she does not run away, and just as readily the leaves of seedling cocoanut trees. They effect in the West Irtdies praetically the same great degree of destruction on the young cocoanuts as the sepoy crab fICS, in tbe East Indies. In each instance some 8 to 11 per cent. of the seedlinge have to be replaced, if they are plant- ed in newly cleared. ground from which the crabs have not been thoroughly cleared out. These land crabs destroy vegetation and , are responsible for trequent patches at bare soil in the bush, which, when the crabs are gone, soon become covered. again. Into their holes they take thinge for which they cannot con- ceivably nett any use—a knife, a boot, a beet and any tools they find lying about. During the drier mouths in the ea.rlier part of the year they go under- geound to eltango their elialla and add to their destruotivenese by thoroughly barricading the mouths of their bur- rows with all s orts of rubbish, forced with tree sheets and yeeng sap- ling, nipping them off or uprooting' them. crab, however, has the infamous repetation—fabulous it most Iiicelr Is --of the sepey crab of the Indian Ocean and a,sterzt waters. This crus- tacean, often seen on the shores of eoco islands, and sometimeS, although zeldorn by AIOJY, ClirObIng the e0.0° paiM to steal the fruit, is between a crab paid a lobster. The. sepey spends ite time stealing cocoe,rinte, dragging 1,h0111 to the mouth of its burrow among the tree roots, peeling them and eating the almond lining. The serd9oys—so called from the blue and white u,niform of the sol- diere (Sepays) of the old East Indian Companr—about two feet long, are not feared by the nativee, who put their arms into their holes and seizing the cleWs in. a billion whip them out suddenly, ' But they spealt with awe of the rare monster crabs that exceed three feet in, length, and one of theca is Sairl to have onee stolen a child. Thie story Is told aot only in the islands of the Math -kills and of Diego Garcia but so farapart Lortl Hoodh, Island in the Pacific, where the sepoy a also found. estates in both the Earn and West- Despair. ern United States are continually in I:aerially good breeding 'stook, and are ecilne ready to pay good prices. in the To preach diplomacy of sure defeat. And with dull fears make forceful voices dumb. I hold strong men like chaff beneath my thumb, Sow seeds, ot pain as farmers sow their wheat, See only bitter in the honey -sweet, And hear loud doom in every infant's • • drum. ' My counsels are like ice to chill the blood, Like paean gas to stunthe heart and • brain. I watch nry minions writhing in the mud, Careless of snowy. peaks they might attain. , I nip the lily's, premise in the bud-, of the natural existence. Two flowing And leave the mountain lever with the wells onthe farm supply water for the arcial lakee which ere ire the en- closure wheee the water fovr1 are kept. Long gress and brush surrounding the lateeseOplY the best of locations for • nestiege--ch yeeng•lairds ere fed 'Stich are olfi,encingh-to eat grain. Some of high temperature when burned h ...„ the market for -wild game birds es- Ambassador from Failure's court, p'asrt fall though Mr. Beridick had a I paralyze the na-useles of the fleet, • numeroas stock ,to clispoee of, he was tillable to meet half the demand ,whioll eame, to, him. Geese range in pries from.,$15' to $110 and native wild &eke are worth from- $10 to $30 per pair.. Other birds bring anything up to $150 -myriad features of Canadian iaggieuile ture and in its present leek a corn - petition suggests the Way to the de- velopment of an expansive and profit- able industry. This no less than a suecess.fully operated, wild game farm, -abounding in the feathered denizens of all parts of the world es well as those native, to every section of the Dominion. The farmer is D. a Ben - dick tanid he has huilt up an enterprise That -didn't sometime have .an end, that ie possibly unique in the Canadean The clouds will break ere yon'rel West as well as having de -veil -aped a aware, - most prosperous husinese on novel, Look up and smile? Take heart, my - Don't lase your courage! Just believe That good is vomehow in the way; That after night :will dawn for Another happy, eunny —Ida. M. Thomas. the prirnitihe state in -which Nature cz at cl it sat ated in Central Al- per pa*. Much Wild Game Abounds. The province of Alberta, in fact the entire area eon-44.15ring the Prairie Provincei, heingtho excellently sup- e‘lied with -wild 'genie, naturally offers the- best possible conditions for their • firming ender semiedlornestie coedri- tierts., ,It is the experience too, that the vogd_ birds arrive at a sturdier matUrity and reproduce more rapidly in this life than under the letiards Photos Without a Camera. . it harvelps isornetimee that vrhen yeti come across a..elrawing of which you would like to -hare a, copy you iate pre- vented from 'making one either by lack, of time Or by ,neaset of tele fines which is returning him a hand- some revenue. Gonditione for the, breeding of wild game he states to be ideal in Alberte and he believes that from a commerrial viewpoint the fu- ture of the pursfuit in the West is al - meet limitless. The farm very geneeally remains in —Stanton A. Galenite. Use for Akirelliileirn. , -.Owing to the property which alemi- animalefoodseae belled eggs- until they num P°ssesses of Pratineing a very the -birds gather t • he greater part of substances that give off oxygen it has their oWn, fooct during the suinrner. been employed for making a d.etonat- , It has been found that wild awake which do not detonating compositions generallY in his hands, was delivering a passion - or far firing explosive,'3 from f..i:ve to eight eggs per season, readily respond to the action of the , ate speech to a mixed 'crowd in Bel - and geese wile , ordinarily lay only will layea eecond setting if the first used. . ils taken-arvay which may be hatched The 'aluminum is used in the form A Sun Puzzle. Is there such a thing as being able to see the SIM before it lute risen? There is; so if ever you see it ap- pearing on the horizan early in the morning, you may be eartein that it has not appeared at ,all, but that it is etill just a little way below the eky- explaration ,in the fact that beforre the sail's light reaches your eyes it is bent upreeted by the atraos- phiete theca& width it passes. This bending, at the horiwan is just about egrel to the sim'S breadth. It follows, therefore, that w,hen the sun is on the point a rising, its light is ,curved round to meet the eye, and to the eye, consequently, it seems as If the gun were actually resting on the 'horizon, instead of reallr5r being invis- ible just below, that point. The bending of the light combag direct from an object varies accord- iug to the density of the atmosnliere; the denser the atmosphere the greeter the amount or bending. It alho viaries with the positien of ,the object; it ie greatest at the hoer- zon and it gnarl -taller decrease,s -the - higher the object it situated, until this bending of the light (known as refrac- tion has) disappeared altogether by the time the 'object is ov,erhead. Belfast Again. An Irish Republican, taking his life out by. a barnyard fowl. The Cana- el a Powder mixed no.,_tla the other He had suffered badly at the hands on substances filling the percussien. caps of one particular heckler, but at last alert* wild goose has been found domestication to become as tame as or detonators,. The sudden high. tem- his chance came, 'nduced. by the pulverized "You think you're very smart, don't you?" 'sneered the heckler. "Well, just tell us how many tees has a pig got?" "Take your boots off and count!" vniTshteirlee liretareingnorelifill3;:ther interrup- tions. In nautical language a wind with e velocity 'of 60 miles an hour is termed a "Whole gale." berta's picturesque parkland with its the 'domesticated breed's and the ex- P erarure h d i h ibirants and with has bee 'proved with, sa dezen different' can be aluminum, quarters eif the waterfowl. No alter- instincts. Young pheasants large enclesure with artificial takes been et/Mien clanks on the eon,: ehahleal energy than can be produeed Not Nowadays. to a calmer specialiet, who, as we soon If there ie no printing on the other vatieties. Wild tuelteys, introduced' Her I'eather— What? You a y ter., a Red- Cross nurse, told me this with those that are you ean proportions the tame varieties. Some His Daughter-- I don't. He doe n t this exception the primal wildnese as unchanged. Between fifty and sixty different breeds iof the feathered tribea, .are 'bred' on the farm. including wild ducks, geese, turkeys, pheaeants, grouse, preivie 'chickens, quail, pea granddaughter.. MarY Pei"' of the illustration contrast strongly from Kentucky, have done exceptione ertgaged to Fred.? I thought I told you /e T45 learned, could do little to relieve his side of the paper, and the black parts ally well and ,completerly eut-classed in' not to give him any encouragement. mornin of hag. •deatili several days ago. make a copy in a few moments. of these have attained a weight of I need annr." over thirty pounds. The California qu'ail, the Hungarian partridge, the 55 / had lest track ef him until recently pia,ce under the page a sheet of because the tragic death of his wife in gaslight printing -paper, and held the fowl, guinea hens, and doves. The a railway accident, his subsequent ill dra. whig nen an electric light or an breeding .stoCk en the ferni at pre - health end the loss of his savings had incandescent burner for two ear three sent time numbers nearly three hurt - prevented hiin from 'coming to our minute -s. Ifyou are too busy at the deed and this ,spring and slimmer it class reunions. To -clay I atteeded his time to complete the process, put the is expected that two thousand birds funeral. 1 phintingepaper away in a dark place *ill be hatched and reared. "Only one ether peeson was, pre- until yoe have leisure enough to de- 'An Accident Responsible for Venture. sett t at the service besides the minis- eelep it. When you do so, yon will tee, Miss Foster and myself, but the end that it contains an excellent re- The inception of this novel and pre- face of that person and what he said. , production of the drawing, "fitablie industry was largely accidental. to me sent me to this Boolc to -night! Records of the shanes of leaves, MT. I3endick wag an ordinary Alberta Ile was' a former patient of mine at flowers, geassee, end seaweeds eau be farmer with, however, the instincts the haspitel, a• sufferee from shell' made in a similar way. When they and tastes of the natutelist undevelep- • Aft • the usual service 'the have beet pressed, place them in a shock. et minister said, 'I have been ;asked to read the favorite .Scripture of our , friend, who facedibereevemeet, finan- i 1 less and physical pain like a t a t veritable saint and martyr.' "The face of my former patieet' li 1! cl u As we tinned away fieml safety Device for Motors. printing-feame over a sheet of either ordinary or gaslight paper. After ex- posure, the prints can he developed, or toned arid fixed in the ordinary way. the grave I. saia to him, 'I am glad to , In order that they may be eapeble of Canadian prahre chicken and Chinese pheaeants ha,ve all been 'bred suceess- fully proving 'extraordinarily haecly. Mothers of Men. There's a force for geed, wielding its power In every country and clime, Swaying- our destinies, shaping the hour; 'Pis the power of love that's divine. ed. One day sorrie years ago, whilst in eity or town and ever the seas, cultivating his fields, came upon the om times far out of our ken. wild duck and his sporting. It lifte from trouble, one fetters it nest of a and nateralist promptings rebelling frees— at the idea of destroying the eggs, he It's the power of nee mothers of took them back to the house and plea - ed them =dere lien. The result was men. tea wild ducklings, all of which remit - ed maturity without mishap and multi - find you so well.' Tactoeh he replied coping with. the heaviest kind of work, plied surprieingly bhe following year. quickie-, `de you remember that when I electric tools are generally Provided Rather by way of expanding the 111" You said to nit 'Hold on, my body; with powerful mo -tore. As long as the tenet of his holebr than with any idea You vit1 ultimately -regain yMir work is satisfaetory no trouble ie ex- of Pr°11t'' he f°11°.%Vea 'n13 thi'S '"eces8 stveorth,' 1 groaned and muttered, peelenced; but enee the bit or drgi by importing some of the cheaper 'How 'can I hold on when there is no- sticks or binds the powerful motor im- *miles ef Pheasants and since that veloped 'of its own oecoed into a thing to hold to? sinking_sern log!' You did not liker the look in niy eyes, and you warned Miaa Foster to watch me. It was John Foster, her grandfather, that led me to the Rock. I foetid something to hold to. No- thing shall be able to separate tis 'from the love of God!' "Mary, the war and its aftettnath have made my former view of life 'in. adetpate, 1 must find somethieg to hold, to. Read ine the text epoke of —the eavorite Scripture of rey old friend." The Phreori KeeW. th Min'etere-mtivere wee 'stror4;er (baral to -day.' did 'he leek likeV' Streneltitg Min it ton ---"I did ' not 8ee '"• " dollar bill he the the • e t thee the farm, has Just grown. and de mediaeely causes the ent r too o r volve with sometimes injury to the user. - To overcome this danger a safety brake has been introduced, This brake is composed of a soecial switch and connections, including e sme,11 resist- ruice. Ite purpose is to shut off auto. matically the etterent and at the seine thee throw ill the teeistanee order that there may be eaele,ecl a powerfel magnetic braking effect. When, for any reas,on, the operator'S hand te removed from the beadle the business proposition returning very satisfactory revenue. Other birds were added at different times, a permit from the Government being seeured in the ease of C,anacliari game birds protected by lave .The question. or operation was not from the firet a sininie niatter, there being When by 11 Is raunerous difficulties, to suttee -ant and es4eritial that all available apace much bard study to be undertaken 1,1„„a slolitoodaitilo.u,ttangizeo,u With tehri:atittietvipt:es; mastered before the knowledge neces- Setr ItOr the 'care ef the many Smith- a "led eAlmtiM"'14°. 1°111eh' when folded takes the place of the brake istoes the -revolving tool in less erei varieties was absothed. An inrat - than one involution, thus. rendering' It herent lore of the purseit conquered springs in the se" while tbe mat* tree§ end. betide.% can be tiS-ed as a harmless, The tool cannot becionie un- ell obetfteles end now he. hos no teou- Washing oar erns away 'with her tears, Giving her all for 'oar needs, Sineothing Out pathway, 'calming -our 'rears,' Curbing 'our hates 'and our greeds; , elettelugh heartaches; failure ' 'anti 'pain; . Ready for laughter -again, That is the thenie a the worlds great refrane--e . It's the power of the 'leer -late of men. --Robin A. Weikel.. rolding Bed or Tourists Pits Rear Auto Seat manageable, as finiriedletelr upon the, • ble rearirig • to maturity in sub- ('''116111611. release of the switch, either by the eteetiel immbeee, the birds or any 'opera ter lettieg 'it go or the henSle breed„ . beteg ierlted mit oe his tattle, -the de- Contrary to what one might 'suppose Great oaks ier:,'M a2ooniii ttive rico elleile oft tIie eurreht nue store the market for thie sta.* is en,ellent and mane' at ooks Yeah reetelin bc- the Wale end staple.. Hunting elutes and lavge oenee olhoote little eigteette. ()right' or Forest Pima, Trapping Tigers With Bird Lime The idea that a inmtee could trap wild animals with no other aid than bird -lime seems ridiculous, yet this is the favorite method adopted by na- tives iof Sumatra, in the EastIndies. The birdelime is made from the gum of trees. In catching tigers ee elepihants the hunter spreads the lime where the animals will pass, and cor- ers it with leaves. When a "eat" an - mal puts his foot in the gum he does not attempt to run away, but tries to bite the -stuff from his feet, and then inade from a sea& joint of rare gete it on his face. bamboo. The darts, which are About As he triee to rub it off he plasters the eiee of knitting needles, are made it Over his eyes, and when he is thor- from tb n .,, ,, ,e, , i e Mill -TWO. ell Witt leaves. oughly covered with it be is so help - When the dart shrikes the viethei bite less that he tan be caged without much paistined, end breaks off and :remains ttouble. He spends weeks of , his eitan m the wound. the natives use a mixture of lime and sap obtained from the root of the tuba tree. They first warn the villagers down stream so that the latter will not drink any of the water; then they pour out the white iiquid. It -spreads over the s'bream, making the fish ea - belt (drunk). The fish rise to the sur- face and are gathered into boats. In killing more dangerous animale, such es the orang-outang, the native usets a blow -pipe, It is, a long slender tube from six to eight reet lengbh, tivity in trying to 'remove the lime, A gr.ot python measuring thirty - from his fdt. two feet in length, was captured alive Monkeys are captured in bird -lime', by MT. Chaareis Mayer,the famous smeared on the limbs -of trees, but an -i wild animal it:mapper, who eleseribee the other °way leatching small speci- feet ilk "TralsPieir Wild Animals in -melte is by ineane of a sweetened tag Malay Jungles". The taelt was va- in a ,bettie, 1 corripliehed by melte of ropes., which The bottle is covered with green were inaesed ever the head and tail rattan and tied to a tree The mone while the pythen wee, awakening. The key pate his hand through the neck I eaptive was gold to e dealer in, Brig- and Oahe the reg. He eannot puflUnd, and as it was fed with twelve his hand out elthile it is doubled up' diaake, each day for eve days before with the rag in it, and he hasn't ea- being ;shipped, it dad not emu** Toed ough sense 'to tel -ease his hoid, }le; drerieg the Voyage, fights with the bobble until the arrival' Prices' realieed for Wild animals are of the hanter., who presses the riereeel high. gr. Meyer once said two orang- in the aninralts elbOW and forces ihini oaten, Which he had aright aline to to open his bend and ileare the tag for the Ault -0701V Zoictliegreal Sootety foe the next monkey, aver $20,000. Dynamiting for fish iie aitnnt 'sport! Elephante 'realiza anything from among the Malaya. The dyriaMite lel $500 io $2,000; a.nd a geed rhinacetos exploded in ict stream, and the iliattete froth $1.000 to $404000; while Mr.' roeb, oe, ,8onio in boats and eome sWille- Mayer tau) s41+1 a white thenkeY "km ming,. to .00lloot the fish that /lee to! $7,500,. the oterraeo. Twunty-tood ol;o-pliant§ are regarded Anat.:heir Oreithod of eat:thing feeli 451 With veneration throughout India, and by tho Imo eLf, dilige. Vat vuoose' 411^6 laappOsett leen, 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 e4 4 4 4 A A 4 4