HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-06-22, Page 6•
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Address communications to Age:mall1st, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto
Making Hens "Feel at Home
Egg yield is largolY eentrolled
tWQ important faetersreetivironment
and food,—and each must 'be at its
best. The hen might termed a
"fussy animal." She wants everything
just right, awl unless everything is
entirely satisfactory, she simply re-
fuses to get down to business.
In other words, he must be content-
ed; she must have that "at home"
feeling, She is not extravagant in
her tastes; she does not demand gothic
houses and elaborate fixtures, but she
does want comfortable and clean quar-
ters. Her house must not only be
cheerful In the daytime, but it must be
restful at night. There must be good
ventilation, but 110 drafts.
To give good results, a poultry
house must allow the sun's rays to
penetrate it in the morning; it must
give shade when needed; give the
birds outdoor conditions without ex-
posing them to rain, enow and wind-
storms. A house that will meet these
requirements need not be elaborate.
It may be a crude building.
There must be plenty of room, so
that while indoors fowls may scratch
among the litter without bumping up
against each ether. When the flock
Is overcrowded, only a few of the birds
'veill take exercise; the others will
'tient takes in considerable 5eo.9 •
calls for proper location that there
may be no exposure nor dampness. It
means that a house must he well ven-
tilated; so that moisture does not
gather on the walls and ceiling. What
a revelation -the open-frent scratching
shed has been in this respect!
Egg Production is alSo regulated by
the quality and qaantity a food, and
the manner in whieh it is served.. Food
builds up the waste ties:ties, it pro-
duces heat to the body, fat and meat
to the carcass, and it makes egg. The
usefulness of the hen is, to a large
extent, at command of its keeper.
When eggs are wanted,the quality of
the ration must be such as will pro-
duce eggs. So it is with feeds that
grow fat. A hen that is busily en-
gaged in laying is not so readily over -
fattened as the one that is not laying.
It is admitted that in order to be-
come a good layer a hen must have
some fat. She must not be thin. in
flesh. Two extremes should be avoided
—too thin and too fat.
Soule pullets accumulate consider-
able fat before they lay their first
egg. This condition naturally delays
laying; but, in my experience, If is
better a little fat than too lean. I have
noticed that those pullets which are
slow starting are generally the most
steady layers after they do begin and
tile Water 1,444(40,4‘.''''! :
It was spring, Pewit taiga'', AthAoat-
ed the large, white 0'1 -an. .Of,' ire/
glistening in the sun. S1 elyseinder
the warm spring eun, the ise, was be-
ginning to melt. Soon there Weald be
none at all aud the river eyeald flow
on unhindered But there 'was 'elle par-
ticularly big- piece. of ice ,alia,a Wits
more etubloorn that all the othersIt
seemed' as if the etin's Warta 'rays
could llot peaetrate it. But gradually
it toe began to thaw. r ' . '
-Now thie piece of ice was a 'MO
woinert, Sick Ana wealt people eat
them and beentne well end Ilealt-hY.
Besides," he continued, "eggs taete so
good, There is nothing to be said
against them."
ehh, thank you, kind sir," said the
fairy excitedly, "and where can I get
the woride,rful egg?"
"Just across the road in that farm
yard, front Mother Chicken," replied
the wise old mail%
Immediately the little fairy hurried
acroas the road, took a white egg from
the Mother Chicken, and then care-
fully treasuring it, he went at top
speed back to the river.
If only the ice had not melted yeti
Breathless he arrived at the river and
eagerly scanned it. Ala there Was just
a tiny piece of ice left. All theother
uncorrimon one and entirely differee had melted. On the tiny piece, he saw
from its sister pieces floating dOWn all the little fairies anxiouslY Waiting
the river. On. the outside, eXeent for for t htiomt.heItiedeidannodttthaekree hhiemilaointigthteid
its unusual size, it looked just like the
others. But the secret was on the egg e oawersefuvlelraryinantvhey old t hwiisteshutseeleaszP.,
inside. For there early in the whited -
had been imprisoned sotne lovely, lilt_ but she Imew,that she must keep her
stand about in small groups, or spend their eggs are of better size and shape.
their time on the roosts. Overcrowded For egg production the ration must
fioeks, too, are likely to have "bullies" be highly nitrogenous. Wheat is the
among them, and it takes Only one or; leading nitrogenous food. While it is
two birds of that disposition to upset' the most complete grain fed to 13°111 -
the entire family. Get rid of such try, it Irilltit never be given to the
birds. exclusion of other grains. A sole ie which does the most good to the hu -
To shell out the eggs, hens must be of wheat quickly give the egg an man beings,. If he is successful in
tame, and not of a scary disposition. odor similar to that of a decayed egg, bringing this, whatever it ' may be,
Tame hens "feel at home"; wild hens and the flavor is not at all appetizing. back to me before the ice melts, then
are discontented. Tame hens are lay- This is especially neticeable upon you shall all be free to go to your
ers. If the attendant is kind and opening a soft-boiled egg laid by a palace beneath the waters," said the
witch. "But," and here she looked
darkly at them, "if you fail, you shall
all die."
tle green water fakies by a cruel Promiee to free the fairies
- Just then the ice gave its. last ereak
and into the water and down to their
own home dived all the little, green
water fairies. They lived 'happily ever
after and the happiest and most hon-
ored of all was he who had found the
• cruel -witch. All through the leng,
cold 'winter, the fairies had lain in
their icy prison waiting for the swing
to come. For then, they thought,
surely, the old witch would relent and
let them go once more to their beloved
home at the bottom of the river,
Finally their icy prison did , begin
to melt, and the little, g,reen water
fairies were very happy. But it was
not in the mind of the cruel witch to
be lenient with them. She called them
all together in her room in the ice
and told them that before she gave
them their freedom, they must per-
form a difficult task for her. • Then
indeed, were the fairies dismayed For
what new torture had the old witch
in store for them.
•Formation of Clubs
• By Marion Dallas
Ruskiri says, "I'lvery day read a worlsipg under keen aggressive leat11-
ia a faecal book--eitlier a Poem ershiP Will soon make an impressioa.1
or a fine bit of prose— and thank
about it." There is much to be g-ained
by sclitary study of a, book which
• cannot be gained in any other way.
There are some people who plea out a
-course of study and always keep a
book close at hand thereby never los-
ing aemoment of time. This plan is
the result of an organized life in the
•ultimate analYsis, the strongest tylee
of eharaeter in many reepeets. There
are others, hoWever, who accomplish
their best work under the stimulue of
"You must select the one-, whom
you consider the wisest, to go forth
over the land inhabited by human be-
ings and there he enlist find that
gentle, it will not take the hens long to
find it out, and then in turn, gain
confidence. Every movement made by
the person in charge should be q-uiet
and easy. The hens must be taught
t,hat they are safe in the presence of
wheat -fed hen. ,Therefore, it is neces-
sary to balance the nitrogenous foods
with some carbonaceous material, such
as corn. Corn alone is not a good egg
food, though.
Egg farmers say that better re -
their keeper. We may laugh at the sults are Obtained in feeding a moist
person talking to his hens, but those mash rather than a dry one. The hen
hens are the tamest and do the best eats more of it, and it assimilates bet -
laying. • ter. But mashes must never be given
A hen Is more contented in clean in a sloppy condition. There should
quarters than in filthy ones. Even
be just enough. water or milk added to
though they de not have a sense of make the mash crumbly. Green stuff , he was off, leaping from one icy chunk
smell, they appreciate clean and and animal food are of great import- to another until he reached the land. by Mr. Jones, from whose annual re -
bright pens. It may be a little old- ance daily. Far and wide. did ' the -.little sea ports the bulletin. here referred to has
fashioned to whitewash the interior We measure the effect of food upon fairy travel, always seeking fer, some- been compiled. From these reports
of the coops, but I still have strong egg production by the manner in1thing that did people the not good. it, would appear that potatoes,, aapar-
faith in it Whitewashed walls are which it is digested. Unless the di- Re found many _thing•P Inithalways agus, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, ear-
. there was some drawbaak: . Still ,the rots, celery, lettuce, patsleY, onions,
little, 'green water !fakir Nitg-Y4-tjdis_ parsnips, spinach, , turnips, anen elm-
eoura,ged. If only he coald find the barb can be termed tertain crops, and
desired object "before the„ ice, .inelted, crops ' that mann* fairly early.-- The
how happy he and all the other water season is short but vigorous. Peas
fairies would be to escape from the have done well every year since 1909,
old Witch. He knew therefore that he except in 1910, when an exceptionally
must not give up.• • heavy frost proved destructive. Beans
So on he went. On the outskirts do well in ordinary years; but corn,
' 't h - e across an old pumpkins, tomatoes, and citrons maY
Those Who can siug or, Tend or enters
tain along any line will be sought out
and a place on the pregram found for -
each. Such a study as the "Colonize.)
tion of .Cariada During the French
Regime" will make possible a program'
as to include any and all who will
take part. The old French boat songs
and legends are almost unique and
always eaterthining and -educative in
spirit and character.
Divide the Program.
• Another important item in a sue-,
companionship. The communion • of heeshel huh te the•
preparation of
thought • seems necessary to 'arouse
three or four papers for each meeting(
the latent ability to think swiftly and,
i The writing of a paper' tends tesgivei
clearly and conserve the results to •
Canadian women are only beginning
Peace River Farming.
Canada has a valuable agricultural
region in the Peace River district.
Bulletin No. 6 of the Federal Depart-
ment of Agriculture deals with ex-
periments at the BA -station of the
Dominion Experimental Farms located
at Fort Vermilion, Alberta. The set..
tlement at this place lies on the banks
of the Peace River, 350 miles north
of Edmonton, in fifty-eight degrees
twenty-four north latitude, 116 de-
grees west longitude, and 950 feet
above sea level. •
Fort Vermilion has had the iispal
romantic career of settlements depict-
ed in Sir William Butler's "Great
Lone Land." First the trapper and
fur trader, then the Indian mission,
and next the pioneer and aggieultural
development. The Hudson's Bay Com-
pany had done some tilling prior to
the establishment of the Mission,
which did not come about until 1880.
Twenty-eight years later, or in 1908,
the first Director of the Dominion
Experimental Farms, Dr. William
Saunders, entered into an arrange-
ment with Robert Jones, an early set-
tler, to carry on investigational work
with cereals, fruits and vegetables.
Five acres of land were first rented
and then added to until now twenty-
five acres are oecupied and conducted
The fairies shuddered and lookea at
ea,ah' other disheartened. 'Nene , of
them had ever been landand who
would he brave eneugh. to' Venture
into the unknowntregien'an the cruel
witch's errand. „They vvere silent,
• Then up piped the paettiestanie of all
the green water fairies.' try," he
said, and then Ailith011t; another word
to realize the great advantage of co-
operation along the various avenues
of service open to them. The business
world has taught men the 'wisdom a
standing together in the noblest and
best meaning of that terin. Canadians
must realize that to mould and main -
thin one great National Idealism we
must combine all our energies, mast
make common capital of all industrial
knowledge, exrperience and talent.
The Possibilities of the Rural Club.
There are little communitiee dotted
here and there all over our vast Do-
minion which are dull and uninterest-
ing•because they are a mere aggrega-
tion of individuals and not a commun-
ity as"such. A real community "is a
number of people so united in spirit
and so interested in the advancement
of their town that they are willing th
drop their little differences and unite'
to form one great brotherhood."
If your town is dull it is because
there is no organized effort to over-
come that dullness. If the people
who go about bemoaning the bare-
ness of life in the rural districts
would just meet together and in a
sane, red-blooded way face the propos
n, they would discover evenues
of development of which they never i said, "Well, wife, this is club night
dreained. Wherever there are three' and I must go and contradict a bit" -
not -only attractive, but they kill dis-
ease- iahrns. Whitewashing is labor
well spent.
The size of the outside run is not so
gestive organs, are in good working
condition, there will not be many eggs.
Use good, hard, sharp grit.
This food -environment question
important as is the condition in which leads on to other .requisites. The blood
the run is kept. A small yard that is of the hens must be kept in a pink
kept clean, in which the earth is turn- state—must be purifie,d. For this pule
ed under every now and then, and one pose, poultry science; lias found no -
which is partially shaded, is preferred thing better than linieed-rneal and
to a large run that is sadly neglected. charcoal. -
A well -littered scratching shed is bet- To suminarizeowe mustfeed nitro -
ter for exercise than an acre of range. • genous food, balanced by carbonaceous
When a hen is contented she is sure material. -We must give green stuff,
green water fairy m the- oeurse of
to be healthy. A con-thnted, healthy or its substitute daily: We must- sup -
hen is known by her quick movenients ply animal food. We must keep his wanderings had heard abbut this
and her bright appearance. She sings oyster -shell, grit and thermal con- old man and all his knowledge. Bold-
ly the little fairy approached the big
Bold -
and cackles, and in many ways shows stantly within reach. Freeli. water
man and asked him what it was that
that "life is one long, sweet song." daily, exercise, comfort an content-
Hens love peace. The presence of ment—then we have the profitable lay- did people the most g.00d.
The wise man laughed and -said,
quarrelsome hens or a tyrant male mg hen.
000n develops discontent. Everything , We improve our stock and make it
must be congenial. Environment must ineae profitable by giving careful at -
riot be treated with indifference. There tendon, by making a happy and
Is a streak of hinnan nature in a Ilene healthful home, by inspiring confi-
She is not unlike the workman who', dense. Tame hens tell the tale of
deesahis work more easily when his I proper attention, and scary hens voice
eurreundings are pleasant, Environ- I the teraperament of their keeper.
a clearness and precision to oug
and transparency to the expression o/
them. For the encouragement of
those who are timid about contribute'
illft papers, I would like to quote a
paragraph from an address which
Visemmt Middleton gave to the Wo-
man's Canadian Club in Montreal
some time' ago. "I dare say most
peeple are too modest to think any-
thing they can write worthy to be put
before an audience. I- would erg do ,
not be afraid. of what you have ,writ.
ten. The great (Ireek Lysias once
wrote a defence for a client. The
client said he was delighted When he
read it the first time. I liked it lesi
the second time, and after a third
reading do not consider it a defenee
at all. Console yourself, said. Lydiaa,
the judges have only to hear the de-
fence once. That conviction," con-.
timed Viecosint Middleton, "has
taught me to face many an audien.ce
with what seemed to me a eubject of
insufficient -interest."
In every club the simpler the organ-
ization the less work involved and the
greater the chance fer auecess. Dis-
cussion and the presentation of oppo-
site ideas has its value in every club, .
but if care is not taken, contradiction
will prove very injurious to any
arganization. It was a clubman who.
or four families in a ague there Is
almost invariably talents which will
make for the welfare of all concerned.
No community appreciates its re-
sources until it places the 'social em-
phasis on its community life. Un-
suspected talent is displayed when
team work is adopted. Men and wo-
Club Programs.
There are many and various classes
of clubs. Clubs for the study of in-
divklual writers, clubs for the study
of history. Canadian history contains
an unsuspected wealth of association,
sufficient to cover several. winters/
pregrams. Musical clubs have a great
men who have never been tested are
fund from which to arrange interest -
&awn out by the inspiration of doing hie programs. sometimes a few peo.
something in common with others. In b
pie are especially intersted in some
the modest young girl is found a
individual writer, Carlyle for instance.
singer; the eareewoen mother sudden -
If Carlyle be chosen, the club should
ly develops a talent for writing; some secure an inexpensive set of. his works.
of the so called commonplace people Programs could be ananged as fel-
• diselose a wit svhieh astonishes their lows:—First heading, , BIOGRAPHY.
neighbors. -The great majority of 1. "Biography."References ma Y be
people need only a little sympathy found in the "Life of Carlyle,'" by R,
and a sense of responsibility to res -
2. "Carlyle, PersonallY," hY
Garnett. ..
pond to some unsuspected power.
Making a Club Practical. • mess,ch
The success of a club is measured, 3. "Reminiscences, by J. Froude,
not by the scoP'e of its program, but 4. "Thomas Carlyle," by J. Froude,
o a g by the interest it awakens and the Second heading, CRITICISM.
man who had wandered ali oyer the be regarded as uncertain, although number of people it sets to work. 1. "My Study Windows," by J. R,
world and who was -well versed in all fodder corn can generally be relied If a club is to be formed, someote Lowell.
the secrets of the earth. The little upon. Cucumbers have to be hot- must take the initiative and invite 2. "Hours in a Libra.ry," by Leslie
bedded first. Of fruits, strawberries, from six to eight of the people who Stephens.
have impressed her as being interest- 3. "Modern Humanists," by J. M,
Success With Guineas. from the house screens; the wee
Guineas can slip right theough the
I keep a fleck of about twelve or
"Why, don't you know, it is very eim-
ple.. 'It is a.n egg. Children eat eggs
and grow up, to be strong men and
currents and raspberries have done
well, but gooseberries, plums and ap-
ples have not thriven to any con-
siderable extent. The hardier flowers
flourish, and the garden at Fort Ver-
rnilion has attracted much attention.
Five varieties of wheat tested in
six-year averages have yielded as fol-
lows per acre: Bishop, 58 bus., 40
Parents ai-Educators
Walks and Talks—By Elsie F. Kartack
were in the garden one mean -
fifteen guineas of the Pearl variety. We
der away, usually never to return, for ing, Shortly after 'my arrival, John,
Nash female will lay from fifty to
they retain, the wild. instinct of skulk- Mary, Bobby and I. Mother had gone
100 eggs between April or May and
ing along m1 hiding, and are almost a -way for a' vacation.
ordinary poultry wire mesh, and wan -
ed peactical issues of an intellectin Robertson.
in al and social order. These should 4. "History of English Literature,'
confer along the breadlines of organ- by Tame.
It would be well to discuss From these books will be gathered
the line of work the club should take a good deal •of information regarding
u,p, the style of the meetings, the days
of meeting and the frequency of them.
the men and his writings.
The follovving euggestions as tc
A small committee should be appoint- titles of papers may be of help: Car- --
ed to draw up a tentative program lyle as a Representative of Scotel
and prepare a list of names to be Peasant Character," "Carlyle's Go,spe
canvassed. A wide-awake cenunittee of Work," "Carlyle's Literary-Posver.'
lbs.; Huron, 56 bus. 30 lbs.; Red Fife,
55 bus. 25 lbs.; 'Marquis, 52 bus. 35
lben and Prelude 41 bus. lbs. Oats
"I wish I could do that when. I'M in the same average have yielded:
playing ,hide -and -go -seek," said IVIary, Banner, 88 bus. 33 lbs.; Daubeney, 66
given., you see the toad ean'elo some bus. 31 lbs., and Ehglity Day, 62 bus.
things that you cannot do," I replied. 2 lbs. Barley similarly tested has
"Let's hear some more about it," produced: Manchurian, 60 bus. 40 lbs.;
- • S 5"
Oeteber, if she is n.ot allowed a nest
imaossible to locate when they have The garden was beautiful, and we „ 5 bus. lo
!fleeces to be broody. .The eggs are waliClqr"°d away' After the first few were quietly enjoying all its loveliness, eXelaimed John, breathleesly moving Charm:elm,
daYs theY beconle attached to the hen when seddenly Mary cried, "Oh,- closer to thet;04d, , bus. 36 lbs., and s'Hulless White, 51
of eggs to it upon when she corn -
just as -good for eating and cooking
as hens' eggs. In fact, some prefer
their flavor, for when cooked they are
and will follow her on range and re- there's an ugly old tond, el, a
turn safely to roost at niglit in their of it."
' "The mother t,oad lays the eggs it bes. 42 lbs. Various sorts of field
the water and covers them with a rootese have been experimented with
thn But keep them confined in John and Bobby ran toward it in jelly for protection. After they are
of filter fibre athe hen egg. Guinea olwIl c°1"P'
yolks are the morning until the dew is off the eager anticipation of destroying it. hatched, theynare called., tadpoles."
eggs are smaller, but the
"I hate toads," said John with a "Are those little black things that
about as large as those of hens' eggs. grass'
To find a satisfactory T
After two or three weeks the young vengeance. swim around in the water tacipolea?"
would suggest that you get in direct Guineas will find their own living on "I'll step on it," exclaimed. Bobby interrupted Mary. .-.
communication with the steward or range and glean seeds and insects. at the same time, "Yes. They live in the water six
chef of any well-known club or hotel,
in your nearest city. For if you can
once estaJblish a market, you will
never have any Worry as to thehlis-
posal of your fioek,
If the Guineas have been raised by
a chicken tnother, they will follovs her and cracked, grains, There is one
to the nests and begin to lay with other etiticel time in their lives, and
the chickens; but whea the grass is that is when they begin to change the
long enough to 'Wave in the breezes, feathers of brownish tint for the sober
they will slip away to make nests in gray, With the white "pearls" of adult
' thein ret but '
from the fields, 01' even #0111 the gar-
dens, for they will net scratch. At Bobby. Why aro you going to Kul
first, feed them just as you would it?"
chickens, beginning with boiled eggs; "Because I hate it," he answereu.
grit, eour milk and pinhead oatmeal, "Atid why do you hate it'?"
geadrually changing to grotinti feed "It's ugly."
• "Oh, is it? I don't think so. Leth
take a better look at it. ,wiy, see, it
has beautiful jewels on its Vatic, and
look here at its geld rinntied epee-
the fielde and fencesrows. Iri the 3 The children looked surPriSed.
wild state they mate in Pairs but I addihioe feed them game good niixed. "Suppose we sit down emir watch it
have never experienced any 'trouble "tit"' at this Irt6ultiTlg while I tell, you all about it;" I con -
in mating three or four hen S to one The Guinea is Meet disliked because tinued• "
heate. Both the males and females, of its- thrill, strident cry, ;but this is Dont do tha • Yo tll get, w
aioric on he ileats. protection to the farm home, The This frorri John as 1 reach out to
I have the best success in hatching', Guirieas like best to roost outside, stroke the tea
the eggs vsitii the ordiaarY ben, I use, except in the eetrerne cold weather, ego, You won't"
eighteen to a Setting, Late in the' and perched, aloft in trees or on. reefs any of the books, that 1 ha
sampler alwaya alle-vr some, c.lainea are esesr away te acnted the aletie about toads gay *int d4Olt
'I -nether 'to bring forth 'aria "rTaise lia" a :teething alsfurbe. • from streltieg there. The )
brood of her own in her own Way. Itt Summing up, the Geitlea is good it and he somethaeS
just es a at piers when
Do you see the poueh
nionth That tWalls as hei
odes, too, When he is deal
differeet kinde cif toad
toad becomee the color b
ore, which he tirade higi
pedpie or aniMais tan
I was just in time with my "Wait, weeks and then they lose their tails,
for eggs darie,g the slimmer inontlie;
good for sneeket when, leeighiag from
one and etieslial-f to three pounds, grad
'retailing anywhere from 60 'dents to
it pait, depending'. upon the mar..
ket; good to look at arotnid the hale
bogie, and it geed burglea' edema—
in a ceop evade of discarded nettitaa Bertha Les' isnlith-
takes tweety-cight days for Guinea
eggs to hatch, and the young birds are
tiny and active, but still so sueteptible
to cold end aarrip that you must be
prepered to care for them until they
are almtwo sveeks old, To do this
I sardine, the mether ben aiel her flock
gtow legs and swan to shore. After
that they live on land,' When a toad -ed; timothy, .Western Rye grass,
wants a new ;suit be splits his old one Awnless Biome and Meadow Fescue,
up the back, it; off, roils it into teeted for hay Value, have wintered
suceessfully, Sunflowers for ensalag
have proved promising, end surptis- three worms were counted. 'Inc pig
inigly large crops of green fodder have before being killed, had been losing
been obtained from corn. Of elovers weight daily.
and grasses, Grimm and Ottario Var- Te prevent round wornis keep thc
iegated varieties of alfalfa, and red pigs coming. Keep them in clears
eloverrhave 'proved promising; Alsike dry lots where rubbish- and cobS arc
clover has not been sufficiently test- 'burned tegalarly• Drain the,pesturee
and loth. Don't throw vim into mud
If there is an outbreak Of round
warms use santouin and calomel .
equal parts, five 'so ten grains eacli "
for a 100 -pound pig; eeven and a halm
to fifteen graine fer the 200 to 300,
pou ruler.
Many fermers believe that older
hogs are immune to Toiled pig worms,
but that pigs are most susceptible,
These worms have been found work,
ing havoc in both. The worms dela
or stop growth because they cause s
loss of appetite. That brings on gen,
eral unthrifthiess. six inches of
the small itnestiee of one pig, sixty
a ball and Swallows it end. there he ll. but Orchatd'and,Red Toro grass -
is ill hie new tuit,"• - ea have proved disaripoirtting.
"Rea,lly-?" the -children I •exclarin- 'Weather records foe twelve years
ed once, are glace in the belletin which shoW
"Yes, really," I aeP,lied, "and I have the average sunshine per dayfor nine
left the best for the lat. The toad months last year, that is from April
Is one of our best helpers. He eat $' to nettiliber, inelusive, was six 'hours,
all the ineeets that would destroy eur
crops and'flowers,. so it Very valuable Settling those sbigs: 4 );-da der re -
to the farmer and gardener• If un- port,s that sprinkling, lime around
harmed-ehe Will live for years' hi oar plants failed to dispel garden slugs.
garden. There is one very eld toad Perhape the lime was not renewed
Who Spends his • wintere under My frequently. A circle eo ot or lbrie
"'Not stone steps at home, and every spring. abobt plants requires frequent r0vew-
1 look eageelysfor hire to come out al, because slugs exude a slimy fluid
Warts awl, he has not dleappointed me yet," over which they Gan CraW1 with hn-
1 end ea.inunity, If the soil in beds and
da -egg, Mary inoVed neater, "I doirt he- frames is eatueated with a aoletion
itked, Iieve Viri afraid of y, ou any more, trice of arrenerda several cltios before
his old- Mr. Toad." • pleating, it avill datee slugs from
' "Say, Bobby,"' said Joie), "let's be hiding end tettthem a whitish -col&
good to this teed aed then he'll'stay o the,t, they may etsily be eeen and
and MaYho sonde day We'll sae him pleked eff the bech
ee change his eoat. Anyway, we can
take him. inte,parizienship, in 0111" gar-
den weak." '
Allow free aecess,to etich condi.
meets ae air -slaked Inns, •charcoal,
powdered gulelearr eneestinidn ealt.
Mineral rnatterd'in hog eatioriS re-
duces the Cost of, peedeeing peedetandett
adds to the, daily gaiii .in .,ever'Y sateeT
, .
He who Waits unti1J,,41.10"e to fight
verniiii ,has hiat,iiiriels -full.a The
rritst t
Aieriae;1(1°ilWjtilo'llil':'16;:a4rIlii16'iii.7,,,li' iiTett'S.`• ,. ,..0. \
polishedbehind' tie ' peaty diskelYttff
lellvehvenetlliotet: df ta,ist'ola., , tile Pa
Samantha :sags': SereeetVoirlen who
are mighty Particular aboat Who their
children Ong with will Isidien'the .
elieek cabbage worms, speay syr lateSt ,starige, M111,11, 41nd profarietyafor
eptinkle the plalit,a with buttermilk.' their pianedl. and eaaphOpltLni