HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-06-22, Page 5bursae y, Ji.Ane 220; 022 BUSINESS CARDS ,proudfoot, I'"i'loran ' & HOLMES, ,Barristers, Sblic;tors, Notaries, pleatiz, Etc, Office On the Square, ;1nw1 door ;from Hamilton St. God., erirh. Private` funds to loan at Invest rates, proudfoot, K,C. 3, L, Killoran D. E, Holmes. Mr. Holmes will be in Bensall on Friday of each week. „N...•-+•-�--+-+-+ Township Clerk Andrew F, Hes. Issuer of marriage licenses, Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Ant-, *mobile Insurance, Representiriej Huron „and Drie Mortgage Corpora - lion, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario. Dr.E. S. Hardie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY 'MAIN OFFICE — HENo.ALL OSCAR KLOPP Professional Auctioneer, graduate School d1i Davenport Auctionserin g 'Try me for real estate, merchandise, jewellery pedigreed stock, farm sales Rates alwaysreasonable, my territory the world. Choice farms for sale. Phone 18-93 Zurich Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer' License `s for the °County of Huron And am in a poeition to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. 'Give nee a trial and I will assure you tatisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt . Meats, etc Bologna. Sausages; Highest Cash Price for Woull 1 CASH, FOR SKINS 1g. HIDES 'Y'ittingbh1t 81C&04 hert” ZURICH LIVERY _.€,rte-•;.: :.gym _.�: _�. I atn.'•.in`a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE'`. THIEL Zurich. Pkene 59 LIVE p'0 U LTR Y WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do mot teed .fowl same morning when. brought in. !Highest . Cash Prices. --cis"( FOR -- Cream .,and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone .94 Zurich 192.0 A Year Of NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT for the London Life Insurance Co. plead Office; -- London, Canada SCALE OF PROFITS To Participating Policyholders was Increased During War Period Maintained through Epidemic Period Continued in high cost period An unparelled Reward.; Lt. A. Hoffman, Agent COAL Spring and Summer 3ELIVERIE S SEASON' 1922 Owing to the strike of the iVtin -rens now prevailing in the Pennsyl Irenia. Anthracite coal fields, we as re unable to guarantee -delivery o.' price and until conditions be- 'come more settled orders will lee taken subject to but being able o 'obtain supplies and at prevailing ►reel titan of delivers, carSl,teio . 0A , & PRODt teE M1 TtCHANT 'r'I'`ItlVMS;--,CASH One! Otfice 10vv. House i0j, ENSALL ONT,. PUT ' YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost,. Found, No' ice, Etc, Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE -• I I have a quantity of Fertilizer on hand. Everybody should use Fertilizer' on corn land and buck- wheat land. J. Hey Jr -41-3 NOTICE Prof. E Katz, .the noted Eye sight and optical specialist, wiell known, to be one of the most 'skil- led •opticians in Ontario`, will bat Zurich on Friday June to 30th, one day only; and will test eyes teethe method tthat seldoirn fags, ' High class of frames and glasses at one third less than regular.. price. Prof. E. Katz, Listowel, NOTICE I have . taken out License far Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con- duct ale sales by auctioGive ve r i me a trial and I will assure you satie- faction or no ,.charge. tf-29 James 1 enomey R. R. 2, Zurich, Fhone. No. "10-93 G. S. , ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, ,DENTIST ' Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental. Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont. Office`. `hours at Zurich every. Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 a m. until 5.00 p.m., at the Commerc- ial- House, (Upstairs). Main Of - fife at Bayfield, Ont. -19 Starting on. Thursday, May 2nd. Zurich Studio and ..Book Room Printing Developing, Photos on Post Cards, Etc., Ete. Also sell Cameras , y FilmsAlbumsl, and' all ametuer's Supplies. A full Line '• -of School books and Stationery always on hand tf21, OBRIEN"& KALBFLEISCH Hartleih Block Zurich NOTICE TO CREDI-TORS In the estate of Albert Rosa;, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having, claims agaainst.the estate of Albert Rosa, late of the Township; of Hay, in the County of ,Huron, mason, deceased, who died on or about the 01st of April 1922, are required to -deliver to undesigned executors, Zurich, Ont. on or before the 24th day of June A:. D. 1922, a full statement, of their claims, together with partic- ulars thereof, and the nature of the securities,: if any, held bu:them all duly verified byaf affidavit. And take notice that after the said last mentioned datethe said executors will proceed to distrib- ute the estate of the said deceased among the persons entitled there- to, having regard to such claims as heshall have received due not- ice and in accordance therewith. Dated at "Zurich this 5th day of June, A.D. 1922, Emma Rosa, Harry Rosa, and Rosa, Executors. and Rich - BIG 4 League Game n GODERICH vs. ZURICH Friday June 23rd Cori e anti see the fast Goder- ich Imprtoed teaan play against; our Hcme Brews. Game cabled at 5.30 nun. Sharp. Millinery Sale Big Reduction in all ;lines- , of rliilinery .Come early while the at,sortmcnt is 'good. Store'ivillbe open • until June 301'th only. Kindly settle al 'laeconnts before that, date. r t M. E. ROUTLEDGE, Zurich LOCAL NEWS Mrs. E. Desch spent the pa'rst 'eek et Dashwood Mr. and Mrs, T.L. Werra were: visitors to Bayfield on Sunday. Miss Ortha M•elich, was a week end' guest of lxei. friend Mise Grace Manson, Goshen line, Stanley, Call up the Herald Office, and Teat us have the names of your visitors, and we'll do the ,•'eat. Mr, and Mrs. JakeBattler, Baby- lon, visited on Sunday at Mr, and Mrs. Herb: Dis jardine. Parr line. Miss Bose 'I Inns, who; had been ' at London Lir some '1nQn tlas , Feta- ur.nfed to her home here last week. Miss Mabel ISchade, Dashwood, spent the week -end with her friend Miss tl,delil Witmer, Babylon Line. .. Mrs. We G. Hess and ;son, Mr,., Harry G. Hess spent w ,few days in Detroit. They returned on Tuesday evenings Mr. Daniel. Bennett of Baden is. spending the week Visiting- old friends: We are pleased to see Dan back in Zurich. Mrs. Edgar Edighoffer,. of Lan- sing, Mich., ;.is visiting with ,herr' sister, Mrs. N. Sararas, and other relatives in and around Zurich. Mr. and Mrs,. Herbert Hey and, two children of London, spent the week -end at the former's parentd, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hey, and other relatives. Among those who.took'part in the programe at the Social on Monday night d were•'. Miss Poll- a ock of Grand Bend, Miss Eratt of Stanley, Rev: Hauch of. ,Crediton?. and Rev. Yager of Dashwood • Mr. 1V i. C. ,Milliken, principallof .Z P(, S. ha'd charge of the. high room of Henson P. S'.,ewhile the pupils tried their Lower' • School Exams., and Miss Sharp of Henna1l. p*'sided at Zurich. The waterof the recent floods has now all cleared away and the loss is mode .'n4alele and ,better. seen, as Miley an acre''of spring: crop, especially beans, are damn: aged. Mr. and Mrs;. S. Deitz, and dau- ghters, Misses Ade and Alice were Sunday visitors at ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Stebbins near Grand Bend. i Alt join in and .go to the Z.B. S. Picnic this Thursday, June 22nd: By you attending and doing w=hat you can, it will be as decided suc- cess. Ladies.: don't forget to abundantly fill that lunch basket A Strawberry Social will be held on the Presbyterian Church Lawn at Grand Bend, on Thursday XJune 22nd. • .upper served'.. from (i<; to 8 o'clock,a very. good .program is being prepared consisting of 4oca9 talent. Also a quilt -will be sold by auctionl The. Mitchell Advocalt, alweek or ttivo ago published an account ofa stabbing affray aft' iSr.alf;i which caus"l quite at .sensation:. But those w:r3 sent the story along failed' t) cake notice of ';the fact that the tragedy happened in; 18E:.: t Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ga'lmlan and two children : of So vereigny Sask. 1, r i are /visiting for ai few weeks alt the home of the,, former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gellman of the vil- lage, and also other relatives. It; does us good to see the _'old boy!: come back to Zurich, as Mr. Gag- men has been absent . for _-• rtes years. • I. Those who attended the funeral of the late 'Mrs. Jacbo Brown from a- distance were; tIr. and Mrs. Chris. Broin!, : Bay :Port, Mich; Mrs. John Faist Bay Pert, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. .1. Brown, Sebewa- ing, Mich.; Mil, and Mrs. Fred, Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elliott Thedford; Mr. Fred: Kehen, Brant- ford; Chris. and Florence Kellen,: ltano'ver; Rev. and Mrs, G F. Brown, Tavistock; Mrs. (Rev. Wit- tich, Morristown., The annual Meeting of the Hur- on County Breeder's Association-, Vas held ids,,.,. Win'gham Town(iiaft1 on Saturday, June, 17th. R,. ' W. Wade of tilt Live Stock Branch of Toronto, was present and -gave an address on "Live Stock Improve- inent:" Mr. Wade advised • ro- ganizing aj local Board to handle. this work. Lbieral aseletance is promised by the Department in every case Where and organization gets together for Live Stock Im- provement. ;Following Mr. Wade's address, the .business, of the An- nual Meeting was gone into, with the result, regarding election of officers as follows;—President, Oliver Turnbull, Brusses • Vice - Pres„ Thos. Kerr, Henfr yn; Secy. Treasurer, S. E. Strothers, Clinton. tennis O'Brien "Rd Bird" Agent Zrich nirr1er oi: people) are d witli :It SurliMee li'iu, Mini 1+rederiek Weeeloh of flash- woDa 'spent Sunday in the viihige i4I;r, T; L,• Williams is doing come atteective improVeinents` to his dwellili property. lV1f';;Lee, Benedict, who left. some time fit "Q for Cochrane,, New On- tario, has returned home. The avc a; e the'reachee a tem- perature of 140 degrees whenrune nin;>?; at 20 miles an hour, Mr. and Mrs, Isiah Witmer of the Goshen, Dashwood; pspentSian- day with Mr, and Mrs. J.,Galimae, Nobody just knows what the coal' strike will cost, but every- body kn'aiso' who will pay for it. The .union picnic of Blake, Kip- pen, and Ilillsgreen will be held July 1st at thte 'gro ve on John Forest's ,farmt me. and Mrs. A F. lIesil and family were Sunday .visitors at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson, near Centralia. Mr. G. Koehler, Mrs, C. L. Smith and Mis's I. Fowlie spent Sunday at, the .home of Mr, and Mrs. ,Syl, Witmer, Babylon Line,. Mr..Peter Papineau is erecting a small Ibuilding adjoining the rear of the old Soverign Bank building which he intends using as a vul- canizing plant. Pool room owners are now liable funder an Act, passed last year, for o a table in tax of 3 a Provincial $ eddition to the license paid the municipality in which they reside. There was a; slight decline in the cost of living during the month +rf „ay„ accordinig to ;the Labor D epartment, Ottawa. , .The aver •tge cost of the weekly fim'ly bud- get of 29 Staples food in 60 cities w n.s $10.22 at the beginning of Mav as compared with $10•;26 at the beg inning of April, 812.25 in May, 1921 and $7.t3 in May 19924. <. The 'Mulnicijoal Clerk has recei- ved notice from, the Registrar Gen oral's office, Toronto. that they intend to .penalize phyisicians and othees .who fail to register births within the proper ti.m.e limned; The limit for parents is 30 days, while phylsicians• are required to make;: notice within 48 hour,e after the birth talcees place. The Municipal. Act has . been irne-ndacl to provide that a mun- icipality may now annually elect their councils on the first Monday in Deeernbeer,' rather than the first Monday in January] To change the ' date it is, necessary' or ,Chef 'council to pass .a by-law to that effect. The whole quest - :or • f niu"i:ipzl government wo nld be batter considered if such were made in all munic- ip• alitieka-; j ,. Within' the Tinonth, three more weekly paper have gone out of buoines9 Avhich in the suxeet eiri-d ,•nc.e the suhscription- . price can- not corrie down,. True the cost: of ,s.vsniint ,has been slightly re- ee ee. the total reduction being to two .cents per year on -a zr's subscription. Newsprint''15 still three times the price off pre- war re-war days. Ink is from five to six firv.es : the price that it ;was ten `e'irs ago. : •;;Type is between;two and three times pre-war - prices. 'WWI, which during the war war, wired. to 'almost ` prohibited pri- ces. is still three times the prewar ,price.: "Cuts" that in 1913.could be purchased for 75c. are to -day from 28.75 up. Coal is seven dol- lars, a l'on ldear. r. Postage has been inercase•I six-fold.,t The cap- ital ital required to -d ty to run a pi ing business is three times what it used to be. WILL MAKE ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL COMPULSORY A circular has been issued by the department of education bear- ing on the part-time courses to be established in accordance with the provisions of the Adolescent Sch- ool Attendance Act, Section 9 of. the Act by proclamation of ' the lieutenant Governor will conte in to force September 1st., next. The circular points out that in accord- ance with the ,making of this sect- ion ,;law the establishment of part time classes for, adolescents who are. unable to attend regular sch- ool classes will be imperative. "Until September 1st 1923 only n young persons from 14 to 16 years of age who are at work ` either at home or . in gainful employment are required to attend these class es, but on and after that date young persons from 16 to 18 years of age, - or who have not passed the matriculation exai?n ination of an approved university or who have not completed a cot;- rse in study Which may be regard- ed as equivalent of the matriculat- ion examination will be required to attend," ;states the circular. According' to the regulations, persons from 14 to 16 years of age will be required to attend the part time courses for 400 hours each year, and persons` from 16 to 18 will be required to • attend 320 hours each year. 'the periods may be distributed to suit the various school hoar s. isimalgl semm,assimoiiensemo umumm�inmum • OEIt oNn wummnmlmnmmoouummu mmm �„ i' eTtokitiol a3'0riatontXeul Aveoelableptep . .imilatingthel'opcibY rktinottotolaiaclisondBowet$ > . IPdl'AAr PS y ClilLDRrN I�1'l7`tt�perePbyO wtP4�mmm,soTt!i� n es� 1640ecfndRestc0 MerNARGOTIG,;; I'd r-. Se>+r+a 1, ,Roo elle 5dll� ad S n tse e pd irm+uS ,rboaale4'idrL orof Sue. I tis iationandDia rr �` RIr- and slure5nd �' ya45imi105inaiiac QE Mp TREp.L"Qa� Exact Copy of Wrapper. 'or Infants and ClAildren. Mothers Know 'That` Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of, In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TF1E CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. i•+++++++++++++++++ L Lumber Everything in • ▪ Combination storm and screlen doors wade to order t Lumber and.Building Material r Custom V orifi our Special• ty t•: 3+3.3++F+4+•i+ ,++++++3++II+•F4.r+dt+>N+ ++!b+li Laths Shingles • ,e• Always in the market for saw I&gsF▪ r C . ▪ • KALBFIETs t PHONE '69 ZUR.ICI-1 *. 3 . q 5 :..p i .➢..3+ }: . p ._,. �- i + o s 4 •r' ., ++D+•€++4.4..4.• 3+ti 4*+Y+4•+ +44- •+i•^2++ + 4•.N+k New 4 The Overland Four is still going and going good :e Chalmers Six, New Battery, at McLaughlin Truck .. 0 F. M. HESS & CO. - ZURICH to OVERLAND SALES AND SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overlar d Cars .$850(00 1.• 8375.00 /► ans>lsss11111111111, Automobile. Insurance Are You Protected? "Yesterday Arthur Elridge of this city, had a car. To -day, nothing remains of it but the charred frame work. Shortly after running it into the Garage, the neighbors deteeted flames shooting out of' the roof. The' brigade' was on the scene promptly, bt&the car was a complete loss before the firemen could get to it. Ae^ cording to the fire chief the fire was started by a short circuit. Tho motorist's ,loss is about $1,000,110".—Woodstock news Item, Saturday Free Press, London. .t;E':r ME GIVE YOU RATES ON %''1:1tTr AND TRANSIT, THEFT, PI/II LIC LIABILITY, COLLISION AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. VICTORY BONDS SOLD AND 130176I1T. Have You MADE YOUR WILL? FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO;--- . . Andrew F. Hess, Zurich 1 11 •1 4 1 4 1 1 4 4 4