HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-06-22, Page 4t~
Threes -Spring light avak Egon
a'r one of two horses, la in good
o tidi;tion, price. right. Apply
ci G, Holtzman, Zurich, tf-l7
M. and Mrs. Ealnuud Kraft,
and M. gins Mrs, Louis J.:Restem-
eyei. visited in Detroit over the
Mrs, ..P Fassold is under the
fir„ and 1VTrs, Jacob Brown site doctor's care tat present. We
ho' e far a' speedy i�:cavei'y.
mere tba1ilrS: to they many friends
lelid ,neighbors for the eyrnpa�thy ght , Miss
of re Kraft
spent SMr.
,'lime kindness shown them in their day at .tete home a£ P. Kraft,
loreeent d b veriient
BORN spent Sunday ;with his parental.
'rally wish. to express their. si'ti- 'Mr.
and lVIrse Knapton and da
sa erea Mr. (Walter Fasso'ld of L.o
uan At Henaal�l oil S'riday( Mr. and Mrs aim Flied of Se-
1'dl g . David attle, Wash., are \.'siting with_'Mrs..
uxie 9 to i•. and Mrs: J. e'ermaii..
.')f th; M and Mre. a i K ll
ignan; of Hay, ai son. Messes` ;Salome to
lkPlsl4` .in �Hensall, on ;Sunday, June
lath, to M. and Mrs. W. Bell,
et Windsor;, a' son.
Webber—At Dashwood on •,June
yt,ih,fb Mr. and Mrs. Arthur:Web
see a sou. 1
'I+ollowing is the dates sof the
V3iool Fairs for Huron County, as
ii't out by Mr. S. B. Strothers, Ag
cnit.ural. Representative, Clinton,
stir, the coming, summer. ,
abyyind • Bend Sept. 7t.
editou, Sept. 8th.
Zurich,' Sept, llith:. t
Clinton, Sept. 12,
li3.uevale, Sept. 13th.
hbllfield; Sept, 14
Yat. Helens, Sept. 18
1elgrav'e, Sept. 18.
Oorrie, Sept. 19,.
rh"thel, Sept. 20.
Wroxeter, Sept. 21
t oiborue, Sept. 22ns
--' 'orter.'s Hill, Sept. 23
Wingham, Sept. 25 & 26.
Walton, Sept. 27.
$teltiUop, Sept. 28
Beaty th, Sept. 29.
Varna, Oct. 2
Dashwood, Oct. 3rd
Winchelsea, Oct. 4th.
Elie Pfeffer Milling Co., List+ -i
%'0'el, • suffered a heavy lass by
titre .on ,Friday morning, June ,:9th,
Ashen between $75,000 and $100,000
' eth of flour and grain. . were
•iro red. : i
andE tna ,Tient
man and friends of London ,visit-
ed relatives here on Sunday.
Mrs. D. Bettsc1 en visited in
Sarnia over the wkee-end.
The special committee of ' the
Huron County Council has recom
mended thajt no action be taken
in reference tothe request of the
Goderieh Aid. Club deputations''
which addressed the Council urg-
ing the Council to send a memorial
to the Provincial Government ask-
ing that the -road . from Sarnia to
Goderich be =made al provincial
highway. i
A grant of $500 was made' to
the Children's Memorial Hospital at
London, as a result of a deput-
ation from Seaforth Hospital. iA
grant of $100 was made to Huron
County Trustee and Ratepayers
` Roht. Robinson of Clinton, was
appointed keeper of the Aged Pe-
ople's Home at Clinton: Thiel
position was made vacant by the
resignation of Jas. Reynolds, whose
resignation was accepted with re-
gret by his Council.
' The Council passed an assessm-
ent of two mills in the countm,and
a grant of $51,000 was given .to
Wingham for street inpirovexn-
eats and $1;500 to .Clinton.
l kie $10,000 given to GoilsOi b
last` jaeuary was raisefl to` $` 6,0011.
This will be sufficiept to colnirlete,
the contaectiuf; link through t'he
Feed Kerr of Crediton in ids;
a record performance et the, i ,St.
Thomas shoot last week ivhem , he
broke 1fa1 bords sttaigh't,
Duringthe progress of • thelre"'
eeiit electrical stor,in lightning St-
ruck the steeple of the T'resbycer-
inn church ,and knocked one side
off. The loss, occasioned will be
several hundred dollars.
The Junior Farmers from Her-
on County bad a successful picnic
at ' Bayfield on Monday 'last. The
young: naen with their lady fries
motored to this popular 'summer
resort and had a; very pleasant
time. Ball games and other'' sports
were carried out. Exeter Junior
farmers defeated Wi'nghani by a
large score. In the second game
Exeter was defeated by Auburn,
J. M. Southcdtt,editor of the
Times, was, in Ottawa the past we-
ek attending the Weekly Press
Association convention.
Oliver ,,Davit returned to Tore
onto after cholidaying, with his
parents. (
The recent storm put a: .hydro
transformer out of business at the
Creamery, causing as 'lose . , of,
$200 to the Utiilities Comm.
Wm, Ryekman of Moose Jaw,
Sask., is here attending the funeral
of his ,father.
'About twelve young fellows of
town. are attending camp in Lon-
don, with ,the Huron Regiment.
Major W. J. Neaman accompanied
The telephone service which
was so ,disrupted by the ice storm
the •beginning ;of' April, has 'alt last:
been put in ;ottder in this district,
the. connection •with. Kirkton and'
...Crediton being ,trade.
Win. Albert Ryckman of town,
forest wealth is dwindling. Every year forest
fires take disastrous toll. Careless campers cause eleven per
cent. of Ontario's forest fires. Last summer 112 cases of ,neg-
lected :camp fires were reported. This summer be careful.
gave Ontario's Forests
They're yours
DON'T take chances with erein
Ontario's forests.
DON'T throw away cigarette or
cigar butts, .pipe "heels"
or burnt matches until
you are dead sure,;they
are out.
DON'T neglect to cl'o'wn out
your fire with lots of
DON'T build y canoes fire
against a rotten log or
stomp -'-nor on windy
points; nor near nmo*e
patches; not at the base
of a tree.
Build it in a former fire-
place, or on a flat rock,
or on a apot cleareddown
to the true soil below, or
by the edge of the water.
tiON'T forget that the upper
layer of ground in the
forest consists of 'Isar.
tinily rotted wood which(
a+lll ),urn. • ,
When yau'build your fire to make tea, fry
bacon or add cheer to pipe and story -telling
time; use a woodsman's precautions.
The real woodsman builds his -fire on an old
fireplace, if there be one handy. Failing that
he scrapes away all litter, tnoss and fibrous
rotted wood down to the mineral soil, or the
bare rock, and preferably sortie place close to
the water. He knows that if fire gets into the
moss or the upper woody layer of forest soil
or in a half -rotted log or' stump, it" "holds over,""
burns away unnoticed underneath,. and unless fol-
lowed up and carefully put out, is liable to break
into a flame later. He knows how hard it is to put
such-•° deep-alnoulderiltg fire out. So he makes his
cooking fire surprisingly small and compact, and
chooses a ,spot that is absolutely safe.
It is a 'nark of hist finished woodsntanshiP
''Flow thoroughlyhe drowns his fire out with
plenty of water when he is through with it. Save
the forests. You may want to camps again.
Ontario Forestry Branch
Parliament Buildings
Thursday, J>£ile 22nd, 11122
and Sr rind
Exactly as Cut
1---4-6 White Enameled Bed $19.00
1-4-6 Simmons felt mattress. 13.00.
1 4--6 Coil Springs 9.00
Actual Value $41.00
Special offer on a few Sets For Cash
at $33.50
died on Mo'nd'ay last at the age, of12 ss••s•iOO•••••••••s.sosOs11 OOOOOOO•t0000000000I0000/Oiy
It, years and 9 months. Decease •
has been a resident of Exeter for
three years coming 'frons near
Moose Jaw, was born in Usborne
and united' in marriage to his
now widow -whose maiden names
was Jane Chambers. For 16
years they resided infarmedMichia nnes
for another 16 yeard nut wes�„
Chisrihurst, after g g
where several of their sons reside.
Farm Machinery
Pumps are down i11. 'nice, leo charge •
I for installing. Wash Machines and/1'Ass
wringers are down in price. Get I,.
The Sunday School picnic of the I• our ,prices' on. Lawn Mowers.
Evangelical church will be held at
.sTplleased Bend,t:o lJuneaern 2r.. GALVA.NIZED WATER TROUGHS 2x2x6; at $14.00 • :7-8
that MrslHerb f
Either is improving nicely, after ; BEST MANILLA HAY FORK. ROPE AT 26c. A LBF WE HAN
f 'the fent
lien recent tttaci o• ?
Mss., iT v Niergarth and children 2 DLE GENUINE FL7 URY PLOW POINTS. POINTS W TH
anti Miss PearlsHoltLman of Battle 1 "AURORA" STAMPED Al:�, 2:115T GENUINE, BUTT STAMPED
Creel:, Mich:, are visaing Mr. and
Aire. Jos. '1lnist. Tat • f 3. FLEURY'S" ARE GENUINE. CHEAP JOBBER'S POINTS '
The Dire"etors of the Hay • . '
Fire Ins. , Co,, hid e meeting _ in • ARE 55c. AND' 65c. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US.: '
town on tSaturd iy last. A numb- •
er of ,claims 'nor arn
ia1s 1iled. by
? •
lightning during ,the recent storm • Dain Hay loader in stock for quick
were paid
the Methodist Church will be lie Y"
at: Grand Bend on June_ 22nd.
Our .nn teem has had ai ruil. •
eated .Lobo, lily •J—'i and Ilderiton •
on the home digin,nd score 18-2. i .•
The m,iny friends of Mr.. Roszel'1 p (�
will regnet'to learn that he has •' L. A. PRANG, ZURICH'
handed in leis 're5lgnation oto the isso•••••111•0119••••••••••••••0410411111•111•11.0•••••••••••• schooloat+drnicals
baso pro•. en very tsucc.,a�fuh
They Sunday School picnic of •
'd eliver
F luck the piss, .eel:, they def- • All Farm Machinery Sold
-- Di ES. Hardie spent the ,' fore
part of the week at Toronto.
Thomas Farquhar has been
engaged as carrier, of Hensal7
Route No. 2. -
Hattie Sutherland is at, present
suffering front ire very sore arm
the result of a fall.
Or. James Berl left on Friday
last on atrip to!'the Old Country)
Norman) Cook has been quite
ill during the past -few weeks suf-
fering from of severe atteck of
summer flu.
The Misses Minnie Reid, Marg-
aret Hobkirk, Nellie McArthur,
,Gladys •Petty and Salina Beaver
spent a few days in '.Detroit last
week. 1 •
Jas, Robertsons, who recently •
purchased a dwel4in'g on Queen st.
from Craig Bros., is preparing to
move ,it Malek further. on the 10
and build as new addition to the
fret • makoinsg a new and up -to.
date residence.
In the recent : reports of the ex-
aininiations at the Termite, Univ-
ersity of Toranjto, a( Hensel'. stu-
dent, L. A. Maclay, took first
place in, First C"1a: g honors, for
third year week, winning the. Moss
Scliolarship, ith Ct ass;,cs&
A Special meeting of the. Co-
until 'was held on Ttiesday evening,
las.. Ito discuss the eslansf and rip-
•ecifieations for 'the paving. oil
Ring St. These plans : were pre-
pared by :lingineer•-Paterson : and
were submitted to the council on
Tuesday evening, and .after beteg
thoroughly discussed were adopt-
ed. The wh,•lf . is new 'being sads
W rts:,ed and lenders ra called) for,
STEPHEN COUNCIL' passersanexam. ininthatione Policmadee Villagthe e pur.-. • oi;.'
Crediton, asking the con acit td havo-
pose of draining certain lands
mentioned• in said petition,. as
That Mr. Geo, A.- McCubbin( Can'
L.S., M. E.LC. be requested to
snake an examination and survey,
of, tiie proposed drain) orstirains
and' report to the ,Council.
That the assessment roll for the.
year 1922 as filed with the Cleric,
c a May .6,th, be accepted ' and(the-
assessor be paid hist salary. ;
Ttiders were opened for • the
construction eke three culverts ore
bridges Joseph Lawson; being]
the lowest, was awarded the ' cone
tractendedbon motion
SofweitMrzer.. 'H - ayes, see •
That By-law 293 and 194, havingr
been read three times be passedi
and signed by the reeve' and;
clerk and sealed..
The follown;g orders were pas,4.•
sed--•i3irtzel and Baker, .gradings;
$5,00; ,J. J. Williams, clothing for
Aline Williams, 21.53; Louis Ziler
plank 50c.; Cents;.• Farmers Ciubl
ceiiie+nt 19.00; H. Shenk and others,.
filling in washout 1.6.25; Thos. Web
hauling tile and cleaning ditch,
10.00; Ed. Gill grave and rep
airing river road 65.00; J. hall la-.
bor 2.00; Jas. Carey rep. grader
1.00; J..Dietrieli the 1.20; J. Guinan
salary as asses'sor 150.00; F. Corcatie
at use of Hall 2.00; J. W. Mathera
aravlrlling 11';70; Cecit't' St Jones,
commissioner 3.00; S}}. Lainpart,rep
e11I re)5., SedFald th
ers Graditn00g 27.00,; dittomer angradion, y;
who are ,resident of the Tolvnslii 27,50; Centralia Farmers Club ce-
of Stephen. ` '
{ w The coated adjourned to Meek
A petition ,was prescntedi to .on Monday July 3rd at 1 pers.
the Coeneil signed by certain rotri.i H. EMBER, Clerk.
The Council of the Townshipof`
Stephen convened in the Town hall
;Crediton, on Friday, May 2&th; at;,
10 a.ml. All members were pres
ent. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted..
The petition signed by the nia-
jority of the. resident. Freeholde • is
of the Police Village of Centralia
and Crediton, asked the township
to take the necessary proceedings;
to procure a( supply of leectrical
power, or energy from the Hydro:
Electric Coin. of. Ontario for .4igh-'
ting the stileetg ,in the said ;police
villages, was read in open , ea-
inntil in the presence of ,+the petit-
ieners, who had been duly notified
of the time and date ,when such.
petition would be read and haves
irg bteseli also notified •'that, if,
they wished they had the liberty
of withdrawing their names from
the petiitioned. • Mra, Sarah Cul-
bert requested her name be with-.
drawn and such request Was gre-
eted ted The Clerk certified that ac.
cording to -,the last revised assess
meet roil the petition was signed.
by the majority of the resident;
freeholders in the said Polie Vil-
!ages. - t
By-laws 91 and 292 were, read
5laws `�
three times, ,pa•ssed ,signed and
By Lay of 1922 To improovathe.
Can. Co. •Dr,ain; having been read,
once, bo provisionally adopted and
copies sets/led on the respeetivei
patties interested in the said drain.