HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-06-22, Page 1ti Vol.XX I I No 47 TRIf 17- ZU•R I CH., TH U RSDAY-IVB! ING JUNE 22, 1922. STAR PHONOGRAPH We have taken over the Agency of the Star Phono graph in connection, with; our other lines •and • are pre- pared to show you all the different styles. WE ALSO HAVE THE STA R RECORDS POOR SALE. COME AND HEAR THE LATEST MUSIC' THE PRICE FOR THESE RECORDS IS THE 'CHEAPEST ON ,THE MARKET, A DOUBLE SIDE AT 65c. A 100 per cent Gift H. PFILE ZURICH THE HOME OF t.TOOD SHOES, °:80 z - .showing range of . Season- Bio We are one of the finest ran o able Goods we have ever had in Dress MateriaLs • BOO for the Hot weather, both for Men and Women andt' •p°we would invite you to call and look over our lines c o making your purchases. No trouble to show a� , qi Goods: before y u p �o 000Po .420527'.' ..0•47..1:"..c7 vo�o4oO•0. 00 Summer Goods o' i ATtTRACTTIVE NOVELTIES• IN SUMMER WASH GOODS t PRINTED •-VOILES ry .A. large assortment of this. Season's new designs, black checks O fFoulard and Chalile patterns at 25c. to 90c. 'a Yard. EMBROIDERED SWISS ORGANDIES • G •rounds of Emerald, Green, French Blue, Peach,'Orange and Rose embroidered in spots and figures of contrasting colors 44 inches • Q. wide at $150 to $2.50 and in plain Organdies in all colors at 65c yd.. iF. GINGHAM—NEW . SPRING GIN• .1 AMS •Q Hundreds of yards of the newest spring Ginghams in all the newer patterns and colors effect including the near check pattern, Plain colors and fancy figured patterns at 26c. 25c. and 35e. yard. BARONETTE ;SATIN White Baronette Satin for skirts, a beautiful all silk clotn in plain. and fancy patterns, 36 inches wide at $450 and $3.75, a yard. PRETTY DRESSES 2 TO 16 YEARS • ' For the little Tots are pretty Dresses made from good quality Canadian Gingham, beautifully trimmed with white rie-rac braid and finished- with; smartlittle beltst, ( . LADIES HOUSE DRESSES AND APRONS te' A beautiful range of Ladies ,4iouse Dresses and aprons made of good• quality print and chambray,very neatly -trimmed in all sizes. i HOSIERY' . • `Ladies' Venus Silk Hose such good inakers as Venus, ribbed tops in colors of black, navy brown; lark and white at $490 to $2.25. Also Glove Silk Queen quality Hose at $3,14:. We are also showing a good ling of Silk Hose in all shades at $11125%.a pair, MIDDY BLOUSES This is the Middy .Season, ,a wonderful range to choose from. They come in all white or white with fancycolars, at remarkable low prices) Q Mrs. P. Koehler is visiting .at, Port Huron. Mr. J. A. Williams of Seaforth -isited his children here 'last week. 'sir. and Mrs. Hy. Gellman were v=isitors at Goderich on Sunday. Miss Eva Williams is spending tfie week with her father •at'_Sea- i{rrth. Mr. land Mrs. Herb. Mousseait nada' a business trip. to London Cri. Monday. ",1,„.„ Miss Margaret Hess,, who i had attended Stratford Normal has ret ruined home. r` quarterly communion services' Wrre observed in the "Evangelicall. .r',`iurch on Sunday evening. Mir. and Mrs. Cyrus .Schoch: and Cressmen' of Blair, spent the rek-end"visiting lheieand on the .1`i th eon. County Engineer Patterson of .,( derich was in Zurich on Tuesday in the interest of the Schwalm. ))rain which needs looking after.. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Freid of Se-) attle, Wash., are visiting the for- )Per's sister, ,Mrs). C Fritz. , It is, iti enty-four years since they last r,p r_ each theor Mr. )kind Mrs,. Wrrr. Frank of Waterloomotored up over the' (reek -end. Mrs. Frank will remain for •a,few weeks at the home of her father, Mr. Ck Either. Mr. T. L. Wurm has erected a new portable Garage,. beside ,his ;tore. He purchased it from lelick & Brarinj and it comes all ,;iintecl and ready to put together The Huron County Council's an- 4.picnie will he held in Jewett's tyfield this Friday, June nod •program is pre- �t. QI P ;4. halm Beach Suits Have just Received Our secosnd shipment of Palm Eeach, 'tilts and to , these who are undecided in regards to their Summer Sint, we feel greatly satisfied that you as well as us will be -well pleased by looking over our fine assortment of Palm Beach Suits, 'ranging . in, price from $15 to $35. ' "Justwear" the thing for Summer wear ALSO A FINE RANGE OP GREY AND 'FAWN ALL WOOL. WORS rEDS AIT $30.00. STRAW HATS These fine Summer Das makes you throw your old Hat arid': Cap up on -a' shelf andaur ;fou go for a new and, up -to date Straw Hat, WE HAVE ,IIT, "TIIA,T'S ALL." Phone 59 PREEfEg':' Produce Wanted WE ARE INT :E MARKET FOR ;r :LSI( E AND CLOVER SEED vim.\r^ • ��Wy'�7u Vim `i'0 ezzlTau rtiry� Sir\' \� e4R vt mix"�4i'� ti ared:. ,The strawberry social held at the Evangelical .church Iawn ; on Mondavi* evening, was al decided success,• the ;ladies had ampIy!pro- vided for the eaits, while .the ,pro- gramme was of the highest order, and consisted mostly of local tal- ent. ;• The June meeting of the Wom- en's' Institute was held in .theL:ad- ies Hall on Wednesday June 14. It was decided( by the members. a)resent to apply for an instruct- ress in sewing to be spilt to tihis branch this fall or winter. Any niethbers who wish) to takethis course will please hand their na- mes •.to ,the Secretary at an early date as only all invited ,number of applicants can b'e accepted. The( Officers for the Institute ror this year have been elected as ifol'ows President, Mrs. P. Manson; 1st. vice Pres. Mr•a. J. Rey, jr; 2nd Vic.�l Mrs. C. Fritz; Secretary,Mrs. T. L. Warm; Tress,. Miss 'Irene Lip- Phardt; Directors, Mrs. W. Conti sitt Mrs. J. Routledge, Mrs. ; M. Weber; Auditors, Miss' L. Siebert -Ass O. O'Brien; Organist, Miss Leila Siebert; Assisi; Organist, Miss I. Routledge. • t LATE MRS. JACOB 'BROWN Elizabeth Koehler',, beloved wife of Mr. Jacob Brown of the Goshen Line south, passed "peacefully a- way at her home on Friday June 9th, alt the age' of 64 years, 3 months • and f( days, after only a few weeks •`,.lneis Her :suffer- ing was borne patiently, and she leaves; behind her .meunories of a, patient loving mother and wife devoted to her family 'and ever, ready to help her neighbor, 1 She leaves to :mourn her loss, • besides her husband, five sons; henry and John of Zurich, William , of Toronto; G;rrfield, of'Ellmira;Melt- Yip at home; Pour daughters; Mrs. H. Becker, of New 'Dundee; Mrs. Gordon Bergey of Petersburg,Mr5. 13.Wnerth of Elmira and Mary at home; Four brothers, Messy'. )rent', Jacob and Peter Koehler of Zurich, Philip l och'ler of Las Angeles, Cil. and two sister';' 'Mrs. Wm. Schwalm of Zurich, and Mrs; Schnell of Cavalier, The funeral which was private took place on Tuesday afternoon interment : being 'made to the. Goshen Line cemetery, Rev. J r.X Litt 'officiating. The'farnilV has the sympathy of 't Iron Sr 'fi' —d. in their •"sad bereavement. CASTOR IA pot and Children. hi Use r'arOver3OYears Als a� bat5 agate WAL THAM THE SCIENTIFICALLY BUILT WATCH, See Our Sesections W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PPIONE No. 74 i• Chester j. Nginitli, Pdbl of $1,25 a Year In uiitlraticel ,64 tJ43.RG1'iY rr ITI MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branehea It is not necessary to make a special trip' to the nearest: branch , of The Molsons Bank every time you want to deposiit money, wend your deposit to the Bank by mail. Writte,. today to the ' a>learest manager, of The Maisons Bank for n - formation) SUMMER- HEAT IS ONE OV W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch *••••••••••••••••••••••••04••••••••••••••••••••••••41r • •t ' • • O « Great Bargain Sale ; HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF . DIFFERENT GOODS MENT.. fid' - a IONED BELOW, I DECIDEED PUTTING ON A SALE AT • PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. THESE PRICES WILL BE • GOOD. ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, • • P2 dozen all -wool Horse Blankets, size 72x84, at each ... $5,00 2 dozen Ante Blankets, at a . Real Bargain • • A Big Assortment of Halters' at 25% .Reduction. 10 Robes, size• 54x62 at' from• ,$12.50 upwards,. • A number of real English 'Plush Rugs, prices from $6.00 to $9.50• Several dozen Men's Heavy Horse -hide Mitts at a Bargain. •. • 20% off on Whipsvalued at 75c. and up. * IA number 'sets of Single Harness, at .$25.00 each. PRONE 10. REPAIRING Ao-'SPECIALTY m • 01, ZURICH 0>Gbp,!►?o0�4.+.•08••00000•♦♦9..... b$®„Oras..♦4-M.♦+loVM...,' f:÷+,++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++41 4.Spring Showings of CHOICE FOOTWEAR • Our Spring Showing of. Choice Footwear is now complete and we nzuet say without the shadow of a doubt, that we .y,. 4 have never had i;ii Stock such a good assortment of the niftiest styles, nmadeover the latest lasts. and they also assure ••1€• comfort ands ease when walking. The leathers this Spring al- so • promise to be considerable sup 4. *. a. erior in quality toformer years. \: 4 See our Stock of Ladies' Fine / \ • 'I"' One, Two and Three Strap Slip- \ \ .p+ pers. OaSords are worn' eaters- '1 I \ �. �. ively this, Summer, and we have just what you want in this line of Footwear- Also ootwearAlso an exceptionally fine show ing of Men's fine Shoes; Oxfords, Etc. You will save dollars, and have the best of satisfaction by buying at our Stores. 4- + 4. 4- ++ + 4. 0. FRITZ & SON 4. SHOE MERCHANTS +,ZUR°tCH DASHWOOD 4. 4-14+++.1i+44++++++++++44+++444444-44++++++++++++++++++41++,* 8 We invite you to come and see new Spring and Summer goods. our � g � 1 Voils, Gixighams, Gelateas,, Prints etc. We also have a good assortment of Staples in hardware and oils harness and repairs' sweat pads, bridles, lines, waterproof ruga 1 (etc. We have on hand different varieties of seed corn. at right prices. 3'RESH GROCEItSES ALWAYS ON 11 AND HI+G EST PRICCES PAID FOR, EGGS .ANO DRIED APPLE Ir - f?.. N. -t)ous; AS • .p4.:HoNEi ! '` 0LA1.