HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-06-08, Page 1Vol. XXII No 45 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNJNQ, JUNE 8, 1922. STAR PHONOGRAPH 'We have taken over the Agency of the Star Phono- graph in connection with our other lines and are pre- pared to show you all the different styles. WE ALSO HAVE THE STA R RECORDS POOR SALE. gpmE AND HEAR THE LATEST MUSIC THE PRICE FOR THESE RECORDS IS THE CHEAPEST ON THE MARKET, A DOUBLE SIDE AT 65c. W. H. PFILE, ZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. 11 ..szt,....,:;;I:t,,..p,.p.._,.,,,,,...c,:c>,,,.Cts.z&z,„.=,,zz,'P,::,...P..P.',.•;,..,...Ct,,...C., :Za..„„..!..tt,,.a....p..::‘,,,.p..Q.sa,.p,...a.,.,,E4.,....tz.,,... 1-61..„........,7.,:,...,„..,„...„7.,:::,..„....,:,..,,.....F2,-...,,,....,,,....,71.-...,,....,:...„....,:„...„.,,z#..,,,....„7.„....,„...,;:,..,7.:05,1 r, (.4 . 4 • Summer Goon • .We. are showing one of the -finest range of Season- gp 0 , able Goods we, have ever had in -Dress Materials 9 Q for the Hot weather, both for Men and Women and we would invite you to call and look over our lines 9 t ,- before making your purchases. No trouble to show T Goods. .. 0.0 • ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES IN SUMMER WASH GOODS - . l PRINTDD VOILES A. large assortment of this Season's new designs, black checks Foulard and Chalile patterns at 25c. to 90e. a Yard. EMBROIDERED SWISS ORGANDIES Grounds of Emerald, Green,French Blue,Peach, Orange and Rose embroidered in spots and figures of contrasting colors 44. inches wide at $1.50 to $.2.50 and in plain Organdies in all colors at 65cyd. . • GINGHAM -NEW SPRING GIN...HAIVIS ' .,. .,-. ,..z,.,,.... •,, Hundreds of yards of the newest spring Ginghams in -all the newer patterns and colors effect including the new check pattern, Plain colors and fancy figured patterns at 20e, 25c. and 33e. yard. BARONETTE SAT1N White Baronette ,Satin for' skirts, a beautiful all silk cloth in plain and fancy patterns, 36 inches wide at. $450 and $3,75 a yard. I PRETTY DRESSES 2 TO 16 YEARS For the little Tots are pretty Dresses' made from good quality Canadian Gingham, beautifully trimmed with white ric-rac braid and finished with smart little beltst, LADIES HOUSE DRESSES AND APRONS A. beautiful range of Ladies 4louse Dresses and aprons. made of good quality print and chambray,very neatly trimmed in all sizes. HOSIERY , Ladies' Venus Silk Hose such good makers as Venus, ribbed tops in colors of black, navy brown, lark and white. at $1V0 to $2.25. Also Glove Silk Queen quality Hose at $3,50. We are also showing a good line of Silk Hose in all shades at $1i25 ',,a, *pain MIDDY BLOUSES This is the Middy Season, a wonderful range to cheese from. They . come in all white *or white with fancy colars, at remarkable low prices Chester E. Smith', Prnilishet $1,25 a Year In itidvarieti pN AlM IA 11,m, .13,E,VilA,RGR11), Mr., W. 'H. Pfile spent the holi- day at Blyth, Mr. WinIsLamont was ..a.t Credit- on on Meech* Solieitor C. E. Holmes, of. God- erich ‘vas in the village onirri- dar. Mr. Herb. Kraft of Kitchener, visited his parents over the wee- Mis 11/1yrta Hoffman, of Dash- wood visited relatives here over Sunday . Reeve A, F. Klopp is attending e un y ounei meet rig at Goderich this week.. Mr. Less Benedict left on Wed- nesday for Cochrane,, New Ontario, where he intends to stay toilsome time, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruby ofithe village were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. ' B. Battler, Babylon Linek Mii. J. Kipper and sister Miss - . •Mary, Kipper and rM, and Mrs. Fred Thiel were visitors to Kit- chener over the week -end. The scheduled game of baset-! ball at Stratford on Tuesday even: ing was won by our Champions,, score 13-A. aT no time were the locals' in dangeer!,, Messrs, Lloyd Kalbfleich and'. Theo. Wagner, who are attending the Waterloo Seminary, are spen- ding their Summer vacation at their homes here. • Mn. and Mrs. W, F. Finkbeiner and, daughter, Miss Hazel, of „St- ratford were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. e ROf fintui. N 4 ' Mr. Edmund Troyer of Petrolia kkIr, And Mrs. Bell of Hensalls qialeaT on friends' in Zurich on Sun- day, they also visited at the home of' Mn and Mrs. 3. W. Horner, 14th co. The LadiesAid of the Lutheran church have again good news for the people of Zurich, it is in the line of a Strawberry Social, which always means a rare treat. FUJI particulars will appear next week. The Principal of Z. P. School advises us that a, grand School Picnic will be held to Grand Bend on Thursday, June 22nd. Now is the time .‘to start planning to what you are going. to do to make this the biggest successs in history, and 41 also, what good things you are 60b going to get ready to e•at. Lel: IT- ns all ,get busy and make this a long remembered _event. # Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe of the Parr Line, Mrs. R. Geigeriand sons of, the 'Bronson and Mr. 13. Pfile and p. Hy. Pfile and sons Herbert and Clayton and Mr. 3. Hauch of :the 14th con., are attend- ing the funeral of the late Chris,. Pfile at Bad- Axe, Mich., this Wed- nesdayi, Have just Received Our secoond shipment of, Palm Beach, "nits and to those who are undecided in regards to their Summer Suit, we feel greatly satisfied (!;.hat you as well as na will; be well pleased by looking over our fine assortment 'of Palm Beach. Suits, ranging, in price from $15 to $3,5. Just the thing for Summer wear" ALSO, A FINE RANGE OF GREY AND FAWN ALL WORS ITT'S Air $30.00„ STRAW HATS These fine Summer Days makes yote- throw your o1d Hat and Cap up on a shelf andour You go for a new. anct up -to date Straw gat, WE HAVE UT, "THA.T'S " ALL?' WOOL Phone 59 PREETER Produce Wanted -a RE fl THE MARKET FOR ALSIXts AND CLOVER SDT1D WEA Relatives nad friends gathered at the home -of Mn and Mrs. Ed. Daters, Hay Township last Wed- nesday evening and took their da- ughter, Miss Victoria„ by surprise. The Occasion being in the form of a kitchen shower. The num- erous and valuable presents sho- owered upon her is a token of the high esteem in Which she is being held by her many friend. The evening was spent in games musicand song, followed by a dainty lunch• and was heartily en- joyed. Before leaving for home the opportunity was taken to extend best wishes to Miss Daters in view of the coming event on .Tune 3rd. SOCIAL SERVICE CONVENTION The active agency of temper- ance and moral reform work in Huron County is now known as the "Huron Co. Social,Service Coun- cil"' and as will be seen 'by an adv.., ertisement in another column of this Issue, this Council is holdng ing its annual convention on Wed nesday afternoon, and evening, June 14th, in Goderich, Rev. P. T3ryce, secretary of the dept: of Child Welfare, and Alex. McLar- en, Beer of Rural. Community Work in the Ontario Social Service Co. will be in attendance and ldiress the githcring, in addit"on to county workers ' Vol' infants and Chi1dten. fit UseForOver30Years Awa ys bears 019 to °h$4..11. Shignatiutt A 100 per cent Gift WAL THAM THE SCIENTIFICALLY BUILT WATCH. See Our Seseetion,. W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 TI -IE MQLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches A FARM RUN ON A BUSIN-.. ESS BASIS requires that evegy, member of the family be made a partner. That the earning* from some particular product be allotted to each member*. Then good sense indicates that these earnings should go to swell their savings account with The Molsons Bank. !This win make each one ambitious to make his prodUct pay. Dep- osits by mail • accepted, W. B. COLLES. Manager Zurich Branch 1•11•11.0,11, • 9 +A A+ 94.00 4-0•0*********** 4 *AAA* •44 ••••••444444404.40r Great Bargain Sale 1:7, 0 4 It 9 • A 0 HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF DIFFERENT GOODS MENT- „ft; IONED BELOW, I DECIDEED PUTTING ON A SALE AT 416; PRICES WORTH CONSIDERING. THESE PRICES WILL BE GOOD ONLY FOR Al LIMITED TIME ONLY 2 dozen, all -wool Horse Blankets, size 72x84, at each ... ... -. $5,0* : 2 dozen Jute Blankets, at a Real Bargain + A Big Assortment of Halters at 25% Reduction. e, • 10 Robes, size 54x62 at from $12.50 upwards. 40 A number of real English Plush Rugs, prices from 56.00 to $9.50 : O • Several dozen Men's Heavy Horse -hide Mitts at a Bargain. .0, 4. 20% off on Whips valued at 75c. and up. 0, • 0- A number sets of Single Harness, at $25.00 each. 4REPAIRING o, • PHONE 102 A SPECIALTY e FRED THIEL - ZURICH .*A****** 404* ***** +4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. Spring Showings of CHOICE FOOTWEAR ( \\A\\\k\ C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH , DASKWOOD Our Spring Showing of Choice Footwear is now complete and we must say without the shadow .of a doubt, that we have never had in Stock such a good assortment of the niftiest styles, made over the latest lasts, and they also assure comfort and ease when walking. The leathers this Spring al- so promise to be considerable sup- erior in quality to former years. See our Stock of Ladies' Fine One, Two and Three Strap Slip- pers. Oxfords are worn extens- ively this Summer, and we have just what you want in this line of Footwear.. Also an exceptionally fine show ing of Men's fine Shoes, Oxfords, Etc. You . will save dollars, and have the best of satisfaction by buying at our Stores. .4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4. 8 4 4- 4 - We invite you to come and see our new Spring and Summer goods. in Voils, Ginghams, Gelateas, Prints etc. We also have a good assortment of Staples in hardware and oils harness and repairs' sweat f, pads, bridles, lines, waterproof rugs etc. We have on hand different varieties of see d corn at right prices. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND HIGHEST PRICCES PAID FOR EGGS AND DRIED APPLES. R. N. DOUGLAS P1-10NE 11 97 131-AKE ic 4 4 ,r,..,a.;:.;.1z4,,z•a;